Poetry competition CLOSED 28th February 2017 9:39am
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNERS-UP: Jade-Pandora and Hepcat61

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Fight The Power

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about activism/freedom
Due to the ban of Muslim immigrants caused by our new president, Mr. Trump and few other things that he's planning on doing just to keep minorities/ middle class and lower class hard working families down I decided to make this competition as a way to say we will not stay silent and we will not be robots that will obey to greedy, heartless jerks like him.
Regardless of your political affiliation I would like to hear your thoughts, you don't have to agree with me just tell me what you would want to fight against.
Hell it doesn't even have to be about politics it can be about politics, sexism, animals, LGBTQ, poverty, sex trafficking of children and women etc.
so whatever you're passionate about tell me in one simple yet passionate poem, I would like to know.

- I don't care if you agree with my opinions or not I just want to know what you feel about a certain subject so it doesn't have to be about what I just mentioned earlier about Donald Trump, it can be if you want.
- Two entry limit more than that will be disqualified
- can't be too long or too short
- collaborations are welcome
- please title your poems
- old or new ones are welcome
- Finally please stay on topic with what you are talking about

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Disjointed doppler of my mind,
swirling vid' clips behind eyes  
connect with fatherless sounds  
of orphaned dreams.  
The haunting cacophony  
of voices as thunder calling names,  
endless rain touching souls,  
seeing no peace for as long as  
it needs to be heard:
'Put out your cigarette.'  
'Get out of the car!'  
'Get down!'  
'Please, get off me.  
I can't breathe... I can't breathe...'  
'Hands up!'  
'Don't shoot!'  
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

can no longer
in the land
of our birth
when what we need
only exists
within Foreign lands
a little Peace
for our kids
can no longer
in the land
of our birth
where to Live in Peace
is an illusion
by the pain
of seeing pieces
of woman and Children
scatterd upon
this once beutiful land
by those
WHO have been trained
to spread the pain
to break the Peace
we once held

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2277

Does our journey
through the pain and the torture
the rivers of blood
the sacrifices
that we
and our familys
have endured
down through the ages
does it all
end here
has the silent war
that our ancestors fought
so hard
to keep us alive
to bring us back
from the edge
has it all
been in vain

Slowly we are dieing
one by one
while we remain
scattered on this earth
does it all end
in this century
the final closeing of the circle
that haunts us
from the past
where greed and ignorance
once again achives
the destruction of our World
where directed chaos
breaks the bones
of our tatterd dreams
to reunite
different colors
different cultures
to reunite
the one tribe
that will bind us
the one tribe
that will set Free
our birth right
the right to be
a Human being

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Cock Of The Game

Bullets fly, like blind hummingbirds  
Impaling everything in their way.    
Sunshine occulted by clouds of smoke  
Lungs suffocated by the aroma of blood and gunpowder  
Crimson cocktails of fluid and muddy earth  
Bathing bodies void of life.  
The once peaceful village  
Raped by warring sides  
Collateral damage in the games of chess  
Played by those moronic cocks of the walk    
Who puffs themselves up on podiums  
Where they squawk like unintelligible Gods  
When behind closed doors, they shake hands with the gaffers  
Then sold them the same arms that choke their very own flocks.  
My heart aches for the innocents  
Caught in the crossfire for the sake of bloated balls  
For the life they might have led  
For the others they could have met  
For the generation they could have influenced  
For the difference they could have made  
Now wasted, sacrificed in the name of greed and the title - Cock of the game.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Hell, no, We won't go!

Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?

The whole world is watching

Make love, not war

Girls say Yes, to boys who say No

We don’t want your fucking war

I want all you young’uns to know, back in the day, the best poetry wasn’t composed in café, but on the streets, strike lines and byways.  Poets composed prose on bricks to be thrown.  

Now before any of you wiper-snappers dismiss me as old blow hard, on the 6th of June, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, has ruled that women are indeed, not the equal of men.  So for the sake of nostalgia let me suggest;

No pill, no Viagra
No IUDs, no vasectomies


Mennonites don’t decide my rights!
Now’s the time to stand and fight


Scalia, Alito, and Kennedy
Won’t decide
What’s right for me


Hobby Lobby
Hands of my body
I’m nothing like
Your neighbor’s donkey

Or even worse

I have the Constitutional Right to fuck
Who I want
When I want
Without fear of disease
Or pregnancy

If you don’t know what I’m speaking of, you should.
Now excuse me, I need to recycle some old bricks.

Sorry Mrs. Rocky, but I'm so fucking pissed off over this election!

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193


Rational Chains

Sober reflection is the deadly balm
of the waking dead walking the earth.
I'll shape these words to express a truth
outside the structured meanings of caged thought.

These mirrors kept you from seeing me
the smoke selectively obscured my face.
No system will give you the tools
to dismantle the same from within.

F*ck the rational boxes of imprisonment
a game rigged by the house itself.
The odds decrease as time goes on
an outcome will side with those in charge.

Sanity will be removed from the stage,
the sheep rely on master’s comfort.
The judicious is the kangaroo court,
enforced by the keepers that reap.

The rational has not been the path
to correction of the many wrongs.
The practical are the chains offered
by the servants of power’s most high.

poet Anonymous

Motherfuckers, I Am The Lorax!

Fight the powers that be
not with hippy dippy love
peace or flowers
Fire up that gas powered rotary axe
watch them panic up above
as you cut ivory towers
downed in defeat
trampoline trample bodies dead
plant acorns in the ground
watered with blood
and fertilized with the pulp
squeezed from each shithead
Motherfuckers, I am the Lorax
Same as those underneath my feet
I did as I fucking well pleased!

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028



come in waves and raise
your hand
take a stand,
leader raves to set the blaze
take a stand,
take a stand

hands at full arms' length high
high death skulls
on your baseball caps
and troopers, no, coppers only,
in black and armor
let your bullets fly

free speech in the 9’s
and lines of newly bled
for dead
folks tell no stories
and badges have
no numbers in their eyes

the leader, the leader
all hail the win,
he’ll make us great
again smashing glass and heads
kicking ass of those that fled
"yearning to breathe free"

for it's us,not them,
he’ll make US first again
the smiths and jones
the trumps and farrells
but Mankato*, and Tatankamani*,  
on poisoned water quench your thirst

bent to the slaughter
for all who oppose US first:
the “so called”and “disgraced”
der Führer… the leader!
has… der Kampf… the plan!
and soon all will be banned,

that stand against him,
labor, liberal elite, der neue Jude
he’ll defeat them, new red light
flaming paths through the night
of brown shirts, fire and broken glass
the leader will make us great

when those we hate all are cleansed
the leader, the leader, all hail the win
when he bends all to his will
and still in graves and lye descend
der Führer, der Führer, Seig Heil!
the win will make us great again

(come in waves and raise
your hand
take a stand,
set the blaze as leader raves
take a stand,
take a stand)

3/15/2017 - The Ides of Trump

There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the **er, and this will always be "the man in the street." Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.
Joseph Goebbels

*Tatankamani (Walking Buffalo) and Mankato (Blue Earth) are Lakota surnames...

poet Anonymous


Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

THE UK PERSPECTIVE OF TRUMP “aka fuck that guy”

In the UK, conservative leader Teresa May is lacking
Duplicitous deals, selling arms, UK identity becoming bleak
Underfunding the NHS and Sherwood forest fracking
The UK is a troubled place and the leadership progressively weak

And as disillusioned as we are over the Tories
Your commander in chief is tweeting debate
Fuck! On the BBC website are all the stories
Of his misogynistic, intolerant ideology of hate

How did it end up like this, how far did we stray?
I thought the idea was mutual respect
What combination of situations led us this way?
When the powers that be no longer allow us to connect

I must be so fucking naïve
Intolerance fucks me off to be sure
I guess wear my heart ion my sleeve
I know I feel this way, do you on a distant shore?

We have had demonstrations in the  UK streets
To keep that megalomaniac, warmonger away
Just because we speak English does not mean we agree with Trumps foolish tweets
I know he is crap…………so is Teresa May

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875


I sense a revolution coming,
The masses are taking a stand for what is right,
Coming together for the sake of humanity,
Joining together in an arduous everlasting fight.
I feel a revolution rising,
Like prophecies told about the end of times,
The rich get richer and the poor are dehumanized,
And those responsible will be judged for their crimes.
I smell a revolution brewing,
When some in the ruling class are the worst of criminals,
Creating laws and decrees to take what’s rightfully ours,
To benefit them is just beyond deceptive and cynical.
I see a revolution growing,
The uprising of the multitudes to save democracy,
To fight for what’s fair, for all to become aware,
Otherwise it’s just another nation of hypocrisy.
I see a revolution in the horizon,
When the left and the right are becoming extremes,
And the space in between gives them the room,
To drop bombs to kill what was once a dream.
I foresee a revolution,
They have been the tipping point of troubled nations,
Event after event becoming more dire and calamitous,
That some even lead to political assassinations…
…History seems to repeat itself over and over again,
When the people are fed up and there is no other solution,
So fight the power from this very day from this very hour,
And give rise to true sovereignty through a revolution.

Fire of Insight
Joined 15th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 236

No More

He's a straight shooter a son of a gun
Mows down pedestrians just for fun
Had fits of depression he acted alone
They found all they needed on his phone

He rented a truck and he went for a ride
Plowed the crowd from the passenger side
By chance a passer by recorded it all
He also got shots from outside the mall

Thought they were training for the MI boys
With backpacks loaded with unseen toys
Nearby a someone pushed the trigger
A few years before it was even bigger

It was early one morn in the late summer
It coincided with the emergency number
Thousands perished in those two towers
The first of numerous acts by the powers

And here we are and wondering when
We'll be assaulted again by evil madmen
Am telling you now it is all by design
So that you won't get any peace of mind

Feel helpless to do anything about it
Laughed at if i write it down or shout it
As you i think of protecting my loved ones
Stay uninvolved so they won't face the guns

But i'm a fighter i can't leave it alone
This is my world my future my home
Scream to the elite to hell with you all
i will see your divide and conquer fall

Bastards and bitches your tricks get old
Predictable as your quest for fools gold
We're seeing through you your time is up
There will be no more wars to fill your cup

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 3

I found this to be perfect. Poetic, honest,angry,and a little bit sarcastic. Nice work.

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