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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14628

and likewise thanks for your company too. muchly appreciated

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

seeing the dark forest for the trees

today i can see
through potent darkness
feel it's very chemistry evolving
from once,
a blackened realization
tearing open
each crack and crevice
setting free cerulean light
that beckons like life
born of hard fought
conquered pestilence
newly discovered
or maybe just realized
this pungent force—
so very brilliant
of illumination
in everything

i believe to be majestic

#Nopoo   (#187)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14628

Bluevelvete said:seeing the dark forest for the trees

today i can see
through potent darkness
feel it's very chemistry evolving
from once,
a blackened realization
tearing open
each crack and crevice
setting free cerulean light
that beckons like life
born of hard fought
conquered pestilence
newly discovered
or maybe just realized
this pungent force—
so very brilliant
of illumination
in everything

i believe to be majestic

#Nopoo   (#187)

That’s some piece of work, Lady

very much appreciate your presence.  *hat tip*

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

lepperochan said:

That’s some piece of work, Lady

very much appreciate your presence.  *hat tip*

Thanks, lepp.
I thoroughly appreciate your kind words. 🙏🏻

I have really come to adore my creative process here via this forum. I don't know what it is, but I feel more comfortable and accessible to my well of inspiration here. I know it's just probably in my head but when I write straight off the cuff, onto these #Nopoo pages, it's easier and just flows freer IMO.
It sounds unusual but it's very true, indeed. 🤷🏻‍♀️
(thanks Soul!)

Perhaps it's destiny or fate... ✨ 💫 ✨...
or I'm a bit odd.... 😂

I didn't know Gabe but I continue to read his poems a lot and have really learned much from Grace's poems during these past months as well. I get awed by his talent on the regular and I feel a true deep kinship. I feel like, if I would have had the good fortune, we would have been friends, for sure. I wish I had the opportunity you all did and I am saddened that I missed out. I am extremely grateful now, to be able to participate here and partake of his thoughtfully curated memories. I bask in all the awesome creative powerhouses that post their own brilliance, constantly inspiring me daily....How lucky am I!!
... and what an incredible legacy Soul has left... indeed.

In infinite kindness,

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2180

Hues Of Reality

Sketch the canvas of my melanin aura with hues of soft blue
Sacred in its concealment I await, the phase of the moon, in its allurement, it calls    
You reach to touch the blankness of me  
The essence of my mind you crave  
Thoughts of fulfillment to collide the reality of you wanting  
The destiny of you having, needing  
An artist playing a Curator inside the nakedness of my wonder  
Bring forth the true colors of me as your heart so appeases  
Through the reflection of your eyes, tenderize your brushstrokes as you slowly outline my form rooted in nature  
The perfection of my curves, delicately takes the form upon the canvass of your imagination  
A precision of passion in generating with a fervent purpose    
Mighty palms, grasp in the vow of desires within  
In the balance of holding onto, your palate of colors, finesse your wishes in haste… oops, a splash spills onto your framework  
Blending it unto your masterful work of art, ecstasy and rapture of the painting illuminates its décor  
Inching back, glancing over every detail of love, admire it, as if touching the reality of fate  
Upon the easel of your eyes, the hue of me I grace    
Eyes the colored swatch of midnight, drawing you to edge of my lyrical element  
My lips, bespeak of whispered promises comforted my gentle touch  
The realm of my mouth, you long to feel    
Taste the wetness of my tongue bonding, falling to the lust for which it speaks  
Outlining my core with hieroglyphics of ancient amulets    
Bestowed upon the prose of your imagination  
Shades of passion you draw upon the window of my soul, you’ve graciously unlocked  
Penciled inside, wisps of emotions, a darker, softer hue of sentiments I beseech    
Focused, and now in view  
An unmasked facsimile of me... cherished in the progress of the making  
Divinity displayed from the spectacle of your hands  
A composed likeness imagined upon completion by the depth of your heart  
A hue of femininity stepping off the crusade of your dreams    
As you scribble your signature upon your moment in time, Hues Of Reality

NoPoo #143 (05-17-21)

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6091

Bluevelvete said:
Thanks, lepp.
I thoroughly appreciate your kind words. 🙏🏻

I have really come to adore my creative process here via this forum. I don't know what it is, but I feel more comfortable and accessible to my well of inspiration here. I know it's just probably in my head but when I write straight off the cuff, onto these #Nopoo pages, it's easier and just flows freer IMO.
It sounds unusual but it's very true, indeed. 🤷🏻‍♀️
(thanks Soul!)

Perhaps it's destiny or fate... ✨ 💫 ✨...
or I'm a bit odd.... 😂

I didn't know Gabe but I continue to read his poems a lot and have really learned much from Grace's poems during these past months as well. I get awed by his talent on the regular and I feel a true deep kinship. I feel like, if I would have had the good fortune, we would have been friends, for sure. I wish I had the opportunity you all did and I am saddened that I missed out. I am extremely grateful now, to be able to participate here and partake of his thoughtfully curated memories. I bask in all the awesome creative powerhouses that post their own brilliance, constantly inspiring me daily....How lucky am I!!
... and what an incredible legacy Soul has left... indeed.

In infinite kindness,

I can only echo this, really. This thread has been a bit of a god send in a lot of ways. It’s nice to have this little community every day to focus on and be part of. I can only applaud it and I’m grateful to everyone in it.

And as for Soul... I know he’d approve of it all for the love of poetry. Though he’d probably hate the fuss

I still miss him. Ever so much. Was listening to his old voice notes the other day. They still make me laugh. I should really compile all the funny stories one day for you

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Northern_Soul said:

I can only echo this, really. This thread has been a bit of a god send in a lot of ways. It’s nice to have this little community every day to focus on and be part of. I can only applaud it and I’m grateful to everyone in it.

And as for Soul... I know he’d approve of it all for the love of poetry. Though he’d probably hate the fuss

I still miss him. Ever so much. Was listening to his old voice notes the other day. They still make me laugh. I should really compile all the funny stories one day for you

Ohh how I would love that....!!! Yes,
if ever you have spare moments... I would be very grateful. :).... no pressure, just know I am very on board with that!
Thx, Missy

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6091

Haha... I’ll get on it. 😊

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1422

~the shadow bird


the sudden storming in silhouetty tauktae bird  
spreads shadowy high. ..an umbrellaing heavy  
eclipsing fallen span of an enshrouding silence..  
casts now, the corroding universal erode mode  
-a thorough nonstop soulsap~ squeegeeing in  
inhumane landfall famine, of the mirage hearts...  
fuming off... until all the sparse stuck  
remnantal lil dome dotting droplets..  of  
warm wet~blotty habitat hut spots...  
& the blinding mirrorsuns hung within..  
in pure concentrate calendar springs  
of the Himalayan origin;; the wordistic  
crying fervour in scripted freeverse love ..  
brittle stinky shrunken hollowly dry frames.. of  
the eaten away pinkpulphearts & eyelightwhites  
uncensoredly thrown allover.. is this the first  
night of a brute doom, in no more photo dawns
what are you??       the shadow bird
Written by summultima (uma)
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#NoPoo/ 180521/ 03:29:17

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17149


Until the twelfth of never
a little longer than forever
until silkworms bare their soul
until dawn trumpets call

...I'll remember

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14628

I suppose on some level we are insignificant in many aspects of the world we live in. Sometimes we meet people and they inject something into us which can bring us to a place within ourselves which oozes a sense of ‘I belong here. I’m alive

For me, Gabriel was one of those people. fuck me there was something about him. even when he faced  death he didn’t flinch. I hope I die like that. a fine specimen of human being

It’s  6 months since he passed. may his heaven be all he wanted it to be.

anyhow. This is book one, when book two is done I’ll copy paste it under here for continuity

many many thanks to all those who contributed: and to Northen soul for gathering the names and and alphabet-ed them thusly:

AspergerPoet56 💯
BlueVelvete 💯
Grace 💯
Northern_Soul 💯
Ricky (on various profiles)
Souladareatease (in spirit 🎸)
Sweetkittycat5 💯

I’m sorry for the long sermon. on that note I’m going to open book two, that said you are more than welcome to continue posting here until the system says it’s full

you’re all beautiful people.

and now, some words from Grace

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17149

Glass to glass, a cheer to life   (Collaboration: Souladareatease and Grace)

Dawn's sun rays glitters gold
Glimmers of gossamer dream dusts
On green drooping blades of grass
Hang on tips, collected dew drops
collected from silent sorrow tears
Reflections of your smile

these sing dawns arrival
they die of old, re-birthing tomorrows
develop and flower
style pistil petal
returning spring of Persephone
Dance in the meadow

Meadows of heaven
Spirit of Soul's fantasia
there, love lust-less recline
smiles to salve a broken heart
Collections of sorrows
Laid to rest at last

The buckets of pride
piled in high, the saving Grace
refilling, no longer the empty
carrying weight, full is the chalice
lifelong journeys ,fool to not sail
with wind to the back, open finally to see.

Written by souladareatease
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Thank You Lepp, for the thread and continuous remembrance.
Hi all. I miss Gabe everyday and not a day goes by that I don't look up the sky and remember conversations on sunrises and sunsets. During the fight with big C, we spoke at dawn and dusk, in our own time frame. We have been friends since he joined DU in 2012. Our friendship grew until we decided to meet in Baltimore. Alas it was not to be as fate would have it. But we never lost each other, even though we meandered and wandered away from each other sometimes. But every beauty was bared at last. I am glad it was honest in the end. He slipped away on the 18th of November last year and today on the  18th of May in my time zone, he has been gone for six months.   On this note, I would like to share a collaboration published 24th Feb 2013 . He had confided that he wouldn't be long for this world, once,  during a conversation on mortality.
All of your contribution to the thread honour him, and I am honoured and humbled to be part of this group of talented writers. I am sure Gabe would agree with me.
In closing, this is a collaboration published on 6th Feb 2013

Onward to the next book, a celebration to his memory and a showcase of talents for DU poets.

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

(NoPoo 188) The Dichotomy of Sweet Demolition

gentle destruction
captivating soft whispers
seducing my soul

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405


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