Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd January 2012 7:28pm
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
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Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

Poetry Contest

Write a poem describing your hell or what you believe hell is like.
Two poems per person.
Enjoy and be creative.

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Fiery Pit

Infected by psychosis
entreating for the stairs to descend
to usher me from this brutality
that dwells upon my blemished soul
Nothing but frantic rage lives
among all the forever stained
Desperate screams of repentance
echo in my head clouding my thoughts
Cover me
Make me a shield from the fiery brimstone
Give me just one drop
For the water here is hard to drink
Kill the worms
that feast upon my heart
continually prying through my skin
For I am punished with the heart of a beast
Give me another chance
to accept the sacrifice
Carry me to your world
For this furnace is too much to bare

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

Prince of the tides

my body  
The shadowplay  
wraps and winds  
dense delirium  
sets in  
a million suns  
lock jaw  
My sternum  
come from  
Cain cowers  
L u c i f e r  
The army whispers  
In unison  
Fall and rise  
the flesh  
of the virgins  
The dark matter  
light gets soaked  
without traces  
M. domestica  
Life jumpstarts  
over the  
H. Flaviviridis  

onto the widow skimmer  
in obelisk posture  
The unsung hero  
from necronomicon  
hides in oblivion  
behind the torn veil  
the madrigal of bleats  
of the decapitated  
The void within  
does not expand  
It inscapes  
Saturn engulfing his  
I am like  
the Navajo painting  
of a clear conscience  
I blink-breathe-bleat  
as Benjamin Spock  
stares from the night stand  
ready to cull  
ready for the fall  
Marat drowns in crimson  
The howling grows  
more muffled  
Nolde’s masks  
materialize and melt  
Wendigos lurch overhead  
celebrating the process  
of systematic putrefaction  
Grendel sniffs the air  
The eyes glower  
The hands flail  
The spurts spread  
I dethrone  
the half rotten  
from the iron maiden  
from within  
Malleus Maleficarum  
I watch  
Diodemes get consumed  
by horses  
I close my eyes  
and scurry thru  
Fuseli’s nightmare  
the unmoving malevolence  
of the twins in  
Hands resist him
I am the little boy  
and I expand  
and keep growing  
and morph into  
I grin-guffaw-goad  
at the layers diffused  
Munch’s The Scream  
I leave my scales  
Yellow billowing smoke  
rises and permeates  
the air  
with the stench  
of necrosis  
My head finally  
brushes against the roof  
No pill-swill-chill  
The one eyed koala bear  
lies prostate  
on the wooden box  
The shavings  
torn pages  
the follicle  
A stone turns  
I am encumbered  
A waste of space  

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Feed his fire,
melt his ice,
set him free.
Reprogram those robots,
with their perplexing amnesia
and decapitate my prognosis.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

The Hall Of The Damned        

The scream of sheer death
it deflates your lungs
and rips out your breath  
it tears apart
the ventricles of your heart
like the demonic sounds
of a fallen angels harp
the evil flame forming faces
howl and burn mental ash traces
that lick your brain with hot pain
which lights up the dark
to show the insane
in their stark underworld  
of plughole down drain .

A soul stealing trident
Satan spiked and hell sent
tri pronged and wrapped  
in a serpent
stands arrow capped  
in an evil dominant
inside are trapped spirits of unrepent
and infinite , expirement
they ache for your
desperate , detriment
and life retirement

So how can you be here
if your not dead yet
a demon leans near and says
this is what you might get
only fear if you gamble
and lose the bet
your soul so dear
shall be speared in an eternal net

The hall of the damned
full of gone murderers that hanged  
now they're hell framed
their pictured in pain
forever tortured  
dead and inane
they cry out contorted,  
faintly my name
as I leave Satans
emporium of reign
I know after this
that I'll play the right game
and never shall I diss
the lords name ever again ,
nor dare never shall I speak it
in vain .

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

From my epic (and true) poem, "Amongst the Dead":

Amongst the Dead - Parts Five through Eight...

Part Five: Within the White Light

I passed through that illuminated archway, and was so lonely...
That I longed for a place that was more pleasant, even homely.
The light became torches that showed halls of stone, so bleak.
And wherever I walked I heard cries and moans, all very weak!
I saw that many souls walked in bodies like corpses, decaying,
Their homes cut into the rock, shelves holding things alchemical.
For this was a vast cavern, and I had to cross without delaying,
Lest I too end like these spirits, meeting a fate evilly whimsical!
And so I passed crypts where mummies walked in circles full...
Ever onward, called by no voice yet driven by some harsh pull.
Across slender stone bridges spanning fiery gulfs full of souls,
Who cried as dark angels drove them deep into their torment.
Then I saw a child with solid white eyes, who beckoned to me!
She guided me hither, past the guardian who forever controls,
That part of the netherworld: most far beneath the firmament.
Three-headed Cerberus, the dog-like beast who so watches...
The demon that dwells in a cavern between two fiery patches.
How horrified was part of me: I wanted most to run, and flee!
As I was led through caverns filled, with half-woman spiders...
Where the gluttonous were devoured: by the grisly outsiders.
I clung to my guide's arm and felt strength in her most unreal,
For one so seeming young who has passed death's dark seal.
I sensed she had in life drowned at sea, dying so very tragic...
Made in death into something more, by some unknown magic.

Part Six: Loved Ones Lost

The litte girl's short, curly brown hair made her look innocent,
And I realized that not all in that place were there to repent.
In a black hallway of obsidian stone, a table for a feast did sit,
And at it sat my grandfather's shade, alone, and ever hungry.
Each time he touched a plate of food it turned to ashes in a fit,
And I wept to see such a punishment for one of my own family!
He asked me to help him but I could not; I followed my guide,
Through a door and into a garden near a river of blood: scarlet.
There did grow a garden nurtured by a ghostly orange blaze,
Every tree seeming aflame: whilst souls walked as if in a daze.
My mother was there, speaking with old friends from the living,
Who were taken off to their torments by demons unforgiving...
Her torment was to watch them suffer; how I cried for her fate,
But perhaps it was gentler than some, and less filled with hate.
She knew not how to move on from there, and so she did stay,
Oddly: of her own will, in that garden where the flames do play.
Nearby, another river of flame was fed: by the blood river also,
And therein were serpents swimming, where the water did go.
Along the banks we crept along a path toward a wall, rugged,
With bloody ivy clinging moist to it, so that at the touch it bled.
My guide opened another door in the wall covered with red ivy,
And through a deep, dark passage we walked ever so silently.

Part Seven: Lands of Eternal Night

After passing the bleeding wall, I was fearful and nearly insane,
And so my guide took a moment to clasp my hands so softly…
Then, in that exact instant, I knew at last the dear child’s name.
It was Cordelia; and I began to realize her aid was very costly,
For in that part of the universe, all souls did pay a heavy price!
She dusted off her frilly dress, then stared at me almost vapid.
I realized she could see, although not a word had she even said!
With inhuman strength, she pulled me through a horrid country,
All black ash beneath black clouds shot with fire out of deviltry.
Rugged mountains and crags loomed from west to east, black,
Just as gigantic statues of demonic gods filled crater and crack.
Petty kingdoms warred across the lifeless plains, without point,
Whilst heroes for the day struggled to themselves kingly anoint.
I could see how every tale of war had its’ horror in this level…
And I did long to put past me all the terrors of sword and spell.
Volcanoes erupted, flooding the deeper places with fiery lava,
And so swift was our passage: that like the very boat of Ra…
My guide and I crossed those lands of eternal night, unharmed.
Soon, having made a vast circular passage downward, under,
Vast caverns opened up before us, dark green as a cucumber.
One hollowed out, and in that moist tunnel were witches vile…
We evaded their claws, ignoring the nauseating stench of bile.

Part Eight: The River Styx

I turned around as we passed a bridge over a watery chasm,
To see an image of Jesus the Christ shining bright: far behind.
He gazed upon all the wretched undead, saving us from them,
For they could not pursue us, whilst held in that blessed bind.
Brief was our respite, in that domain with so few sanctuaries!
Past countless living shadows and across haunted cemeteries,
We flew, if feet could fly, and soon came to a low-lying ledge.
Before us was the river Styx, gray and lifeless as some corpse,
The banks of which knew naught of any tree, grass, or hedge.
Swiftly came the ferryman to our shore, drawn by some force,
That of old did bind old Charon to serve any willing to cross.
And so he took us down the river, as the current fast did toss,
The vessel of our passage, as devils flocked like unto red bats.
There they were amidst the roof of the cavern, rabid like rats!
Even so we made it to the dock where the boat floated surely,
And we did disembark Cordelia paid Charon, who was surly.
Two ancient copper coins as was the ancient law so ordained,
By the gods who made the ferry, back when they had reigned.
Soon we crossed a narrow pass through cliffs high as spires…
And by some good fortune, we evaded all of the impish criers.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

From my epic (and true) poem, "Amongst the Dead":

Amongst the Dead - Parts Fifteen through Nineteen...

Part Fifteen: Beyond the Seven Gates

At the bottom of the stairwell, in a massive pillared cavern...
Seven divisions of a city carved into the rock, rose up before,
The eyes of my spirit: and the blind gaze of my young guide.
As a drunk is drawn to enter the nearest welcoming tavern,
My soul was called to pass the seven gates yet once more,
For I had been there of old I knew, and therein I did reside.
Behind us, insect-like creatures crawled up the pillars darkly,
Blocking also the stairs, so that we were forced on so harsh.
A demon was with them, flaming and with lightning sparkly...
Massive in form: guiding the insects out of an infernal marsh.
The seven guardians stripped my soul of every earthly care,
Until I stood before an island whereon was a temple great!
Beyond that was a silent reservoir, where waters do stare,
Staring silent: the reflections within of all past the final gate.
The serpentine sentinels allowed me to pass, unhindered...
Down into the city's center I went, feeling oddly bewildered.
The child bade me enter the temple, and within dark halls...
I saw upon a slab my own body arrayed like a proud prince.
Turning unto bones at my touch, there within death's walls!
Suddenly, a corridor of flame appeared not far from thence.
Having overcome my own mortality, I felt like the phoenix...
Born anew of its' own power, having overcome many tricks.

Part Sixteen: The Corridor of Flame

Cordelia was weeping, for she had to let me go my route...
And my last glimpse of her face, was of her smiling so cute!
My guide motioned me to go through that hot, infernal whirl,
Wherein spirits screamed in agony, and demons flew aloft...
Within blackness so complete that not a light could ever hurl,
Its' way into that realm below: where all screams fall so soft.
So soft, that none in this realm could hear them crying aloud,
Even so did I pass into that terrible corridor, my spirit proud!
Unlike those damned, I emerged unscathed into a place new,
A windowed hall wherein orange light flowed, and birds flew.
There was no hint of the corridor I left or where it had begun!
Outside, the clouds were aflame and I could see not a sun...
Shining upon the mountains and forests, though lit so subtle,
That no source for the illumination, could greet my mind full...
Until at my side I felt something nearing me, an ancient spirit!
She was tall, her hair platinum, her eyes all a-blazing with fire.
Other souls saw something else and greatly did they fear it!
Yet I was drawn to her like no other, filled with primal desire.
Was this temptation, or was this infatuation with true glory?
This was the soul who called me and began this dark story.
She stood near a fountain with a lion's head spewing water,
Imperious as a queen: far nobler than any human daughter.

Part Seventeen: Daughter of the Morn

The six wings of the seraphim stretched forth from her back,
As the angel before me was clothed in silks of purest black.
I was alone in the hall with her, my guide long since behind,
And as the angel kissed my lips, I thought I would go blind!
Her eyes were emerald flames, the glory of which soothed,
Perhaps too much, for I closed my own and then swooned.
Opening them, I saw the angel was now a very young girl,
With green eyes and only the color of her hair, its' soft curl;
This to tell me I was still in the presence of a sacred angel.
I too love the sunset, she exclaimed, and the gold sunrise,
Those words making me recall hearing them like a faint bell.
I heard them before, long ago, and then with dark surprise,
I realized in whose hall I now stood, and knelt before her.
For no one could do otherwise in the halls of bright Lucifer!
I sensed no evil in her heart: nor malice within her bosom,
Only a timeless purity: more ancient than man's first womb.
Not hideous, as the tales tell: that are designed to deceive,
Was this matriarch of the deep fires; if all could perceive...
The true face of that fallen angel, they would speak fairly,
For if her fall from Heaven marked her, it did so gracefully.
She shared with me the juicy seeds of a red pomegranate,
From a small basket she took them, near a wall of granite.

Part Eighteen: A Flight into Shadow

Like a young sister, she led me through a virtual paradise,
Where beautiful gardens grew, and water flowed gently...
Amidst palaces and temples making us small as tiny mice,
Such was the scale of everything, the power and beauty!
We sat there together upon a grassy hill; a tree gigantic…
Did provide us shade, and the atmosphere was romantic.
She was no longer a child, but a maid so androgynous...
Yet of such beauty was she, that it was beyond lustrous!
We kissed as lovers, forbidden fruit shared by closest kin,
Although nothing in that place was forbidden, nothing a sin!
Having seen the flowers of Hell, I was now to see shadow.
And so Lucifer led me beyond the ever-pleasant meadow,
That the ancients called Elysium: and now is without name.
She led me to a darker place, black cliffs rising so endless...
To equal the depths below filled with a lake of fierce flame.
Lucifer bade me hold her close, soft her breath and dress!
She became her angelic self once again, and flew me down,
As we flew, I suddenly was clothed all in gold like a crown.
My own wings finally emerging, until I flew without all help,
I flew at my sister's side and I finally knew all about myself!
Nameless I was, yet I soared in grace, as in the beginning,
When all divine children so soared: and before all, did sing.

Part Nineteen: The Torch of Liberty

As we two angels made our way, all sense of haste faded.
Lucifer was radiant in her full glory, wearing a crown gilded,
By some craft beyond the skill of smiths of flesh and bone...
With an emerald set therein, seven rays of light had shone:
Out from that noble diadem, as she smiled at me serenely...
She was glorious in her splendor, carrying herself queenly!
Her celestial sword was sheathed fast at her girdled waist,
Where on the other side hung a book bound silent, chaste.
Held in her right hand, a torch illuminated darkness thick...
Whilst her free hand held mine, in a grasp that did so stick!
Inseparable, we sailed the very crimson skies of perdition,
Seeking after the heart of the darkness, seat of tradtion...
Where of old, the dragon mother was sealed and thus held.
In the coldest region: where frost and flame do fluidly meld,
Hither did Lucifer escort me, not for torment but knowledge!
But first, my soul had to pass death's pale personification...
There: to earn the right to return to life, the coveted badge,
For which I had endured all; ending our sweet fornication...
The Lightbearer herself, goddess of liberty, did thusly lead,
My true self thence: to the gulfs of Arallu, to become freed!

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

The Muffling Of The Drum        

The low muffling
of the drum
the shackled shuffling
has just begun
the eerie clinking
were all sinking
its time to on yourself
point the gun  
the sea under shelf
has just risen
the fallen one
is sure to come
the overwhelm
of an under realm
Demon's man the helm
along with Satan
they try to teach  
through the rigor to reach
so I  beseech  
don't go off wiith them
where the flames of hell
they choke and swell
only for to fell and
replace the sun  
the beast he stands
he holds out reptile hands  
to summon up the sands
in a poisoned  ocean
your times over
the end is coming
no more earthly
hell has  
just begun .

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 216

The Hell of Who?

there once is a life twas just cant see
from the deths of hell came to be
formly of a dark hiden place
suroud by fire in every space.
smooches and kissis will lead to hell
hiddin in darkness no one could tell.
evil, hole, and hull come from the same root
to look apone  satans  hellion boot.
just that simple wish to sell your soul.
to play apone his evil role.
so  theologians got into the act
were hell no longer became a  miyth of fact.
The Goddess of Hel from the  Norse mythology
Became Satan, hero of most eschatology.
the darkness from his incendiary eyes.
told only a story to you full of lies.
the way his world is braud and wide.
evilness surrounds us no longer it hide
there once is a life twas just cant see
from the deths of hell came to be
so  theologians got into the act
were hell no longer became a  mith of fact.
The Goddess of Hel from the  Norse mythology
Became Satan, hero of most eschatology

-Kumiko Yamamoto

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 21

He came into my life
when I was just a little girl
I was happy and young
And then he changed my world

One night I was in bed
And he came to say goodnight
except he took a little longer
before he turned out the light

He really hurt me that night
And I didn't know what to do
I thought it happened to most
well every little boy and girl

I lay in bed that night
Hurting inside and out
tears streaming down my face
I tried hard not to shout out

I put that tragic night
to the back of my head
playing games at school
there was nothing to be said

A year had passed along
and then it happened again
My mum was out at work
it was him and me again

I was sat next to him
just watching the TV
when he pulled me close to him
and again molested me

I thought it only happened once
When I had done something bad
but now I knew I was wrong
I felt alone and sad

And 8 years on I got
the courage to tell someone
the police got involved and stuff
I was hated by my mum

she kicked me out that day
and stuck right by his side
saying I was attention seeking
and that it was all lies

so in the end it got too much
and I told the police I lied
everything went back to normal
I swear I wish I'd died

everything was going well
until he sent me those texts
saying he would kill himself
it was all my fault instead

so I went back to the police
and told them it all again
he's moved out for now
its investigating time again

but my mum still hates me
and thinks its all a lie
I feel so alone right now
I wish I would just die

I've told a couple of friends
but its hard for them you see
to put up with something as stupid
as a teenager like me

all I do is mope and cry
because no-one understands
what I feel inside each day
please someone take my hand

I cut myself sometimes
When the pain gets too much
I hate him for what he did
and where he used to touch

I often think I'll run away
or step into the road
my future seems so black and dim
I'm only 17 years old

And if the case is dropped
he will come back home again
and I'll be back to where I began
In a world of sadness and pain

I hope someone hears my cry
and says they understand
I just don't know what to do anymore
I'm scared and on my own

So you see I'm stuck forever
I just want to scream and shout
But there's something you have to know
That for me, there's no way out

The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

Addicted to smack,
beaten for sport,
cancer, Aids, deaf, blind, mute,
aborted, miscarried, forgotten,
in debt, struggling, oniomania,
no roof, no sustenance, no rest.
Void family, compulsive liars
only to deceive

Hell is here
and we are "Satan" for turning
the blindest of eyes.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

ImperfectedStone said:Addicted to smack,
beaten for sport,
cancer, Aids, deaf, blind, mute,
aborted, miscarried, forgotten,
in debt, struggling, oniomania,
no roof, no sustenance, no rest.
Void family, compulsive liars
only to deceive

Hell is here
and we are "Satan" for turning
the blindest of eyes.

hell yeah , ha ha ha great that I really enjoyed reading it thanks for that LA

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 216


twist the truth of every side
look inside the  egals eye..
befalls our character untreated guilty
changing them mind and whats not silky...
There is no hope apone whats been told
unfavor mouth of weeping cold..
people of the denial and awaited soul
Twisting truth and stabilized  role....
given up trying to understand how
Mephistopheles controle what you have know...
      -Kumiko Yamamoto

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 31st Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 134

" My Hell "

I see it every where around me
In the eyes of those who harm me
In places I shouldn't even be
Hell is me

       The devil courses through me
       Telling me all the things I want to hear
       Telling me to give him my fear
       That I must bow down to only him
       "No one is without sin"...
       Constantly whispering it in my ear

Without even being here
I feel his heat
Surrounding me
Warning me
Of his power
Reminding me
To feel the terror

       Hell is never
       Too far away
       Devil makes sure I obey
       Eternally his slave


My soul's already there...

Written by Tara A.

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

My Hell

Bell rings-- Class in session.

Ignore the glances from the sombre faces that dot the halls,
the monsters that slither into the seats wearing masks that
make them look like humans for a split second.

I know that the storm is coming,
I see the monsters still.
Because I have gotten close enough to
look under those fake, pathetic facades
and see the dark, sinister creatures hiding under
those masks.

Look at her.
She looks like a nice person, wrong she's an evil Gorgon that will turn your heart to stone with just once glance.
He seems funny but he is only trying to trick young girls into
opening the door that should kept sacred until marriage or true love.
That girl seems endearing, but do not trust her--
Because under her curly brown locks and glasses lies a cold blooded killer that had a hit list on all of her friends.

Bell rings-- Time to go to your next class.

There is no where for people like me in this valley of punishment. There is no salvation for people like me, people that cannot make it through the day and need to hide before the monsters can get their hearts.
What our teachers and vice principals see as a harmless girl, I see as a person who hates me and will do whatever she can to make my life living hell.

I can't do this.
This pretending that these Holister sporting wannabes do.
Walking through the halls, pretending that school is an awesome place. Pretending that they are "individuals", you are not your own person if you got the same pair of shoes that everyone else has.
You are a sheep and you are lining yourself up to be slaughtered by the master.
Among the masses I stand out, making sure to be different and not follow any trends. I do not want to be normal in any way, shape or form.
I want to just be me.
I want to just be happy.
But until I escape the halls at 2:08pm every day, I am a prisoner of the creatures, the monsters, the evils demons that run this mad house.

Don't get me started on work. . .
School work.
Books to be read.
Study guides need to be completed.
Notes need to be taken.

Need to be on time.
Need to be paying attention.
Don't listen to music.
Listen to the people talking behind your back.
Make sure that everyone sees that you're different.
They will pick you apart.
Do not act like you're awesome and you don't care.
Because you will be a made into a joke.

I know.
I am.
Have been.
Always will be.

And then the school wonders why I'm always hiding.
It doesn't matter to them.
I just need to be punished, ISS, detention. . .
Don't expect that makes me better.
I still hate people.
They still hate me.

Putting me among the masses, makes me a victim
And they are all the monsters.
This is my hell.

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