Poetry competition CLOSED 24th April 2012 8:01am
raorrick (Rachel O.)
View Profile Poems by raorrick
RUNNERS-UP: mjs211 and Redcrystal


Like Me

Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

Poetry Contest

Write a poem comparing yourself in anyway to something its can object, idea, moment, whatever you want.
Any length
2 poem limit
Collabs welcomed

MY Example[/b]

"Street Light"

Rain poured again tonight

As I leaned against a street light

Eyes fixated on it, so yellow, so dim

Barley illuminating my skin

A sad barely lit existence

For me and you isn’t it

Sitting in rain, no umbrella

Drenched next to this rusting fella

Whose existence begins to flicker

Trying, but its light fades dimmer

I couldn’t help but think of my life

Holding back the tears I close my eyes

Open them to a dead light

Darkness and pouring skies

Like my heart, like my eyes

Poor light, no one will come to fix it

We just stand in broken existence

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 28


I feel the shock course through my veins, my bones

Rendering me incapable of movement

It hurts to breathe

It hurts to think

It hurts to feel

I hate you, I hate you

I’m plastered to the ground, unwilling to leave

You can’t fall further when you’re already down

Why’d you do this?

Why’d you hurt me?

Why’d I let you?

I hate you, I hate you

I’ve learned my lesson, though it took some time

I’m stronger now after I’ve been burned

I am safer

I am wiser

I am better

I hate you, I hate you

Less than three hours and I already crave you

An ache that runs deeper than addiction

I miss your touch

I miss your warmth

I miss your kiss

I love you, I love you

Like a moth I’m captured by your deadly light

Obsession overrides my judgement

Always want you

Always leave you

Always return

I love you, I love you

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17115

Water lily

Above the rippling water
pale pink flowers spread
like hands in supplication
to whatever existing gods
of the created  creations
Above the muddy beds
Poking out a pretty head
face towards the sun
Basking in its warmth
The water lily
Just like me.

Kristyn Ashley.
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 717


I can be innocent,
or act like it, atleast.
I dare you to misuse me,
you won't like what you see.

I've been told I can be frigid,
like the shell of my Zippo.
The one thing my father left me,
it leaves my skin so cold.

I can leave you burning,
from hatred or desire.
But it depends on how you use me,
and if you fuel my fire.

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276


I'm chocolate
Sweet, delicious, appetizing
A treat, a delight, satisfying
Smooth, brown, delectable
Loved, enjoyable, edible
A gift, packaged, delivered
Desired, craved, pictured
Sugar, a snack, a topping
Cocoa, fudge, heart stopping
White, dark, assorted
Cheap, expensive, imported
Hot, melted, savored
Valentines Day, a flavor
I'm chocolate

poet Anonymous

A Record

Picked out based entirely on preference
Nothing to do but exist and be referenced
Handled with care, yet
Scratched in general

A timeless echo
to be enjoyed by masses
Often turned to by
hearts in sadness
brains in madness

Toasted with glasses
enjoyed at first..
Til in anger you get blasted

Seldom turned over
thought it's often revealed
The greater of the two
is on the B side.

Thank's-fun, fun!

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590


An hourglass vase  
Dropped by his hands  
Left behind, abandoned  
Crystal strands  
On goers look  
Disgust they conceal  
No longer beautiful  
No more appeal  

Few tried to piece  
Shredded skin they drew  
Not wanted again  
Fragments they threw  

man stops  
Carefully he glues  
Part of it's missing  
The heart he pursues  

man seeks  
In hands of past  
To find the essence  
No one's unasked  

without luck  
He decides to rebuild  
A much stronger core  
The vase he refilled  

by its beauty  
It's still not enough  
He got bored then  
played with newer stuff  
ignored and neglected  
the pieces began to fall  
Leaks through the cracks  
splattered the wall  

once more  
No longer cherished  
Empty and void  
the vase finally perished

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

ahh yes, I remember this, among your firsts I think.

still a great read.

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Thank you, I thought it fit :)

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

i am that breath you cant catch
i am that score you cant match
i am that shot you cant make
i am that chance you cant take
i am that bar you cant raise
i am that unsolveable maze
i am that word you cant speak
i am that dream you cant seek
i am that solid that wont dissolve
i am that math problem you cant solve
i am that sound you cant hear
i am that wheel you cant stear
i am that object you cant see
i cant be anyone else but just me....

Dangerous Mind
United States 20awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2010
Forum Posts: 1572

For Green Leaves on the Ground

I've always wanted to be a tree,
you said. To watch the world pass.
To stand on a corner and watch
the people go. To be bigger than them,
bigger than just people, man, that's
what I've always wanted. No worries
for your roots 'cause you've got no family,
no need to be a part of something else,
just your roots in the ground, man.
It's depth in height.

As for me, I was only half listening,
with my gaze fixed fast on the ground
where a branch lay full of green leaves.
Something decided these leaves weren't right,
pulled them off and left them to die, to wither,
believing they're still alive to the end, bright
waxy green cheeks paling, drying, disintegrating.
And nobody cries for green leaves on the ground.
You've always wanted to be a tree, I said
'cause you've never felt like more than this.

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Yay! Thank you!
WTG Mike and Crystal!
Lots of great entries!

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