Poetry competition CLOSED 14th May 2012 2:41am
OctoberArts (October)
View Profile Poems by OctoberArts
RUNNER-UP: rayheinrich

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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 52

Jus FleXn My MinD!....

at times i simply want to flex my mind  
reach for the stars  
and see jus how close i can get  

use to fear many things  
till i met the Lord  
now i jus don give a shit  

see He my bottom line  
made each unique  
so i know im this way by design  

when i think about my life before recieving Him  
can sum it up in one word  


  *raised by crinimal fuckin master minds  

im so fuckin quilty of sooo many thangs  
surprised i aint got fangs  
and reside over bodies and bank accounts i have drain  

sooo many thangs on my brain  
this fuckin radio plays 24 hours a day  
365 days a year  

yet with He i have balance  
and His guidance be crystal clear  

not so much a partaker of beer  
than i am of weed  
and i take it to da head  

these Earthly religious folks would say im sinnin  
but my response is.....  
..............stay da fuck out my business  

u don know me  
nor position  

our Father's math is way beyond our Earthy comprehension  

bet that got ur attention  

  *damn did he jus mention drugs and God in da same sentence...  

bet da fuck i did  
ill repent the moment u show me a perfect kid  

   *i am wat i is  

grow bold in His fold each day  
da Devil don like me  
and say my Dad don like me cause im two faced  

  *looks in da Devils eye  

you's a God damned lie  

im a front line Souljah  
cant remember if He sent me.. or did i ask for this position  
makes no difference  
im on His time  
and after this existance  

yall may not hear me PREACHIN!...  

wat i need  
a tailored suite  
a doctorats in theology  
that tickles me  

for on my heart be a tablet  
He allow my inner i to read  

yes it reminds me how wrong i was when i did wat i still may do  
i try to learn  
gettin plenty betta  
life is a stone cold trip  
when ur touched and in search of the truth..  


i feel better now  
got to flex my mind  

thanks for listenin  
you been a damn good shoulder to lean on..  

8^/ Daddy's lil Souljah  

Thought Provoker
India 7awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 322

Labour's lullaby

I don't wish to acquire your
mortgaged property my lord!
counting pennies
after the day's work offer sleep.
Life and wife aren't sober anymore!

Stained slut of time is my salary
with that i can't afford consummation
with my voidable desires
Acts don't edict the
warranty of
professional conduct signing the
business contracts
Do they shake to shake the trust?
Dipping and dripping distress,
I ain't hail from the dragon dynasty
with the royal tongue of
feverish flames
to taste the pie with
the silver fork,
as loan and liabilty
remits my liberty.
Will is my weapon,
As i cement the bark of the
roasted brick

I shall no longer protest
as long as my child
spills over my chest and
sing the labour's lullaby.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17160


Life is as we live it
A cycle of days to nights
To blink to sleep
And then awake
To lay and love
And procreate
To nurture
And wait to mature
Then leave this world for another
When time comes to say ‘adieu’
One sighs and shakes one’s head
As time comes to be interred
A life lived well

For those who live and love
Life is indeed a treasure trove
Of joyous fun and adventures
Where mounts and hillocks
Do contain
Wonders akin to fairylands
To see and discover
And love such a joy
To feel to share
To tell each day
A thousand ways
To say ‘I love you’
And more to express

So life is as it may
Be felt or live away
Be it in stoic agreement
Or in total enjoyment
It is just there
Like a meandering highway
A thoroughfare
From here to that-away
Enjoy that journey
For whatever it may
Take or share or give away
For sometimes it is short
and at times it is lengthy.

poet Anonymous

Is it cheating if I wrote it over a year ago?

My poem about life;


Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 14

For some reason

We go around in circles,
Searching for fulfillment, craving a purpose
Never sure exactly what we’re looking for
Or when we know we’ve found it
Like a carousel ride, we pick out the prettiest horse
And wave to our parents as we go by
Time and time again
Until the ride is over
Deep down, we know there must have been a reason we got on the ride
Still, it will never be clear

poet Anonymous

Across the Threshold

To be without cause or purpose
is to succumb to listlessness
and to account for a diatribe of meandering

I will not be that solitary soul
who begs to be heard
among the lost and forgotten impaled masses

I have many years to define me yet
many deeds to behold
that will slay the ambiguity of my portent

I am more to myself than tooth and nail
gullible to a fault
because I trust more quickly than I learn

Heal me life, for there is much to love
in the remaining seconds
that slip away with little thought or trial

But I am here now
finding myself among the bleak hours
with so much to lose and even more to gain

Were it poetry that slayed my demons
I'd have been declared the victor of all, but alas
I remain a staunch and embattled soldier

Will it be that I lay down my life
to find a greater purpose than this
my shroud, my encumberment

Define me, break me, course through my veins
the liquidity that escapes even nature
as I begin again, across the threshold

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

All That I'm Living For

Sometimes life is like a dream.
A silent scream that no one can hear.
A shot in the dark.
Casted onto this Earth,
maybe with parentals that will
care and help us learn to grow.
There's a fifty/fifty chance really,
will we grow up alone.
With sibling(s)?
A mother that does everything?
A father who drinks?
What is the meaning of life?
Good fortune?
Good Health?

Oh but watch the man born into a family of eight,
drink his soul away to an early grave.
Watch the woman born into a home,
with two siblings and two working parents
give her child everything she has.
Watch the boy who was spoiled his entire life,
give anything and everything to the girl that he likes.
Watch that girl lose her home,
and still get up in the morning to face the pain alone.

Look at life from another point of view,
you try to see through their eyes.
But they don't bother to even look at you.
Some people were born to live in vain.
Some people were born to live in pain.
Some peole are meant to live and then die.
Some people are ment to live and make others cry.

To be born.
To grow.
To live.
To love.
To dream.
To die.

A simple process.

Look at the gravestone.
A date of birth and
a day of death.

But the line in between,
was the person's life.

And really,
that's all you need to know.
Because it's that line in beween.

And that's were all the meaning went.

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 270

Life is Change
No matter who we are.
No matter what we do
No matter how much we wish it not happen
No matter how much we try to stop it
No matter how much money we have in our bank accounts
No amount of money will ever change it from happening.
Life is change

Life will never remain the same
 It simply can’t.
It’s a force of nature.
Forever and always
In constant motion
Flowing and ebbing against the winds of Time

We either flow within Life changes
Or get swallowed up in its constant riptide.
Forever drowning in a Life time of regrets
Trying to hold back change.

The decision is always ours.
To accept Life changes when they come
For they will surely come to all of us
rather we accept them or not.

As for me
I will choose to ride out my waves of change
With joy, happiness, peace and love
I choose to accept the changes
That’s call Life
Just Live on child it’ll change.
                                    Granny Sadie

Thought Provoker
Joined 17th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 232

life sucks
life is a bitch
life has many qualities
but in the end the bad heavly out weighs the good
life was meant for death
so coffins were made
life fucks you in the but
thats why every man ,women and children
has an asshole
life is like a beautiful women on her periods she will fuck you up
and when you think you going to get some
guess what you'll get none
life haha
ether become ill
get killed
die as an old person with not really much to do
then wizz and cough their fucking lungs out
so life sucks bud in genreal

Strange Creature
Joined 20th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 10

My life with depression...

Thorns before roses

Let me tell you of a world,
Where we know roses for their thorns.
Where reality is swirled,
And every soul is torn.

Hope doesn't live here,
It's too rainy and too dry.
Every citizen lives in fear,
But not one shall dare to cry.

No eye's are in any skull,
In their place is shattered glass,
That's grown old, worn and dull.
Everything's what we need; nothings what we ask

Love is our greatest fear,
A smile's looked down upon.
It's always cloudy here,
I've never seen the sun.

A dictator eats our souls,
And slashes at our skin.
And when we die we're fed to ghouls,
Because living was our sin.

We induce our own starvation,
To eat will bring us torture.
By laceration’s to our skin,
And emotional pain to endure.

The society of the broken,
The society of the scarred.
But not a single word is spoken,
Of how we have it so hard.

We walk around in silence,
Wearing mask’s with empty eyes.
To speak is a act of defiance,
Death comes to the one  who tries.

By adolescence most fall,
To suicide's powerful lure.
Death is a relief to all,
The only thing that’s sure.

But those who cling to their empty lives,
Slowly begin to lose their fragile minds.
Cutting themselves with rusty knives,
Till death frees them from their binds

Do you fear this world of hate?
Is this a place you dare not tread?
Do not fret about your fate.
This world lives in my head.

Did you know this is my world?
Where roses are known for their thorns?
You never saw as my mind unfurled,
Because of the disguise’s l have worn

poet Anonymous


The room is dark

The woman opens the windows

Curtains flutter

Stories of the past

Of growing old

Is often bitter

The life of a woman

Is harsh and humiliating

There is no laughter

Full of discords

Full of interruptions

Surprise endings

         IT IS ENDING

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 270

I thought I would see more from our poets on this one
Who knew there are so few with an oppinion?

Lost Thinker
Joined 4th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 4

A path treaded on that is no more then a threads length of time
This small thread can only be fallowed one way, onward
And it can be treaded but once.
Only one knows were each path will lead through eternity
For only one knows were each thread began.
Life as we call it, short though it may be, is the beginning of a far greater story.
One that can lead to far greater things

poet Anonymous

A lesson- and Fools won't learn.
Always shooting for the "Son"
and getting burned!

There is no lesson -
that is more with learning-
than that we are here-
To stop pretending..

That our ending-lies
somewhere in the sky-
Like we were some design
inspired by Ego's eye.

Why lie?
I wont even try-
If you learn to live-
You will never die.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 31


Getting flooded these days   
with the broadening horizon   
of hopes and homes lost.   
Rt 1 South,   
passing through it all   
on my way.     
The Delaware sun keeps rising and setting   
weighing down so heavy on me in the mornings,     
awakening me so tired from grounding in piled high evenings of disorientation.   
The trauma, the crisis   
even the relief   
is over.   
I am left now only    
with memories,     
and this immense timeless sort of grief
that has dominated me
the entire drive down
to the small beach town where I work
on Wednesdays.   
8:45 AM, just enough time   
carefully standing with distance enough
from the rolling waves to not get
my faux suede cowgirlesque boots wet,     
though they've already been lightly covered     
slightly weathered by damp sand.     
Of course they have and I don't care at all.   
As I approach the shore   
a man working on a pipe or something     
I ignored in the parking lot   
watches me, curiously.   
A lady like no other in these parts.   
Here, everywhere I go standing out like a double rainbow, a sudden blessing and ungraspable wonder that is easily seen and admired but just barely remembered     
as it fades away.   
Can't place the keys in my pockets   
because the wounds in my body   
are still healing.   
Can do headstands again, hikes and pilates     
but the sharp edges and angles of keys,     
each one of them bearing their own harsh forbearing whisper of transience
disappointments attached to a meaningless ring
continue to hurt pressing
against the soft recovering places.   
So I just hold 'em loosely     
with the hidden in me perhaps desperately     
strolling quickly towards the gallantry of the sea's edge.   
Thinking of Virginia Woolf.   
Rocks in her pockets.   
I understand.   
I too wish I could be consumed by the ocean.   
That old pain is holding my soul again-   
such a simple and complex life it's been,   
I recognize how lost     
and alone I am.   
Staring deep into the huge power of water
I pray to matter.
To put beauty before shame.
For self-acceptance to reign     
even amdist
the intense quiet.  

The lies I was told have made themselves known, creeping     
through every old crack in me as I have grown.   
But now is a new time.
Wisdom and truth traveling with choice
have found me somehow still meek and receptive and filled me with voice.
Now is a new time blessed with the throne of awareness.
Listening to the sounds   
of seagulls and waves crash   
for just one moment
I travel to a dream   
and wonder...   
will I ever meet a true gentleman,   
will I ever be a mother...   
The heavens wanna cry today,   
in the passion of wind I can feel a storm coming.   
Comforted by the compassion of Nature and Belief    
I walk back through the sandy beach to my car   
passing the curious man     
carelessly brush just a touch of dust off my boots, get in and
turn on the ignition,
glossy lipstick applied as I drive
25 mph

up the slow road to work.

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