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2024 Official DUP NaPoWriMo Challenge

Fire of Insight
United States 15awards
Joined 12th July 2017
Forum Posts: 286



“Pick a name” is a common thought on that Thursday night
It was an open mic
Handcrafted she was, oh so tediously stitched, stuffed with love and care
A thoughtful gift
Curly pearlescent hair, white floral dress
A wand in her right hand
Yes, she is perfect, sits atop a shelf
Not an elf, but a fairy doll
Keeping watch over my bed
Esther, what a treasure
That’s what I’ll call her
And keep inside my heart.

L.C. McQuillen
Thought Provoker
Australia 5awards
Joined 17th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 64


I am afraid of what my
Husband has become

He has drained all of my resources
And makes me work day to night

I can’t escape because the money
He takes funds a genocide  

He has control over my body
And what I may not do

He poisons my food and water
And feeds me prescriptions until I’m blue

He sent our child to school
Knowing the teacher is armed and loaded

There is no place to go where
His morality hasn’t folded

He’ll silence me completely
If I do not stand up now

America is our abuser
And our time to rise is now

{68 unique words}

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1877



I left my footprints in the river bed
they held a painful question ‘bout my past
water flowed over the imprints and said

A prayer to the gods on my behalf
gifting a swift shift in consciousness
that had painful questions about my past

Childhood scenes observed the unholy mess
in a bigger picture which reframed it all
gifting a swift shift in consciousness

The journey of a thousand miles may stall
but at long last ends with a final step
as a bigger picture reframes it all

And in the end, what can one say … “well, yep
it took several decades, that’s surely true
yet finally ended with a single step”

Trudging through sludge to a differing view
water flowed over my imprints and said
“it took several decades, that surely is true
but your footprints lie there, on my river bed”.

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903


Why Bother

I've had
an urgent
with death
since i started

always walking
a very
thin line
panic grips
my hand
asking me

to dance

living inside
the dark doubts
about existing
each day dawns
pistol cocked ready
for when
self destruction
is assured

no bluff
being called here
only russian roulette
new apocalypse
explosive mind games
going boom

unique word count 59

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 312

25 of 30

poetic IV

I've always done my best writing
when I relinquish the pen to my heart
letting the beat bleed out ink
staining my waiting parchment
crimson script spreading
pools & rivulets capturing emotions & moods
when love raged through gossamer veins
setting the unstained page ablaze
because passion negates any sense of restraint

I am nothing...
...if not all in

the only time my rhythm truly freed of its cage
staccato pumping...thumpety thumping
words become verse as they're heard from within me
standing so close to the fire...I simply can't resist
...bathing in its exquisite heat
...inhaling the flames
so the blaze inside burns even higher

and when it dwindles...
or turns cold in brittle winds
leaving me alone & adrift
curled inward...
wrapped around the piercing shards
guarding the precious pieces of my broken heart
...love's shattered remains
the ache overtakes...commanding the quill
as I pull back...giving in
letting the pain have its agonized say

& yes...
I freely admit...
my loving heart...
...is my greatest gift

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2334


Must be an Arizona (DRY) Heat

Ever wonder how many times
Poets, Lyricists……..Novelists
now even in our present day
of online technology – Bloggers

run into (at lightening speeds
of a lame, maimed tortoise)
this bucket of dried out seeds>

I know it’s within me
to spill anything and yet
my spit has become a wee bit
cotton-mouthy, thick
with no muse in my backdrop
to hydrate

maybe it’s time to consume
a shot of bourbon
or 2

63 unique words

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17616



At dusk, herons glide
just above the river
their silence crawls
as a flock of light
floating over the surface

The Moon’s transparent
chiffon entwined in beams
melts softly like the sun
through forest trees
unerringly silent

Entranced, we witness
the common occurrence
that’s happened
every day of our lives

as though the first time

committing the palette
   to memory
cotton candy pink
   fading into cobalt blue
there's only so much beauty
a poet can absorb
 until they become drunk
 on the multicolored possibility
of pure Poetry  

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2678



my mood is somber
my spirit child is asleep and quiet
imploring my Father why?
the hidden knowledges are hidden and a great burden
the truth varies from verse to verse
according which universe you are in

why there are different books?

according to the planet different morals
according to the atmosphere different looks
differing stages of evolution and devolution

He shows me why with a picture in my mind
and I intune with his deep heart...understand
it breaks my heart his pain

with knowledge, I hurt Him often
broken and shattered of mind
I hurt him without even knowing

I was spiritually attacked in Fresno
standing strong I rose and fought
just to be bitterly beat down
it angered me

I command Mike to stand his ground
the Father said wasn't his assignment then
and that I had no right

Mike is mad at me at the moment
but He and Gabriel protect and serve the Father
and they keep me safe even when I'm lost
the lady in the wilderness that is insanity
in the Christian book, the Father says is me

He says kindness covers a multitude of sin
and my being lost in my mind kept me innocent
His ways are not my own
but He has my love and loyalty

when I stumble He picks me up
I'm here to learn hard lessons
Father, please guard my tongue and mind
and keep Elizabelle and me safe
even when I don't truly understand
how she came to be

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 11awards
Joined 6th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 376



Was not feeling well
Last night after posting
My 24th entry
I had a fever until dawn
Fortunately it was gone
In the morning
And I went to school
For our LAC session

I was feeling ok during the day
But this evening I was shivering
And had a fever again
I had to lie down
After taking paracetamol
My fever has subsided a bit
And my husband is giving me
A sponge bath

I hope I'll feel better tomorrow

Lost Thinker
Joined 30th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 33



Brain abuzz and swimming
In between --
Then and now,
Walking to and fro.

There was the innocence,
Then the sins
To follow.

Who really knows what you'll end up being
In the vast Wild Wasteland --
As open as can be,
As crazy and blurry with the
Rights and wrongs and
Blacks and whites --

One day,
You'll wake up somewhere --
Half-naked overheated --
Looking back.

Grateful for where the roads led you.
Broken from the trials in between.
Missing the person you had been.

Dangerous Mind
India 7awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 156


stigmatized shadow

desolate sky
a mirage was appearing
the noise of centuries
was echoing in my mind,
there was silence in all directions
there was a village situated away
from the crowd
a piece of sun suddenly
fell there
love shade  were blown away
in the blast
the man whom God created
from his moisture,
was suffering between
the earth and the sky
the lake flowing along the river
was frightened
the moon remained
hanging in the sky
dreams went to prison
a forest of terror grew here and there
motherly nature was
crushing the children.
bricks and stones started
falling from the sky
the screams started getting drowned
in the noise of truth
I don't know how this injury happened
the pain of distress started
floating in the rivers
the stars were murdered
value of fluttering fireflies increased
holy children were floating
lifeless on the shore
the flower gardens were
smiling at them
different types of poisonous snakes
started coming down from the mountains
they started clinging to the
strings of the noisy sitar
in the evening's colored mirror
the happiness of good wishes
has been tainted
the morsels of affection
were snatched away
and lastly men slept in silent darkness...

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 21st Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 65



Can I be your dinner?
Would you eat me raw?
Cover me in salt and pepper
At my body you should gnaw

I’ve heard flesh tastes quite good actually
I’m veggie, so even better for your gut too
Season me with all the spices
All those condiments, please do

Sizzle me in that frying pan
Have me medium rare
I may not quite fit in your oven mate
But atleast I come with personal flair

I may not be your favourite meal
Can’t say I’ve ever tried human myself!
Atleast give me a good go though
Who knows, maybe I’m a culinary delight!

Unique word count: 78

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 934



it’s the way it sneaks up on you,
cold dread meeting cold comfort
in a dark back alley between
poor coping and poor management;
it starts low in the belly, as if
afraid to trip the breakers all at once,
but believe this, they’ll come to Jesus
before it’s over; one cell at a time
succumbing to white-hot paranoia
until they’re all running and screaming,
bellowing nightmares and what-ifs
until you can’t tease reality from fiction

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749


Never Gone IV

under the crazy charade we had to project
and the fluff-offs we championed
we were both just poets underneath,
paupers at heart and illusive
dodging then moving among fixed
circumstances and our conditions
never letting anyone see in too deeply
or love us too fondly and intimately
needing freedom desperately
we relied on humor to create our own perspective
distorting at the edges of its lens until
it became a quagmire of nonsense

       60 uw

Tyrant of Words
United States 72awards
Joined 22nd July 2019
Forum Posts: 208


Moon Glow

To wear the moon like a cape
How I would glow as no other

It would transform me from bland
To brilliant with one beam

Silvery shimmer that illuminates
From the inside to the outside

Never blinding yet always shining
Cascading in such beauty

As to silence me, the seeker
Of all things that glisten

Dreams and wishes are heaped
Upon a romantic moon, a fool’s folly

50 u/w

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