#NoPoo for Gabriel Book two -Invictus-
Joined 21st July 2020
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Tyrant of Words

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The combustible birth of forever love. (A pact)
Days morph
of invading stardust
Lessons of lifetimes
tattoo indelible knowledge
viscerally, upon each thought
A mind opens wider than
tempted of ornamental starburst
Recruitment of a tattered soul
followed by
it's patchwork'd weary heart
beating willing subjugation
Claimed by complete dominion
of forevermore
splicing ink with blood
This, my pact of prose
Ritualized in rhythmic flow
verses born exquisite;
while tears silently fall
and breaths hitch in chest;
purposely splayed
of raw honest strength
is to be of beauty incarnate
To be word woven,
each fiber written, stitched
and intertwined in always
Unveiling a newborn species
a mythos of love,
unfathomable in it's scope
Where imagination and flesh
big bang combust
creating those very origins
inspiration's impetus cries out,
brevity blooms
and poetry
this, renewal of life.
Written by Bluevelvete
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#Nopoo (#245)

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Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 253) Everlasting Decent
will sink inside you
linking our souls together
eternal lovers
will sink inside you
linking our souls together
eternal lovers
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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#Nopoo (#246)
Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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A blind intersection of cage rattling and inherent potential
I see it in their faces
the breadth of whispers
how they carve,
whittling into the rigidity of souls
judgments, false prophets
inherent bias
and cruelty ascribing lessons
cloaked in the loudest cacophony
of purposeful distraction
that look,
their eyes
the truth
skewed of surrealistic plastic
where glances of first impressions
glow and soar the waves
and knowledge appears so certain
yet hidden within
is where pure aching veracity
burns from the smallest ember
a kernel of immense power
longing to be stoked
by promise
#Nopoo (#247)
Forum Posts: 17122
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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thoughts rushing into my head
is this my last sunshine
my last blue sky
the huge lorry was too near
I felt the rumble and the wind
of passing exhaust fume
strangely enough
I cannot help
a smile
strange how one clings
on to life with a fingernail
when scytheman glances
thoughts rushing into my head
is this my last sunshine
my last blue sky
the huge lorry was too near
I felt the rumble and the wind
of passing exhaust fume
strangely enough
I cannot help
a smile
strange how one clings
on to life with a fingernail
when scytheman glances
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 254) Desired Asphyxiation
my rough heart shaped rock
waiting to be smoothed by her
eroding rivers
my rough heart shaped rock
waiting to be smoothed by her
eroding rivers

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Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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reflections from the other side of the looking glass
I see a semblance of—
after searching,
staring down that rabbit hole
finally noticing small
tell-tale signs
flashes of memories
imbued with peculiarity;
tinkling whispers of youth
where joy is carved
highlights of decades flown
dance upon each line,
freckles dazzle
born of backwards sunlight
and dripping grains of sand
textures varying
from abstract art
to the smooth design
of a bygone era,
palpable in speckled
almost unrecognizable remnants
from inside to the out,
madness of time
holds its own incessant
tick tock
as the pendulum swings
forth and back
without end
surrender of the chase
is truth in reconciling;
rushing wishes
only to grasp at blinks
as the white rabbit
always makes swift getaway
slipping back through
the looking glass
mirroring reflections
of space and time
in surrealistic
tandem haunts
leaving a
That wishes and dreams
can go a long long way...
Written by Bluevelvete
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#Nopoo (#248)

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Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 255) Embered
underneath my skin
you have burrowed deeper ~ i
feel the warmth of love
underneath my skin
you have burrowed deeper ~ i
feel the warmth of love
Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Tyrant of Words

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