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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405


cold, is the life here
even if you love it
void of any warming
even for prince charming

call it beauty
call it danger
call it beautifully dangerous
or dangerously beautiful

it is
what it is

beauty -
dangerously deep
and death
deeply beautiful

goes by
in surrounds

like the sink hole under the sea
where to my hearts just wants to flee
for life
can't be much colder there
than it is where
even the void
wants to avoid


Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

Musing Grapevine~ Hearts Of  Spacetime(less)  Clusters:: In CryCrushKill to Eternal Concentration Brewery, Of Love


in the rotten uprooted gardens
kept mastermindedly muted
to an otherwise outside world- painted
in a seeming comity of happenings
… lies the blindly ransacked hearts..

I feel
a looming emptiness fallen, as
I reach out little wingy hands all over
in whirring spins of a Sufi dervish
.. in a circumferential search...

knows well..
those plundering thugs
have looted away
the beating alive hearts
in an abruptly brutal
plucking attack..

& elsewhere,

it’s sooty charring~ embers
of tiny fuming serial~ eyelets
in a smouldering burn...
invoking a craving aromatic
appetite... choking fly ash
of marooned blood clots
from hearty burst- as
micronized origami effigies...  
are in a forceful put down
of the mass uprising...  

in amorphous resolutions, sits
hard the graveyard kohls.. in
forever longing inking sediments...
carbon- dates back to ages, lingers
still in their unpacking discrete
memories.. as solid~ structural
silences .. of a newfound

& out there...

in the open beastly amphitheatres ,
it is  – a lethally mutated champ, an
insanely blown up killer creature… that’s
pretentiously in the mimicking enacts  
of.. as if in tender lub~ dub beats ..
but  their rigorous innards..

open up to a gelidly tight.. a
comatose chunk in a perniciously
emotionless logjam.. its robotic
implants never reverses
to a natural revival…

& here. yes now here...

it- wrenchingly~ unstoppably
 kneading in a squeeze.. as
an epical lachrymation nation..
inundates as rainfall tears
of unsaid immensities. . those
hit~ land as bruising hailstones  
.. & in relay episodes of their
smudgy~ spread synereses
tears yet again....  those

amoebic~ mosaics  drift  in  
mergence.. as multi permutational
shaping designer liquesce snow-flakes
as teary~ flowering fertilities .. in
delicate spread geometrical
artistry... over

your pure milky white
marble stone portico.. in
ageless spreadsheet waits
of a glassy Himalayas..
that’s the sacred abode
to your deity origins

nothing there to hinder…  to be  
squeegeeing in the fragrant drippy
essence... of my fully~ freely
weeping flowers... in a trance...of
invisibly~ infinite wheeling in
dizzy aestivations.. of a nightly
awaken Paarijaat.. in sturdy~
peduncle hoists, that unfurls
their fluoresce flags..
..in devotional anthem
waits for you.. in
the offerings:: unblinking
bold- starbuds & nectary-
swell fullmoonblooms ..

my Sun.. drink in this heart..

Written by summultima (uma)
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#NoPoo/ 221220/ 21:23:19

*Pic: Web

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Genesis (NoPoo 40)

Ascending echoes
Of resonating souls
Passionate fruits
Laid bare
For the feast

The essence of love
Hearts navigate
Pools of sorrow
To cross a bridge of sighs

Moon's seeping light
Upon flesh
Of a clandestine nature
Bringing their universe
To forbidden delights

Fires transcribing
Unfettered need
Innocence and sin
So entangled
Its a new existence

Fusion of beings
Blending boundaries
The core of heaven
Found within
That first kiss
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2164

The Great Divine

In dedication to the moon's beautiful glory
Love and life on this day let passion be of its beautiful everlasting story
To the Heavens above I hear the soft melodies of the skies, faint, yet so near
As today the Winter Solstice and The Great Conjunction combine as hearts warm, souls rejoice upon the cometh of the new year

NoPoo #27 (12-21-20)

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

#NoPoo/ 211220/ 22:28:52
::heart beats those burn & blue veins even..  to one love rhapsody::

(an abstract~ lil poetry of Love)

splintered sawdust strips
needle in.. finely untraceable
in insinuating insertions…
of an almost burial

but then,
turn streaky long running
bluish biggening inky veins
of a lil seductive swell
....ripen~ rotting linear
spring-wells of a deeply
puzzling purplish tinge

...flex theirbundle strings
in labouring pain~ pulls
(touches soul in each
hitting note.. they play

by even the gently
abrasing airs in an
envelope... an elusive
'absential presence')

that only adds on
quite well .. as screechy
cracking shapely sphere
of raining electric sparks..
in kindling wildfire spread
-firmly knocks romanterotic

in the resuscitations

of a benumbed & burnt down-
parched plasticized heart

to sloshy~ josh laughly brims
of a clayey wetland pool fertility...
with here & there in embed
onloaded~ treasure pockets
of crunchy gardenland roses

Also # 123 #ERULGCT , Rob xx

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

like the wind.

as if thine own feet wing'ed and lighter than this heady wicked air    
as fast as a blue leopardess in all her ferocious steady stare      
from toxins, that sear and singe upon once tender, now burning flesh      
in an ardent purpose driven by a claimed honor all but repossessed      
as drops of curdled blood pulse from eyes that blur with tortured sting    
as reddened sputum streams out a mouth which once, such glory sing      
with a chest exploding in implosion of all truths eroding      
so... far .......   far... away from here, where the pain of excruciate    
no longer reverberates so crystal clear    
Written by Bluevelvete
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much needed piss n' vinegar

#NoPoo  12/21/2020
3:05pm EST

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139


I sit in this theatre
holding wilting flowers
chanting encore
to an empty stage
Don't mind me
I'm just watching shadows
of yesterday's play


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2164

Higher Self Where Art Thou

From the Stars, Moon, and a Heavenly celestial wish
For all Americans to be served a peaceful meal from one dish
No utensils to hold to feed
A hunger to build, faltering discriminative bridges, its only rewards, to satisfy a non-unified greed
Face to Face
All seated together, but comforted by space

Color to Color
Beauty to accept one another, found in the eyes of its beholder
Blended tongues, musical sounding dialects
This is what world universal peace sounds like for people you’ve never met
Speaking in unity when heartfelt intentions are truly felt
Bowed heads of grace, will consume this buffet with a spiritual mind

No cups of anger, resentment, separatism will be drinking as worldly souls dine
Therefore, dip your hands in a bowl of salvation, if your eyes truly believe
No color of hands to break bread as you share God’s feat to achieve
Especially if you hunger for harmony to nourish your body to eat
If only, when we see each other we learn to lovingly greet
This concept should apply to anyone you ever come to meet

Unfortunately, we still have racial profiling
One sided, when one is sitting peacefully, to others, for a threatening while
No one is talking, joking, or cracking a smile
In handcuffs marched out the door
A number in the system, presence now accounted for
Street marches crying for peace
No spiritual food of unity to eat, if all lines of communication has been ceased

NoPoo #28  (12-21-20)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14625

warrior (ode to a chess player)

she moved slow
I welcomed everything she threw
outclassed, subdued, I knew
the king was in danger
and my queen.. well
she was never gonna kill her
there were other plans
[ain't that right, Kristina]

Ladies and gents, most warmest thanks for all your submissions. apologies for my sporadic postings. you are still the stuff of legends

*hat tip


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2164

The True Essence Of Me

I was born with vital organs to survive as I live as an earthly loner  
What happens when I die as an organ donor  
My fate, essence, and creed will live in the body of someone else’s me  
My soft smoky gray colored eyes without my corneas  
Once implanted, will they see the beauty within the world to embrace in warmth, without deeds of hyperthermia  
My French Creole Butter Rum Skin  
Used as a graft for someone’s third degree burns to regenerate, the scared nerves to begin  
My heart, oh my beautiful heart, the core beat of my pulse  
The marathon runner of its stamina as winds chase me from getting lost  
Such a vital organ to love, forgive, find peace  
If it’s instilled in another body will it still remember me  
My essence, the flow of blood as it pumps through the four chambers  
No more a vital organ than the heart, to ever be categorized as life’s disclaimer  
My non-toxic kidneys  
Will they be given to someone name Cindy or Sidney  
Utilized for someone’s else body to filter the toxic need of their creed  
Will someone else benefit from breathing with my lungs  
Tried and true breathes of life from countless marathon runs  
A pair, but if needed from off a lengthily waiting list, then here is your donor’s spare  
Remembrance of me as I once walked, ran, or soared by feet on celestial air  
Engulf the breeze with each new breath as the winds gently blows through your hair  
Waiting list recipients with the call of a beep  
Awake with anxiousness, feeling a hint of despair when they fall asleep  
Liver Failure without a last hope  
Fate bows to them daily as they mentally cope  
A liver has been given, someone can now walk a mile  
From a donor’s source to now store glycogen, yours can now make its own bile  
My favorite essence as it rests inside of me  
Thoroughly cleans my blood stream to sustain a function to be  
Will you pamper my liver  
No alcohol to drown it as if it’s in a river  
A glass of Moet it will accept occasionally, no drugs please to my vital organ you shall ever deliver  
My sweet pancreas converting my food regulating my glucose  
Will you care for it and not live footloose for the most  
Knowing it came from a sexy goose, who you now have her golden egg to brag and boast  
Vegetarian lifestyle be advised my organs are very spoiled  
Therefore, treat them, accordingly to function well as a car needs premium oil  
The true essence of me  
So many states, my core will stretch for eyes to see
Appreciated of its vital needs
Another life shall continue to live on  
Hopefully, my donated organs will sing, once given an acclamation of a unified song

NoPoo #29 (12-22-20)

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Most Of All (NoPoo 41)

In anguish
This aching need
Craves the dulcet tones
Of your voice
When it tenderly
Says my name

I warmly desire
Those lips
That can beguile
Knowing secrets
Of fire ndd lust
But never tells

Yearning to run
Fingers through
Your soft hair
Smelling it
Imagining it
Dishevelled in bed

All these things are beautiful
What i crave
Most of all
Is your naked soul
At its most vulnerable
At its most passionate

Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

dreams in recompense.

I woke up hours before the alarm,

forgetting, for just a few drowsy seconds,

left in a haze—

only a dream's kind of stillness,

a foggy, jumbled emotional bliss

I swear

I found you there,... waiting

with arms outstretched in recompense;

Instantly my skin ached to bone with brutal need,

despite knowing far better, when in usual awake;

It was only you and me and all our torched

Your mouth left quiet,

cursed by my own mind's thieve

I have never known desire more

than so lost in those seconds...

... rendering you in complete.

Written by Bluevelvete
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4:18 pm EST

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14625

a group of mixed thinking:


and they're gonna say
his eyes are too young for his face
half an age is no age at all

and I'm not sure I like him


Albert is back
walking the streets
with a bag full of cider
quit quitting
'cos he didnt have it in him

he'd rather walk the streets
with a phone to his ear
talking to no one

I know ten people
could have took his place
and followed through
til the end


they're using Christmas
against us

you fools


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14625

Unfinished symphony

got the number for a green man

said he was a lines man

I said it was fine man

thought I'd have  
a decent time
thought i'd have

stepped upon a mine

blew my arse into my mind, man

blew my arse into my mind

blewmy arseinto mymind

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

lepperochan said:Unfinished symphony

got the number for a green man

said he was a lines man

I said it was fine man

thought I'd have  
a decent time
thought i'd have

stepped upon a mine

blew my arse into my mind, man

blew my arse into my mind

blewmy arseinto my mind

I'm totally enjoying your spills tonight and I'm hoping for a hat trick

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