Poetry competition CLOSED 15th September 2013 11:31pm
hemihead (hemi)
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What happened to Jonrot?

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Poetry Contest

Nerves were stepped on last tim I did this one.. but now that we know ol Jonny boy is breathing, we'll go ahead and do it now!!
All of us who were concerned when Jon disappeared, now know where he was.
Fucker had us worried.
To make light of it, I started a competition,  which I abruptly took down,
In realization that he means a lot to so many of us.
He's alive and well soooo...

What I want..
Write as an elaborate story as you can muster.
Tell me in as much detail your theory of what happened to ol Jonny boy.
Any style of writing..
Only thing that I DO NOT want to see is, JonRot died.
Keep it respectful towards Jon, as he is very respected in our wonderful community.
The more outlandish the theory, the better!!
Post up to 2 poems.

I love your style J.R.!!
This is for you bro!!

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 19th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 2374

johnrot starts where the stock footage stops.

Caught 'em between dipping out and snipping doubt.
Sniffing clouds, rearranging the grout on the tiles
on the far side of town.

Get up, to stay down.

Trays up, caught time in an altered state.
Cut from the same cloth, bearded slate.
I would tell you the inner circle secrets
but I will not self incriminate. Dry snitch
on a man from a dying breed, a crying shame.

but ain't shit to blame.

Whiskey breath to heat seek
the target's in range.
Soft art turned to lost ark
more heart than brain

but enough brain to be unable
to stay stable in civilizations cradle.

Naw fuck that, the man would rather rob it
find inner peace, then find a problem with it
bring some drama to it
spin it on its face, add some space
just to throw a comma on it
play Osama Bin Laden to it
terrorizes it until it talks
becomes a written,
add some style and napalm to it.

Add it to my reading list
then light a pipe bomb off it.

edit* not strict adherence to the rules here, just a shout out to the man

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Thank yiu kindly for the starter bro!!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"JonRot:  The rumors of my Death are somewhat unelusive"

Had I gone to extremities to gear my persona so legendarily.
Me J>r> the Kook of DUP.....  Went off the grid for a bit to see
what more time must be spent...

I journeyed to the key's of Floridian quadrants drinking margaritas.  
And Poeticizing incurious sonnets.  
In my lair of Ill Repute and lagoon of debaucherous slander's.
I sunk to new found lows of ecstasy like eating crack mixed with
Col. Sanders.

Later time seemed to be of the passing sunsets and sunrises flew
by as I was fasting.  Gaining a more moral and ecumenically sound
perception.  The elements of life did sway me beyond this counterpoint
of inception.  

So finally I was one with my destiny and all was settling down to
the way it should be.  JonRot? you ask what happened to you?  The
real question is the answers you have yet to see......  

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Tells a story untold!!

Way to set the pace guys!!
I'm excited to see what else j.r. was up to!!!

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

I aint gonna say I know where the man went
but I do know that liquor prices dropped under the litre per cent
and capes wouldn’t sell
and there was a queue to drink in hell
and they didn’t ring the bell at the end of the crisis
and Greece got poorer
and the space shuttle got decommissioned
and the dinosaurs died out 60 million years ago
which cosmically speaking was yesterday
which was exactly the day that johnrot weren’t around
and then there was Ebola
and the Tunguska thing in Russia
and a new superman movie with a bloke who wore a lot of black
which is fucking suspicious
and I’m pretty sure my missus’ pussy got looser by inches
and the cat got knocked up
so fuck knows what's coming
fuck knows what
but I do know that johnrot went missing and shit went sideways
tide went in out in out and it just seemed like it did it angry
and a little bit sidewayser than sideways anyways
seemed like it had something to say
some kind of motherfuckig attitude
and then there was the planets all spinning
venus seemed brighter
some kind of planetary pissed
like it had been snorting something in gas-station rest rooms
on ‘shroom
with you know who
and I don’t know if it means much
but god died and jesus cried and the Koran got shorter by pages and pages
which it hasn’t for ages
and the trees they just seemed sadder badder madder
hell, an elm pulled a knife and threatened my life
could smell johnrot on its breath
but that’s nothing you can test
so fuck knows and who knows and you know and I know
and when he went didn't Egypt go shit-balls
that's one fucking coincidence too many if any
and then there was the solar sun just seemed less fun
seemed like it was burning every one
like they was dying of it crying of it wishing for it
for the johnrot juice
who knows the truth?
just him and me and I saying nothin', see
survival you’d call it
if I had to name it  
though I’ll say this
he’s back and that’s that
and now nothing’s amiss.....

{no entry to comp intended}

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Consider yourself followed.
Extreme justice.
If Jon isn't flattered by that one ill cry!!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

He was…

Where was he
No one knows
Only he
John knows
Where he went

Was he the guy
Who stopped the truck
From running over
A little boy with a duck
In Detroit and disappeared

Was he the man
With the purple shirt
Who ran through the street
With his camera
In troubled Egypt

Was he the man in China
Who scrambled to save
A family in a landslide
And then walked away
Into the sunset

Where did you go
No one knows
I don’t
But you were missed.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Thank you dear!!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17126

Intricate_B said:Thank you dear!!
Pleasure is all mine.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

-guhfiuhuigfuybgvusoa\hjdf;osjgopjnbjnbsikzbvidlfbvj cnkmbxjlzcnvdfklnbvldkxnvbklcmn m, bfjxdcnkm  jlcx

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Thank you Anna!!

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

HAHAHAHA!!! Awesome Madame!!! You made me laugh!! Good one!!

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

I know there's more people out there who want to partake!!

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