Submissions by RedHot_Peppers
Poet Introduction
De Poet.. plz know it note it and quote it... wit these keys i thee wed my words to the page u find anotha tongue slicka plz send dat incredibly talented person or poet this way 8^/ RedHot Pepperssss....
tHe MaGicAl MiRroR
for your 18th birthday I am gifting you a Magical Mirror..
it is one of kind and similar to a grapevine
for it produces fruits of your very own making..
if you smile..
without question or hesitation guaranteed it will show all within it smile back..
you may ask of it what you desire..
for it is capable of gathering items of every wish you can imagine..
this Mirror is made of Unconditional Love..
and only speaks the language of Vibration..
in other words..
'That which it feels as a Match, it will attract...
for your 18th birthday I am gifting you a Magical Mirror..
it is one of kind and similar to a grapevine
for it produces fruits of your very own making..
if you smile..
without question or hesitation guaranteed it will show all within it smile back..
you may ask of it what you desire..
for it is capable of gathering items of every wish you can imagine..
this Mirror is made of Unconditional Love..
and only speaks the language of Vibration..
in other words..
'That which it feels as a Match, it will attract...
433 reads
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HoNey PoT, hOnEy pOt
you are the honey
you are the pot
one thing may never be is not..
you may freely imagine
you are other than what you are..
for your honey is the substance
of unconditional love..
like a child you dressup to play an imaginative game of [re]discovery..
how better to expand a pot of honey
but with that of a seamlessly wondering bumblebee?..
as like attract like
have no question that you are of perfect timing..
perfect in your...
you are the pot
one thing may never be is not..
you may freely imagine
you are other than what you are..
for your honey is the substance
of unconditional love..
like a child you dressup to play an imaginative game of [re]discovery..
how better to expand a pot of honey
but with that of a seamlessly wondering bumblebee?..
as like attract like
have no question that you are of perfect timing..
perfect in your...
529 reads
My MiDniGhT VaLeNtiNe
You are the melody I put on repeat before entering into a deep sleep..
where in one way or another the two of us always agree to meet..
..then partake in the wondrous themes of my many nighttime dreams..
silly as it may sound and seem..
I know my dreams to be a real place..
simply of a different frequency..
a place where the God that is me..
sees, know and loves the Goddess that is you..
on this plane of existence we play without limitations;
dance, swim and make love in our imaginative manifestations..
though our many...
where in one way or another the two of us always agree to meet..
..then partake in the wondrous themes of my many nighttime dreams..
silly as it may sound and seem..
I know my dreams to be a real place..
simply of a different frequency..
a place where the God that is me..
sees, know and loves the Goddess that is you..
on this plane of existence we play without limitations;
dance, swim and make love in our imaginative manifestations..
though our many...
1323 reads
902 reads
DuMb dUmB..
The King’s hireling knight mentioned one night
to the Jester that sat aimlessly playing at the foot of the King’s thrown..
..’for one who knows so many wise tales
you seem to me dumber than a pouch of rocks
I know the King requires.. but your want seems to match in desire
to wear such colorful getups and long ludicrous sox..
Do you not care for such wisdom you know and spew
through all your silly tales?..
to think if you were not dumb but the wiser
you could be counsel in high court to thy faithful Sire..
to the Jester that sat aimlessly playing at the foot of the King’s thrown..
..’for one who knows so many wise tales
you seem to me dumber than a pouch of rocks
I know the King requires.. but your want seems to match in desire
to wear such colorful getups and long ludicrous sox..
Do you not care for such wisdom you know and spew
through all your silly tales?..
to think if you were not dumb but the wiser
you could be counsel in high court to thy faithful Sire..
1147 reads
bRidGe OvEr tRoUblEd WaTerS!
once upon a railroad track
traveled a seemly Cat and a handsome Rat
yes a handsome rat of the sort that played a mean Ukulele..
this handsome rat was named Bon
he’d travel the track strum his strings and sing his songs
each song different but when in trouble he’d sing the same one indeed
it so happened this day
this seemly cat pounced him as he walked, played and sang
Cat stating..
..’little handsome Rat you are now my prey!’..
the Rat in turn stated..
..’Mr. Seemly Cat if you would be so kind to let me up..
I promise not to...
traveled a seemly Cat and a handsome Rat
yes a handsome rat of the sort that played a mean Ukulele..
this handsome rat was named Bon
he’d travel the track strum his strings and sing his songs
each song different but when in trouble he’d sing the same one indeed
it so happened this day
this seemly cat pounced him as he walked, played and sang
Cat stating..
..’little handsome Rat you are now my prey!’..
the Rat in turn stated..
..’Mr. Seemly Cat if you would be so kind to let me up..
I promise not to...
972 reads
ThE SymPhoNy
A disciple of who chose a Guru
Due to the Guru’s agelessness and wisdom
Thought one day to ask..
..’Teacher.. how may I take steps to lengthen my days
That I may one day be as you are ageless and wise?’
The Guru in turn looked upon his pupil with a coy smile
Before leaning toward one of his many wives..
Whispering in his wife’s ear the Guru spoke a few words
Instantly making the two of them giggle out loud..
The student was puzzled at his teacher’s action and asked..
..’Teacher. is there something wrong with my asking such a question?’
Due to the Guru’s agelessness and wisdom
Thought one day to ask..
..’Teacher.. how may I take steps to lengthen my days
That I may one day be as you are ageless and wise?’
The Guru in turn looked upon his pupil with a coy smile
Before leaning toward one of his many wives..
Whispering in his wife’s ear the Guru spoke a few words
Instantly making the two of them giggle out loud..
The student was puzzled at his teacher’s action and asked..
..’Teacher. is there something wrong with my asking such a question?’
998 reads
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DU Poetry : Submissions by RedHot_Peppers