Poetry competition CLOSED 11th June 2024 3:18am
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Destruction by fire.

Strange Creature
Joined 13th Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 1

Poetry Contest

Purely imaginative. This doesn't have to be about a literal fire but very well can be. It should give the reader a illusion of being burnt in fire. Whether that be metaphorical fire or true fire. 200 word max . 1 entry per contestant.

Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 269


Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 20th Apr 2024
Forum Posts: 19


My lover's gaze is blazing sun
as down abandoned beach I run
in search of shade,
of shrouded sky --
I shan't escape his searing eye.

Alas, the faster that I try
to flee the warmth of his embrace
the further still I'm lost until
my heart surrenders to the chase.

My lips surrender to the taste
of sweet submission's knotted twine
around my wrists and ankles laced
across his bed -- then from behind

I feel his strength, his solemn hand,
the thundered crash of reprimand
against my cheek, across my sex.
And as he swings, my muscles flex

a tightly dimpled glowing ass
that flinches with his every pass.
His fiery fingers singe my mound
and melt my cotton candied down

till dripping syrup soaks the sheets.
Resistance fails, restraint retreats.
His tongue against my throbbing pearl
has lashed my gash
has dipped and swirled.

While pink ambrosia fills the air,
my essence gushes everywhere!
Then standing tall, this gallant steed
impales my well of aching need.

Relentless Thrusts -- Euphoric Pain
My core is pouring out his name!
Drained and sated, love's lament
hath soothed the fire of discontent.

I weep where weeping's wants are learned
and bask in everlasting burn...

Written by DampKitten
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510


Your lips
drip napalm
down my neck,
my skin crackles
and bleeds
against your
fevered hands,
as your mouth
takes mine and
drives white-flamed
through my
stomach with

And it’s not

so I

to burn me.

Burn me so hot
burn me so hard
that I need
a mind graft
to exist in society
without scaring
small children

Choke me
until I can only
rub my swollen
need against your
and whisper
through a



Stroke the flames
until they’re as
frenzied as I am
beneath the
flash-fire agony
of your desire;

break me into
kindling and
soak the pieces in
a lit kerosene lamp
burn me
until the horizon
is washed away
in a blue-blaze

Kiss me softly
and light the match.

Leave nothing
but a pile of
charred bones
at the door.
Written by Betty
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Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

Emotional Firestorm

Passions ignited, I am intoxicated with rage.
Eyes enflamed with hellfire and soul enlivened,
this firestorm and the whirling clouds of smoke
incites both panic and fear within my path.

Candlewicks flare up in the heat of my presence,
so too, I melt the wax of the candlesticks.
My inferno cloud billows into the sweet air,  
which itself combusts and is consumed.

Tears of joy once filled the sea of my eyes.
Now that sea boils; steam-pluming into clouds.
Even in blind rage though, my fire gives light
to perceive form in people and the words they say.

My flames lick and scorch the feelings of any
who stubbornly stand in the path of this storm.
With the locomotion of this madness,
all the world around is charred black.

Written by gothicsurrealism (Daniel Long)
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Dangerous Mind
India 6awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 134

burning sun

in open fields and in the cooler shade
we were sleeping under a sycamore
where wide-mouthed roses were smiling
where the busy murmur of bats were glowing

where our youth was soon to take wings and fly
we were holding quiet conversations with an early moon
he looked into my shining eyes,
n said “ Pleasing you is my ultimate aim in life…”
he started caressing my orange-like branches

he started massaging my fleshy boobs voluptuously
he started kissing my crowning point of pussy with the heat of his tongue
i was feeling like i was in a new world of spice, chils and wetness.
i was enjoying spicy slice of the life

my eyes were begging for more
my hunger was whispering in his ear
his dry dick was started indulge in the labyrinth of my mouth
we had started the honest dance of achieving orgasm

the night began to pass and within moments
the blazing sun rose in the sky
a familiar feeling of warmth came over me
the moon looked at the sun and humbly emaciated
i felt the light and  I began to feel a subtle pain

i pleaded to that arrogant Sun…
Ohhh Sun!!!  like the beautiful moon of the sky
there is a moon in my arms too
which is very dear to me
which came to fill wetness and coolness
in my dry sky...

why were you in such a hurry
to color this earth saffron?
Sun replied… i was not in the fast lane,
time watching in a hurry...
i also wanted to kiss the wings of butterflies
wanted to bathe sand in my shadow
wanted to fill my semen to the bare land...
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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poet Anonymous

Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

Dangerous Mind
Netherlands 13awards
Joined 24th July 2016
Forum Posts: 62

Sex On Fire

i hear the sound
of a lighter really

smoke a ciggy?

just like that my
Pussy is on Fire

i scream out loud
and cross my legs
in a primal reflex

“what did i say?”
ehm i stammer

legs open wide
and don't make
a sound? “so?”

i brace myself
yet fail a slap in
my face follows

you can do this
just let go i close

my eyes capitulate

drift off into subspace
Written by Duende
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37


Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

First, A Spark

She traces mindless circles
in the sand
her head, on his thigh.

Notes rise
aimlessly from his guitar
casually drifting upward.

Every fifth wave
is the largest--
or is it the seventh, God's number?

She's lost count.
It doesn't matter--
 only this, in the heat of afternoon.

Breathe in, the sun awaits
with a spark
ready to burn pasts to ashes.

He stops
for a moment, guitar aside
and leans in for the kiss, he wants.

Light plays
off his golden hair
and sparkles on ocean crests.

He asks her a question,
she responds "Yes"
and something ignites their world.

She smiles, then another deep kiss
sends a cortege of new memories
billowing behind them.

The waves roll on,
the sun sends its heat
and all of Creation, expresses its approval.

Written by MadameLavender
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th May 2021
Forum Posts: 31


Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37

Angry Sun

I scorch for fun
The prodigal son.
Destroying all in my midst.
Every law I break,
My family; ashamed.  
I don't take it,
Im in search of lust.
For the latest trend.
All the slaves in cuffs,
Are jealous,
I am free of their revenge.
I roam about,
For, I am, allowed.
God creates the sin.
He casts me out,
Screams and shouts.
Through him,
I ascend.
Still I scorch for fun,
Like an angry sun.
I envelop all within.
Like ants on the run,
The prodigal son,
A story, that never ends.
Written by AfterSexDilemma
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16865

Passion Fire

passion's fire and desire's flames
rage on in silent a force of allure
whispers of silk falling on floor
once more passion play

gentle whispers companion play
smoldering gaze in seduction
fragrance of rose attar stay
on pillows with the motions

sensual sway a symphony
hands on curves tempts
transcending time and space
two hearts and soul in harmony

muted screams towards the skies
folded in each other fly
their essence becoming one
and flutter down still entwined
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 26th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 10

Burning Emotions

There’s hesitation within the mirror.
A sensational ache, flames,
Ever so slowly immerse
In the crevices of her face.
Discontent and disarray,
Form a sick tension,
Bound in the jaw.
A fist bashes through,
Confined with hate.

The screech she produces was not the pain,
But the ignition of loathing from her core.

Memories they ping only resentment,
Experiences of a broken household,
Experiences of a neglected heart.
Like a cactus starved of water,
She was able to contain herself.
But the wilting continued,
‘Til it probed her mind.

Now, she burns true,
Past every emotional state.
Through personal experience,
It’s best to let the blaze go,
Until the last ember dies.

Written by Aquatic-Vehicle (Lexiloo)
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