Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd September 2018 4:02am
ReggiePoet (Reggie)
View Profile Poems by ReggiePoet
RUNNERS-UP: Viddax and David_Macleod

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The Watchers

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765


All I could do is to keep watching and
Looking from the thick, dark shadows.
I could only follow as the huge sun rose
Or ascended that morning, but as I stand
There something felt different about that
Particular day. Maybe because the sky was
Bloodshot red like the scratches and claws
Left behind. The silence greeting the flat
And empty air because although I watch I
Cannot say anything at all to those around
Me. There is no amount of silence or sound
That can caution those without their one eye
On the sky or the burning world around them.
There is nothing to hang onto, but by the stem.
Written by eswaller
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The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347


Thirty of us, bleary eyed and clucking,
gathered around the CCTV,
two bobs, one head,
and us,
"Rewind," he booms, a half moon crack across his lower face.
"Let 'em see it."
The one with his hat held at hip did just that.
In black and white it blurred backwards, lots of walking, static, stillness and then

A man ran to the grounds, stopped at the gates, with his daughter and son in tow,
he frantically tied his dog to the gates, as no dogs were allowed in the school,
left it,
reluctantly, one pat and he kept running,
three men followed, one woman,
stopped outside, one man and woman bolted
the others loitered,
one was yelling at the dog,
edged closer,
having known of it,
revenge for whatever, of whatever kind
it seemed necessary, personal.
He kicked the dog, hard,
cooing, awing, grimacing from the audience in front of the screen -
or tried,
fell backwards,
cracked his head on the pavement,
didn't get up, down,
"See!" The baldest of us laughed, pointing.
"Karma that is!" Another chirped
and even I, I must admit was bewitched
as he laid there, not even twitching.
Ten minutes pass,
nothing -
a car pulls up,
the men get out, bundle him in,
drive off,
a sick feeling washes over my initial delight.
I can hear the man wailing in the office,
I know the children from my classes,
there's no delight in this,
none at all.
Written by ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
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poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Treading Water (For The Watchers Comp)

A day at the seaside
Always to be treasured
Cotton candy, Ice cream
Seagulls cawing
Waves lapping on the shore
Sunshine this time
Makes a pleasant change
Factor 30 on a baldy head
No need for burning

I sit looking out seaward
Its like a mill pond: Calm
It has the same effect on me
The sea has a healing power
The awesomeness of nature
The ferry comes past to dock
Ugly in its very being
Causing waves as it churns
The ferry docks, peace restored

I look out to sea
I see a figure in the water
About half a mile out
I put on my sun glasses
Hoping to see without glare
Still can't fully identify it
Binocular time methinks
I bring the object into focus
It's a swimmer and she looks in trouble
She is waving, I almost wave back

I  hear a scream of "Help Me!"
She goes under, the bobs
Back up, arms flailing
I cannot help her
I can no longer swim
I want to call out
to those around me
but the sound won't come out
I watch as she goes under again
Again thankfully she bobs back up
I focus in on her panic
I can see she is tiring

Again I try to call out
Again my shout is silent
Nobody else has noticed
Too busy eating hotdogs
Or letting their dogs shit on the beach
I pray to the man upstairs
Apparently his day off
She slowly goes under again
I watch and wait, in hope
She doesn't come back up
And like that she's gone
I hate to say it
But watching this woman drown
Gave me a rush
Almost felt responsible
As a murderer
I was quite proud of myself
I grinned, and ate some more
Seaside cotton candy
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

One moment in time

premonition pricks and worries strike
to abseil backwards off the roof your choice

and Whitney Huston pop chart hit
"one moment in time" you hear a clip

frozen milliseconds trapped in ice
the reel so slow just slice by slice

transfixed stare cant look away
shock so great feet stuck in clay

cold beads of sweat and clammy palm
blood pressure reddened face and arms

your hair could turn grey with the fright
nightmare memories day and night

afterbirth and gore cover the floor
you put it in now see it born

this was just no false alarm
baby safe in its mothers arms
Written by slipalong
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poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


( a Rensaku = linked tanka )    
a mother eagle      
scans horizon flying west      
to the canyon —      
two eaglets in a nest      
wait high atop a ridge        
outstretched wings      
ride a thermal updraft      
silent, on the hunt      
single-minded, piercing      
through the fading sunlight      
sweeping down      
into the canyon’s maw      
where daylight sleeps,      
we’ve set up camp, a fire      
& dine on humpback chub      
the rafts secure,      
each member of the group      
can hear the rapids      
upriver where we were      
earlier in the day      
I’ve brought along,      
who licks clean from a pan      
scraps of chub,      
my pal, my terrier Max      
who loves whitewater rafting      
he looks at me        
(is there anymore left!)      
and snorts as I      
pretend to toss him a      
piece he thinks I’m hiding     
a high-pitched cry,      
commotion in the camp      
as the eagle        
strafes us with its pass & call      
while everyone scatters      
echos against canyon walls,      
the mother swoops      
into the confusion      
and banks around Max      
swinging a stick      
I try hard to distract      
as she targets my dog,      
one of the men aims a gun      
I scream DON’T DO IT!!      
I fall back into      
a shower of sparks as I        
watch, helpless —      
the eagle sinks her talons      
in Max and carries him off      
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Image: 2 Bald Eagle eaglets.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
Forum Posts: 891

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

Viddax,Eerie, Jade-Pandora, AEMelia564, slipalong, David_Macleod ,Darksun82, eswaller and ImperfectedStone thank you all for your participation.

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 364

The Watchman

The watchman, lonely, in his tower
Is ever vigilant
Awake, alert at every hour
To guard the innocent

He loves his city more than most
He knows what is at stake
He feels no need to brag or boast
To see a safe daybreak

He knows the Vandals prowl about
Lusting for more loot
He sees a flash! He gives the shout!
His pain is most acute!

He staggers, leaning on the wall
But holds his post, and sees
Vandals charging, in assault!
He gasps in disbelief!

The arrow barely missed his heart
His breathing burns with pain
But he stays, and plays his part
And pulls the gateway’s chain!

His work, now done, he hears the sound
Of clashing weaponry
As he falls upon the ground
He prays a silent plea

His strength, now gone, with vision dim
He hears defenders call!
As he dies, he gives a grin!
His city will not fall!

Written by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

ReggiePoet , thank you for your entry.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1880


Of all the people he ever infiltrated,
Hers was the only he felt guilt about,
But in watching her up close from afar,
He felt a pain for the hell he created.
He tapped into everything he could,
He knew everything inside and out,
And yet he felt for her but it was bad,
Even though his intentions were good.
He read her every personal thought,
Anything electronic he would intrude,
He thought himself a guardian angel,
A criminal, but only if he got caught.
And yet for weeks he would watch her,
Letting her be deceived by her man,
At times he got angry with himself,
For not being able to defend her.
He’d watch her cry herself to sleep,
Understand her pain and sympathize,
Knowing he could never contact her,
He was just another internet creep.
As luck would have it one day out of habit,
He was in a coffee shop when she came in,
And she texted away to a new boyfriend,
Not knowing he read it all from his tablet.
Right away he knew the guy was a fake,
He’d already looked into it before,
But he sat there, unable to say anything,
He watched her make another mistake.

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941


We watch from the back
The crazy man try to drive
Please let us survive
Written by SatInUGal (Kumar)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909


An old warning posted to would be light bearers
"You will rapidly descend into a darkened abyss,"

To be the master of nine subjective dimensions
A knowledge of our past into the present state
Visions of the heavenly tabernacle of the soul
As the courtyard is trampled by the denigrate,

An ark volume into inner chamber wholeness
This row of flowers rotating through the spine
One hundred forty four petals into six chakra
Crowning seventh spins into a thousand lights,

The positive and negative poles of spirituality
Both emanate becoming equal and opposite
As the plasma charged energy will cancel out
Bring the fire link of a mind/soul consequent,

Diffusing energies then becoming directional
By this rising twisting of centered inner might
Up the spinal cords to their crowning summit
As the adept becomes a source of pure light,

Chosen few with summed 9 on their forehead
As an angel in the sun shouts their supper call
Electromagnetic dark mothers a new Jerusalem
So these hidden evils of our world will finally fall.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

runaway-mindtrain, SatInUGal , wallyroo92 thank you for your participation.

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