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Poetry competition CLOSED 16th February 2018 8:04am

and JohnnyThunder
Strange Romance

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You Always Have One
I was once asked if I disliked you. I replied, “No, that isn’t true—I’d better just leave it at that; it isn’t true at all.” In fact, thoughts of you have haunted my reverie, and I’ve often found myself fantasizing about you. Though I may never have you in this lifetime, my experiencing the feelings I have for you is precious to me (and would constitute a major part of any possible relationship). This work expresses in verse my feelings and fantasies.
John Struy
In our time on Earth
I want our souls to connect
as lovers and friends.
Our polite “Hello”s
were a thin veneer over
a felt connection.
Couldn’t help myself.
Always wished the best for you
and your happiness.
What good does it do
to desire your contentment?
Don’t know, but I do.
I wish good for all,
but for you I’m invested
Don’t know how I saw
below the surface to where
you really reside.
Saw enough to know
you can feel what others miss.
Blessing and a curse.
You’ve sensed my caring,
almost like from a past life;
strange yet familiar.
Despite all reasons
that it makes no sense at all,
we felt connected.
Tried to let it fade,
but it doesn’t go away.
There’s something real here.
Playfully talking
in light double entendres,
our pulses quicken.
Even our “proper”
behavior fails to hide our
sexual tension.
Sensing connection;
not sure if it’s possible;
leaving a way out.
need for deeper connection
gets overwhelming.
Want a connection
involving body and soul,
rooted in kindness.
Every part of me
can connect with all of you
making joyful love.
Even if only
in the longings of my mind,
we’re with each other.
Fantasies of you
are more fulfilling than sex
with other women.
Care for each other
is bedrock supporting our
connecting in sex.
Some start with sex; hope
vainly for real connection.
We’d start connected.
Feelings of resolve
overcome trepidation:
we immerse ourselves.
Confident in our
affections, we dive into
a world of pleasures.
With grace you carry
being the epitome
of womanliness.
I love to drink in
the look and the feel of your
womanly contours.
Obsessed over you,
even animal urges
seem profoundly pure.
Let me adore you,
every curve of your body,
soft warmth of your flesh.
Tolerate my touch?
Even more than accept it.
You’ve come to want it.
To silent music,
you move your hips, sway your breasts,
drawing me in close.
You smile and lock eyes,
slide blouse and bra from your breasts.
My heart starts pounding.
Your breasts' underside
excite me beyond reason.
They whisper: "Delight."
Your skin is so soft
through pulsing in my fingers.
Every nerve’s alive.
You immerse my brain
in the pleasure of your touch
'til that's all there is.
Your soft psychic lips
sense compatibility
when we really kiss.
Your playful delight
at my rising excitement
is so endearing.
I’ve been in training
(aerobics, push-ups, kegels)
to give you my best.
At first, eight pushups;
now my normal is forty.
Like our lovemaking.
It takes time and care
to learn each other’s bodies.
For us, time well spent.
Both of us have both:
what it takes to satisfy
and be satisfied.
I’ve got to kiss you,
feel our bodies together,
make ecstatic love.
Fingers lightly trace
each other’s bodies’ outlines.
Wakes up our senses.
Our senses tingle
as we engage each other’s
Stroke my muscled thigh,
like the neck of a stallion,
flexing at your touch.
Kissing your body:
like soft rain on a prairie,
waking wildflowers.
I kiss your soft arm,
neck, lips, breasts, tummy, pussy,
to feel all of you.
Belly on belly,
thigh on thigh, breasts on my chest,
feeling you so close.
When your nipples firm
on already swollen breasts,
my pupils widen.
Tongue on your nipples
raises hard nubs of desire
begging to be sucked.
Your pussy so wet,
distended with excitement,
calls my swollen cock.
Your desire for me
inflames my desire for you,
coloring our world.
My cock swells and strains,
squeezes a drop of pre-cum,
aches for your pussy.
Parting your soft thighs
exposes a magic world
that yearns for pleasure.
I pull your panties
to one side of your pussy,
all heat and wetness.
A small drop glistens,
nestled in your pubic hair.
Nectar of desire.
I slip inside you
where it's safe and soft and warm
and so accepting.
Each millimeter
I enter your sweet pussy
is sheer ecstasy.
Let my erection
caress your sweet vagina
Pressing my butt cheeks,
you urge my cock into you
over and over.
Like to flex my butt.
Firmed muscles ‘gainst your soft hands.
So male, so female.
I thrill to indulge
in glorious sensations:
your luscious body.
I’m always amazed
you want to make love to me;
my dreams coming true.
We change positions,
experience other sides,
both outside and in.
Rub your pussy lips
all along my eager shaft;
I love the build-up.
Your thighs straddle me;
your pussy engulfs my cock.
You're all that exists.
Riding me slowly,
you feel like molten pleasure
pouring over me.
Start slow and easy.
Then, when I can take it, start
grinding for pleasure.
Your sex drive inspires.
Your embrace of it enthralls.
Can't help but admire.
You feel my fullness
spreading open your pussy.
It just feels so right.
I thrill to each gasp
you make as you feel my cock
penetrating you.
With cock inside you,
grind your pussy between us,
releasing passion.
Feel it press inside.
Slide your hips forward and back.
Feel your pleasure node.
You’re so beautiful
when you ride me cowgirl,
working that pussy.
Really touching you
again and again until…
Can’t take it anymore!
We come and it’s like
an ocean wave undertow:
pulling, engulfing.
Our bodies convulse,
spill our souls in each other
in delirium.
Our gasping our breaths
implodes into deep, long sighs,
melting all tension.
You fold onto me;
your pussy still holds my cock.
We’re spent, but happy.
In the ether world
between bliss and the mundane
we slowly revive.
Love your warmth and weight
impressed upon my body.
Intimacy squared.
“How was that for you?”
Was a taste of heaven that’s
all ours to explore.
Wholeness, well-being
permeate my whole body
after we’ve made love.
‘Cause your lover is
trustworthy with your feelings,
you’re safe to feel lust.
Feel warm affection
when vulnerability
is met with kindness.
Your sensual self
needs to be safely expressed,
not shamed or repressed.
When you’re sensuous,
you enjoy feeling sexy.
It makes you so hot.
You move like you know
your body’s power to give
and receive pleasure.
Templates in men’s brains
react to women’s figures.
Mine mostly to yours.
Emotional bonds
and our physical pleasures.
They feed each other.
Kindness infuses
these physical sensations.
Makes sex glorious.
I want the feeling
of kindness coming from me.
Want you to have it.
Beneath your beauty,
And your outer sexiness,
you feel deep insights.
We focus on our
attributes that help us feel
love and affection.
I love the feeling
of my affection for you.
It makes me feel whole.
I want to find out
how deeply we can connect
in trust, love and sex.
All throughout my day,
I can’t help thinking of you.
Makes me feel alive.
I’m like a schoolboy,
with a persistent hard on,
just thinking of you.
My loins ache for you.
I enjoy every minute's
You leak a coy smile
when you glimpse me watching you
with desirous eyes.
Do you want someone
who feels this way about you?
You always have one.
It’s kind of a shame
you can’t feel all these feelings
I get seeing you.
You wear goddess traits,
only dimly aware of
their power to stir.
Though barely conscious
of the depth of your beauty,
you let me immerse.
I gasp when you’re dressed
to enhance your gorgeous breasts.
Beautiful handfuls.
Your attentive ways
transform my common penis
into a hero.
Wonder what your hand
feels, massaging swelling cock.
To me it’s thrilling.
You “paint” my penis
with your tongue as the paintbrush.
Raising it’s an art.
Slightly parted lips
kiss the tip of my penis,
make it twitch and bob.
Your breasts brush my balls.
Electric lips slide down me.
Your tongue thrills my tip.
Magical woman,
your desire empowers me
to free your passion.
Excited enough
to get hard; composed enough
to stay hard in you.
Want to pleasure you.
You give me what I want when
you’re lost in pleasure.
I want you to feel
being in throes of passion,
in rarefied air.
My role: help you come;
your role: get lost in pleasure;
for both: it’s heaven.
I can do my part,
but your body’s response is
where the magic lies.
You know how to take
stimulation and turn it
into sheer pleasure.
I’ve learned to give the
stimulation you desire,
to start the landslide.
My plan is for you
to be absorbed in pleasure,
where I will join you.
Our lovemaking’s where
we help each other’s efforts,
not act as critics.
Learning skills in sex
increases my repertoire
of expressing love.
Want to take my time,
really feel each sensation
of each part of you.
Each slide into you
mists my brain with love hormones
until I am drenched.
The sides of my glans
knead the walls of your pussy.
Each stroke concentrates.
In no rush to come.
It feels wondrous inside you.
Don’t want it to end.
You deserve intense
encompassing orgasms.
I’ve learned to start them.
Stroke you ‘til you come.
Makes you fond of my penis.
I glory in it.
Your sweet pussy is
just as wonderful as you:
responsive, loving.
My cock rubs G spot;
my fingers tease clitoris.
I'm grateful I found
your magic, sensitive nub
inside your pussy.
Does this feel good in
your pussy’s sensitive front?
Go to that feeling.
Woman on my cock
has a man in her pussy.
Such intense feelings!
Your pussy’s so wet,
my balls pull tight to my cock.
Lustful urgency.
Pulsing contractions
wring all sensibility
from our awareness.
When we stop coming
you milk every drop of cum.
Delirious cock.
Ordinary flesh;
extraordinary form.
Divine expression.
I love to touch you,
brush your arm or nudge your calf.
Can't believe you're mine.
Sex fosters closeness.
When linked to love and caring,
it feels magical.
I want my body
to overflow with kindness
that you view fondly.
Sex immerses us
in feelings for each other.
Ours: kindness and love.
You can dare to trust
in the reality of
my deep affection.
First priority:
reassure our affection.
Then, create pleasure.
You’ve subconscious needs
to give and receive kindness.
Joy to be with you.
It’s your sweet kindness
that magnifies your beauty
for those who’ll see it.
Oh, to be pleasured
by the beauty I adore
while I pleasure her.
The most important
experiences of life
are so subjective.
It’s not whether we’ve
got reasons to be happy;
it’s whether we are.
Because it feels like
you’re the world’s greatest beauty,
it really is true.
Sensual pleasures
sear our psychic connection
deep into our souls.
A little soreness
in my penis the next day:
happy reminder.
When you feel the urge,
I’ll relish another chance
for us to connect.
To connect with me,
you choose me to satisfy
you sexually.
It’s my privilege
to serve as your instrument
for satisfaction.
We use my firm cock
to stimulate your G-spot
‘til we both come hard.
To help me connect,
you enjoy satisfying
me sexually.
Delightful surprise:
when sensations engulf me,
there’s your affection.
When our bodies merge,
faces soft with affection,
we know we are loved.
We both have lovers
whose kindness inspires them to
satisfy our needs.
So satisfying
for either of us to make
the other one come.
We so desire each
other’s sexual pleasure,
we’re both rich with it.
You help me become
the best lover I can be,
keen to pleasure you.
Innocent of guile,
knowledgeable in ways of
sensational sex.
We both long to feel
my penis in your pussy
with hot emotions.
Come sit on my cock,
grind your pelvis against me
while I fondle you.
We squirm hard enough
to friction-weld our groins
with heat and passion.
Balls press your vulva.
Pussy squeezes me tightly.
Exquisite ordeal.
When you start coming,
can’t help thrusting my cock in
your pulsing pussy.
When you make me come,
I savor the expression
of your affection.
We're wet and sticky.
Doesn't even bother us.
It's from each other.
The back of my balls
rest on the front of your thigh.
All's well with the world.
In contended glow,
we lie in each other’s arms
after orgasms.
Being together:
not my chance to control you;
my chance to know you.
I’m fascinated
by how you experience
just everything.
When the world’s wonders
absorb your rapt attention,
I watch you in awe.
What you see is nice.
What it shows about you is
so mesmerizing.
I’m able to see
that your innate nature is
both rare and precious.
I want to hold you
in my heart constantly and
just never let go.
Even making love,
I don’t really possess you,
just my love for you.
No one should ever
treat you like a possession.
It stunts your spirit.
Sooner or later,
those who need to dominate
will turn on you next.
It’s not my nature
to exert domination
that you’d fear or dread.
I am determined
to see you in your own light.
It feels good that way.
‘Cause you do the same,
we don’t find each other as
causing fight-or-flight.
Life is hard when your
fight-or-flight is on a lot.
That’s not here with me.
To test strength of love,
some pound on its foundation.
Others watch its growth.
One can’t know roses
by picking apart petals,
crushing their magic.
You need affection,
and not hard-hearted conflict.
I cherish your need.
When those around you
focus only on your faults,
they miss a treasure.
Hard to feel warmth for
anyone who keeps taking
disparaging digs.
I’m not so craven
to “build up” my self esteem
by tearing you down.
When they dump on you,
don’t believe it’s at all true.
It’s dust on diamonds.
Feel pity, not hate,
for their blindness beyond their
small “reality.”
Aggressive commands
don’t make a small, mean world-view
the one that is true.
Trust your heart that yearns
for kindness, acceptance and
You have your own tastes,
inducing subtle feelings
I hadn’t yet known.
You’ve untapped talents
needing opportunity
and encouragement.
Everyone needs
people who see they’re special.
For you, I am one.
You do deserve love
without having to earn it.
It is your birthright.
Don’t want you to feel
empty and without options
as your lot in life.
Wish you so much love
that you’ve plenty left to share
from your overflow.
Glad your friends give you
emotional nourishment.
You deserve happy.
I’ve absolute faith
that the good I see in you
is your core essence.
Some are kind just ‘til
they get what they want. Others
are for its own sake.
I’m on a mission
to prove that your kindness won’t
be unrequited.
When things get me down,
when nothing’s going my way,
I still care for you.
Do you want a man
whose reliability
is kindness to you?
I love the feeling
of my affection for you.
It makes me feel whole.
Wanting you feels like
such a rare combination:
contented hunger.
The daily banal
becomes infused with magic,
when I know you care.
I want to be skilled
in all nuances of your
body’s subtleties.
Softness of your skin.
The compression of your flesh.
Your enticing scent.
We dance in recline,
your hands on my outer thighs,
moving together.
Doubly fulfilling:
my sexual pleasures come
with your affection.
The flesh of your calf
rests in the palm of my hand.
Even that’s gorgeous.
When my eyes fill with
how much a goddess you are,
it’s hard not to come.
I try not to come
'til your whirlpool of passion
pulls us both under.
Your sensations are
overloading my circuits.
I’m close to the edge.
Oh, baby, please stop.
Don’t want a quick end to these
intense sensations.
If I come quickly,
please suck me back to full size
to resume again.
Help me get through this
refractory period.
There’s much more to come.
I writhe and contort;
I’m at your complete mercy
when you suck my cock.
You’ve made me ready.
Now I’ll return the favor,
and enjoy it too.
Arms under your thighs,
hands on breasts, mouth on pussy;
immersed in woman.
My lower lip learns
womanly mysteries from
your soft labia.
Cock muffles your moans.
Pussy melts beneath my lips.
We grasp at buttocks.
Can’t tell what’s better:
seeing you enjoy my touch,
or my feeling yours.
We surrender to
experiencing loving
and to being loved.
Our being in love
seems to change my chemistry,
even when apart.
You seem so normal,
yet are such a catalyst
for profound feelings.
Most can only see
another pretty woman.
I see a goddess.
A siren's body
with the face of a goddess
and kindness of love.
Don’t want you as my
warm-flesh masturbation toy.
Want your deep feelings.
You’re so beautiful
when you are truly happy.
That’s my wish for you.
Your beautiful face
irrepressibly conveys
your innate kindness.
Ev’ryone feels it:
beauty of a human face
is in its kindness.
A few blemishes
can't dim your innate beauty
or cool my desire.
A flawless body
is not needed to channel
gorgeous affection.
So what, your body’s
not centimeters thinner.
It warms to my touch.
Your desiring me
inspires me to great efforts
to satisfy you.
By focused learning,
became effective lover
who learned how for you.
I’ve learned to touch you
in ways you like to be touched,
stoking hot embers.
I love it when I
fill your pussy with my cock.
We feel so alive.
Sensations of you
felt in my cock’s deep tissue
keep me going strong.
You feel me moving?
Can focus on the pleasure?
You’re perfectly tight.
I do what I can
to fuck you without coming
while you’re getting there.
I’m proud I learned to
sustain a dauntless cock you’d
want to ride and grind.
Biting your lip, you
rub your sweet pussy wall on
my valiant cock.
Since my self-control,
you ride me with abandon
into pulsing bliss.
I'm glad, when you need
a penis to come against,
that you've chosen me.
Goddess atop me,
your pussy devours my cock,
glutes flex rhythmic’ly.
I’m awed when you come;
You get swept away by such
a force of nature.
I feel exalted:
you become open with me;
you let yourself go.
Glad my love is there
when your body gets drenched with
orgasmic hormones.
you indulge in afterglow,
holding me tightly.
You don’t fear showing
that you enjoy my body
and my affection.
I love it when you’re,
sexually gratified,
oozing affection.
No need for tension.
I don’t misinterpret your
kindness as weakness.
Kind and beautiful.
Such a rare combination.
Safe here to be both.
Are relationships
of kindness realistic?
Yes! We’re living proof.
Can affection last?
If it starts from connection,
and we nourish it.
At the heart of our
relationship is simply
loving acceptance.
Don’t worry about
making this attraction last.
It’s built on kindness.
sweet human affection is
so precious to me.
Means so much to me
to have your admiration.
You surely have mine.
You choose to see me
such that my funny body
attracts you to me.
I stand up straighter,
move more athletically,
because you like it.
When you look at me
feeling lust and affection,
I feel ten feet tall.
How could you see me
as a gorgeous hunk of man?
Must be eyes of love.
These bodies that make
sweat, smells and stubble are what
feel and express love.
I let down my guard;
my face is free of pretense.
Still you’re attracted.
I love your default:
search not for flaws to suppress,
but good to support.
Though I have many,
you overlook my defects
to see just my best.
Even your complaints
convey “fondness”, "affection"
more than "annoyance."
Little surprises
expose big revelations
about each other.
Why do I want you?
You draw out the best in me
and also yourself.
Human potential
(empathy, affection, love)
blossoms when with you.
I hope you don’t mind;
I use you as a muse to
inspire my kindness.
Dare to accept that
you’re worthy of more love than
you’ve ever allowed.
From us, we create
a tiny society
of kindness and love.
We’re always mindful
that both of us need kindness,
and each can give it.
So very precious
when one can rely upon
someone’s affection.
All people have love,
but in you it’s not obscured
by greed or anger.
The way I see you:
I may idealize you,
but it’s also true.
You might not always
be like my ideal image,
but often enough.
Each new thing we do
shows me new ways your kindness
manifests itself.
Your abilities
for kindness and affection
make you so special.
Really is a skill
to be so kind, come what may.
You’ve that aptitude.
I like your quirks too.
They’re part of the person who
gives kindness and love.
No longer a girl,
you have acquired wisdom
from all you’ve been through.
Childhood’s close friendships,
pre-puberty, had magic.
We’ve got some of that.
Adolescence brought
wonder at exciting sex.
We’ve got some of that.
As adults we’d see
what is really important.
We know some of that.
This wisdom we know:
the feeling matters more than
the circumstances.
Your self-worth doesn’t
come from tearing down others,
but from who you are.
You are what you are,
even if no one sees it.
Thank God that I can.
Does being adored
make you uncomfortable?
I see what you can’t.
I love adoring
all womenkind through you, who
has all their virtues.
Take as evidence
my observations about
how special you are.
Accepting your heart:
big responsibility
that changes my life.
We make a habit:
appreciate each other,
so love grows deep roots.
Happy to see you;
missing you each time you go.
So glad to feel that.
When we are apart,
memories of kindnesses
sustain the embers.
Beauty may attract,
but kindness and affection
connect most deeply.
The little efforts
I happily make for you
daily feed my love.
Main efforts: simply
pay attention to what I
admire about you.
I pay attention.
What you’re feeling does matter.
Seems small, but it’s big.
We bring into this
our commitment to kindness.
It makes this so great.
We don’t focus on:
"I wouldn’t do that your way,…”
lest we think: “…,Stupid!”
When we encounter
our differences, we pause;
make sure to be kind.
When you’re annoying,
does it curb my affection?
Never even close.
Your beauty is great,
but your kindness is the best
Sometimes when with friends,
I imagine you near me,
feel pangs of longing.
Such sweet reminders:
all women share a portion
of your sweet beauty.
Beautiful women
would just distract me from you.
So I won’t want them.
When we meet again,
I relearn how much I feel
more alive with you.
Our fingertips touch.
They delicately sense our
depths of affection.
You lean in so close,
as if you’d take me right here
if weren’t in public.
Your sultry sex vibe
makes you the most attractive
woman in the world.
Seeing you stirs me.
Is there an obvious bulge?
You glance down; it swells.
Your hand brushes there.
I move close; press it to you.
You smile and I throb.
One hand cups your face;
one pulls the small of your back.
Warm bodies converge.
My hand can feel you
softly yielding to my touch,
revealing fervor.
Your warm pussy lips
engorge between my fingers;
always excites me.
Let’s make love until
we both are satiated
or one’s exhausted.
When behind closed doors,
we strip each other’s clothing,
you’re all fours in bed.
I slide eager hands
along your calves, thighs and buns;
stroking, admiring.
Firm and supple thighs,
your sweet buns pressing my abs
are wondrous feelings.
My hands are happy
sliding from your ass cheeks to
a narrowing waist.
When I’m inside you
you focus on the pleasure.
I love that in you.
Hearing your sweet voice:
“Oh fuck me, baby, fuck me!”
swirls my consciousness.
You’re the best lover
a man could ever desire.
You’re so into it.
Help me learn how to
endure the pleasure of you
so we can reach heights.
You build my tension,
holding me right at the edge.
Blissful agony.
Your finger and thumb
circle my scrotum; firmly
pull me from the edge.
After a close call,
I can again concentrate
on what you’re feeling.
Sliding into you
Is a comfortable pleasure
for trusting lovers.
Sometimes feels like silk.
Other times we grind like a
mortar and pestle.
Passionate, raunchy
or affectionate, our sex
always has kindness.
In my love’s safe space,
feel the pleasure of our thrusts;
abandon yourself.
And then it happens.
Waves of ecstasy build up.
“Right there! Just like that!”
I’m thrilled when you’re close.
I slow-breathe; delay myself
‘til you orgasm.
“O God, I’m coming!”
Such exhilarating words
that I love to hear.
Your entire core seems
to spasm in contractions
that just amaze me.
The world vanishes.
Your coming starts me coming.
In bliss together.
We’re oblivious
to everything in the world
when we orgasm.
Am I still alive
after the intense pleasure
you bestowed on me?
Emotions laid bare,
we’re puddles of affection,
Total indulgence:
pillowed on your sweet ass cheeks,
soaking affection.
Can’t stop touching you,
to feel as close as I can
as long as I can.
After we’ve made love
it feels important to be
kind to each other.
Let’s keep the chatter
from inside our busy heads
at bay for a while.
Quietly feel loved.
Not much is more important
than our feeling loved.
From our making love,
our connection’s increased depth
is ours to enjoy.
In contended sleep,
my arms surround your body,
penis in a crease.
As soon as we’re done,
seeds of my hunger for you
start to sprout anew.
When we must get up,
let me help you dress, so you’ll
wear my caresses.
Not always obsessed
with making love with you, but
always attracted.
Sex is important,
but less than your affection
or your happiness.
Feeling your soft warmth,
the rhythm of your breathing:
sometimes that’s enough.
Love to be in tune.
Like when you need comforting,
my touch turns soothing.
Indulgent pleasure:
to slip my arm ‘round your waist
and then see you smile.
Universe loves you.
So you’ll feel it, it provokes
my feelings for you.
I do many things.
An important one is to
appreciate you.
I don’t swoon for you.
My affection is constant,
always part of me.
Since I’m in your life,
I always am concerned with
whether you’re happy.
The bottom line is:
I want you to feel you’re loved
and valued always.
Can’t be ev’rything.
The things we pursue are what
we find important.
My admiring the
important parts of you says:
I can see your worth.
Your admiring them
in me helps to dispel some
doubts of my own too.
is important to me, and
simple compassion.
Like me, part of you
also loves feeling desire,
while being desired.
opens an experience
of human nature.
Where is it safe to
embrace how much we like sex?
In kindness, respect.
Kindness is caring
about how the other feels,
a type of wisdom.
We trust our kindness:
safe to be vulnerable,
to experience.
’Cause sex means so much
to us both, we keep it filled
with our affection.
What I want for you:
fulfilling experience
of life and of me.
We can be ourselves
and feel appreciated
when we’re together.
I want to please you
with love, sex and affection;
binding you to me.
You like being the
focus of my lust, ‘cause it’s
steeped in affection.
I love to feel your
wanting the feeling of my
making love to you.
You often please me
with love, sex and affection,
binding me to you.
Since being lovers,
glad you are part of my life,
and I’m part of yours.
I can finally
be all of me all the time,
even your lover.
I had no idea
how exquisite it would be
to make love with you.
You don’t have me take
sexual pleasures from you;
you make them your gift.
You sit on my cock.
We gaze in each other’s eyes.
Boundaries dissolve.
I swear I can’t tell
where I end and you begin;
our loins have melted.
The pleasure is great,
but the connection to you
is what means so much.
Why our sex is great:
our lovemaking expresses
kindness, affection.
We use our fucking
to deepen our affection.
It never feels weird.
Feels weird to have sex
with one who doesn’t get you.
We never feel that.
Sex without your love:
Hollow. Your love without sex:
Precious. Both: Heaven.
We don’t check to see
if we should withhold our love.
We give it with trust.
The thrill of new love
steadily transforms into
steadfast affection.
Though raging fever
inevitably cools off,
affection endures.
When our making love
is no longer so novel,
will still be profound.
Frantic sex can't last.
We nurture kindness and have
eager, loving sex.
Making love again
later in the day is a
languorous pleasure.
Soft and warm fingers
cup my balls and stroke my cock;
wake me up to play.
Your lips barely touch
my cock when you wake it up.
When big, you suck hard.
You feel each contour
with your lips, each ridge and swell,
with complete focus.
What magic transforms
your touch into ecstasy?
My adoration.
Makes a difference
to be touched with affection.
It’s felt as a thrill.
Like to feel your touch,
your soft hand of affection:
excitement that soothes.
Seeing you lie there,
inhabiting all your flesh,
warms and excites me.
Kiss me while we fuck.
Drape your hand around my neck.
Feel utter closeness.
Through the eyes of love
you see our lovemaking as
peak experience.
From love you give me
these peak experiences:
making love with you.
You cradle my head,
press your body onto me.
Cock fills your pussy.
My entire penis
is held in the soft embrace
of your sweet pussy.
I love your pussy.
You blend her sensations right
into your feelings.
You don’t have the world’s
only existing pussy,
just the most loving.
Why it’s possible
for us to have all of this:
we want to go there.
My pleasure organ
has become an organ of
When will my penis
caress inside your pussy
and show affection?
With kind affection,
conspirators in pleasure
fuck ten thousand nights.
Sex is adhesive:
contact cement between souls.
Thrilled to stick with you.
If we fuck a lot,
risk getting really attached.
That’s just what I want.
I have thought about
our making love so often,
it’s now part of me.
A whole part of me
comes alive from loving you.
I like who I am.
The way I see sex
may be hopelessly naïve,
or may well be true.
Don’t want life to pass
without experiencing
what you draw from me.
Hold me and kiss me
‘cause I’ve got to feel your love
while I’m still alive.
We wouldn’t be less
if we weren’t together.
It just wouldn’t show.
Deepening kindness
increases attractiveness,
even as we age.
When our bodies age
and lose some of their appeal,
we’ll have something more.
We’ll have developed
bespoke kindness and support,
with matchless appeal.
Even as we age,
we’ll still be each other’s source
of needed kindness.
When I can’t be there
to give you kindness, then please
treat yourself kindly.
The kindness one needs
to receive always has got
to include one’s own.
In me are these needs:
to give, receive and express.
Can you accept them?
‘Cause you’re receptive
to how I feel about you,
I know we connect.
Can you see yourself
as the woman in this book?
You’re all that and more.
A man feels this way
when a woman inspires him
beyond the normal.
Felt this way so long,
expect to rest of my life,
or even longer.
Is it really safe
to expose our hearts like this?
I just know it’s real.
Shall I tell you this?
Or even tell the whole world?
Why not, if it’s true.
Somewhere in this world
there is someone who often
feels this about you.
Even if unsought,
know that you’re special enough
to inspire all this.
Am I whom you want
to receive your affection?
I long / fear to know.
I was once asked if I disliked you. I replied, “No, that isn’t true—I’d better just leave it at that; it isn’t true at all.” In fact, thoughts of you have haunted my reverie, and I’ve often found myself fantasizing about you. Though I may never have you in this lifetime, my experiencing the feelings I have for you is precious to me (and would constitute a major part of any possible relationship). This work expresses in verse my feelings and fantasies.
John Struy
In our time on Earth
I want our souls to connect
as lovers and friends.
Our polite “Hello”s
were a thin veneer over
a felt connection.
Couldn’t help myself.
Always wished the best for you
and your happiness.
What good does it do
to desire your contentment?
Don’t know, but I do.
I wish good for all,
but for you I’m invested
Don’t know how I saw
below the surface to where
you really reside.
Saw enough to know
you can feel what others miss.
Blessing and a curse.
You’ve sensed my caring,
almost like from a past life;
strange yet familiar.
Despite all reasons
that it makes no sense at all,
we felt connected.
Tried to let it fade,
but it doesn’t go away.
There’s something real here.
Playfully talking
in light double entendres,
our pulses quicken.
Even our “proper”
behavior fails to hide our
sexual tension.
Sensing connection;
not sure if it’s possible;
leaving a way out.
need for deeper connection
gets overwhelming.
Want a connection
involving body and soul,
rooted in kindness.
Every part of me
can connect with all of you
making joyful love.
Even if only
in the longings of my mind,
we’re with each other.
Fantasies of you
are more fulfilling than sex
with other women.
Care for each other
is bedrock supporting our
connecting in sex.
Some start with sex; hope
vainly for real connection.
We’d start connected.
Feelings of resolve
overcome trepidation:
we immerse ourselves.
Confident in our
affections, we dive into
a world of pleasures.
With grace you carry
being the epitome
of womanliness.
I love to drink in
the look and the feel of your
womanly contours.
Obsessed over you,
even animal urges
seem profoundly pure.
Let me adore you,
every curve of your body,
soft warmth of your flesh.
Tolerate my touch?
Even more than accept it.
You’ve come to want it.
To silent music,
you move your hips, sway your breasts,
drawing me in close.
You smile and lock eyes,
slide blouse and bra from your breasts.
My heart starts pounding.
Your breasts' underside
excite me beyond reason.
They whisper: "Delight."
Your skin is so soft
through pulsing in my fingers.
Every nerve’s alive.
You immerse my brain
in the pleasure of your touch
'til that's all there is.
Your soft psychic lips
sense compatibility
when we really kiss.
Your playful delight
at my rising excitement
is so endearing.
I’ve been in training
(aerobics, push-ups, kegels)
to give you my best.
At first, eight pushups;
now my normal is forty.
Like our lovemaking.
It takes time and care
to learn each other’s bodies.
For us, time well spent.
Both of us have both:
what it takes to satisfy
and be satisfied.
I’ve got to kiss you,
feel our bodies together,
make ecstatic love.
Fingers lightly trace
each other’s bodies’ outlines.
Wakes up our senses.
Our senses tingle
as we engage each other’s
Stroke my muscled thigh,
like the neck of a stallion,
flexing at your touch.
Kissing your body:
like soft rain on a prairie,
waking wildflowers.
I kiss your soft arm,
neck, lips, breasts, tummy, pussy,
to feel all of you.
Belly on belly,
thigh on thigh, breasts on my chest,
feeling you so close.
When your nipples firm
on already swollen breasts,
my pupils widen.
Tongue on your nipples
raises hard nubs of desire
begging to be sucked.
Your pussy so wet,
distended with excitement,
calls my swollen cock.
Your desire for me
inflames my desire for you,
coloring our world.
My cock swells and strains,
squeezes a drop of pre-cum,
aches for your pussy.
Parting your soft thighs
exposes a magic world
that yearns for pleasure.
I pull your panties
to one side of your pussy,
all heat and wetness.
A small drop glistens,
nestled in your pubic hair.
Nectar of desire.
I slip inside you
where it's safe and soft and warm
and so accepting.
Each millimeter
I enter your sweet pussy
is sheer ecstasy.
Let my erection
caress your sweet vagina
Pressing my butt cheeks,
you urge my cock into you
over and over.
Like to flex my butt.
Firmed muscles ‘gainst your soft hands.
So male, so female.
I thrill to indulge
in glorious sensations:
your luscious body.
I’m always amazed
you want to make love to me;
my dreams coming true.
We change positions,
experience other sides,
both outside and in.
Rub your pussy lips
all along my eager shaft;
I love the build-up.
Your thighs straddle me;
your pussy engulfs my cock.
You're all that exists.
Riding me slowly,
you feel like molten pleasure
pouring over me.
Start slow and easy.
Then, when I can take it, start
grinding for pleasure.
Your sex drive inspires.
Your embrace of it enthralls.
Can't help but admire.
You feel my fullness
spreading open your pussy.
It just feels so right.
I thrill to each gasp
you make as you feel my cock
penetrating you.
With cock inside you,
grind your pussy between us,
releasing passion.
Feel it press inside.
Slide your hips forward and back.
Feel your pleasure node.
You’re so beautiful
when you ride me cowgirl,
working that pussy.
Really touching you
again and again until…
Can’t take it anymore!
We come and it’s like
an ocean wave undertow:
pulling, engulfing.
Our bodies convulse,
spill our souls in each other
in delirium.
Our gasping our breaths
implodes into deep, long sighs,
melting all tension.
You fold onto me;
your pussy still holds my cock.
We’re spent, but happy.
In the ether world
between bliss and the mundane
we slowly revive.
Love your warmth and weight
impressed upon my body.
Intimacy squared.
“How was that for you?”
Was a taste of heaven that’s
all ours to explore.
Wholeness, well-being
permeate my whole body
after we’ve made love.
‘Cause your lover is
trustworthy with your feelings,
you’re safe to feel lust.
Feel warm affection
when vulnerability
is met with kindness.
Your sensual self
needs to be safely expressed,
not shamed or repressed.
When you’re sensuous,
you enjoy feeling sexy.
It makes you so hot.
You move like you know
your body’s power to give
and receive pleasure.
Templates in men’s brains
react to women’s figures.
Mine mostly to yours.
Emotional bonds
and our physical pleasures.
They feed each other.
Kindness infuses
these physical sensations.
Makes sex glorious.
I want the feeling
of kindness coming from me.
Want you to have it.
Beneath your beauty,
And your outer sexiness,
you feel deep insights.
We focus on our
attributes that help us feel
love and affection.
I love the feeling
of my affection for you.
It makes me feel whole.
I want to find out
how deeply we can connect
in trust, love and sex.
All throughout my day,
I can’t help thinking of you.
Makes me feel alive.
I’m like a schoolboy,
with a persistent hard on,
just thinking of you.
My loins ache for you.
I enjoy every minute's
You leak a coy smile
when you glimpse me watching you
with desirous eyes.
Do you want someone
who feels this way about you?
You always have one.
It’s kind of a shame
you can’t feel all these feelings
I get seeing you.
You wear goddess traits,
only dimly aware of
their power to stir.
Though barely conscious
of the depth of your beauty,
you let me immerse.
I gasp when you’re dressed
to enhance your gorgeous breasts.
Beautiful handfuls.
Your attentive ways
transform my common penis
into a hero.
Wonder what your hand
feels, massaging swelling cock.
To me it’s thrilling.
You “paint” my penis
with your tongue as the paintbrush.
Raising it’s an art.
Slightly parted lips
kiss the tip of my penis,
make it twitch and bob.
Your breasts brush my balls.
Electric lips slide down me.
Your tongue thrills my tip.
Magical woman,
your desire empowers me
to free your passion.
Excited enough
to get hard; composed enough
to stay hard in you.
Want to pleasure you.
You give me what I want when
you’re lost in pleasure.
I want you to feel
being in throes of passion,
in rarefied air.
My role: help you come;
your role: get lost in pleasure;
for both: it’s heaven.
I can do my part,
but your body’s response is
where the magic lies.
You know how to take
stimulation and turn it
into sheer pleasure.
I’ve learned to give the
stimulation you desire,
to start the landslide.
My plan is for you
to be absorbed in pleasure,
where I will join you.
Our lovemaking’s where
we help each other’s efforts,
not act as critics.
Learning skills in sex
increases my repertoire
of expressing love.
Want to take my time,
really feel each sensation
of each part of you.
Each slide into you
mists my brain with love hormones
until I am drenched.
The sides of my glans
knead the walls of your pussy.
Each stroke concentrates.
In no rush to come.
It feels wondrous inside you.
Don’t want it to end.
You deserve intense
encompassing orgasms.
I’ve learned to start them.
Stroke you ‘til you come.
Makes you fond of my penis.
I glory in it.
Your sweet pussy is
just as wonderful as you:
responsive, loving.
My cock rubs G spot;
my fingers tease clitoris.
I'm grateful I found
your magic, sensitive nub
inside your pussy.
Does this feel good in
your pussy’s sensitive front?
Go to that feeling.
Woman on my cock
has a man in her pussy.
Such intense feelings!
Your pussy’s so wet,
my balls pull tight to my cock.
Lustful urgency.
Pulsing contractions
wring all sensibility
from our awareness.
When we stop coming
you milk every drop of cum.
Delirious cock.
Ordinary flesh;
extraordinary form.
Divine expression.
I love to touch you,
brush your arm or nudge your calf.
Can't believe you're mine.
Sex fosters closeness.
When linked to love and caring,
it feels magical.
I want my body
to overflow with kindness
that you view fondly.
Sex immerses us
in feelings for each other.
Ours: kindness and love.
You can dare to trust
in the reality of
my deep affection.
First priority:
reassure our affection.
Then, create pleasure.
You’ve subconscious needs
to give and receive kindness.
Joy to be with you.
It’s your sweet kindness
that magnifies your beauty
for those who’ll see it.
Oh, to be pleasured
by the beauty I adore
while I pleasure her.
The most important
experiences of life
are so subjective.
It’s not whether we’ve
got reasons to be happy;
it’s whether we are.
Because it feels like
you’re the world’s greatest beauty,
it really is true.
Sensual pleasures
sear our psychic connection
deep into our souls.
A little soreness
in my penis the next day:
happy reminder.
When you feel the urge,
I’ll relish another chance
for us to connect.
To connect with me,
you choose me to satisfy
you sexually.
It’s my privilege
to serve as your instrument
for satisfaction.
We use my firm cock
to stimulate your G-spot
‘til we both come hard.
To help me connect,
you enjoy satisfying
me sexually.
Delightful surprise:
when sensations engulf me,
there’s your affection.
When our bodies merge,
faces soft with affection,
we know we are loved.
We both have lovers
whose kindness inspires them to
satisfy our needs.
So satisfying
for either of us to make
the other one come.
We so desire each
other’s sexual pleasure,
we’re both rich with it.
You help me become
the best lover I can be,
keen to pleasure you.
Innocent of guile,
knowledgeable in ways of
sensational sex.
We both long to feel
my penis in your pussy
with hot emotions.
Come sit on my cock,
grind your pelvis against me
while I fondle you.
We squirm hard enough
to friction-weld our groins
with heat and passion.
Balls press your vulva.
Pussy squeezes me tightly.
Exquisite ordeal.
When you start coming,
can’t help thrusting my cock in
your pulsing pussy.
When you make me come,
I savor the expression
of your affection.
We're wet and sticky.
Doesn't even bother us.
It's from each other.
The back of my balls
rest on the front of your thigh.
All's well with the world.
In contended glow,
we lie in each other’s arms
after orgasms.
Being together:
not my chance to control you;
my chance to know you.
I’m fascinated
by how you experience
just everything.
When the world’s wonders
absorb your rapt attention,
I watch you in awe.
What you see is nice.
What it shows about you is
so mesmerizing.
I’m able to see
that your innate nature is
both rare and precious.
I want to hold you
in my heart constantly and
just never let go.
Even making love,
I don’t really possess you,
just my love for you.
No one should ever
treat you like a possession.
It stunts your spirit.
Sooner or later,
those who need to dominate
will turn on you next.
It’s not my nature
to exert domination
that you’d fear or dread.
I am determined
to see you in your own light.
It feels good that way.
‘Cause you do the same,
we don’t find each other as
causing fight-or-flight.
Life is hard when your
fight-or-flight is on a lot.
That’s not here with me.
To test strength of love,
some pound on its foundation.
Others watch its growth.
One can’t know roses
by picking apart petals,
crushing their magic.
You need affection,
and not hard-hearted conflict.
I cherish your need.
When those around you
focus only on your faults,
they miss a treasure.
Hard to feel warmth for
anyone who keeps taking
disparaging digs.
I’m not so craven
to “build up” my self esteem
by tearing you down.
When they dump on you,
don’t believe it’s at all true.
It’s dust on diamonds.
Feel pity, not hate,
for their blindness beyond their
small “reality.”
Aggressive commands
don’t make a small, mean world-view
the one that is true.
Trust your heart that yearns
for kindness, acceptance and
You have your own tastes,
inducing subtle feelings
I hadn’t yet known.
You’ve untapped talents
needing opportunity
and encouragement.
Everyone needs
people who see they’re special.
For you, I am one.
You do deserve love
without having to earn it.
It is your birthright.
Don’t want you to feel
empty and without options
as your lot in life.
Wish you so much love
that you’ve plenty left to share
from your overflow.
Glad your friends give you
emotional nourishment.
You deserve happy.
I’ve absolute faith
that the good I see in you
is your core essence.
Some are kind just ‘til
they get what they want. Others
are for its own sake.
I’m on a mission
to prove that your kindness won’t
be unrequited.
When things get me down,
when nothing’s going my way,
I still care for you.
Do you want a man
whose reliability
is kindness to you?
I love the feeling
of my affection for you.
It makes me feel whole.
Wanting you feels like
such a rare combination:
contented hunger.
The daily banal
becomes infused with magic,
when I know you care.
I want to be skilled
in all nuances of your
body’s subtleties.
Softness of your skin.
The compression of your flesh.
Your enticing scent.
We dance in recline,
your hands on my outer thighs,
moving together.
Doubly fulfilling:
my sexual pleasures come
with your affection.
The flesh of your calf
rests in the palm of my hand.
Even that’s gorgeous.
When my eyes fill with
how much a goddess you are,
it’s hard not to come.
I try not to come
'til your whirlpool of passion
pulls us both under.
Your sensations are
overloading my circuits.
I’m close to the edge.
Oh, baby, please stop.
Don’t want a quick end to these
intense sensations.
If I come quickly,
please suck me back to full size
to resume again.
Help me get through this
refractory period.
There’s much more to come.
I writhe and contort;
I’m at your complete mercy
when you suck my cock.
You’ve made me ready.
Now I’ll return the favor,
and enjoy it too.
Arms under your thighs,
hands on breasts, mouth on pussy;
immersed in woman.
My lower lip learns
womanly mysteries from
your soft labia.
Cock muffles your moans.
Pussy melts beneath my lips.
We grasp at buttocks.
Can’t tell what’s better:
seeing you enjoy my touch,
or my feeling yours.
We surrender to
experiencing loving
and to being loved.
Our being in love
seems to change my chemistry,
even when apart.
You seem so normal,
yet are such a catalyst
for profound feelings.
Most can only see
another pretty woman.
I see a goddess.
A siren's body
with the face of a goddess
and kindness of love.
Don’t want you as my
warm-flesh masturbation toy.
Want your deep feelings.
You’re so beautiful
when you are truly happy.
That’s my wish for you.
Your beautiful face
irrepressibly conveys
your innate kindness.
Ev’ryone feels it:
beauty of a human face
is in its kindness.
A few blemishes
can't dim your innate beauty
or cool my desire.
A flawless body
is not needed to channel
gorgeous affection.
So what, your body’s
not centimeters thinner.
It warms to my touch.
Your desiring me
inspires me to great efforts
to satisfy you.
By focused learning,
became effective lover
who learned how for you.
I’ve learned to touch you
in ways you like to be touched,
stoking hot embers.
I love it when I
fill your pussy with my cock.
We feel so alive.
Sensations of you
felt in my cock’s deep tissue
keep me going strong.
You feel me moving?
Can focus on the pleasure?
You’re perfectly tight.
I do what I can
to fuck you without coming
while you’re getting there.
I’m proud I learned to
sustain a dauntless cock you’d
want to ride and grind.
Biting your lip, you
rub your sweet pussy wall on
my valiant cock.
Since my self-control,
you ride me with abandon
into pulsing bliss.
I'm glad, when you need
a penis to come against,
that you've chosen me.
Goddess atop me,
your pussy devours my cock,
glutes flex rhythmic’ly.
I’m awed when you come;
You get swept away by such
a force of nature.
I feel exalted:
you become open with me;
you let yourself go.
Glad my love is there
when your body gets drenched with
orgasmic hormones.
you indulge in afterglow,
holding me tightly.
You don’t fear showing
that you enjoy my body
and my affection.
I love it when you’re,
sexually gratified,
oozing affection.
No need for tension.
I don’t misinterpret your
kindness as weakness.
Kind and beautiful.
Such a rare combination.
Safe here to be both.
Are relationships
of kindness realistic?
Yes! We’re living proof.
Can affection last?
If it starts from connection,
and we nourish it.
At the heart of our
relationship is simply
loving acceptance.
Don’t worry about
making this attraction last.
It’s built on kindness.
sweet human affection is
so precious to me.
Means so much to me
to have your admiration.
You surely have mine.
You choose to see me
such that my funny body
attracts you to me.
I stand up straighter,
move more athletically,
because you like it.
When you look at me
feeling lust and affection,
I feel ten feet tall.
How could you see me
as a gorgeous hunk of man?
Must be eyes of love.
These bodies that make
sweat, smells and stubble are what
feel and express love.
I let down my guard;
my face is free of pretense.
Still you’re attracted.
I love your default:
search not for flaws to suppress,
but good to support.
Though I have many,
you overlook my defects
to see just my best.
Even your complaints
convey “fondness”, "affection"
more than "annoyance."
Little surprises
expose big revelations
about each other.
Why do I want you?
You draw out the best in me
and also yourself.
Human potential
(empathy, affection, love)
blossoms when with you.
I hope you don’t mind;
I use you as a muse to
inspire my kindness.
Dare to accept that
you’re worthy of more love than
you’ve ever allowed.
From us, we create
a tiny society
of kindness and love.
We’re always mindful
that both of us need kindness,
and each can give it.
So very precious
when one can rely upon
someone’s affection.
All people have love,
but in you it’s not obscured
by greed or anger.
The way I see you:
I may idealize you,
but it’s also true.
You might not always
be like my ideal image,
but often enough.
Each new thing we do
shows me new ways your kindness
manifests itself.
Your abilities
for kindness and affection
make you so special.
Really is a skill
to be so kind, come what may.
You’ve that aptitude.
I like your quirks too.
They’re part of the person who
gives kindness and love.
No longer a girl,
you have acquired wisdom
from all you’ve been through.
Childhood’s close friendships,
pre-puberty, had magic.
We’ve got some of that.
Adolescence brought
wonder at exciting sex.
We’ve got some of that.
As adults we’d see
what is really important.
We know some of that.
This wisdom we know:
the feeling matters more than
the circumstances.
Your self-worth doesn’t
come from tearing down others,
but from who you are.
You are what you are,
even if no one sees it.
Thank God that I can.
Does being adored
make you uncomfortable?
I see what you can’t.
I love adoring
all womenkind through you, who
has all their virtues.
Take as evidence
my observations about
how special you are.
Accepting your heart:
big responsibility
that changes my life.
We make a habit:
appreciate each other,
so love grows deep roots.
Happy to see you;
missing you each time you go.
So glad to feel that.
When we are apart,
memories of kindnesses
sustain the embers.
Beauty may attract,
but kindness and affection
connect most deeply.
The little efforts
I happily make for you
daily feed my love.
Main efforts: simply
pay attention to what I
admire about you.
I pay attention.
What you’re feeling does matter.
Seems small, but it’s big.
We bring into this
our commitment to kindness.
It makes this so great.
We don’t focus on:
"I wouldn’t do that your way,…”
lest we think: “…,Stupid!”
When we encounter
our differences, we pause;
make sure to be kind.
When you’re annoying,
does it curb my affection?
Never even close.
Your beauty is great,
but your kindness is the best
Sometimes when with friends,
I imagine you near me,
feel pangs of longing.
Such sweet reminders:
all women share a portion
of your sweet beauty.
Beautiful women
would just distract me from you.
So I won’t want them.
When we meet again,
I relearn how much I feel
more alive with you.
Our fingertips touch.
They delicately sense our
depths of affection.
You lean in so close,
as if you’d take me right here
if weren’t in public.
Your sultry sex vibe
makes you the most attractive
woman in the world.
Seeing you stirs me.
Is there an obvious bulge?
You glance down; it swells.
Your hand brushes there.
I move close; press it to you.
You smile and I throb.
One hand cups your face;
one pulls the small of your back.
Warm bodies converge.
My hand can feel you
softly yielding to my touch,
revealing fervor.
Your warm pussy lips
engorge between my fingers;
always excites me.
Let’s make love until
we both are satiated
or one’s exhausted.
When behind closed doors,
we strip each other’s clothing,
you’re all fours in bed.
I slide eager hands
along your calves, thighs and buns;
stroking, admiring.
Firm and supple thighs,
your sweet buns pressing my abs
are wondrous feelings.
My hands are happy
sliding from your ass cheeks to
a narrowing waist.
When I’m inside you
you focus on the pleasure.
I love that in you.
Hearing your sweet voice:
“Oh fuck me, baby, fuck me!”
swirls my consciousness.
You’re the best lover
a man could ever desire.
You’re so into it.
Help me learn how to
endure the pleasure of you
so we can reach heights.
You build my tension,
holding me right at the edge.
Blissful agony.
Your finger and thumb
circle my scrotum; firmly
pull me from the edge.
After a close call,
I can again concentrate
on what you’re feeling.
Sliding into you
Is a comfortable pleasure
for trusting lovers.
Sometimes feels like silk.
Other times we grind like a
mortar and pestle.
Passionate, raunchy
or affectionate, our sex
always has kindness.
In my love’s safe space,
feel the pleasure of our thrusts;
abandon yourself.
And then it happens.
Waves of ecstasy build up.
“Right there! Just like that!”
I’m thrilled when you’re close.
I slow-breathe; delay myself
‘til you orgasm.
“O God, I’m coming!”
Such exhilarating words
that I love to hear.
Your entire core seems
to spasm in contractions
that just amaze me.
The world vanishes.
Your coming starts me coming.
In bliss together.
We’re oblivious
to everything in the world
when we orgasm.
Am I still alive
after the intense pleasure
you bestowed on me?
Emotions laid bare,
we’re puddles of affection,
Total indulgence:
pillowed on your sweet ass cheeks,
soaking affection.
Can’t stop touching you,
to feel as close as I can
as long as I can.
After we’ve made love
it feels important to be
kind to each other.
Let’s keep the chatter
from inside our busy heads
at bay for a while.
Quietly feel loved.
Not much is more important
than our feeling loved.
From our making love,
our connection’s increased depth
is ours to enjoy.
In contended sleep,
my arms surround your body,
penis in a crease.
As soon as we’re done,
seeds of my hunger for you
start to sprout anew.
When we must get up,
let me help you dress, so you’ll
wear my caresses.
Not always obsessed
with making love with you, but
always attracted.
Sex is important,
but less than your affection
or your happiness.
Feeling your soft warmth,
the rhythm of your breathing:
sometimes that’s enough.
Love to be in tune.
Like when you need comforting,
my touch turns soothing.
Indulgent pleasure:
to slip my arm ‘round your waist
and then see you smile.
Universe loves you.
So you’ll feel it, it provokes
my feelings for you.
I do many things.
An important one is to
appreciate you.
I don’t swoon for you.
My affection is constant,
always part of me.
Since I’m in your life,
I always am concerned with
whether you’re happy.
The bottom line is:
I want you to feel you’re loved
and valued always.
Can’t be ev’rything.
The things we pursue are what
we find important.
My admiring the
important parts of you says:
I can see your worth.
Your admiring them
in me helps to dispel some
doubts of my own too.
is important to me, and
simple compassion.
Like me, part of you
also loves feeling desire,
while being desired.
opens an experience
of human nature.
Where is it safe to
embrace how much we like sex?
In kindness, respect.
Kindness is caring
about how the other feels,
a type of wisdom.
We trust our kindness:
safe to be vulnerable,
to experience.
’Cause sex means so much
to us both, we keep it filled
with our affection.
What I want for you:
fulfilling experience
of life and of me.
We can be ourselves
and feel appreciated
when we’re together.
I want to please you
with love, sex and affection;
binding you to me.
You like being the
focus of my lust, ‘cause it’s
steeped in affection.
I love to feel your
wanting the feeling of my
making love to you.
You often please me
with love, sex and affection,
binding me to you.
Since being lovers,
glad you are part of my life,
and I’m part of yours.
I can finally
be all of me all the time,
even your lover.
I had no idea
how exquisite it would be
to make love with you.
You don’t have me take
sexual pleasures from you;
you make them your gift.
You sit on my cock.
We gaze in each other’s eyes.
Boundaries dissolve.
I swear I can’t tell
where I end and you begin;
our loins have melted.
The pleasure is great,
but the connection to you
is what means so much.
Why our sex is great:
our lovemaking expresses
kindness, affection.
We use our fucking
to deepen our affection.
It never feels weird.
Feels weird to have sex
with one who doesn’t get you.
We never feel that.
Sex without your love:
Hollow. Your love without sex:
Precious. Both: Heaven.
We don’t check to see
if we should withhold our love.
We give it with trust.
The thrill of new love
steadily transforms into
steadfast affection.
Though raging fever
inevitably cools off,
affection endures.
When our making love
is no longer so novel,
will still be profound.
Frantic sex can't last.
We nurture kindness and have
eager, loving sex.
Making love again
later in the day is a
languorous pleasure.
Soft and warm fingers
cup my balls and stroke my cock;
wake me up to play.
Your lips barely touch
my cock when you wake it up.
When big, you suck hard.
You feel each contour
with your lips, each ridge and swell,
with complete focus.
What magic transforms
your touch into ecstasy?
My adoration.
Makes a difference
to be touched with affection.
It’s felt as a thrill.
Like to feel your touch,
your soft hand of affection:
excitement that soothes.
Seeing you lie there,
inhabiting all your flesh,
warms and excites me.
Kiss me while we fuck.
Drape your hand around my neck.
Feel utter closeness.
Through the eyes of love
you see our lovemaking as
peak experience.
From love you give me
these peak experiences:
making love with you.
You cradle my head,
press your body onto me.
Cock fills your pussy.
My entire penis
is held in the soft embrace
of your sweet pussy.
I love your pussy.
You blend her sensations right
into your feelings.
You don’t have the world’s
only existing pussy,
just the most loving.
Why it’s possible
for us to have all of this:
we want to go there.
My pleasure organ
has become an organ of
When will my penis
caress inside your pussy
and show affection?
With kind affection,
conspirators in pleasure
fuck ten thousand nights.
Sex is adhesive:
contact cement between souls.
Thrilled to stick with you.
If we fuck a lot,
risk getting really attached.
That’s just what I want.
I have thought about
our making love so often,
it’s now part of me.
A whole part of me
comes alive from loving you.
I like who I am.
The way I see sex
may be hopelessly naïve,
or may well be true.
Don’t want life to pass
without experiencing
what you draw from me.
Hold me and kiss me
‘cause I’ve got to feel your love
while I’m still alive.
We wouldn’t be less
if we weren’t together.
It just wouldn’t show.
Deepening kindness
increases attractiveness,
even as we age.
When our bodies age
and lose some of their appeal,
we’ll have something more.
We’ll have developed
bespoke kindness and support,
with matchless appeal.
Even as we age,
we’ll still be each other’s source
of needed kindness.
When I can’t be there
to give you kindness, then please
treat yourself kindly.
The kindness one needs
to receive always has got
to include one’s own.
In me are these needs:
to give, receive and express.
Can you accept them?
‘Cause you’re receptive
to how I feel about you,
I know we connect.
Can you see yourself
as the woman in this book?
You’re all that and more.
A man feels this way
when a woman inspires him
beyond the normal.
Felt this way so long,
expect to rest of my life,
or even longer.
Is it really safe
to expose our hearts like this?
I just know it’s real.
Shall I tell you this?
Or even tell the whole world?
Why not, if it’s true.
Somewhere in this world
there is someone who often
feels this about you.
Even if unsought,
know that you’re special enough
to inspire all this.
Am I whom you want
to receive your affection?
I long / fear to know.
Written by John_Struy
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 764
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 764
Strangers Is All We Will Ever Be
Just one look as we pass by each
Other on the street, but I can see it
All in a flash. We kiss and have sex in
The sheets. When I always reach
Out to you in the night. A perfect fit
Together and getting married. A sin
From long ago that I have forgotten,
But you are simply a stranger and
Someone who just does not belong
To me. You are someone’s silk cotton,
But not mine. You have a strong hand
That I cannot hold. You have a song,
But I cannot sing it with you. You
Have musical laughter, but I cannot
Be the one to stop to hear it. You are
Someone else’s future because I
Cannot have with you and you got
Away. You are someone’s bright star.
You are gone in the blink of an eye.
Other on the street, but I can see it
All in a flash. We kiss and have sex in
The sheets. When I always reach
Out to you in the night. A perfect fit
Together and getting married. A sin
From long ago that I have forgotten,
But you are simply a stranger and
Someone who just does not belong
To me. You are someone’s silk cotton,
But not mine. You have a strong hand
That I cannot hold. You have a song,
But I cannot sing it with you. You
Have musical laughter, but I cannot
Be the one to stop to hear it. You are
Someone else’s future because I
Cannot have with you and you got
Away. You are someone’s bright star.
You are gone in the blink of an eye.
Written by eswaller
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On an errand for the firm
ancient, post-quake
dingy, San Francisco
15 floor high-rise
waiting to descend
she by my side
eyes lock, speak
deep brown to deep brown
simpatico, I’m kind so are you
sea-foam green bandanna
covers long, nearly black hair
a killer I know you-I accept you smile
synapsis explode
mind future races
much too brief nights
filled with genuine passion, ecstasy
long deep kisses
naked mornings
walking , hands clasped
amongst primeval redwoods
late night beach campfire snuggles
candlelit Sausalito dinners
Mallorca honeymoon
Sunset District,1940’s bungalow
2 girls,1 boy, a chocolate labrador
10 grandchildren...
Elevator door slides open
spell bursts
creaking downward
two alone, sideways glances
“Hi, how are you?”
sultry mezzo “Fine”
“Beautiful day,” “Totally”
“Take care,” “You too”
longing last look
sweet “See ya later”
regret laden “Bye”
17 years ago
ancient, post-quake
dingy, San Francisco
15 floor high-rise
waiting to descend
she by my side
eyes lock, speak
deep brown to deep brown
simpatico, I’m kind so are you
sea-foam green bandanna
covers long, nearly black hair
a killer I know you-I accept you smile
synapsis explode
mind future races
much too brief nights
filled with genuine passion, ecstasy
long deep kisses
naked mornings
walking , hands clasped
amongst primeval redwoods
late night beach campfire snuggles
candlelit Sausalito dinners
Mallorca honeymoon
Sunset District,1940’s bungalow
2 girls,1 boy, a chocolate labrador
10 grandchildren...
Elevator door slides open
spell bursts
creaking downward
two alone, sideways glances
“Hi, how are you?”
sultry mezzo “Fine”
“Beautiful day,” “Totally”
“Take care,” “You too”
longing last look
sweet “See ya later”
regret laden “Bye”
17 years ago
Written by Gahddess_Worship
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Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 596
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 168
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 168
Related submission no longer exists.

<< post removed >>
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047
Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2047
My dreamboat to Social Climb
I stood a la quiver veiled by his enigmatic silhouette
Feeling more and more alive with each jerk and twitch
It was cold there
In his noble shadow
His chin alone protruded at least two feet in that suns peculiar slant
And was fitting and enough to carry the lofty weight of his rattling diatribe
Against the woolgatherers he deemed the great villians of the day
I was fearful I was one of them
And felt sudden and deep remorse for time spent that very morning
Set adrift on pure dreamstate bliss
That had carried me to some warm fuzzy place
Where my disturbed soul felt the Earth
And it's jumbled vibrations like a lullaby
How could I have bought such cheap soothing?
My brain withered to tiny in his inky atmosphere
I was washed right winged and old moneyed by the east coast turn of his vowells
My pussy melted at the scent of charcoal grey wool
And brown leather elbow patches of his J Crew sweater
I wanted him to fuck me to new awesome heights
My self worth and social standing rising with each sweaty thrust
And my supreme debutante coming out
Would cum spurting out in salty gushes
Up my twat infiltrating my egg like a bazooka shot
Fertilizing me one of his kind
He turned then
And brushed my arm with his
To my horror he grimaced
Took out a navy silk handkerchief
And wiped me off
I stood a la quiver veiled by his enigmatic silhouette
Feeling more and more alive with each jerk and twitch
It was cold there
In his noble shadow
His chin alone protruded at least two feet in that suns peculiar slant
And was fitting and enough to carry the lofty weight of his rattling diatribe
Against the woolgatherers he deemed the great villians of the day
I was fearful I was one of them
And felt sudden and deep remorse for time spent that very morning
Set adrift on pure dreamstate bliss
That had carried me to some warm fuzzy place
Where my disturbed soul felt the Earth
And it's jumbled vibrations like a lullaby
How could I have bought such cheap soothing?
My brain withered to tiny in his inky atmosphere
I was washed right winged and old moneyed by the east coast turn of his vowells
My pussy melted at the scent of charcoal grey wool
And brown leather elbow patches of his J Crew sweater
I wanted him to fuck me to new awesome heights
My self worth and social standing rising with each sweaty thrust
And my supreme debutante coming out
Would cum spurting out in salty gushes
Up my twat infiltrating my egg like a bazooka shot
Fertilizing me one of his kind
He turned then
And brushed my arm with his
To my horror he grimaced
Took out a navy silk handkerchief
And wiped me off
Joined 11th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 10
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 10
I saw you
I saw you again today and you didn't see me
but that's ok, I know I'm not much to look at
You looked sad, and I wanted to say it'll be ok
but I don't know that it will, I don't know your story
I wanted to hold your hand, as you walked to wherever
I wanted to tell you that you were beautiful
I saw you again today and you said hi as we passed
and I said hi too, at the same time, it was awkward
You looked happy, music poured from your earphones
a slick funky rhythm that made my heart beat faster
I wanted to dance with you, the two of us moving together
I wanted to spin with you so that we felt like we were flying
I missed you today you weren't where you usually are,
and I worried for a minute, that something was wrong
a thousand reasons you could be gone, a thousand images
I wished that I could call you and ask you if you were ok
I wanted to be the person you call when you needed help
I wanted to hold you and stroke your hair until it was better
I saw you again today, and I saw him too
and I looked down as we passed at your fingers interlaced
you were laughing and I wanted to cry
and my breath caught, thick in my throat
I wanted what he had, not you but the moments with you
I wanted breakfast conversations and cuddles on the sofa
I saw you again today and you said hi as we passed
and I pretended not to hear you, I pretended not to see
how you glowed, and how you looked like the world was yours
and blood rushed to my ears, and they rang and my world got so small
I wanted to be a better man, to say hello and share your smile
I wanted to be a better man, but I am not, I'm just me
I walked another way today.
but that's ok, I know I'm not much to look at
You looked sad, and I wanted to say it'll be ok
but I don't know that it will, I don't know your story
I wanted to hold your hand, as you walked to wherever
I wanted to tell you that you were beautiful
I saw you again today and you said hi as we passed
and I said hi too, at the same time, it was awkward
You looked happy, music poured from your earphones
a slick funky rhythm that made my heart beat faster
I wanted to dance with you, the two of us moving together
I wanted to spin with you so that we felt like we were flying
I missed you today you weren't where you usually are,
and I worried for a minute, that something was wrong
a thousand reasons you could be gone, a thousand images
I wished that I could call you and ask you if you were ok
I wanted to be the person you call when you needed help
I wanted to hold you and stroke your hair until it was better
I saw you again today, and I saw him too
and I looked down as we passed at your fingers interlaced
you were laughing and I wanted to cry
and my breath caught, thick in my throat
I wanted what he had, not you but the moments with you
I wanted breakfast conversations and cuddles on the sofa
I saw you again today and you said hi as we passed
and I pretended not to hear you, I pretended not to see
how you glowed, and how you looked like the world was yours
and blood rushed to my ears, and they rang and my world got so small
I wanted to be a better man, to say hello and share your smile
I wanted to be a better man, but I am not, I'm just me
I walked another way today.
Written by JohnnyThunder
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Joined 6th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 8
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 8
A Farewell For The Moon
Gently lying behind dreary mist,
A heuteur no one could resist.
Bleak lament leaked from soil to raven night,
Beneath the cruel reign of deific white.
Memories mouldered in musty dreams,
Fragile words became lorn screams.
Sentenced to die for a forgotten crime,
Mirth fondled my face for the last time.
Tearing apart, a pale sigh on my lips,
Took a step to my modest eclipse.
Floating with a consoling lullaby,
As hideous sins were passing by.
An unreachable myth feeding the pain,
Hoping a merciful sain was just in vain.
Pure credence merged with black in June,
Tainted tears will embrace me soon.
A heuteur no one could resist.
Bleak lament leaked from soil to raven night,
Beneath the cruel reign of deific white.
Memories mouldered in musty dreams,
Fragile words became lorn screams.
Sentenced to die for a forgotten crime,
Mirth fondled my face for the last time.
Tearing apart, a pale sigh on my lips,
Took a step to my modest eclipse.
Floating with a consoling lullaby,
As hideous sins were passing by.
An unreachable myth feeding the pain,
Hoping a merciful sain was just in vain.
Pure credence merged with black in June,
Tainted tears will embrace me soon.
Written by ulas12selvi
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1873
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1873
Destinies and Destinations
The conversation started out lightly,
As they sat in the diner watching the news,
Sharing the same opinion and attitude,
Which led to a profound talk between two.
And so these strangers then connected,
At an intellectual level and degree,
As if they had known each other in the past,
Even if they were just passing by.
They shared a bit about their lives,
They talked about careers and life experiences,
Similar in age, parallel to a page,
It was as if destiny had brought them together.
They focused on each other’s expressions,
Their smiles and body language clicked,
There was a sense of comfort and ease,
In the way they profoundly communicated.
There was a bond between them,
They spoke with a sincere and genuine spark,
It was so professional and yet so sensual,
The way their personalities matched.
But the meet came to an abrupt end,
When an announcement was made,
She hated to break the conversation,
Her flight would be leaving soon.
They shook hands with decorum,
Wishing each other a great day,
Their eyes looked into each other’s soul,
Saying goodbye and exchanging names.
These are the random things in life,
Strangers parting after a great conversation,
Even when it feels like they connected,
As each one heads to their destination.
The conversation started out lightly,
As they sat in the diner watching the news,
Sharing the same opinion and attitude,
Which led to a profound talk between two.
And so these strangers then connected,
At an intellectual level and degree,
As if they had known each other in the past,
Even if they were just passing by.
They shared a bit about their lives,
They talked about careers and life experiences,
Similar in age, parallel to a page,
It was as if destiny had brought them together.
They focused on each other’s expressions,
Their smiles and body language clicked,
There was a sense of comfort and ease,
In the way they profoundly communicated.
There was a bond between them,
They spoke with a sincere and genuine spark,
It was so professional and yet so sensual,
The way their personalities matched.
But the meet came to an abrupt end,
When an announcement was made,
She hated to break the conversation,
Her flight would be leaving soon.
They shook hands with decorum,
Wishing each other a great day,
Their eyes looked into each other’s soul,
Saying goodbye and exchanging names.
These are the random things in life,
Strangers parting after a great conversation,
Even when it feels like they connected,
As each one heads to their destination.
Joined 8th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 2
Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 2
To The Ghost I Love The Most
Were you meant to be temporary?
Have you found in me
your ephemeral sanctuary?
Was I just a brief happiness?
A little bit of smile in your loneliness?
Have you always been a wanderer—
meant to be an orphan forever?
Am I not enough for your lone?
Haven't you found in me your home?
Was it just because of exhaustion
that you stopped by in desperation?
Can you not take me with you?
Are you so happy being blue?
For the ghost I love the most,
A soulmate meant to be lost.
Didn't I found you in your solitude?
I understand that timing is rude.
Just in case you lose your way;
and everything is never okay,
I have set a light to be your lodestar,
you'll see it no matter how far you are.
And In my heart—I have left a light on,
just in case you want to go home.
[Disclaimer [!]
The last two lines is a quotes from Lennon Hudson and not originally mine. Thank you.]
Written by fortressmeadow
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