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A bit of advice please?

Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 7

Thanks great reference

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

SilenceAnon said:My name is Brandon and I have just graduated high school this year.  I've been looking into a lot of poetry and have always been a decent writer but I would like someone or anyone to give me an idea where to start.  I am not sure if I should just free write or study the technical structure of poems.  Any advice or response will be greatly appreciated.       Sincerely, The "Imperfectionist's Dream"

Welcome to DUP. Self development is usually through reading other people's poem and maybe commenting on them. They may reciprocate and give you constructive criticisms. This way you learn and make friends and garner followings as you grow. You have three poems posted, which is a good start. Welcome to DUP, again.

poet Anonymous

SilenceAnon said:My name is Brandon and I have just graduated high school this year.  I've been looking into a lot of poetry and have always been a decent writer but I would like someone or anyone to give me an idea where to start.  I am not sure if I should just free write or study the technical structure of poems.  Any advice or response will be greatly appreciated.       Sincerely, The "Imperfectionist's Dream"

Hi Brandon:Congratulations on graduating from high school.  I hope you have plans for some profession or trade that will help pay your bills.  College degrees are now worth what a high school diploma was.  Some trades pay better and not all those jobs have gone offshore. That being said, excellent written communication skills will get you higher marks in all future courses and endeavors.  So just write or take courses along with other curriculum courses as good writing builds marks in ways you can never imagine.  Write, write and write some more.  Make sure to be grammatically and spelling-wise correct.  Poetry is wonderful to write, whatever reasons bring you there.
Welcome to DUP
This is a safe haven to practice.
all the best

poet Anonymous

Hi, as everyone else has advised - keep writing! Note down every phrase or idea that you have, write them all over the place, then when you find a common theme just bring them all together - it will be a true representation of your feelings and thought patterns.
When you are reading - don't compare yourself to others (although I often do this...) It is important to realise others have a different style/subject/experiences etc, but that doesn't make yours wrong. the less you imitate, the more interesting you are.
Good luck.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 20th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 5

Always free write lol what ever you feel put on paper or post

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd June 2013
Forum Posts: 13

I find that poetry in settings of education, such as high school, are way too analytic. When I wanted to look into the message of the piece, I was lead to look at the structure. To me, this was like claiming to love somebody, only to note their body and not their heart. I was also once told that the way I wrote a poem was incorrect. Silly creatures, some educators. Poetry is extraordinarily personal, it offers a window into one's mind, as well as an outlet for expression. Thus you should take poetry into your own personal hands. Sure, technical structure can do a great deal to the quality of a piece, but without your personal touch, it's nothing but a nicely organized Terms of Agreement document.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 4

Write about any and everything!

Strange Creature
Joined 22nd Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 1

I can advice you for online courses. Online courses are a great way to learn, but they don't always provide the same quality of experience as in-person classes so you need to visit https://au.australianwritings.com/assignment-help/ to get quality work. Online-only courses may lack a sense of community and support, and they may be more difficult to finish.

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1902

this place is my onlline course
if i need sdvice i get it here too

The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

Hey Brandon if you're still looking at this thread, I think its good to both study and broaden perspective and just free write whatever thoughts are arising from some feeling that is meaningful enough to you, you're inspired to articulate it. Always good to be challenging ourselves.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 10

I like to incorporate the rules of poetry to my free form style, if that makes sense lol. I love and appreciate that old school poetry, and like to play around with that structure, but I've also found my own voice and style of writing. So, I kind of do both. I like to write as in the same way my thoughts flow. My advice, read and write anything until you've found your voice as a writer. Good luck, and congrats on graduating! Welcome to the suck lol.

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Read a lot......spew out a lot.

poet Anonymous

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