Poetry competition CLOSED 14th July 2017 4:42am
FlameOfFire (NaomiJ)
View Profile Poems by FlameOfFire
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and wallyroo92

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Loves rant

Just a simple poet
Dangerous Mind
Australia 5awards
Joined 10th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 122

Poetry Contest

Your interpretation of what I have written here write it in a poem
1 needs that have a title
2 as big or small as you like

Twisted wishes 3

Sorry this is so long, I had to get this out of my head just the way it come out.

Wished you were here again with me right now laying in my arms like we used to asking me too go get you Tim Hortons "timmys" extra large double, double, which I also miss to
do I really wish this heartache on myself again, you know I don't have that here pity good coffee too, I wished with all my might that I could give you one more kiss, I know that wish is stupidit's not right as I know that's only what I want
do I, you did cheat on me with your ex boyfriend and left me with nothing else to live for no more you and me I moved heaven and earth to get to you, I do have someone now, she is beautiful and kind so I'm lucky I don't think I deserve her though,
I wished that the last time we made love that it never happened as I already knew you had slept with him, I really felt that if I could make you hotter than he had made you then maybe I would of been in with a chance seeing we had a heathy sex life as that was never an issue with us so that's what you told me,
used me so bad and messed with my heart more than you could possibly imagine my mind feels like I'm driving a high end sports car except it's just a Fucking black ugly Ford Explorer,
you knew every move that you made way before I did specially after you slept with him, you still said that you would never go there as you too are old school friends
Would you, those text messages are just about our time when we were kids, you tore me down left me without my crown, I feel sick to the core,
did you do it?, after We did a lot of taking about our future together and that last day before i left to come to you omg you were so worried about me because you did not want me to muck you around as you did not want to get hurt or the children to lose a father,
Can't work out that head fuck game, we had all the happiness in the world together, deep in love and planing our wedding,
looked, beautifully stunning I was so gobbled smacked that you were finally mine not one thing went wrong, the day was perfect, two wedded in bliss, we read out our poem to each other, yours was called the shadow about a man who you could not see, his face was unclear till you seen me but when you meet me,
Was the man of your dreams not an ex who you had been with before an ex that broken up two times in the past with you,
you said you had dreamed about being with your shadow your whole life and that was me, 4 months latter you did me over! Why did you marry me in the first place, This time gap is one fucked up piece of crap,
miss you more than words can tell here in this melancholy poem of love, loss, pain, wishes, dreams and sadness, anger,
the truth be told you kept sleeping with him even when we where still working out our marriage, you let me think there was a chance pulling me in and pushing me away when he was around pulling me back in when he was not around you let me go,
was you that could not let go of what you had done to me too us, you also sold me out even though I still had your back, a fool or an idiot both the same to me,
I still don't get it, I should hate you after all that you had done to me,
we where so good together so happy and free spirited together, I am no prude or a religious freak, i remember you saying that when it was all done and dusted that one day you will regret letting me go! Who was that sentence for?
Not me, I never treated you bad in anyway, never hit you never even put my hands up in the air in discuss, what happened to us? what happened to you?
you remember what we went through to get to each other? Clearly it effected me so much more than you,
What a mess, what I thought was happiness was your cage
Love for you was so hard for you to give to me and I mean real love sex was never a problem,
First day I hear from my step daughter telling me that mom has been crying non stop and she keeps talking about you, was that really you my step daughter? Most likely not,
asked the daughter while I was still there I was up at Walmart getting some food and might I add still while we were together,
Said to her what do you think of this man that you was talking to on cam he might be your new daddy one day busted,
Step daughter told me this as part of my first clue that something was amiss, it's fucked up it should not be that hard, It took a lot but so worth every minute that we spent together,
Don't regret falling for you all I regret is letting you get one over me and more than once might add I wished with all my hearts strength that you could fined your way out of the mess that you put your self in, you know I would not let anyone put shit on you,
remember someone that I knew back home who slagged your name calling you a slut not long after I got home I told her to go fuck there selfs,
maybe one day you might start to forgive your self if you listened to me maybe you might want to give us a second chance but that can't happen now I have someone and I would not do to her what you did to me, maybe,
was the fool to begin with not to see that you are a real time player,
You said you only married me because you felt sorry for me I'm like WTF I'm just to nice to want too see you hurt, that makes a whole lot of sense to me,

I wished the reaper would take his soul, heart and damn him to Hell with all that he took from me, take his eyes and let him look at nothing but the open sea on a raft stuck in the middle of the Dead Sea, I did you no ill I did you no harm I did not steal from you I did not take your wife and fuck her brains out with her bent over on her back her legs up in the air bent over so he could get in deep blue balls deep, I seen the photos buddy you can't say it was not you even though she was a willing party in this game of roll play,
the while taking photos of the two of you as like a blackmail for safe keeping if the husband did not give up on his marriage "me"
that did not stop me though from trying my damn hardest I received that email Christmas Day 2008 it sent me into a tail spin of nothingness
But you waited till after Christmas to dump me you took the money I offered for the children so they could have a good Christmas, the whole time you knew when you were going to do it, dumped me and it was over that day 28th December 2008 maybe that's why I received an email from you Christmas Day while I waited on a phone call from the children which I never received really are you that heartless, that's a rhetorical question,
mater how hard I tried, you did not just take from me the children but also my wife you also took the children's innocents away from them, the eldest is now in jail so i hear wonder how that could of happened maybe there is no father figure to show him right from wrong, he was learning from Me too I know he would not be there because I would still be there teaching him like a father should now there is no contact the middle one is heavy into drugs she had told me she was and is also with a much older man who stops her from living I would not of stood for that, the youngest has gone back into him self he must hate me from having to leave how I had to I seen the pain in their eyes the day I had to leave it was the hardest thing that I've ever had to do tears aplenty, you took away my rights as a father and a husband so
fuck you pal,
not a mean person by far but sir you did destroy a whole family all just to have your self balls deep in my now ex wife and she was not the only one so I hear now who do you have, not my ex wife or your own and I had nothing to do with that either wish I did,
I know you had a wife who was pregnant at the time of your infidelity she was having your son  but what about me? Left to sit with these nagging voices in my head.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


I wanted you
I took you
I used you
Then I spurned you  

Now I need you
I miss you
Cause I realize
How much I love you

"Oh baby, please come back to me!"

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Please Be Ready

When I visit to seduce you
You find mundane things to do.
Texts and calls to your friends
Feeding cats; it never ends.

When at last we're in your cot
These delays are soon forgot
Orgasms come with no trouble
We lie together in love's bubble

It would be much more friendly
If when I call you were ready
Newly showered and undressed
So that our love can be blessed

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Muckety Fucking Muck Muck
--you are who you eat--

We have to face it people,
some harsh fucking realities,
love can be the most beautiful thing in the whole wide world
& then it can be ugly as a mofo (that's short for motherfucker).
She says it's a potadoe, I say it's potatoe, yet I'm the one who's fucked up?
Anyway, you look at it, it is still a starchy food with a brown skin.
You can cook it up anyway you want to cook it up, but that doesn't change what it is.
So in reality, can't you see,
oh Lord can't you see,
what that love has done to us???
It's beautiful & you, you call me an ugly motherfucker!
Ain't love grand...you call that love sister!?
Somewhere you got it all mucked up.
Maybe you should try an onion next...
then see what happens!
I bet on the Holy Bible,
even on the Koran,
it's gonna make you cry!
Well shit, let's keep religion out of this discussion.
So, here we go again,
I don't want to muck this up,
I'm done cooking with anybody anymore,
especially you kitten.
From here on out,
it's all fresh food for me...
Are there any organic, au-naturel food lovers out there!???
No GMO's need apply...I want you totally raw...in the buff
to love me!

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 8th July 2017
Forum Posts: 3

To That Boy

To the first boy I ever fell in love with.
I hate you
Before I met you I knew what I wanted in this world
I was going to be a rough and tough football player
But now I’ve discovered my passion for the arts
I knew the kind of girl I wanted to marry. a rule abiding, scientist who could always appreciate a good discussion about politics
But then I met you
A rebel pothead who couldn’t name three presidents, and I love it. I love everything about it
I hate you
I was going fly out of this small town and never look back.
Now I don’t want to leave but I must
Leaving no longer feels like an accomplishment
it feels like a punishment for a crime I have not committed
The first time we kissed I never hated you more
This was wrong I thought
But it felt so right
Your lips rewriting everything I know
For the first time in my life tommorow didn’t matter
All that mattered was us
Jesus fucking Christ I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I wish I hated you
But I don’t
I love you
I wish I didn’t love you

Written by Datlightguy
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 14th Jan 2014
Forum Posts: 9


Honored to be erased
In your minds eye
Whats left of me is but a trace
With a familliar feeling
Your soul has been graced
Knowledge can''t be removed
Your heart knows
I am the missing part
Word for word
Like the call of an exotic bird
I maybe nobody to sombody
Yet I know I have been heard
Written by FlameOfFire (NaomiJ)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882

But it’s Alright

You’ve been lied to, abused and cheated,
You gave yourself to what you thought was love,
But after the truth comes out then you’re heated,
You’ve been pushed, now it’s time to shove.

Love is a two-way street, with respect and esteem,
But when it all goes down you have to ask the question,
Was is it really love or just some abandoned dream?
Because shit like that can put you in deep depression.

And it’s not just the melancholy or the sadness,
But the reflective misery can have an effect on you,
It can throw you in a temporary state of madness,
Even into a prolonged condition of staying blue.

But it’s alright…

Fate tends to align things in due time, like clockwork,
You can be angry but you will also be able to behold,
When destiny and Karma get down to do their work,
Then you will be avenged, twice may be even tenfold.

The heart at times is blind when feelings cloud the mind,
When you’re deceived, wronged or taken advantage of,
But let it make you stronger, so if it happens next time,
You may be jaded but don’t beat yourself for feeling love.

Reckoning is best left to the fates and they bring justness,
And in it you’ll find sweet and beautiful poetic justice.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


You cannot grow roses
And not expect to bleed  
Every lover of roses knows this

Pain sates their need
Ask any rose gardener
Blood meal is their feed

True love will also cause you pain
For someday one lover will go
And the other will remain

For Love and Roses
Are one and the same
Pain and suffering
Is part of the game  

Roses come with thorns
So when your in love
Expect your heart
To be punctured and torn

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17134

In Love

I am in Love
My breath seems to stop
when I see his name
My eyes go soft
When I read his poem
I am so in Love
I cant seem to stop
Reading what he has
and shared

I am in Love
With him, his name
whispered in my heart
Like an angel above
He seems to come
in the heat of the night
and in the rays of dawn
Alas all in waking moments

I am in Love
With him, this stranger
with his body as a man
with his soul as a poet
with his mind as a thinker
I am so in Love
I wish I could die
and suffer these pangs no more

I am so in Love
But I know he will be a stranger
until sand can be counted
and breaths can be weighed
He will never know
How much he is loved
hands untouched
hearts unshared
love unexpressed

Always I will love him
the first to say kind words
the first not to judge
Just loving him
Is a beauty uncomplicated
by lustful wants
but should that avail
itself, I will let him know
that he has been loved

Alas, I am but a name to him
a jester, a knave, a clown
who seek to entertain
wearing a smile
with tear-drops from the eye
Its just me
I am in Love
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Just a simple poet
Dangerous Mind
Australia 5awards
Joined 10th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 122

Thank you guys again for the awesome writes another one up soon 😊

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17134

ImoaNaJane congratulations on winning the competition and also to wallyroo. Thank you so much for adjudging me runner up...awesome!!

Just a simple poet
Dangerous Mind
Australia 5awards
Joined 10th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 122

Thank you and your welcome 😊

Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882

Thank you to the hot for the honorable mention. Congrats to Grace for standing on the podium and to FlameofFire on the win.

Just a simple poet
Dangerous Mind
Australia 5awards
Joined 10th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 122

Most welcome my friend

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