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In the News

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

Dead star comes back to life in 'never seen before' event

Scientists have been surprised by a dead star which appears to have sprung back to life.

Researchers using a radio telescope say they noticed "unusual" radio pulses coming from the star, which has a powerful magnetic field.

It's a type of neutron star and one of the strongest magnets in the universe called a magnetar.


Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

This is unbelievable!

Dubai airport runway submerged as heavy rain causes flash floods


Aww that poor little kitty! So happy it was recused.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

Image: Photo by Christopher Michel, CC license

In World First, Scientists Share What Was Almost Certainly a Conversation with a Humpback Whale


Jupiter conjunct Uranus ( breakthroughs, radical forward thinking expanded ) and Saturn in Pisces ( the Teacher and aquatic animals )

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

The solar system's most volcanic body, the Jovian moon Io, as seen by the Galileo spacecraft. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Jupiter's violent moon Io has been the solar system's most volcanic body for around 4.5 billion years

"Io represented a big mystery because its surface doesn't hold a record of its history the way that the surfaces of less active moons do."


Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

Looks like all hell broke loose in London this morning - Big Ben randomly stopped working this morning and was displaying the wrong time. Mercury's stationing with a bang!

Big Ben STOPS working and displays incorrect time despite £80m restoration work


Not only that, but two spooked calvary horses ( one bloody from colliding with a bus ) were rampant running through London and injured four people.


I do hope the injured one will be alright. It was a horrible sight against the white.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126


Powerball Soars as Pluto Retrogrades: $180M & Astrological Shifts

The Powerball jackpot has surged to $180 million, coinciding with Pluto's retrograde, a celestial event expected to impact fixed and cardinal signs. As excitement builds for the next draw on May 2, 2024, players are reminded to gamble responsibly.

Meanwhile, the Irish Daily Millions and UK 49's have announced their results, and Pluto's retrograde is believed to bring transformation and rebirth, encouraging individuals to confront their inner shadows. Astrologers and enthusiasts are closely watching the effects of this retrograde, which is said to unearth repressed issues.

poet Anonymous

In my local paper today.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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"Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?  (by Mehdi Hasan)

Useful idiots keep parroting provably false Israeli talking points. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me …

“The Italians having a proverb,” wrote the 17th-century British courtier Anthony Weldon, “‘He that deceives me once, its his fault; but if twice, it’s my fault.’”

Today, we commonly summarize that old Italian proverb as: “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

Since the horrific 7 October attack, the far-right Israeli government and its army of propagandists have deceived and fooled Western politicians and journalists not once or twice, but multiple times.

There are almost too many lies, distortions and falsehoods to keep track of. Forty babies beheaded by Hamas? Never happened. Babies baked in ovens or hung on clothes lines? False. A Bond-villain-style lair hidden under al-Shifa hospital? Nope. Palestinians in Gaza caught on camera faking their injuries? A complete fabrication. The list of Hamas hostage-takers found on a wall in the al-Rantisi children’s hospital? Sorry, no, it was just the days of the week on a calendar in Arabic.
In Rafah I saw new graveyards fill with children. It is unimaginable that worse could be yet to come

How about the atrocities that Israeli forces have been credibly accused of, that they then loudly denied, and then later … were found to be responsible for? The flour massacre in February? The bombing of the refugee convoy last October? The white phosphorus attack in southern Lebanon, also in October?

As my friend the Palestinian-American analyst Omar Baddar laid out in a now-viral tweet:

Timeline on repeat:
   • Israel commits massacre
   • Israel denies massacre
   • Media says we don’t know who committed massacre
   • investigation reveals Israel committed massacre
   • News cycle moves on
   • average person doesn’t know Israel systematically committing massacres

Read the full Guardian article here:

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

So apparently it's National Paranormal day. . . so why not celebrate with a shot of ectoplasm? Anyone have any paranormal stories to share?!

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 293

Ahavati said:So apparently it's National Paranormal day. . . so why not celebrate with a shot of ectoplasm? Anyone have any paranormal stories to share?!

I once rented a house with a previous occupant still in residence. He would routinely stomp up the basement stairs in what sounded like heavy work boots. Nobody physically there, but he scared the crap outta me & my daughter regularly. My bedroom closet was always like an ice box. We could have stored ice cream in it, im pretty sure. We used to hear a little girl crying at night & when they did renovations upstairs, they opened a wall & found a doll & it's clothing between the drywall & the insulation. Never been so happy to move...a shame because it was a beautiful old house.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

That sounds harrowing to say the least. I have a lot, but I guess the biggest is. . .

While in the military, my father used to take us to visit my grandmother between stations. She lived in a small town, and we had just returned from England in 1975. All I remember is everyone discussing a brutal rape and murder of a young woman, Kathleen "Kathy" Ruth Smiley, out at Crowder's Mountain. And that my father should've let me out of his sight ( I was 13 at the time ).

My father ended up retiring there because my grandmother was the only living grandparent I had. The story haunted me, and every time I rode past that mountain, I would feel such a "pull", but always resisted it. Classmates used to take their girlfriends out there to scare them, but I never went near the place because I felt it was disrespectful. But that pull though. . .

About 12 years ago, when I was still a professional photographer, I woke up one Saturday or Sunday morning and the pull was so strong I just HAD to go. I was 52 at the time, so after resisting it for almost 40 years, I rode out to the place where she was actually murdered, stood by the tree she was barb wired to, and didn't feel anything. I mean I felt a sadness that she suffered as she did, but I didn't feel her presence there. So, I was a bit confused.

I thought, well, I'm out here, might as well get some shots. As I rode around the area, I was drawn to a dilapidated building that used to be a local store. As I had already been commissioned to shoot the abandoned cotton mills in the county, I thought I would shoot some historic landmarks out at the mountain before they were torn down. The more I shot the building, the stronger the energy became, particularly at one window, until I knew I wasn't alone.

After I arrived home and began processing the photographs, there was a face of a woman in the window that was identical to Kathy's high school photo. I had a high school friend who'd driven in from California and it totally freaked him out. He actually lived in the town when it happened.  

My business partner's wife was the publisher of the local paper at the time, so I had them look at the photographs to verify they had not been tampered with. You really can't trust what you see because of digital manipulation, so I wanted proof - and I got it.

We debated for a week whether or not to run the story, but that's not what I felt led to do, so I declined. I felt it was sensationalism or something that needed to rest. I mean, if the energy disturbed me just driving by the mountain, how many others did it disturb?

Instead, I contacted a well-known medium in the area, and we scheduled a time to go out there and see if there were any messages she wanted to convey.

Her message was very simple, she wanted her family to know she was at peace. That the incident she suffered was more about the two men than her. It was a sacred contract to be filled and they had a choice to sever a karmic pattern, and of course, they didn't. They bound themselves to it even more.

Both men are dead now. The photo is gone, as I didn't want it to fall into the hands of the wrong person if something ever happened to me. And she's at peace. And the ironic thing is, so was I.

After that, I regularly went to that mountain to hike around the lake or climb. Many times I drive by that mountain, and don't realize until that night or the next day that, "Hey. . .there wasn't a 'pull' when I drove past."

And there still isn't. So, sometimes I have to wonder if some spiritual anomalies are about the spirit, or us.

You can read about Kathy here if you choose. But when you do read of the horrific things, remember that she is at peace, having fulfilled her contract.


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
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Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

King Charles’ first official portrait since coronation proves divisive


I'm all about outsider art, but this does not appeal to me at all. Or does it?

My first thought was that he has so much blood on his hands. The facial likeness is incredible; however. . .

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16126

And yet, another. . .are British artists short on supply or something?

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