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So, how are we all?

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 157

No, I have never seen a bumblebee nest! That's a great find! All the things I see out in nature (especially considering where I work) that's one I've yet to see for myself! I do find yellowjackets and other wasp nests, but they are quite common. Thanks for the view!!

@Ajay, @Ahavati and @Rew - I want to thank you for your encouragement regarding my lost companion. Even a little advice or encouragement means the world to me. I am trying not to lose hope, and these replies help immensely. These strategies have been and currently are being attempted now. I will definitely continue to look. Tried the litter box trick, but unfortunately the lady I pay to stay with my mother during the day while I'm working cleans that litter box thoroughly every day, and I was skeptical of the effectiveness anyway since Buddy (my missing tux) spends most of his time outdoors (cuz he's like me) and I don't remember ever seeing him use it (does a SonderNinja shit in the woods? Y'all can ask any ol' bear for the answer to that question). This could mean he has shitting spots around the yard (and beyond) and maybe that could serve as a kind of "litter box" he could smell. I do have his bed on the porch, and continuing to search the wooded areas around the neighborhood.

I am very much an animal person, in fact, I prefer them to human company. Ho ho ha ha yes yes many of us joke about this kind of thing but for me it has become a serious character flaw. A very serious character flaw. I don't feel this strongly for friends and family members who I've lost over the years. I mean....I don't cry for people like I should when that happens. I know We the human People are in a peculiar place at the moment, and we humans are, culturally & spiritually, not the most likeable critters right now, but it's not right to be this way. I can't realistically go around blaming all my problems on the existence of humanity. For some of us, maybe too many of us, some wires have been...crossed. Perhaps this is the Universe's way of teaching me about this. I have preached stoicism and the concept of 'amor fati' for years now and it is time I put these ideas and concepts to practical, real-time use. Looks like I'll have to "walk that talk" here, so to speak. Wish me luck!

Again...Ahavati, amazing find! Please continue to share these nature photos! I draw strength from stuff like this!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16175

SonderNinja said:No, I have never seen a bumblebee nest! That's a great find! All the things I see out in nature (especially considering where I work) that's one I've yet to see for myself! I do find yellowjackets and other wasp nests, but they are quite common. Thanks for the view!!

Yeah, I was pretty shocked myself. I'd never seen one personally. Glad you enjoyed it.

@Ajay, @Ahavati and @Rew - I want to thank you for your encouragement regarding my lost companion. Even a little advice or encouragement means the world to me. I am trying not to lose hope, and these replies help immensely. These strategies have been and currently are being attempted now. I will definitely continue to look. Tried the litter box trick, but unfortunately the lady I pay to stay with my mother during the day while I'm working cleans that litter box thoroughly every day, and I was skeptical of the effectiveness anyway since Buddy (my missing tux) spends most of his time outdoors (cuz he's like me) and I don't remember ever seeing him use it (does a SonderNinja shit in the woods?!)

That's a question I don't need the answer to!

I will say that my cat actually comes in to use her litter box rather than going outside. Even if it's cleaned daily, as long as the litter wasn't dumped it would still hold the scent. It's strange, I know, but it works. Maybe you could put it out there beside his bed?

I hear ya on animals. They're innocent and a lot less dangerous to this planet than humans.

Will continue the hope of return with you.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 157

@Ahavati thank you!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16175

You're very welcome Sonder.

The Carolina anoles are emerging. They are so CUTE!

Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 136

I was just out to a restaurant with family today to celebrate my birthday! We went to this restaurant,and then we got icecream. The weather was lovely today,warm and sunny, maybe even summery for a spring day.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 18th May 2024
Forum Posts: 3

sometimes i feel like my bf is slipping away and i need to write poetry to stop myself from screaming

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 18th May 2024
Forum Posts: 3

Liziantus-Marantus said:I was just out to a restaurant with family today to celebrate my birthday! We went to this restaurant,and then we got icecream. The weather was lovely today,warm and sunny, maybe even summery for a spring day.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16175

Liziantus-Marantus said:I was just out to a restaurant with family today to celebrate my birthday! We went to this restaurant,and then we got icecream. The weather was lovely today,warm and sunny, maybe even summery for a spring day.

Happy Birthday! May it be blessed with much love and happiness.

veredrice said:sometimes i feel like my bf is slipping away and i need to write poetry to stop myself from screaming

Writing poetry is better than clinging. The more you cling the further he'll stretch. . .
Make him wonder what YOU'RE doing instead.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16175

I am emotional today. It was my grandson's award's day. He was awarded the "A Honor Roll Achievement" and "Lion's Pride" - He was one of only four students that received the latter.

But what really gets me is that tomorrow is his LAST day of middle school before starting high school this year and I can't even. . .

Where has time gone? Worry sets in. 'Have I taught him enough about street smarts?' 'Will he succumb to peer pressure about drugs or alcohol?' And so, it goes.

I know I've done my best to instill proper values and he is a smart young man. But when they begin high school in the blink of an eye, a rumble of panic begins because he will be driving in two years. He will be graduating in four years. He has chosen ( thus far ) to enter the military ( Air Force like his grandfather or Coast Guard like his uncle ), beginning with the ROTC in high school.

I have been with him since the moment he was born in the hospital room and practically every day since.

And today, Time slapped me across my face as though I hadn't been paying attention.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327

Congratulations on your grandson's acheivements - may he grow and strive to great things for himself, whatever those look like. As a mom with 3 teens (and an almost 8 year old) in the house, I have a similar feeling right about now. My oldest is going to be 18 in a month. My second oldest turned 16 a month ago. My husband just turned 46, and our 19th wedding anniversary is the day after my oldest's 18th birthday.

Time is a tricky thing, I find. It goes so fast, too often, and sometimes a single moment feels like it lasts forever.

Ivelina Boneva
Thought Provoker
Bulgaria 2awards
Joined 7th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 136

Life's alright lately,but for reason I do not not quite know,I feel empty lately and keep zoning out,spacing out thinking,staring at an object and just.. thinking.
I tried to distract myself,to occupy myself. But it always comes back.
Wish me luck with chasing the feeling away.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16175

inechoingsilence said:Congratulations on your grandson's acheivements - may he grow and strive to great things for himself, whatever those look like. As a mom with 3 teens (and an almost 8 year old) in the house, I have a similar feeling right about now. My oldest is going to be 18 in a month. My second oldest turned 16 a month ago. My husband just turned 46, and our 19th wedding anniversary is the day after my oldest's 18th birthday.

Time is a tricky thing, I find. It goes so fast, too often, and sometimes a single moment feels like it lasts forever.

Thank you! Being a mother was one of the greatest joys of life. Children are such a gift. But wait until you have grandchildren! OMG! That love is on a totally different realm than that of a parent. It's like you get a second chance to do things differently. And to hear your children accusing you of loving their children more than them!

I remember having a house full of teenagers ( my children and their friends - I was that neighborhood house where all the kids congregated! ).

That's what's so odd about time, isn't it. The moments can drag, then you realize that years have passed.

Happiest of upcoming anniversaries to you! May it be blessed with much love and happiness and many more years of wedded bliss!

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327

Thank you so much for the blessings, and may you in turn be blessed with all good and plenty of time to enjoy it all!

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16175

inechoingsilence said:Thank you so much for the blessings, and may you in turn be blessed with all good and plenty of time to enjoy it all!


Helluva storm last night. We just got the yard straight from the last one and now have more tree limbs! These storms are intense. NOAA says this year's Atlantic hurricane season is going to be busy and intense.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all who celebrate in the USA!

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327

Praying you and yours (and everyone in your region) will come through this season safe and with as little property damage as possible. We get the occasional vicious storm, but it's usually mild compared to hurricanes.

Happy Memorial Day, USA!

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