Poetry competition CLOSED 11th July 2017 9:13pm
GothicQueen666 (Viviaan)
View Profile Poems by GothicQueen666

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Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

Share romantic poems.
Romance: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love; love, especially when sentimental or idealized.

Poems will get comments explaining good features as well as subjective areas of improvement. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.

You are allowed to submit a poem that you've written before, even if I've commented on it or it's been in my previous romance contest.

You can submit 3 poems maximum. Don't edit your posts, after the contest has closed.

Please send me a private message with any questions.

Here's some inspiration from last competition:

KublaiSwan said:Lemonie 1

Shall we gaze upon your star
Whose twinkle luminates so far?
Shall we walk beside our ocean?
Long and far from Man's commotion
Suffer we to remain us here
Eternal company brings good cheer!
I gaze into your eye and feel
Warm & bold & full of zeal
What powers you possess, my love
Focused trial's perfect dove
If none of us be from above
Alas! I perish with words of Love.

Oceanicwords said:Young love

Eyes meet
Hearts pound
Mouths plead
No sounds
Hands touch
My trust
Your lust
Our love

Astyanax said:Time's Defier

Time mopes and sulks, disconsolate, in his lair -
Try as he might, things just aren’t going his way.
“It shouldn’t be like this, it isn’t fair,”
He grumbles, hour by hour, day after day.
“I run the world, I bend it to my will,
If I say ‘Fall!’ things fall, if ‘Cease!’ they cease.
I freeze the seas, I lengthen winter’s chill,
I set the lengths of wars, the dates of peace.
So why does she defy my mighty power
By staying beautiful, year after year?
Her loveliness continues yet to flower;
I chide her, but she doesn’t seem to hear.”

And who is this who makes Time so irate?
Why, who else could it be? My lovely Kate.

Here's more inspiration from last competition:

LOVE’S SOUND by snugglebuck
PC in Love by snugglebuck
beneath a magic moon by FromTheAsh

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

kairos ~

the pendulum stills
i've slowed too
to watch two
chronological moments
in temporal relation ~
this karmic alignment
... so often askew
when our circadian rhythms
forget the ticking tempo
which marked realisation...
meets like a timeless eclipse
i hold a ceaseless breath
in this paused hourglass trickle
of thoughts & never pretend
to understand ~
... the flow
of time & space
& the passing of days
which beg
another leap second
spent with you ...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

this is not a love poem ~

it's as though you stole the moon
from my sky, to keep it
eternally burning in yours
leaving me in shadows
thick and tangible as
an oil slick coating the heavens

and it seems the stars followed
the path of your hands, unable
to withstand your magnetism
and fell to your feet, basking
in the light that once drew me,
a light that could make the sun
shrink from its brilliance

though i tremble with fear
on nights without a glow,
my fingers want to tug
the horizon, keep it in place
so first blush cannot cut
through the velvety darkness
that reminds me of you

Strange Creature
Joined 9th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 1

One was the path that laid to have fun,
two people met like they were meant to
3 minutes later their love seeds built a tree
Five seconds ago feelings would want to thrive
Four with seedlings of two for a tour.
6 wasn't just the number in the girl's disc
Seven years younger was perfection from heaven
9 times he dreamt with her to be fine
Eight times his heart drummed love, it wasn't late.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 56

Baby come home

Baby come home where you belong.

I need you close, because your heart beats my favorite song.

I love the scent of your smell.

Its like flowers or roses when they bloom.

Baby every since I laid eyes on you, you been the one for me.

I know over the months that we had together has been crazy.

Lets come together and make this right baby.

You being in my presence is like an Angel in front of me

bad or good you act towards me, but at the end of the day you is the only female i see.  

I want us to build a foundation and I promise that I will do anything to keep it together.

When we hold each other, argue or get into a heat discussion I just want to give myself to you and make love to you.

Every time I see you, I get excited like I made an good grade to pass the class.

When the days come for me to see you, I be rushing the hour and the time. I just love being around you don't you understand?

yes we have our days, but God, me and you can make a way.

there are days that i just want to be on the phone with you for hours so i can hear your lovely voice.  

there are times that i just want to text you, i feel good when you do it back, because it makes me feel special.  

i want our love to be on the next level.

we put each other through hell over the twelve months and some days.

i did wrong and you did wrong, we is not perfect we all make mistakes.

sometimes when you turn away i just want you to come.

i just don't want to get to the part when we say we are done.

lately, you have been closed heart to me and we have not been able to get along

baby lets work this out, cut the chaos and come home.

i know what you have done to me, i am not going to fault you for nun of that.

the love that you had for me got lost, but i am giving you mines can i have your heart back.

i know that you are probably scared or having mixed feelings, but i belong to you and your heart belongs to me as well.

on a bended knee, with an open heart and open arms i need you to come home where your heart belongs.

i have a big heart and i am willing to let you back in.

i just need you to come home, because that where it all begins.

so baby please come home.

Written by deepthreat1490
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 56

The miles and the dedication

I go the extra mile to show that i care.

Sometimes i feel that the love from THE opposite side goes bare.

When problems arose like grass when there is rain.

I keep walking forward, because i don't want to go through the problems in my past again.

I'm steady going through the absent of my heart, because two months ago the love i thought that i had was torn apart.

The shameful of the broken promises eats me up til the point i just want to give up.

But seeing her standing there hopeful and hungry for my love makes me wanna take it all in and man up.

I'm hungry for her love, I'm thirsty for her attention and I'm greedy for the TLC. At times when she dedicate her time with someone else, I just fall back and see is this where she want to be.

All the females that was in the past and present turned their backs on the one that was going to stay no matter how many times the person screw up.

Lately i noticed that i don't never get the satisfaction and the full TLC as i should.

Its not about sex, but to me LOVE is like sex, because we are connecting our emotions, mentality and we show each other that we love one another.

People can have sex all day long, plus say that i love you, BUT if they don't connect in all levels its just a friend with sexual benefits.

I go a hundred miles a day for her, every time i search, i look for her love.

Every time i walk up i look for her touch or a hug with the softest kiss from her lips.

Every time i go somewhere for a purchase, i always think about her and what will she like.

I rather deal with the bad and the good of a person, love a female unconditionally, get to know everything about her rather than smash and pass, I'm in love with her so I'm going to make it last.

I write her name in the sky so i can let God know who i love.

When my back was turned i was crossed up, but i looked at how much i was needed, so i stayed.

I love her to the point that I will forgive her wondering soul and heart.

I love her heart, i am thirsty to be apart of it.

I'm greedy for her soul, I'm clingy to her body, I'm there for her needs and wants.  

When i look at her FACE, she Deserve the truth like any other human being, but SOME love the lie hide and run from the truth.

I always tried to do something amazing for her so she can always enjoy me and never get bored of me.

I want my love and the sound of my voice WAKE her up from bad dreams and doing terrible things.

I want her lips to be on mines every day like it should, because she is apart of me

I give her my everything until i don't have nothing left.

I see when she is trying, but friends crisis always gets in the way.

I want more love from her, but she stopped by WHAT she done and what HAD occurred.

I CRY so when I'm all over her and she is not all over me.

To BE honest i don't know when she is going to give me her love, BUT MY heart is giving out.

I just need her to show it all.

Written by deepthreat1490
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 24th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 56

The woman of my reality

Hello, my sweet how you been.  
I know you surprise to see me again.  
I know things went south between us.
I see you jumping into relationships trying to find someone who loves you unconditional.  
Giving your love to people whose doesn't deserve your presence.
Even after all the drama and pain you caused me I will still be there.  
as a friend I know everything about you that you trying to force somebody to know.  
Sometimes it hurts to see you getting with guys who don't love you like I do, please you like I can.  
I try not to get too close, because I want you to take me seriously.  
I see things and I hear stuff, but nothing is accurate unless you have proof.  
You getting dogged out by the guys you choosing and your heart is being abused.
I pull back from you, because I can't take the fuckery of you not seeing my heart.  
When you weep my heart cries out for you saying try me, because I won't put you through no pain.  
If you was my girl : Your body will be my playground, I will love you so hard that you would not go feel so wanted. I will take away your worries and pain. I want to make a difference in your life. Loving you will be so right and I will hold you so tight.
Its hurt being your friend noticing that you is not going to try me and you still picking the wrong fellas. Don't worry there is nobody going to take your spot.  
I'm not going to give your love to anyone else LIKE these others people just want to fuck and leave.
I pray that God will show who he want you to be with, but until then I will sit here and wait till you come back to me. While I'm waiting on you, I'm saving myself for that special moment with you. I'm here for you my love. See you later my sweet.
Written by deepthreat1490
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poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 186

Creatures of Fire

We swan-dive into the volcano, burning;
We’re creatures of the fire,
Mingled male and female, yearning
For the heat, the sweet explosion of desire.
I splash into the pleasure, all consuming;
I’m joyfully insane,
My passion for you deep, and fully blooming;
Long after, sweet warm flickers still remain.
You make my body sizzle with your kisses,
And yet there’s so much more;
My heart is kindled, too; It knows what bliss is,
This closeness that I’ve never felt before.
My body and my heart belong to you;
I’m peaceful and complete.
I see more adventures coming for we two,
We creatures of the tender fire and heat.

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Secret Verses

I can write you a thousand poems,
And you would never even know it,
Like a ghost writer, unaware I’m there,
You would never ever notice it.

I can compose for you an endless prose,
And the lyrics wouldn’t even do it justice,
In each rhyme reading between the lines,
The innuendos would hint it’s about us.

I can devise sonnets about your eyes,
And still not find the appropriate words,
I can go insane trying to ease the pain,
When creating a multitude of chords.

But I will keep on trying even when I’m dying,
To spill the thoughts of how you make me feel,
I’ll pour my every drop of inspiration there,
While I’m alive my pieces would be concealed.

Then you’ll discover some hidden gems,
My clandestine and special secret verses,
When my body is lowered into the ground,
Then those works will come up to the surface.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 8th July 2017
Forum Posts: 3

To That Boy

To the first boy I ever fell in love with.
I hate you
Before I met you I knew what I wanted in this world
I was going to be a rough and tough football player
But now I’ve discovered my passion for the arts
I knew the kind of girl I wanted to marry. a rule abiding, scientist who could always appreciate a good discussion about politics
But then I met you
A rebel pothead who couldn’t name three presidents, and I love it. I love everything about it
I hate you
I was going fly out of this small town and never look back.
Now I don’t want to leave but I must
Leaving no longer feels like an accomplishment
it feels like a punishment for a crime I have not committed
The first time we kissed I never hated you more
This was wrong I thought
But it felt so right
Your lips rewriting everything I know
For the first time in my life tommorow didn’t matter
All that mattered was us
Jesus fucking Christ I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I wish I hated you
But I don’t
I love you
I wish I didn’t love you

Written by Datlightguy
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Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 9th July 2017
Forum Posts: 63

Once by SamiBmuse

I had it
Stars sparkling within my eyes
Mind drifting with thoughts only of you

Your touch sending a million shivers across my skin
Breath shallow as we became one
My head laid softly upon your chest

Your fingers dancing like butterflies
As we lay in the moonlight
It glitters across our skin dancing as the angels sang above

And then darkness fell
You stopped
Holding me
Touching me

The stars left my eyes and I saw you laid bare
Alone, I thought the loss of you would tear me apart

But now I saw the restless wanting in you
I could never be enough, you prowl like a wolf in the night hunting
Until you have your prey to play with
Devastation in your wake

I run, free and lost in the wildernes
But I am free
I am free
I am no longer the prey
I stop running and look around

Beauty everywhere
My eyes widen as I take in the cool air within my lungs
Life continues and I am reborn again
I no longer need to run.

Thought Provoker
Joined 5th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72

A New Feel

I wish this pillow was your chest these sheets your hands
holding me close and comforting me till the end
you let me in, I looked around feeding me with your space and sound
overflowing with new feelings on how real life gets...and we haven't really kissed yet
I close my eyes to go to sleep but I see your face and start writing this
Bury my head under my pillow to make you go away but I can't let you go
thinking of you leaves me gushing awakening my heart to start beating
the feeling that started when you mixed your heart with mine
don't ever want it to end I'm just right beside you lingering
not to see the end of the line and say we will meet again
cause I know as soon as you walk away I'll start missing you right then
but that helped me realize the more I miss you the more I want you in my life

I'm not going to lie I still have my doubts
but no one is perfect and it's the chance that counts
Written by LUUH19 (Emeraldia)
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