Poetry competition CLOSED 28th October 2023 12:37pm
View Profile Poems by Razzerleaf
RUNNERS-UP: adagio and Kinkpoet

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Poetry Contest

What Terrifies You

What terrifies you? What do you fear most in the world?
Two poems per poet
No Extreme Content
No collaborations
No chatting or commenting on competition threads
Image: Freepix

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


Her eyes
Her icy deep blue eyes
Brimstone and fire
No greek god
No combination of greek gods
Could equal the fury he sees
He knows what he's done
Best to crawl away
And disappear
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540


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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Jordan, Luna and Robert thank you for participating

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

The One Thing That I Fear Most

could say
that the one
thing that I fear
most in the world is
being unable to
control my temper even
while working at the store because
I might explode and hurt either a
customer or one of my co-workers.
Written by Green_Arrow
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Thank you for your entry Green_arrow.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

Grace said:Thank you for your entry Green_arrow.

My pleasure.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 29

Everyday Is Halloween

A constant concern that is no afterthought
Living life, trapped in an eternal All Hallows Eve
For each have donned their masks
All the while, wiles remain hidden
Beautiful facades adorned with jewels of misdirection
The sly and cunning plot with conniving concentration
For their true intentions are hidden
But be not fooled, nor arrogant
Such as it is, place yourself in front of a mirror
That is when the true terror reveals itself
In the form of your own mask
For true terror lies not in what is known, but what is unseen

Unbeknownst as to who trods along side you
Unsure who's watching from a different view
Are they your words, or does the mask speak for itself?
Yes, what alluring masks we all wear
Written by ConsequentialChaos
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

ConsequentialChaos thank you for your entry

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 611

My Land

In my land that is yet to come
I shall have eagle eyes,
and with them survey all that I have done
but nothing will I spy.
There, I shall have lots of praises
lauded on my head,
but such it is in those kind of places
I shall hear nothing said.
There, I shall have my own kingdom
or, as empress hold court,
and keep my subjects in thralldom
but tongue will utter nought.
There I shall bask in the warmest rays
of sunshine, never seen,
this light will shine for all my days
but where? I cannot dream...
Written by Rew
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2676


I am terrified
of being

The thought of it
chills me
in every one of my bones

I hope Ill never
end up being

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Forsaken Waltz

- Forsaken Waltz -

Peaceful slumber eludes me, more oft than is not,
For my spirit wanders beyond world and thought…
Finding solace in shadows, where I can oft recall:
What peace was like, when I had known it at all!
I canst give it no name, nor imagine a single place,
But I can almost see with mine eyes a beautiful face.
In another life, in another time, she was my refuge,
But when modern times came, peace didst so elude:
My errant spirit, for I couldst find her, no longer…
So I kept seeking ever seeking, growing stronger.
I never found her, and my sleep is hard to endure,
For it sometimes takes me back to her once more.
I long to stay in her arms, but they are long dead!
And, if she hath been reborn, is it to similar dread:
As that which plagues me whenever I try to sleep?
Doth fear of loneliness into her bosom: oft creep…
And if not then she is more blessed than my soul.
For my memories and terrors are beyond control!

Wouldst thou learn, mortal, of the hidden secrets?
Within my shadowy places they are, for thee, kept.
Art thou willing to understand time’s eternal cycle?
I, who hath been adrift upon it, know it all too well.

I know how I lived, and I know how I didst perish,
Sometimes peacefully, with loved ones to cherish.
But more oft in harsher ways I do prefer to forget,
Yet in my nightmares I remember in eternal regret.
So many names hath I held, and none didst suit…
Except those of my choosing, to bear virgin fruit,
Starting over and hoping to find a better existence:
Than yearning and turning upon the cosmic dance!
Sometimes I long for the sun to warm my bones…
And other times I prefer things colder than stones.
When harsh burns the sun, and I turn then away…
I long for the moon’s comfort more than the day.
Secretly I hope she waits for me in the darkness,
And upon the dawn, finding naught, I feel distress.
When didst mine eternity become a waiting game?
And how didst my passion become such a flame…
That, even after so many centuries, my fire burns,
For a single maiden for whom my spirit yet yearns!

Wouldst thou learn, mortal, of the meaning of love?
Within my breast it is forever, beyond stars above.
Art thou willing, to embrace, that which is undying?
I may help thee, if thou canst still my spirit’s crying.

I do not recognize sometimes this changed world,
Into which, in this life, my spirit hath been hurtled.
Too fast in some aspects, and in others too slow!
What happened, to the world I once didst know?
To the pretty maidens who put of flowers in hair…
And danced in the springtime, no one to compare,
To the picture they painted of innocent joy, pure!
Shall I ever see the like of them again once more?
Alas the groves in which we danced are gone too,
Cut all down in ages past, which no one can undo.
I still see them in my mind, exactly as they were…
And, within my bosom, a thing forgotten doth stir.
So many forgotten things yet haunt me in the night,
Making my heart long still greater, for lost delight.
An immortal soul is something few can imagine…
The pain of, when memories of past joys and sin,
Never fade, as with mortals, but remain to taunt!
And in the night a single face doth my spirit haunt.

Wouldst thou learn, mortal, that which is forsaken?
Within my flame is where such things are partaken.
Art thou willing to dance with me upon a new pyre?
I long for such a waltz ere all this world doth expire.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

My Torture and Redemption

- My Torture and Redemption -

When I was still but a child, though nearing my thirteenth year,
I was taken by those in secret power, who sought to so reshape...
My mind, to suit their own vision of what mankind should fear.
They tried to break my will, and of my knowledge then partake!
But I could not be broken, my mind was closed to their tortures.
They never learned my secrets, knew not of my hidden wings...
And their every celebration, came to them as a thing premature.
I knew no happiness during that year, only pain that ever stings!
Failing to break me, they tried to make of me a kind of weapon.
Training me in various forms of combat, seeking to bring about,
A desire in me to slay, to destroy, to serve cruel masters thereon.
And learn I did all they could teach, as I filled with tears, doubt,
Pain in abundance too, mastering countless terrible disciplines...
So that it felt as if all hopes were crushed but not ever my spirit.
Strong I grew, though in life's darkness it seemed light was dim,
Until, I rose as high in my training as I may, as they did fear it...
The thing I was becoming under their dictation, a thing so dark!
That my wings became shadowy, enough to blot out all the stars.
They should have listened, and to a better conscience thus hark...
Before they caused me to be marked by blood and fire and scars.
They knew not how the darkness offers solace to one hurting so!
How light can change when in shadow wrapped for a long time...
But there came a day, when they had to let me free of their woes.
And I went forth in anger and wrath, seeking a paradise sublime!
For years afterward there was a fire in me that nothing quenched.
I longed for vengeance against humans for taking my innocence,
And in that fire, my soul became by dark powers hotly drenched!
I often ventured into wild places, crying in secret a horrid lament,
Believing no one could love me, that the child in me was killed...
That I was angelic no longer, for I had seen in men a hellish evil.
But then one day, at a place of learning something else so willed,
That I should meet someone who caused my torment to be stilled.
A little girl, the age I was when I was taken by those awful men...
She, brought out in me my inner child, and a desire to protect her.
So that, all mankind I no longer desired to torment and condemn!
She, reminded me of who I still was, so that in the span of a blur,
I knew a kind of inner joy, though never again was I to be naive...
Even so, she showed me, that not all the light in the world ended.
To this day, a part of me thinks of her and is loathe to just leave...
In the past, the time in which she was there, as my heart mended.
Though gone is that angel, upon her own life's path, so far away,
The light she restored in me has grown stronger as years pass by.
But still in me a fire burns, and I think of the distant future day...
When those who rob children of their hope may in flames yet lie!
And be brought to torment, by the powers that in Hell hold sway.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139

Rew, Kara and mysteriouslady, thank you for participating

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