Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 318
Poetry Contest Description
Write about your worst/saddest break up
Last night I thought about what was my worst break up and looking back into my past I started to think about how tough relationships can be so I decided to make this competition in order to hear everyone's share of painful experiences when it came to breaking up with that one person you either weren't able to love or they weren't able to love you or they did you wrong or they simply just stopped loving you whatever the case was I want to hear it through your poems.
💔 Rules 💔:
~ One entry only
~ Explain to me why that person was special and why you loved them
~ Explain how the break up effected you
~ Also explain to me why the break up
~ Be creative
~ Has to be about you
~ The break up doesn't have to be recent
💔 Rules 💔:
~ One entry only
~ Explain to me why that person was special and why you loved them
~ Explain how the break up effected you
~ Also explain to me why the break up
~ Be creative
~ Has to be about you
~ The break up doesn't have to be recent
Bradley J
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372
Bradley J
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 372
Am I better off a quitter?
To be honest;
It feels good to be alive,
not at my strongest right now but i'll survive,
Red eyes as i accept the lies that unwind you and I,
but right now I gotta take a scenic drive,
and pass by the places where our worlds collided,
Remind myself of a time when i was not blinded,
desensitized, or have to improvise a goodbye,
I wish i could forget the reply that you supplied,
bur i cant describe these feelings fleeting inside,
I was selfish I admit,
We had interests in conflict,
And i was afraid to commit,
but you could never forgive what you did not permit,
we put each other through so much shit,
How could i not predict it woulda ended like this?
i wanted an accomplice
instead I got whipped but I wouldn't end up your accomplishment,
so i tossed the script and split in search of where i fit,
We couldn't be tolerant of the nonsense finding love in college,
But now we are better equipped,
so I don't regret calling it quits
It's funny how the little things linger,
wondering how i'll make it through this winter,
beyond the point that i miss her,
Wondering Why there have to be a winner?
decided by passive-aggressive communication on twitter,
The taste turned bitter,
I remember days all we did was bicker as we damaged our livers,
My life I reconfigured,
Now in my sobriety I figure,
our history seems more of a dream than reality that i actually schemed,
I can't believe I was so naive,
at first fantasies spoken between just you and me,
I left hearing screams echoing in an empty street,
No self esteem or redeeming qualities,
honestly I learned my love is not a commodity,
And now that I'm free,
Its easy to see we were destined for defeat,
To be honest;
It feels good to be alive,
not at my strongest right now but i'll survive,
Red eyes as i accept the lies that unwind you and I,
but right now I gotta take a scenic drive,
and pass by the places where our worlds collided,
Remind myself of a time when i was not blinded,
desensitized, or have to improvise a goodbye,
I wish i could forget the reply that you supplied,
bur i cant describe these feelings fleeting inside,
I was selfish I admit,
We had interests in conflict,
And i was afraid to commit,
but you could never forgive what you did not permit,
we put each other through so much shit,
How could i not predict it woulda ended like this?
i wanted an accomplice
instead I got whipped but I wouldn't end up your accomplishment,
so i tossed the script and split in search of where i fit,
We couldn't be tolerant of the nonsense finding love in college,
But now we are better equipped,
so I don't regret calling it quits
It's funny how the little things linger,
wondering how i'll make it through this winter,
beyond the point that i miss her,
Wondering Why there have to be a winner?
decided by passive-aggressive communication on twitter,
The taste turned bitter,
I remember days all we did was bicker as we damaged our livers,
My life I reconfigured,
Now in my sobriety I figure,
our history seems more of a dream than reality that i actually schemed,
I can't believe I was so naive,
at first fantasies spoken between just you and me,
I left hearing screams echoing in an empty street,
No self esteem or redeeming qualities,
honestly I learned my love is not a commodity,
And now that I'm free,
Its easy to see we were destined for defeat,
Joined 5th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 186
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 186
Good Bye
I thought you loved me.
But you never did.
I was just a nobody.
I was just some kid.
You just used me.
I was just a tool.
And after you were done.
You called me a fool.
I loved you a lot.
I gave you my heart.
But you took it in your hands
And tore it apart.
So I write this poem,
As my letter
I was saying goodbye.
I thought it was all for the better.
So I take a deep breathe
And take this gun.
I point it at my head,
My life is almost done.
Just as I pull the trigger, you find me.
I fall to the ground with a thud.
You see my lying there
In a sea of blood.
You read my letter
And you start to cry
You loved me too
But here I wrote to you
My goodbye
(A/N: I obviously didn't commit suicide but this is how I felt after a horrible break up w my fiancé when he was sexting w my sister)
I thought you loved me.
But you never did.
I was just a nobody.
I was just some kid.
You just used me.
I was just a tool.
And after you were done.
You called me a fool.
I loved you a lot.
I gave you my heart.
But you took it in your hands
And tore it apart.
So I write this poem,
As my letter
I was saying goodbye.
I thought it was all for the better.
So I take a deep breathe
And take this gun.
I point it at my head,
My life is almost done.
Just as I pull the trigger, you find me.
I fall to the ground with a thud.
You see my lying there
In a sea of blood.
You read my letter
And you start to cry
You loved me too
But here I wrote to you
My goodbye
(A/N: I obviously didn't commit suicide but this is how I felt after a horrible break up w my fiancé when he was sexting w my sister)
Forum Posts: 17157
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17157
My Story Told
the cloth hangers hung empty
like arms without hugs
and a drop of a needle
reverberated like a bomb
broken glasses pinched my heart
numb, never expected a goodbye
written without words on empty wardrobe
on unwashed plates in the sink
a bottle of perfume rolled under the bed
his side of the bed looked so lonely
walked around the house looking for clues
letters left on emails on PC
nothing indicated another woman
just a faint strange smell on an unwashed shirt
I knew it was someone new
so many things I wanted to do
so many words I wanted to say
I swallowed them all
went to bed in tears
woke up sobbing in the night
youth spent together
the best years of my life
out of the window in one clean sweep
when love finally died
suffocated by continuous indifference
twenty five kilos lighter later
new clothes, new shoes, new everything
I walked out proudly
a new person, with a new look
but deep within my wound festered
years, half a decade later
I thought I healed
and moved on
but I stumbled again
felt love...or was it infatuation
so Here I am.
the cloth hangers hung empty
like arms without hugs
and a drop of a needle
reverberated like a bomb
broken glasses pinched my heart
numb, never expected a goodbye
written without words on empty wardrobe
on unwashed plates in the sink
a bottle of perfume rolled under the bed
his side of the bed looked so lonely
walked around the house looking for clues
letters left on emails on PC
nothing indicated another woman
just a faint strange smell on an unwashed shirt
I knew it was someone new
so many things I wanted to do
so many words I wanted to say
I swallowed them all
went to bed in tears
woke up sobbing in the night
youth spent together
the best years of my life
out of the window in one clean sweep
when love finally died
suffocated by continuous indifference
twenty five kilos lighter later
new clothes, new shoes, new everything
I walked out proudly
a new person, with a new look
but deep within my wound festered
years, half a decade later
I thought I healed
and moved on
but I stumbled again
felt love...or was it infatuation
so Here I am.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
First Breakup
You broke my heart and I laughed right
In front of your face. Maybe you thought that
I was crazy. You caught me off guard and in flight.
I wanted to hit you so hard with a bat,
But I am the nice and polite girl, who was
Too naïve to ever love you. I never knew what
That kind of love was. I wanted to hit the pause
Button and rewind it again, but I am long past
That. I thought that the band aid and gauze
Would help the wound close up. I never asked
For you to do it, the breaking up, but maybe
I saw it coming. It was never meant to last.
We were going to different colleges. I see
It as a lesson of the past, never getting my hopes
Up for something that shatters all around me.
These tangled, long and frayed ropes
That we tried so hard to hang onto all through
The distance, ended up going up the slopes
Of reality. My first love, my thread and my glue.
Those short four months with laughter, kissing
And everything in between only with you
Taught me everything. I thought I would be missing
You forever, but I moved on and so have you. I
Thought I would hate you and always be dissing
You, but every single tear that I used to cry
Over you helped me get up and become stronger.
It made me more cautious. You are in the sky
Somewhere up there, but the bigger and longer
Part of you is beyond gone. Goodbye to the boy
I was infatuated with. You were the one who saw her
And me as one. All of the happiness and joy
We saw in our future disappeared. It was all gone
Just like that. You only played me like a used toy.
Today and every day after is a new dawn.
Maybe in hindsight, we were never meant
To be together forever. I felt like a fawn,
Learning everything anew. I spent
All of my time hating you and everybody else who
Followed. I never wanted to know where you went.
You broke my heart and I laughed right
In front of your face. Maybe you thought that
I was crazy. You caught me off guard and in flight.
I wanted to hit you so hard with a bat,
But I am the nice and polite girl, who was
Too naïve to ever love you. I never knew what
That kind of love was. I wanted to hit the pause
Button and rewind it again, but I am long past
That. I thought that the band aid and gauze
Would help the wound close up. I never asked
For you to do it, the breaking up, but maybe
I saw it coming. It was never meant to last.
We were going to different colleges. I see
It as a lesson of the past, never getting my hopes
Up for something that shatters all around me.
These tangled, long and frayed ropes
That we tried so hard to hang onto all through
The distance, ended up going up the slopes
Of reality. My first love, my thread and my glue.
Those short four months with laughter, kissing
And everything in between only with you
Taught me everything. I thought I would be missing
You forever, but I moved on and so have you. I
Thought I would hate you and always be dissing
You, but every single tear that I used to cry
Over you helped me get up and become stronger.
It made me more cautious. You are in the sky
Somewhere up there, but the bigger and longer
Part of you is beyond gone. Goodbye to the boy
I was infatuated with. You were the one who saw her
And me as one. All of the happiness and joy
We saw in our future disappeared. It was all gone
Just like that. You only played me like a used toy.
Today and every day after is a new dawn.
Maybe in hindsight, we were never meant
To be together forever. I felt like a fawn,
Learning everything anew. I spent
All of my time hating you and everybody else who
Followed. I never wanted to know where you went.
Poetry Accident
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193
Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 193
Dream of Another Life
I would dream of another life,
the one in which you were my wife.
By my side in the wistful thoughts
of one who knows the best was loss.
There was the day I would have left
my world behind to be by your side.
That day came and went with timing
that placed us both on other paths.
Our story began many years ago,
in this breadth I see something true.
The years apart are few in compare
to the pleasure we both enjoyed.
Still I wonder what will come to be,
was that happy past just a fad?
I think back to what used to be,
and ponder a future foretold.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
We both met when we were younger,
you more so with me the elder.
Our paths then crossed and latched,
joined together as decades passed.
You grew older and so did I,
this did not lessen the connection felt.
Dreams were hatched in longing hearts,
of things that would be if life changed.
You're the only one with whom I
would have a child in love shared.
What is this manifest desire
to produce a life with you alone?
You, me, and baby would make more
with the children you had from before.
Each loved because they are part of you,
precious ones that I would adore.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
A conjunction of love did present,
meeting of bodies one last time.
An opportunity to both exclaim
the way our lives should progress.
The dice were cast, gamble was lost,
when another player took the field.
I'll not begrudge the choices made,
there was more than love at hand.
Hearts became tied with knots of loss,
commitments made along the way,
revelations of God's base desires,
these trumped a life past dreamt.
Our lives parted paths in the woods,
each road leading separate ways.
Others supported this turn of fate
even as tears rose to my eyes.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
Others now remind me of you,
but they are a poor substitute.
They are not the one I loved,
the one to which I would commit.
The years grow short as winter sets,
twilight drawing on human lives.
You are far while my tears are near,
wheels turn and still I dream of you.
You may never see these bold words,
and still I tell them from my heart.
Casting them out as spilled ink
reveals the marks set in my soul.
I do dream of another life,
the one in which you are my wife.
This passion is my reality,
a cruel twist of this mortal time.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
I would dream of another life,
the one in which you were my wife.
Where is my dream of another life?
Where is my dream of another life?
Dream of Another Life
I would dream of another life,
the one in which you were my wife.
By my side in the wistful thoughts
of one who knows the best was loss.
There was the day I would have left
my world behind to be by your side.
That day came and went with timing
that placed us both on other paths.
Our story began many years ago,
in this breadth I see something true.
The years apart are few in compare
to the pleasure we both enjoyed.
Still I wonder what will come to be,
was that happy past just a fad?
I think back to what used to be,
and ponder a future foretold.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
We both met when we were younger,
you more so with me the elder.
Our paths then crossed and latched,
joined together as decades passed.
You grew older and so did I,
this did not lessen the connection felt.
Dreams were hatched in longing hearts,
of things that would be if life changed.
You're the only one with whom I
would have a child in love shared.
What is this manifest desire
to produce a life with you alone?
You, me, and baby would make more
with the children you had from before.
Each loved because they are part of you,
precious ones that I would adore.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
A conjunction of love did present,
meeting of bodies one last time.
An opportunity to both exclaim
the way our lives should progress.
The dice were cast, gamble was lost,
when another player took the field.
I'll not begrudge the choices made,
there was more than love at hand.
Hearts became tied with knots of loss,
commitments made along the way,
revelations of God's base desires,
these trumped a life past dreamt.
Our lives parted paths in the woods,
each road leading separate ways.
Others supported this turn of fate
even as tears rose to my eyes.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
Others now remind me of you,
but they are a poor substitute.
They are not the one I loved,
the one to which I would commit.
The years grow short as winter sets,
twilight drawing on human lives.
You are far while my tears are near,
wheels turn and still I dream of you.
You may never see these bold words,
and still I tell them from my heart.
Casting them out as spilled ink
reveals the marks set in my soul.
I do dream of another life,
the one in which you are my wife.
This passion is my reality,
a cruel twist of this mortal time.
Is dreaming enough when they fade?
Illusions twisted to past memories,
a future held captive to reality,
where is my dream of another life?
I would dream of another life,
the one in which you were my wife.
Where is my dream of another life?
Where is my dream of another life?
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 315
Falling away
Forever seems like a long time
i was looking at it being happy
you did not agree
you have another love,
yet you keep torturing me
in my mind, and online
Forever seems like a long time
for me to keep asking myself if you are
serious this time
will love last enough for me to visit or
just long enough for online flings
am i the only honest one?
it's so hard to say no
when my hearts still trapped in images
of your green eyes and red-raven hair
Delphi forums
2/7/2000 1:35 pm
Forever seems like a long time
i was looking at it being happy
you did not agree
you have another love,
yet you keep torturing me
in my mind, and online
Forever seems like a long time
for me to keep asking myself if you are
serious this time
will love last enough for me to visit or
just long enough for online flings
am i the only honest one?
it's so hard to say no
when my hearts still trapped in images
of your green eyes and red-raven hair
Delphi forums
2/7/2000 1:35 pm

Reasons not to trust French men (A collection of triolets)
I.) The meeting
Your hands were more than Gods to me
I thought about them day and night,
They were the first thing I could see
Your hands were more than Gods to me.
I spoke to you, a gentle plea,
And I was firmly in your sight:
Your hands were more than Gods to me.
I thought about them day and night.
II.) The Encounters
Breathe in, and hold, and slowly out
And feel the moment, my good girl
Erase your fears and all your doubt
Breathe in. And hold... and slowly out...
A release from four months of drought
I'll watch your bloom gently unfurl,
Breathe in.... and hold... and slowly out,
and feel the moment, my good girl.
III.) The leaving
You hid your wedding ring so well
That I believed your secret lie,
I did not hear the warning bell;
You hid your wedding ring so well
And I was left, an empty shell.
As I could only mouth "goodbye".
You hid your wedding ring so well,
That I believed your secret lie.
IV. ) en résumé
Do the French pen poems to themselves?
Will they save us all the heart-breaking?
They should keep their books upon their shelves--
Do the French pen poems to themselves?
For the lonely girl who surely delves
Will hold herself at night, still shaking.
Do the French pen poems to themselves?
Will they save us all the heart-breaking?
I.) The meeting
Your hands were more than Gods to me
I thought about them day and night,
They were the first thing I could see
Your hands were more than Gods to me.
I spoke to you, a gentle plea,
And I was firmly in your sight:
Your hands were more than Gods to me.
I thought about them day and night.
II.) The Encounters
Breathe in, and hold, and slowly out
And feel the moment, my good girl
Erase your fears and all your doubt
Breathe in. And hold... and slowly out...
A release from four months of drought
I'll watch your bloom gently unfurl,
Breathe in.... and hold... and slowly out,
and feel the moment, my good girl.
III.) The leaving
You hid your wedding ring so well
That I believed your secret lie,
I did not hear the warning bell;
You hid your wedding ring so well
And I was left, an empty shell.
As I could only mouth "goodbye".
You hid your wedding ring so well,
That I believed your secret lie.
IV. ) en résumé
Do the French pen poems to themselves?
Will they save us all the heart-breaking?
They should keep their books upon their shelves--
Do the French pen poems to themselves?
For the lonely girl who surely delves
Will hold herself at night, still shaking.
Do the French pen poems to themselves?
Will they save us all the heart-breaking?

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Be kind
She told me to be kind
But im not
Be kind
She has fallen into Sadness
I left her
Im am no man
She told me to be kind
But im not
Be kind
She has fallen into Sadness
I left her
Im am no man
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 318
Seeing so many great entries so far, hope this keeps going.
Please I want to hear about your stories through your poetry :)
Please I want to hear about your stories through your poetry :)
Joined 17th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 1
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 1
she left me bereft
with my soul clinging, her’s lingering
she left me
i was alone, no,
restored, no,
free, no.
she had to go.
she had to find what she couldn’t find in me
i wasn’t happy enough for her,
but i never will be
so she left me
happiness is fucking fallacy.
she was stronger than me,
less fear
less pain
she was whole and to me she was holy
but i was just a shadow
an apparition within the machine
that she called her heart
and now—i am an unbeliever
in the goddess i lived within.
she left me
she left
but now—now?
what is now?
i still dwell in the time before
the time, and you, pass me by
but i still, i just turn my—I’ve forgotten—
my head
farther and farther back
toward the imminent nature of the detritus in the distance
for awhile, now did not exist.
the shadow that i was to you
has become my own.
the shadow is only a shadow to me.
i am free.
she left me bereft
with my soul clinging, her’s lingering
she left me
i was alone, no,
restored, no,
free, no.
she had to go.
she had to find what she couldn’t find in me
i wasn’t happy enough for her,
but i never will be
so she left me
happiness is fucking fallacy.
she was stronger than me,
less fear
less pain
she was whole and to me she was holy
but i was just a shadow
an apparition within the machine
that she called her heart
and now—i am an unbeliever
in the goddess i lived within.
she left me
she left
but now—now?
what is now?
i still dwell in the time before
the time, and you, pass me by
but i still, i just turn my—I’ve forgotten—
my head
farther and farther back
toward the imminent nature of the detritus in the distance
for awhile, now did not exist.
the shadow that i was to you
has become my own.
the shadow is only a shadow to me.
i am free.
Joined 17th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 2
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 2
Bye bye bye you'll prolly burn in hell,
You tried to play me stupid, but mama taught me well.Underestimating what I know now?I knew it all along...Gave you a chance to tell the truth and justify your wrongs.When you tried to play me stupid I smiled and played along.I turned the love into lust you even brought your friend along.We really hit it off later became cool,we hid it in the dark as you became the fool.I became the manipulator I used it as a tool.My the tides they turned I took your ass to school.You got played in the end my horns pierce your heart as your best friend rides your bull you should've played it smart.Don't be mad at me I just played my part.You should have stop the game before it even start..
You tried to play me stupid, but mama taught me well.Underestimating what I know now?I knew it all along...Gave you a chance to tell the truth and justify your wrongs.When you tried to play me stupid I smiled and played along.I turned the love into lust you even brought your friend along.We really hit it off later became cool,we hid it in the dark as you became the fool.I became the manipulator I used it as a tool.My the tides they turned I took your ass to school.You got played in the end my horns pierce your heart as your best friend rides your bull you should've played it smart.Don't be mad at me I just played my part.You should have stop the game before it even start..