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Official DUP NaPo/GloPoWrimo 2020 Competition

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

28 of 30


There is a game
Movements easy around the board
The dice
Tossed and rolled
Tumbled to stop

All flick of the wrist
And chance
And loss
The mind behind it heavy
Intense concern about its numbers

We diminish ourselves
By bets placed
On unstable circumstance
On games we are not meant to win
But only pass time
It's reckoning around the board

The chance cards intended
To bloom us
Or bust us completely
This game has great power
But it is no Ouija of fate

I cannot believe what is written
Is placed there
Though the roll
Highly unpredictable
I do choose to roll

my life has been messy
I try cleaning it up
I use rags of dirty promise
I try willing the dust to stay
And dance on the other side of the window

But the day
she blows
Strong and forces what is fated through
The dust settles in my room
I must live there
And should be comfortable

So I keep myself
And toss the dirty rags
With the rest of the waste
I know loss
I am capable of suffering it willingly  

Should I choose to roll again
My head turned
By the spectacle of black dots spiraling
Preying on their fall

Then all bets are off brother
My poker face
A shamble
You know the chance I hold
so do I
My card would be mighty
But only a card

It is a game man
only a game....

I wipe off my bedside table
With the hem of my night gown
A dark circle remains where i once sat your photograph
It was beautiful
You were smiling
And so was I

The memory still lovely
And as fresh as the room in it
It was once our room
And it was your own
keep it
I am laying down
To sleep in peace
And dream in this one

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

28 of 30
Day 28: 28/04/2020, 19:30 GMT

Advance Against Alliteration

Attention all aboard:
Annoying alliteration active!
Adapt appropriately and act with alacrity,
altogether against antagonising alliteration
and alleviate against adversity
adverbs abound, affliction!
Asinine aides accept alliterate annoyances;
admiral abscond alluring adversaries!
Attack and advance again!
Actively annihilate assonance aggressors!
Arms and assault alliterative antagonists!
Attack and alleviate against alliteration;
Anger arises and aggression ascends
avenge against and act as antithesis,
apply action and allay abandonment
assume armed appeal:
annul alliteration aliens!

Unique words: 56

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845



Greed drives those in power hungry for more
Taking away from those who have less
Lobbying because they want to rule the world
And in the process stunting any forward progress

And they linger, like titans muscling the weak
With a lust that can never be satisfied
An avarice that is unyielding and building
A society with a great divide

But behold, there comes a warrior
A champion who will take up the fight
And they will change the course of history
The tipping point when the moment is right

It’s the old story of David versus Goliath
When courage is found in the battleground
It’s when we the people have had enough
And GIANTS are taken down

118 words
85 unique

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1817

NaPo 2020, April 28th



Steam …
nothing but a load of hot air?
Make it, fire it, shape and constrain it,
confine, restrain, direct and control it
agitate, heat-mix, shake and funnel it …
and what have we got? An engine:
with force, power, noise, danger and heavenly potential —
add wheels of fortune, grease them well,
shuffle it onto the carefully prepared track from A to B
and off it goes along the lines you laid
taking day-dreaming passengers
to a destiny of your own particular choice. Pay the
engine-drivers and stokers loads of money
give them a smart uniform and a fancy ideology
and they will drive the train as you wish.
Steam - a load of hot air … staring you in the face,
sneering So? Sue me!.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

#28 of 30

Trauma World Order

We don’t have to
water perennial gardens
of discord
with deep enough mulch
from media bullshit

of industry
feed us chemisalad
fast-food fare
as information

So we’re all a
bit retarded here

make a stony cob
to shield your heat
from infrared drones

because your phone
ain’t any smarter
than the cheep-ass
sky-guns that
one day they’ll make

Your friends have been
force-fed a fat
load of soap

it burns you all within
don’t misjudge
....you dope!

We have cures
but don’t dare admit it
in the


Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 481

#28 of 30

hitching up a trouser leg – one over the other.

Ripped from open scent, to investigate
a momentary lapse in pathway garden,
cabbaged white flown in from the south,
wrong-footed by gliders,
flipping and torn open in the air.

causing streams to charge
the river’s edge from my eyes.
Long oh so long the tantrums and violent love.
Got charged, got arrested, got bitten in the calf
by gargoyles randomly placed by god,
tossed tails side up.

Grown gargantuan spider, on my lap,
On my mind, in my head, under the trees
and swallowing, swallowing all your hair,
in treacle drawn by your eye
that summon chestnuts
and oak pullovers,
satin boothed in your lips meeting cove.

62 unique words of 108 total

poet Anonymous


[ NaPo 2020 ] In So Many Words


It's very easy to lose your way
traveling in what you think
is the right direction

Assumption often is
the road not taken
you didn't know existed
because you were too busy
making a [byp]ass of yourself

And just imagining being
at Point B instantly puts you
exactly where you want to be—
at the heart of the matter

Sounding too much like
New Age chatter?

Moving on then ...

I've never been one to sketch
purely from imagination

Through a desire to create
pencil drawings better resembling
photographs, I developed a system
that kept my sight fixated on the
chosen image I intended to draw

as opposed to relying on generic
notions you would find in
HOW TO manuals

because I've lacked focus
throughout my entire life
one way or another

and drawing what you see
with your eyes requires

Or maybe I have that backwards

lacked discipline ...
... requires focus

Regardless, when drawing
assuming is a recipe for
a lot of erasing

or Do-Overs

but at this Point A of my life
I'll gladly start from scratch
and do it right this time

by being myself for a change

which is how I ended up meeting
Ahavati, who accepts me as I am
same as I accept her as she is

In so many words

sometimes you need to get lost
in order to find your way around

It also helps to find a kind soul
who can give you direction

Thought Provoker
Scotland 6awards
Joined 25th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 207

28 of 30

Moments we find..

We never know when
All we truly know is now
In a certainty of history a probability of a future then
And wrapped within the unfolding hold of time
In the improbability of its indirect directed directions
Our hands align along the inclines of said time
By the nature of design
Or the evolution of coincidences climbed
I find the presence of faith sits clear upon my mind
How else can it be defined..
That we could be blown upon our fathomless winds to find
A destination that requires a kind of faith in mind..
A faith that nurtures the fliting moments in kind
And in kind an ilked mind that values the finality of the moments we find..

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 18th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 274


I’m At Home

Endlessly I sought the lines of a poet’s verse
Writing day and night in a sheltered hearse
My pen was the sanctity that kept the beasts away
It littered my cardboard in a hieroglyphic display
I wrote on the back of my world and tucked it far within its mind
My residence was pillar to post and sometimes an inadequate find
I lassoed the moons dimmest rays of light
Rebuking fell creatures of the night
Wild and free was my imagination
Creative liberty my motivation
I dug through landfills of words
Feasting off the worms of early birds
I hoarded leftovers of trash
And recycled them in my notes as if they were cans for cash
My journey was survival
Perseverance and patience my Bible
I rode the train of thought until it derailed
Watched it crash and burn feeling as if I had failed
Nothing gained nothing lost
I venture on at all cost
Still in search of a place to lay my weary head
I’d give all that I have just to collapse in a bed
To share my lines in the least
While reading others as a feast
I push on for the better
Knowing I can get through this weather
And when I finally stop
It will be my heart that will drop
Cause I know I won’t be alone
I’ll finally be at home

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

28 of 30

Immobile -

It sounds like chainsaws by the docks,
Immobile, sultry: rhythm’s voice.
The cats in garbage cans, the men,
Consume the sounds like breakfast knocks.

I miss the lapping seaside waves,
Disturbed as thrumming fingers’ clicks,
As pursing lips sound whistle song,
Or sea birds’ calls in traffic horns.

I only have my neighbors’ gaze
The vision of their GMC’s,
Their kids upon their Razor boards,
Cars Friday nights in “distance” cruise.

I miss the smell of foggy salt,
Of boiling crabs and sour dough.
I miss the bump and bustle’s force,
I miss the cable’s whir and grind.

But front yard cat stalks flower beds,
And mourning doves coo suns awake.
And though the surfers catch no waves,
These morning words might catch your smiles!

94 unique words.

Tyrant of Words
Canada 12awards
Joined 18th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1228

Shoulder Season

Late April, and flakes are falling down thick -
this snow is so useless, it just doesn’t stick.
A wee fraction warmer, and it turns into rain,
but too cold to bring plants to life again.
Frustration with this hideous season grows
just like that big headache right over my nose.
Impatient, I turn on some nature sounds -
oceans and crickets make pleasure abound,
dreaming of campfires and long summer nights,
or toboggans and snowmen, winter’s delights.
Those seasons have joys - but this one in between
is just muddy and ugly and chilly and mean.
But before I curse springtime, I must recall this:
it takes broad shoulders to bear summer’s bliss.

Rain Woman
Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 8th Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 85

#28 of 30
Do you ever feel lost?
Like every direction is wrong
And everything feels like a trap
Or a cage
That you cant get out of?
Surrounded by reality
And a world full of expectations
Images and standards and 'normal'
But you take a step back
And wonder
Why am I living in a state of worrying
Of fear and of never being good enough?
What has life come to?

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

#28 of 30

Drown Her

We were only trying to drown her
the mermaids sought to explain
innocence turned to jealousy
beauty without due constraint

all too alluring on the surface
charm cast to catch with a smile
mockery spun with delusion
until the pretender is dead

immersion is the last excursion
the waters aren’t the final escape
pay heed to the song of the sirens
consumed with the need to entrap

don’t ask the maidens for mercy
they’ll laugh in response to the plea
fun is had without payment
except for the one at joke’s end

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839

No. 28 of 30

Cosmic Culinary Chaos

The shuttle we found
in meteor field, adrift
inside, showing
no sign of elation,
a perturbed Sous-Chef,
job interview bound,
intended destination,
USS Ezra Pound.

He began to rant
the moment boarded
“What took you so long?”
Is my life not important?
I used to be Head Chef
at Crandooyars
on Bravo Bravo Alpha Seven
Where my Klingon cuisine
was awarded
four grunts and two stars.
Must I now cook
in the kitchen from hell
when I’ve just left heaven?”
All crew members,
with one voice could tell,
this is one rescue
I wish we’d aborted.

In the master galley chaos ensued
When assigned by Chef in Chief
fry Cook Second Class.
Livid, in ships pantry he stewed
refusing to work, just sat on his ass.
When urged, by command to comply,
he tossed food stores in the trash.
A resounding “PISS OFF” his reply.

The galley Sous-Chef,
he relentlessly bullied
claimed his risotto
when the poor man
grilling targ steaks he saw,
he sneaked up behind him
screaming “IT’S RAW!”

The last straw was finally reached
when sadistic interloper yelled,
To whole galley crew,
“YOU’RE WORTHLESS!” he screeched,
to which Chef in Chief replied with a frown.
“I’m the Head Chef on the deck damnit!
I will not be barked orders
by some rude, self-possessed clown!”

The Captain soon intervened.
The bully unfit for galley duty he deemed
I’ll use you for a key, special purpose.
A new rank was given,
“You’re now Ensign Smarty.
It requires you wear this red shirt.
You are to be beamed
to the nearest planet with surface
as the first one-man landing party
Not certain who
commandeered the intercom
but a loud booming voice
punctuated Captain’s orders,

Words = 298
Unique words = 209

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1392

28 of 30

Cotton Candy Sunsets

Why is it that these
cotton candy pink sunsets
just piss me off?
If I’m honest, and think
hard enough,
it’s because I know that
the night is close on
its heels.

The night, where
all things come out
to play,
lets all my my demons


But as long as there is
as long as there
is light
I can hold the fear back.
Even if I’m holding
on with only my fingernails.  

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