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Something fishy on DU

Tyrant of Words
United States 23awards
Joined 20th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 5573

I think Madame Lavender is handling the situation quite gracefully - given the poetry submitted with her username inserted into its title, referencing her as a prostitute, and the comments attached mocking her age.  

poet Anonymous

Drone, write an angry poem about it. That will work lol.
I get confused too man.
I get called toxic, and then have saw others in the past write such hatred in an anger poem, that getting no end of likes. And I can’t even get one. Who then is the toxic one? lol

Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1034

JohnnyBlaze said:I think Madame Lavender is handling the situation quite gracefully - given the poetry submitted with her username inserted into its title, referencing her as a prostitute, and the comments attached mocking her age.  

you posted my poem, Madame Lavender, 'in this thread and and made an unfounded accusation about the poem, which apparently has resulted in the poem"being removed from the site, along with the comments, which you say were mocking someone's age. The poem did have the words Madame and Lavender in the title, but not anyone's screen name.

Here is a screen shot, showing in the upper right corner, that the file was posted on Sept 7, 2020, but had been created on July 31, 2020. It was posted in conjunction with another poem , 'Masculine Color' about colors. Neither poem contains nothing personal about anyone, although 'Lavender madame'i does contain the words 'lavender' and 'madame', which are common English words and as far as I know are not considered to be offensive.
I did make two edits the day of posting: I reversed the words madame and lavender in the title because it sounded better to my ear, and I changed the last word from 'undecided' to 'uncommitted' to avoid sounding redundant.

The comment by JohnnyBlaze was an unfounded accusation (or was it an opinion?). Removal of the poem, especially without informing the author shows the bias of the moderators here.

As for comments, those disappeared with the poem, so I cannot comment on them, but if they were inappropriate, perhaps the offensive comments should have been censored, not the poetry.

I would like to have the poem re-instated, or at least hear commentary from the moderators about why it was removed.

I am curious to see if other poets or moderators think this to be a violation of terms-of-service, and if so please explain.
Does anyone find this poem to be harassing, or specifically directed at a particular individual?
Thank you.

Lavender Madame

indecisive lavender
more than whore
not quite madame
part purple
part pink
© 2020 Raibeart Bruis

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Welcome Willy.
May you find those friendly people, on the harder side of poetry.
Have fun.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5601

Kinkpoet said:

you posted my poem, Madame Lavender, 'in this thread and and made an unfounded accusation about the poem, which apparently has resulted in the poem"being removed from the site, along with the comments, which you say were mocking someone's age. The poem did have the words Madame and Lavender in the title, but not anyone's screen name.

Here is a screen shot, showing in the upper right corner, that the file was posted on Sept 7, 2020, but had been created on July 31, 2020. It was posted in conjunction with another poem , 'Masculine Color' about colors. Neither poem contains nothing personal about anyone, although 'Lavender madame'i does contain the words 'lavender' and 'madame', which are common English words and as far as I know are not considered to be offensive.
I did make two edits the day of posting: I reversed the words madame and lavender in the title because it sounded better to my ear, and I changed the last word from 'undecided' to 'uncommitted' to avoid sounding redundant.

The comment by JohnnyBlaze was an unfounded accusation (or was it an opinion?). Removal of the poem, especially without informing the author shows the bias of the moderators here.

As for comments, those disappeared with the poem, so I cannot comment on them, but if they were inappropriate, perhaps the offensive comments should have been censored, not the poetry.

I would like to have the poem re-instated, or at least hear commentary from the moderators about why it was removed.

I am curious to see if other poets or moderators think this to be a violation of terms-of-service, and if so please explain.
Does anyone find this poem to be harassing, or specifically directed at a particular individual?
Thank you.

Lavender Madame

indecisive lavender
more than whore
not quite madame
part purple
part pink
© 2020 Raibeart Bruis

Your poem and some of the comments on it , were all removed because it’s pretty obvious that it’s a thinly veiled jab at another member, that being me.  

If you want to boo-hoo that it’s about color, then why did you need to put the word “Madame “ in there —why not just call it Lavender?  You also just admitted that you reversed the title from what it originally was, that being
Madame Lavender, based on what it is now, so yeah, you just backed yourself into a corner on this one .

If you want to argue circles around this and try to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes , knock yourself out, but I did not give my permission for using my name and making mention of me in your poem —it’s always cordial to ask first , if you’re going to write about someone here, and use actual names .

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Hey WillyWallace
Don't judge a book by its cover
We may be dogeared with our pages ruffled but we are the nicest, Quirky,  sensitive, opinionated, loving group of writers on the web. Welcome

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 40awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1769

Having just read through this thread over the last hour+ to try and find out what on earth is going on, I think the comment about four above this one (by newcomer WillyWallace) indicates the real damage.

poet Anonymous

Agreed with Val’s comment.

Tyrant of Words
United States 37awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 832

Josh said:Having just read through this thread over the last hour+ to try and find out what on earth is going on, I think the comment about four above this one (by newcomer WillyWallace) indicates the real damage.

Amen, Josh!

poet Anonymous

I don’t think I should talk to people here who are older than me, as they think they’re smarter. And it’s pretty tough to compete with stupid, so I think I’ll look towards keeping myself to myself and hope people understand.

poet Anonymous

Basically, a newbie has come onto the scene and trashed nearly everyone who they deem unworthy. That’s my point.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

dustyJournals said:Basically, a newbie has come onto the scene and trashed nearly everyone who they deem unworthy. That’s my point.

I completely understand your point and you better not go anywhere We need your light to shine

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Don't see that at all , "Dusty"

Just see someone entering the site ,
and posting here to gain further entry...

poet Anonymous

Really? Out of all the threads and such words he chose to write?
C’mon now LOL

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