Poetry competition CLOSED 27th December 2011 7:29pm
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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Free Write. (no revisions)

u suck tho
Lost Thinker
Joined 11th May 2011
Forum Posts: 7

Poetry Contest

free write.
All you do is free write with making no revisions! It can be however long you want it to be and whatever you want it to be about!
exceptions: spell check, re-reading it.

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

The Paranoia around android 2.0

"Yorke talks in high falsetto
And his crescendo is just so much
And as the high wailing a lost soul
And he sees and says the empty half truths
And the inverted, ugly rainbow across the smogged sky
Which is but a projection from the six sigma model
And Eiffel tower is such beautiful waste of electricity
And why? Just so as to be immortalized in the hard disk drives
Of all those developed world tourists-glorious, golden

And Yorke talks about the town and the trends
About the unreal realism while Greenwood shudders
And makes his guitar bleed beautifully
And they break down post recording and the EP is a smash hit
And what do you do? You 'like' them on Facebook and Myspace

And create discussion boards to fight about what they intend
To convey thru the abstractions...Ha!

Thom, my friend, well you can go on and they will go on
MTV killed music but what to do when radioheads sit
And debate about the genre of the white noise
On the telly and the flickering black and white
Comparing it with their own vast emptiness
Listening to Special disc editions with weed and beer

And someone just takes out his brand new Android
And they get back where they started and appreciate
And it's the thing of beauty with endless applications

And someone plays the favourite track where you play live
And the track starts with the crowd screaming deafeningly
And the track progresses in excellent resolution and surround sound
Wow! Android, I am so paranoid..

And the different solos and synthesizer work just blows them away
And they listen on letting themselves be touched by the surreal magic
And it's just too sad, my friends, it's tragic!"

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Ten Year Old Face        (SP Summerscales)

The croquet loop shaped building
is lying on its side .
Opposite stands the rusted metal diamonds
that form an infant abused fence .

The night is staunch
black mist has inherited the moons glistening .
The gentle
but temperimental
ballad like ,
whistling wind
fills you with an incredulous haunting
the beaten tarmac all pourous and grim
very daunting .

The artificial light emitting pole
stands over the playground
impaling years of emotion on it .
As it casts its feeble light
over the spar chipped yard
crisp packets skip and hop intermitantly
across the vast hopscotch painted slab .

The white decaying , lathed fence
is bent over to its ultimate
the sound of its pitiful creaking
very definate .

The curates house stands isolated
all alone
window frames rotten
slates broken
pointing missing from the stone .

My nostalgia carries me to this place
my emotions are still there
it doesn't need my ten year old face
to complete the picture
or maybe its a trace .

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17075

In the circle of cycles

On that desert sand dune
of the landscape of my mind
I watch you stand
at the other side of the river
looking away from me
Loneliness personified

How do I remember you
O my beloved
you left to traverse
the shifting universe
of life and death and life
again, eons ago

You are etched in a blazing memory
seared into my soul
like a possesive brand
Worshiped like a minor god
Prayed to, for and with
memories stoked like fire

I follow you through the cycle
looking out, finding out
reaching out for the you
that returns to look at me
somehow missing you
in that ever-moving cycle

I miss you again in this  life
That is long and mundane
an existence where the mediocre
grips and rules breathes
To wait for that gasp of release
and look for you some more

On that desert, across the river
You look up to gaze at me
Smiles and waves
that burst of lightning came
signaling a death, a birth
and the chase is on again.

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Green Eyed Saviour (A Rant)

Hazel eyes, brown in the shadows and when the sunlight hits them they spark into green emeralds. Your mouth on mine, my knees get weak-- My world stops spinning for once, everything is calm-- Everything is at peace for once, there is no pain no worrying. I am no longer me and you are no longer you, we are strangers drifting aimlessly on the continental shelf. We are wandering spirits that's fibers entertwined when you followed me out of my house when you stopped me from ending my life, when you turned me to face you and looked me in the eyes-- All the planets aligned and it was just you and I. We were just two people, two random people-- Everything stopped and for the first time I removed all egotism from me and watched myself in third person as she stood staring at the guy that she was slowly, ever so slowly falling in love with. I think about those times that I looked forward to seeing you during the summer, that I loved hanging out with you, that I was purposely look like I was taking my time to get to my class just so I could see you-- I didn't realize what was happening, you were my perfect match all along-- You get me in ways that I didn't think someone could ever get me, you love me in ways I didn't think anyone could ever love someone, you listen to me when I thought no one ever would-- And you don't just listen to me, you hear what I'm saying. You don't just understand me, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You recited my feelings, my thoughts, my emotions back to me countless times. You have finished my thoughts, my sentences, read my mind from miles away. You have utterly amazed me in every way imaginable. I thought you were my best friend, the best friend that I searched the world and the seven seas to find. I thought you were the broken road that God blessed just so that I could make it safely through my life. I thought you were just a kind hearted stranger that would sooner or later leave like so many others. I thought you were just another person until I got to know you. And I realized that you were just like me, questioning your purpose in the world and believing that you were suppose to be no one that you were suppose to remain a transparent eyeball and see the world through the eyes of third person, of someone narrating life from somewhere on the ceiling. And then I came into your life and I showed you that you can be a person, that you can show your emotions-- the passion that burns inside you, it's like liquid fire. The tears that you try to hide they are proof that you are not strong, that you are not someone that pretends that nothing can penetrate his wall-- But something did, someone did and that someone was me. I didn't mean to break you down, I just wanted to see what was inside of your heart. And when I saw that you were just as shy and awkward, as loving and understanding as myself I took you as my own. I gave you a place by my side, holding my hand and staring into my eyes. My eyes, the eyes that you say turn gold in the sun-- As I stare into your green ones that make me blush and look the other way, that make me want you in ways that you will never imagine. I love you, that's all it comes down to I guess. You were just a nameless face at one point, but now you are something so much more. You are my soul mate, our souls match together in perfect balance, like a weapon and it's miester. You are there to be used as my protection and I am there to give you that purpose. I trust you and you trust me, I love you and you love me. Our souls are entertwined, together perfectly as one. Fitting together like a hand on a glove. I love you and I thank you for everything, even though you can see that I am broken you still except me and allow me into your heart and into your arms. I am not a whole person yet but you are bringing me together. And so as I stare at you as we say our good-bye after a long day of just being together, of just being near the other. I don't want to let you go because when I'm with you, you're holding me together. You and you alone, when I'm alone that's when I think that I am a broken doll again, a gutiar that's out of tune. But when I'm with you I feel whole, I feel complete. I feel the way everything should be, the world has stopped and that's the way it's to remain, you and me floating together in space. . .Forever. Hazel eyes, brown in the shadows and when the sunlight hits them they spark into green emeralds. Your mouth on mine, my knees get weak-- My world stops spinning for once, everything is calm.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

This is one part of an epic cycle I wrote and published on the poetry site Starlite Café, called “Memoirs of a Galactic Emperor”. I have made this segment a lot more detailed here than I had it in the original version though. It is based upon actual past-life memories I have which predate human history. I can say no more.

“If I were to tell you of other times, of the things I have beheld since time’s dawn, you would know me for who and what I truly am. And I could not hide behind any mask of flesh, for my eldest name would mark me as surely as any name given to a human being by his or her earthly maker. That my first maker was not of any earthly flesh is all I shall divulge… that, and how she was empress of a domain no mortal eye has beheld, save through divine will. In defiance of the edict given her by a force that is part of all and so inescapable… she took the stuff of life and light to fashion a child for herself, to manifest a creation apart from that Creator which men consider deity. Was I so terrible an offspring that the force my maker defied saw fit to enforce my exile? Nay, for I sense in that force no malice, but simply the notion that there was rightness in what was done. I went into exile cast far from the celestial empress, and on a planet close to the seat of divine glory in the heavens I was bade to make my home. Of that world much is told in ancient lore, and how seven sought dominion over it. Six were my children, my creations, and I was the seventh of their number. Even as I was the first of them! Seven were we, and in time came twelve children of the Olympian race who believed themselves superior to us in every way. They made their capital on our world, and we shared a city we called Eden. Not the garden on Earth that was to be but a colony of our race… but the first Eden. Kolob was the name of our world, in the texts of certain faiths. It is out there still, in the vastness of the stars, but only a shell of its’ former glory. Made ruinous by the wars between the twelve upstarts and we who came before them. We: whom they called Titans and looked at as demons! In Eden was a great theater with walls of gold, in which presided the ruling council of the Olympian race. Twelve gods in total, and I was given a seat upon their gathering and called the thirteenth. They claimed that the divine force, which imposed my exile, loved them more than I; and believing the empress too to have abandoned me I grew jealous of them. I was blinded to the will of that force; I came to believe that I was the only true god of that world. That the ruling twelve of Olympian blood: were false gods, playing at divinity whilst mocking their elders. And so was kindled the seeds from which sprang forth war. We seven rose up against the twelve Olympians and the world we had come to love became drenched in blood and charred by fire. In time, I came to see that I had been blind to the divine force’s love. In time, I came to know that the empress sent me into exile out of love rather than hate. But that did not save Kolob, nor could it bring back the goddess Athena from the Netherworld. She was the only one of the twelve whom I truly loved, and she perished out of despair caused by the enmity between Olympian and Titan. I tried to bargain with the ruler of the Netherworld for her sake, but that dark goddess could not be moved to pity even by my tears. And so passed Athena, wisest of the Olympian gods. True goddess that she was, not false like her brethren! These are secrets I share with you. Dark and terrible secrets! The theater that once held our council became a place of torment in later generations. The paradise that once was the first Eden became a shattered capital of a dead world. Kolob would remain sacred, but never again would it become a world where one could truly live. There were no winners in that war of the gods, and we left in a second exile. We left our world, as did the Olympians. We journeyed in one direction, and they in another. We found a world in another part of the heavens, a world between Jupiter and Mars. Two planets we named after the gods who once were our mortal foes. The world we found was called Terra. Not Earth, which was still young in those days and unnamed by us. But the first Terra, which our enemies would rename: Astra Tartarus. Some called it Rahab, after a great beast that lived in its’ waters. That world became our new home. It was inhabited by a native race of reptilian beings known as Draconians, ruled by a queen named Tiamat. Beautiful was Tiamat, beyond the comprehension of the mortal mind. She adopted me as her own son, naming me the heir to her throne and power. I became her lover as well, and she and I shared rule of Terra in those days. Upon the now lost world of Mars was a colony of Terra, and I was named prince of that colony, and given to the daughter of Tiamat in marriage to seal forever the ties between Titan and Draconian peoples. Mars was yet green and held water in those days before Earthly history began. But soon came the Olympian war fleet and their flagship, the Leviathan. Their great ruler Jupiter, or Zeus, whom the Draconians called Marduk, had sworn to destroy the Titan race at any cost… and so was the War in Heaven begun. Tiamat named me her war chieftain, the Kingu, and I led her ships against the enemy who had entered our world’s space. We were utterly destroyed, and Tiamat was slain when the Leviathan caused another planet to enter Terra’s orbit and smash into it… obliterating the place we had come to call our home. It became only rubble, and the asteroids that were the remnants of it annihilated all life on Mars, pitting Earth’s moon with craters. A single such asteroid struck Earth, and caused the extinction there, of many prehistoric species. I was taken in chains before the ruler of the Olympians, my blood taken to create human slaves to serve the gods. But I survived! I and the other six who were my creations had managed to escape the captivity of the Olympians. We fled into the depths of space, to a place I cannot divulge, and we bided our time until we grew strong once again. Then, we journeyed back to the world of Kolob, which had been taken over by the Olympian race along with several other worlds that became their intergalactic empire. We laid waste to every planet they had settled, even the one that once had held the glorious domain of Eden. The goddess Solaris was created: by the divine force, with the assistance of the empress that was my maker… created to be my sister, to help me lead the Titans to victory over the Olympian tyranny. But she went beyond that, by trying to establish peace between both sides. However, it was too late and the bloody and fiery war of the gods resumed more terribly than before. They came to despise us, and Solaris was called by them Lucifer, the Light-Bearer. For the light of her power was terrible to stand against indeed, even as she was beautiful to behold! From the ashes of countless dead worlds, the Olympians emerged tattered and worn unto breaking. And we fared far the worse for it, almost annihilated in turn. Together we set forth, forced to cooperate in order to survive. I shall not speak of the journey before us, and the horrors of it. It led back to the only place we could remember where we might start over. Earth. We named Earth Terra in honor of the world that had been destroyed due to the sins of pride and wrath. We named our first colony there: Eden, in honor of the Eden we had lost forever. And we have walked amongst you ever since. I am human now, for after the sinking of Atlantis I was made mortal so that my pride might be humble for all of time. I am human now, but I remember all that came before. Every incarnation and reincarnation I have ever had upon this world since the curse of mortal death was imposed upon me. Since I was bound to the wheel of Karma. These are secret things I tell you, and they are not the only secret things I know.”

Gleana Snipoms
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 270

Not Me

Becoming a person
Within the same vessel
Perfectly contrived
Fooling the observer
Speak in smoother tones
Deeper is the vocals
Posture so relaxed
Time will never pass
Write in journal separate
This mind is not my own
He always judges people
Which I always forgo
Behind his sharpened gaze
Is where I will remain
Until it's time again
To reclaim these veins.

Paulina Dionne
Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 7awards
Joined 9th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 1141

No body's heart

love comes and goes
to our friends, and our foes
it's misused without mention
to make us cry is it's intention
tears fall heavy like lead
heart of steel but now dead
but each time it makes us stronger
because love likes to keep us longer
love; the most beautiful feeling
to stop our insanity from slowly healing
if you lose someone, don't be forlorn
a death if a dream is only to mourn
always look upon thy face
as you might see it in another place
love is always written in the stars
but a second hand heart, always leaves scars
in the end our emotions are to start
you can't give it back , as it's nobody's heart!

Thought Provoker
New Zealand 6awards
Joined 23rd May 2010
Forum Posts: 311

Take me like a tasty sugar pill
Placebo your so good to all ill
Jealous of your stance so mysterious
So subtle you do nothing at all to them
Selling you on the Black market
telling them it's better than E
I can tell you now it's better
It doesn't make you want to scream
2 a.m in the morning wish you'd make me feel alright
2 a.m in the morning
I might die if I don't get my fix tonight
Whats the time
It's never ending
All this time I spend relying
On stronger substances
Wish these sugarpills could make it all go away
But I'm not hallucinating
Without my poison
It's never gonna end
Unless I stop taking my medicine
As painful as it is, I wish those sugarpills
Would turn back time

To before 2 a.m meant closing time :/

Immortal Wonderer
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2

The Shadow's Light

The Luminescent paints faded gray upon a naked canvas.  The slate is filled with shades of Shadow.  There, it can be found.  Created from the Luminescent's daughter, but resides along side the Shadow's son.  How shall we classify it?  The Fallen One?  Or simply another lost soul, cast out as a resuld of a miserable series of events.  Either way, the Luminescent's girl weeps; not just for her only, fallen offspring, but for all of the iridescent souls she calls upon.  Yet, she wages on; immortal blood and tears against the Shadow's boy.  Will her Fallen ever be saved?  Or, shall he follow his spirit-darkening friend?  All the while, the ancient elders of Luminescent and Shadow dance with decision.  Death is summoned to restore the balence the new generation threw.  One last epic ocean storm to result in peace.  Death departs, leaving the elders in their bitter sweet emotion among the Shadow's Light.

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

Take the last six minutes
before the clock hits four
and stare outwards
at the same inside you were questioning
seven long hours ago.
Now stare at the alarm you set,
learn to hate it
as it promises to drag you in to the cold
world of the living
in such a short amount of time.

I'm temporarily distracted
by the wordy one
above me, but I soon forget
as heartburn rips at my throat
and I take a few seconds
to roll a cigarette,
so I can watch the smoke dance
instead of hitting at the keys
with no crucial ending
in sight.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Part two in my series

BatCat2: The Return
There was a jewel heist
Two-bite was behind
Should BatCat use the BatCatwing?
Or the BatCatmobile’s speed?
He drove there fast
as a hyper cat
He soon arrived
in his cool ride

He used his BatCaterang
with a explosive bang
And took out two thugs
smashed them like bugs
Then Two-bite flipped his treat
To decide BatCat’s destiny
But bat can had a bone bomb
And threw it and won

Now that he won
and his mouse kick was gone
He was ready for a break
But not today
The city was screaming
And they needed him
So he suited up again
and called an old friend

Scardycat was the new enemy
Batcat needed help from…NightSqueak
Together the old friends
defended old Cathem
With teamwork
they would endure
the fear gas
and Scardycat’s attacks
Together they defeated Crane
And gave him to Com. Catdon

And so this concludes
The epic part two
More will come soon
of these two

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 29th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 12

blind, a stray on the moaning pavement
following a scent of metallic blood and bitter semen,
a smile numbing the face, lips perked and moist
eager for a chemical escape-
lies masquerade on an injured tongue,
bullet sharp words scathe their wounds
and make a white noise of conversation,
every greeting a warning,
every goodbye a promise broken by retreat,
sheltered in despair, a hardened shell of
remorseless contradiction,
oblivious to suffocation, a fool's way in
and no way out

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 30th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 4


Tears are rain of the soul

Cleansing me throughout

rinsing away my sin and pain

helping me to heal

As the rain falls down listen closely not a sound is heard

cause it is the Angels, crying tears bringing down there Love for all creations on Earth

I lift my head up and let the rain of the Angels touch my face

and when their crying is all done

those dark clouds of doubt and despair is gone

out comes the sun

rays of New Hope

as I look up above the rainbow appears in the sky

It's Gods promise for all of us to hold

So please remember there is


Rivers flow

running deep

water falls so breath taking for all to see and be in AWE!!

How it all overwhelms me and intoxicates me

with all of Natures Wonders

as the rain falls my anguish leaves my body,spirit,and mind

I'm soothed with a strong reassurance of Angels arms

As I feel a Peace come over me for the


Strange Creature
United States
Joined 7th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1

your love
is like poison
i want
every ounce of it
because knowing
that your
love is always there
your like the blood
in my veins
you never
going to leave me
like you promised
i love you
til the day
i die

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