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OFFICIAL DUP Glo/NaPoWriMo 2021 Competition

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17594

Greetings, Great Poets! If you see a shield by your name you have been armed to enter day two! If not, then you need to correct your mistakes from day one ( if you are within your 24 hour editing window ) and avoid making further ones today!

Remember, three strikes and you're out!

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1799


New England Thaw

Mother Nature released her death grip
cast upon our northern town
flowers waking from their slumber
reaching up breaking ground

blossoms blooming everywhere
the local song birds perch and sing
bumblebees pollinate while humming,
nature’s calling are you listening

late afternoon spring breezes
with picturesque sunsets
tiki lamps two glasses of wine
romantic fire pits

springtime has arrived
bringing happiness, all things new
so grateful after a harsh long winter
filled with seven months of gloom

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1398


Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864


Starting steps

Seek for the astrologer
that whispers quiet overtures
orbits of expectation to exceed
the golden corn, the ripened wheat

As the potter forms the clay
tomorrow`s presentation`s
in words not deeds portrayed
small steps in trepidation all alone

The willow bends but never caves
and flex to each new challenge
inch forward and to subtly grow
the sap to reach a stiff elbow

Step from the valley snug and safe
to face the paths of slippery scree
fighting through the scrub
head forward to the gold you chase

Feathered head-dress for the brave
a cairn of stones so neatly laid
when next you pass
the maze so steep
a labyrinth to find the words unique

Tyrant of Words
United States 72awards
Joined 22nd July 2019
Forum Posts: 205


A Simple Adjective

I fear you’ll see me vulnerable.
A sentiment for which I can not abide.

The very one you find most attractive.
Is the the very one I will NOT expose to you.

A life time spent mastering this most delicate weakness.
Demolished in the exhale of a sigh.

No! I won’t allow it.
Your pseudo pathos has long ago expired.

Alone I arrive.
Alone I wander.
Alone I depart.

It feels better that way.
Owing nothing at the end.

Preserved and salved by my own solemnity.
I will have maintained my heart, my soul...my life.

(57 Unique words)

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 11awards
Joined 6th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 376

2 of 30

Time Is A Treasure

Time is a treasure
To be used and spent
A temporary possession
You cannot keep for long
A gift you cannot hold
In the palm of your hands

You can only stay in it
For a moment or a day
And spend it as you may
But when it's gone
It's irretrievable
Lost forever

Every second that ticks
Is a time passing by from your life
Each day you spent is a leaf
Torn from the pages of your book
Where your life turns with time

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 932


Truth Lies at the Bottom

Far beneath the ocean blue,
where sun-dappled layers of
fishbowl living take place,
here I am not decorated
with fake plants and
dyed-gravel mimicry

Far beneath the raging storm,
where wave-tossed sails of
tattered breathing make haste,
here I am not abandoned
with watery love and
calm-pretense forgery

Far beneath the fading deep,
where murky-black miles of
abysmal fearing lays waste,
here I am not contused
with crushing weight and
night-shadow anxiety

(50 unique words)

Rain Woman
Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 8th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 85

Your Words Hurt More Than You Know
The way you say things
Makes me feel like shit
You know I am an emotional person
And yet you do not think
About the words you say
It’s frustrating that you don’t see the hurt in me
That you cause just by speaking
I know you mean no harm
But it comes across so mean
It’s hard to stay composed
When I just want to break down into tears

Guardian of Shadows
Jamaica 14awards
Joined 27th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 787

(02 of 30—Official DUP NaPo/GloPoWrimo2021)

sonnets among my scribbles

sonnet #02

you eater of the daylight hours of men,
who hides earth’s transient beauty in a cloak:
how will you occupy, when, with the stroke
of morning, life’s new sun arise again?
your peeping stars cannot be camouflaged
by distant dust or clouds that wag their heads,
for tho they softly sleep in silk-wove beds,
they wink to me from whence they are miraged.
your moon has eyes of love for such as i,
who harbour, in the dark, nocturnal hopes
that when the sun returns and dread elopes,
no shadows shall my credence nullify.

when tired night retires, dead in his sleep,
o’er God’s New Day shall i steep vigil keep.

© Copyright 2021 April 02
by Clyve A. Bowen♫
UWC = 88

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879


Freeze This Moment

As I get older, time seems to go by faster
Memories pile up then hide in a maze
Remembering old friends and laughter
The days seem to fade in a distant haze

Then I get lost in the nostalgia of it all
Knowing I’ll never get that time back
But it worked out over the long haul
As gray begins to cover what was black

With each passing year I gladly take note
Using words to capture fleeting thoughts
As the professor once said and wrote
I will freeze this moment - with snapshots

Time stands still in my heart, it’s not a lie
When expressions are frozen in time
As vivid memories play in my mind’s eye
When I’ve captured it in verse and rhyme

126 Words
92 Unique

Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668


Into The Thick

Old woman watched
lives in dread, through
knowledge and wisdom
things had to be shed

She stood firm on  what
she woukd speak
Shadowed midnight
drapes blue moon
this Slavik sun has set

Violets stems wound
and weaved
dreams within the net  

Mix and tie choice herbs
with floss, spilled
upon the cloth
burn your sorrow
and your cares
a flame unto the moth

Reach for love gone
astray, gather toss
the runes
bind, then loose
what has decayed
shadowed midnight
drapes blue moon

Dangerous Mind
United States 29awards
Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749



My love was but a notion;
his shadow was bare.
He arose from the sweetest hurt
as I saw him shining there.
His voice was merely silent,
so much I barely heard
the melody my heart could play
as he uttered no words.

Yet high atop a grassy hill
my mind did run so wild;
his verdant voice was everywhere
and to this dream I held:
that where he waits, I too shall go
over rough terrain, deliberate, slow.
Each step I’ll find and make with ease
as kindly at my back a breeze.
Though this life is arduous,
‘tis every cup unfilled,
I wait alone, no dream unturned
or lost to my love;
I hear him still.  

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Technical issues posting, so submitting two entries to catch up.

April Fool

two favorite forms
just seventeen syllables
senryu and haiku

as few as three simple words
speaking in volumes

but competition
during the month of april
requires fifty words

fifty unique words
are written in the guidelines
comply or expelled

comply yet adhere
to minimalist ideal

added six more
unnecessary bur required
by the rulemakers now more than fifty
in compliance

please please please forgive
verbosity in april
it’s temporary

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1081

Technical issue posting, so two entries to catch up.
Royal Exhibition
descend into
murky depths

anchoring her to princess earth

sand rock
creeping in detritus

sharing mud with aquatic creatures

muck and slime

leathery ovoid leaves
on mirrored surface

absorbing energy from sun king

queen lotus
spreading petals of her crown

exposing her inner self

poet Anonymous



This is a child on the beach
gathering sand in these hands, each
drawing towards me raw building materials
to complement the I'm Material
world I alone create

Some magnets are strong
but never pique  
unless they have attracted  
too much of what doesn't belong

And for far too long
I was weak

and for far too long
I mostly reacted

but now I know
that there is no
limit to my reach

I am that child on the beach

gathering sand in these hands, each
pulling towards myself
raw building materials
to complement realities
I alone create

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