This Hasn't Been My Year

Don’t give me a chance to blink
I’ll be a dozen steps behind
Degrading all my hopes
With pessimistic thoughts

God is a dead man
Heaven has metamorphosized
With my beautiful purgatory
And a surefire hell below

You’re all strangers to me
Any touching gesture will be taken
As an act of war, then I’ll aim
Straight and true

The only thing I wanted so much
Was a match in this darkness
But the flame went out
Now I’m in blind, frozen agony

I hope this agony stretches far
In every direction, for all who see clearly
To be forced back to where I stand
But my misery will hate the company
Written by Kurdt94 (Mike K.)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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