The Man-Moth
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Poetry Contest Description
Man-Moth: Newspaper misprint for “mammoth.”

Co-Host - Johnny Blaze
Part IV in an ongoing series introducing serious writers of DUP to the most well-known poets, both classical and modern.
Elizabeth Bishop (February 8, 1911 – October 6, 1979) was an American poet and short-story writer. She was Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 1949 to 1950, and is considered one of the finest poets of the 20th century.
Her awards include:
Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, 1956
Poems: North & South: A Cold Spring
United States Poet Laureate, 1949
Neustadt International Prize for Literature, 1976 · First Woman and American to ever be awarded
National Book Award for Poetry, 1970 · The Complete Poems
Write a new poem honoring Bishop from one of the following poetry titles. Bonus points if you actually read the poem and include a reference other than the title within it.
1. The Man-Moth
2. North & South
3. A Miracle for Breakfast
4. From the Country to the City
5. The Mountain
6. A Cold Spring
7. At the Fishhouses
8. One Art
9. Crusoe in England
10. Arrival at Santos
11. The Armadillo
12. Filling Station
1. One entry per DUP persona.
2. No erotica; this is open to all ages and can't be viewed with an ECW.
3. No exact word limit; however, attempt to keep it no more than 250 - 300.
4. Any form is acceptable.
5. Hashtag #ElizabethBishop.
Comp will be judged by a panel including myself. You have one month; best of luck to all entrants.
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Dangerous Mind

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As a fan of hers, you can count me in.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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At The Fish Houses ( After Elizabeth Bishop )
Necessity in death and dying;
its cold nature a hardened breast
of rocks nursing the evolution
of time and time gone by
Come the coastline in season
burning its way through glassy sand
shattered shards of granules
sinking beneath its watery breath
You remembered your mother
that Nova Scotian ice-rattle of lungs;
their spindly pinnacles dissolving
under arthritic air brittle with bone
You sit, serenading a seal
its interest lacking in salvation of self;
the bellowing hymn reverberating
the chorus of your throated larynx
Where there was wood came moss
steal came rust, planktons suckling
brine from the underbelly of boats
and silver, silver everywhere you looked:
the sea tolling as melted molten;
fish houses glistening intestinal remains;
ramps ribbed with codden scales
all the color lining clouds;
deep shadows suspended overhead
absorbing dark secrets into their womb
spilling when too bloated to carry further
as human burdens dredging truth
Perhaps unwanted knowledge
stillbirthed before its time
to burgeoning lives unwilling to learn
or accept alteration as a peripheral term
But you observed from the start
beauty in a changling death
glory in the art of aging
that some knowledge, somewhere
would finally explain if you sang. . .
or looked just a little bit harder
its cold nature a hardened breast
of rocks nursing the evolution
of time and time gone by
Come the coastline in season
burning its way through glassy sand
shattered shards of granules
sinking beneath its watery breath
You remembered your mother
that Nova Scotian ice-rattle of lungs;
their spindly pinnacles dissolving
under arthritic air brittle with bone
You sit, serenading a seal
its interest lacking in salvation of self;
the bellowing hymn reverberating
the chorus of your throated larynx
Where there was wood came moss
steal came rust, planktons suckling
brine from the underbelly of boats
and silver, silver everywhere you looked:
the sea tolling as melted molten;
fish houses glistening intestinal remains;
ramps ribbed with codden scales
all the color lining clouds;
deep shadows suspended overhead
absorbing dark secrets into their womb
spilling when too bloated to carry further
as human burdens dredging truth
Perhaps unwanted knowledge
stillbirthed before its time
to burgeoning lives unwilling to learn
or accept alteration as a peripheral term
But you observed from the start
beauty in a changling death
glory in the art of aging
that some knowledge, somewhere
would finally explain if you sang. . .
or looked just a little bit harder
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Filling Station ( After Elizabeth Bishop )
Oil-ladened landscape
atop a filthy plot of concrete -
its native inhabitants
connoisseurs of grease;
their laborious toil rotates
lubricating worldly wheels
of cadillac sevilles and corvettes
You sought, found life beyond globular
molds of oil saturating cracks
across a dirty reality check;
Texas crude bubbling up, black gold --
except for the blue collar coveralls
stained with its blood
A crocheted doily, red begonia
or, perhaps it was orange, autumnal
burnt sienna complementing
worn comic books fingerprinting
each grease monkey attending
this kindred career center
Your camel cigarette ashen, astutely
observing - ESSO-SO-SO-SO-ING
the burgeoning pearl
within an otherwise worthless oyster
dredged from a contaminated sea
of commercialism:
and family
atop a filthy plot of concrete -
its native inhabitants
connoisseurs of grease;
their laborious toil rotates
lubricating worldly wheels
of cadillac sevilles and corvettes
You sought, found life beyond globular
molds of oil saturating cracks
across a dirty reality check;
Texas crude bubbling up, black gold --
except for the blue collar coveralls
stained with its blood
A crocheted doily, red begonia
or, perhaps it was orange, autumnal
burnt sienna complementing
worn comic books fingerprinting
each grease monkey attending
this kindred career center
Your camel cigarette ashen, astutely
observing - ESSO-SO-SO-SO-ING
the burgeoning pearl
within an otherwise worthless oyster
dredged from a contaminated sea
of commercialism:
and family
Written by Ahavati
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The Gardener
Joined 10th Oct 2010
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The Gardener
Tyrant of Words

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Tyrant of Words

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A Cold Spring (After Elizabeth Bishop )
Alabaster bones reflect
warmth of an obscure orb;
their pallid membrane dormant
- lacklustre of any verdure
Winter pursues first green
as gold, but she escapes -
her youthful diligence scattering
a surplus of burgeoning buds
in her wake;
tiny nubs, hardened as pearl-
moist, glistening in halflight
of compressed dew
I read once about Spring in Ohio;
the belly of a tulip engorged with snow
a slow death of sharp frost
masticating her laden ovary black
But still they come, bursting forth;
an underworld of army rising up
- stamens puncturing air, uninhibited
by the thick, cold skin of fog
Soon, hills will be kaleidoscopic;
prismed in our tumbling irises
- dark insects buttercupped
white Bradfords and Cherry pinks
Crusading Dogwoods bearing a Cross;
Templars in a holy rite by birth
exalting the equinox;
Knighting mangey landscapes
- dampened dull from wind and ice -
with fervent love and life;
Earth becomes a breeding ground
-species bask in cyclic light-
mankind pauses hatred and strife
if just for a second in time
Their song clear: "Wake up!
Wake up and dance!";
their message strong: "We survived!
We survived again!"
warmth of an obscure orb;
their pallid membrane dormant
- lacklustre of any verdure
Winter pursues first green
as gold, but she escapes -
her youthful diligence scattering
a surplus of burgeoning buds
in her wake;
tiny nubs, hardened as pearl-
moist, glistening in halflight
of compressed dew
I read once about Spring in Ohio;
the belly of a tulip engorged with snow
a slow death of sharp frost
masticating her laden ovary black
But still they come, bursting forth;
an underworld of army rising up
- stamens puncturing air, uninhibited
by the thick, cold skin of fog
Soon, hills will be kaleidoscopic;
prismed in our tumbling irises
- dark insects buttercupped
white Bradfords and Cherry pinks
Crusading Dogwoods bearing a Cross;
Templars in a holy rite by birth
exalting the equinox;
Knighting mangey landscapes
- dampened dull from wind and ice -
with fervent love and life;
Earth becomes a breeding ground
-species bask in cyclic light-
mankind pauses hatred and strife
if just for a second in time
Their song clear: "Wake up!
Wake up and dance!";
their message strong: "We survived!
We survived again!"
Written by Ahavati
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Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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Lunar Lunacy
Manmade moons and starlight satellites
Will soon brighten our night
For convenience and aesthetic delight
Bathing our precious planet
With artificial incandescent light
Yet, because of this marvel
There will be no survival
For creatures nocturnal
Not the bat, or the owl
Nor the banded armadillo
These poor children of the night
Forced into synthetic daylight
Will suffer and perish
In confusion and fright
For humans have proven
Throughout our history
That we have no empathy
For creatures we believe
Are lesser than we
Will soon brighten our night
For convenience and aesthetic delight
Bathing our precious planet
With artificial incandescent light
Yet, because of this marvel
There will be no survival
For creatures nocturnal
Not the bat, or the owl
Nor the banded armadillo
These poor children of the night
Forced into synthetic daylight
Will suffer and perish
In confusion and fright
For humans have proven
Throughout our history
That we have no empathy
For creatures we believe
Are lesser than we
Written by snugglebuck
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

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The Knack
( a Quatern )
A tribute to Elizabeth Bishop
and her poem “One Art”
I tell myself it doesn’t matter much,
When at the end of day my tally’s off.
A post-it note reminding me some such,
To go and buy the syrup for my cough.
So what if I forgot and lost the note,
I tell myself it doesn’t matter much.
I’ll make some tea & honey, let it float,
I keep it in my pantry or the hutch.
So while I’m thinking which I’ll fix a lunch,
Make finger sandwiches to have with tea.
I tell myself it doesn’t matter much,
I’d just as soon a bagel spread with Brie.
I have the knack, a skill, I’m just the girl,
For anytime I find myself in Dutch.
When I can’t find a hanky, string of pearl,
I tell myself it doesn’t matter much.
In Dutch = in trouble
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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A Miracle for Breakfast ( Sestina, After Elizabeth Bishop )
The pot-belly stove was sultry with warmth
its iron-embered eyes dissipating
as we dressed in our old country kitchen
bleakly confined on that cold winter morn;
our stomachs rumbled as gangs from dire lack
our fieriness made frigid by icy drafts
Sly wooden cracks coerced the drafts
seducing the last of our warmth;
bare cupboards creaked with bitter lack
their miserly contents dissipating;
hope worked despite that wintry morn
miracles in our old country kitchen
We scoured that desolate country kitchen
for curtain or cloth to dissuade the drafts -
coffee and crumb to cook that stark morn
to quell our hunger and dwindling warmth;
prayed miracles without dissipating
for a meal despite provisional lack
Forecast predicted provisional lack
out windows of the old country kitchen
the wind increased without dissipating
and threadbare cloth was overcome by drafts;
our cheeks were reddened by little warmth
on that hypothermic Saturday morn
Saturday evening mirrored its morn
as a neighbor knocked to assuage our lack;
brought provisions and coffee for inner warmth
filled cupboards of our old country kitchen;
our welcoming entry sanctioned drafts
to challenge heat before dissipating
The storm billowed without dissipating
but we rose on a pristine Sunday morn
the kitchen was cozy sans any drafts
with n'ere a sign of provisional lack;
we shared miracles in our old country kitchen:
brewed coffee, bread, and increasing warmth
Gelid temps were dissipating to warmth
icy drafts surrendered to meager lack
Sunday morn in our old country kitchen
its iron-embered eyes dissipating
as we dressed in our old country kitchen
bleakly confined on that cold winter morn;
our stomachs rumbled as gangs from dire lack
our fieriness made frigid by icy drafts
Sly wooden cracks coerced the drafts
seducing the last of our warmth;
bare cupboards creaked with bitter lack
their miserly contents dissipating;
hope worked despite that wintry morn
miracles in our old country kitchen
We scoured that desolate country kitchen
for curtain or cloth to dissuade the drafts -
coffee and crumb to cook that stark morn
to quell our hunger and dwindling warmth;
prayed miracles without dissipating
for a meal despite provisional lack
Forecast predicted provisional lack
out windows of the old country kitchen
the wind increased without dissipating
and threadbare cloth was overcome by drafts;
our cheeks were reddened by little warmth
on that hypothermic Saturday morn
Saturday evening mirrored its morn
as a neighbor knocked to assuage our lack;
brought provisions and coffee for inner warmth
filled cupboards of our old country kitchen;
our welcoming entry sanctioned drafts
to challenge heat before dissipating
The storm billowed without dissipating
but we rose on a pristine Sunday morn
the kitchen was cozy sans any drafts
with n'ere a sign of provisional lack;
we shared miracles in our old country kitchen:
brewed coffee, bread, and increasing warmth
Gelid temps were dissipating to warmth
icy drafts surrendered to meager lack
Sunday morn in our old country kitchen
Written by Ahavati
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To keep yawl inspired.
Elizabeth Bishop 📝🎨📚