'His-Story Lessons'

My mind's  mixed with a mish-mash
of the  mental's memory n' myth
so accustomed to having been fed
a diet of  'adjusted his-story' with...

bullshit,  and no I'm not crying
'bout denying  the past
but I look  back to
get a pass...
on  it I steady aim my sights
that appear too far out of sight's aim
diligent as ever to always  stake claim
to my birth's right,  the family's name

wasn't born into riches,
yet I pitch this
being a Wise One,
just one of  many, my momma's son...

Although this society  may point the finger
at what I'm lacking I won't ever run,
and yet without parental guidance
that provided  us
with hope and possibilities
'crapshoot' was a reality because,
who knew  of the effect...
if when 'their  fruit'  bared,
it'd  be ripe when plucked from the tree?

Still, mashing in the mind, what exactly
will be the final outcome of MY family's history...
Written by Poetikmind (_---_)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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