Poetry competition CLOSED 1st September 2023 3:01pm
View Profile Poems by Bluevelvete

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The phone rings....

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Poetry Contest

Does the very sound creep you out? Are you afraid to pick it up? Scared? Awaiting bad news? Or do you rush to it knowing (expecting) something very grand.
Poems up to 50 lines preferred.

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

The phone rings

The phone rings,
In my head as I am half awake half asleep
it is not my regular phone
It rings it rings
My mind  picks it up .... nothing,
Still, there is this sort of hush sound at the other end
Some sort of weird message from my unconscious?

A message from Outer Space?
I will be very careful as I step out the door.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16872

Tears on the Telephone

a fistful of hurt
broken in sparkling pieces
like superficial scented potpourri
dried petals woody shavings
her pain in liquid crystals

lovers split broken reflections
shivers of fear of being alone
though love died eons ago
the vow held fast on fingers
Shackles of Silver and gold

a drunken call on the telephone
leave us alone please
No one answering just the machine
she has left to be with him
No one heard the tears
...on the telephone.

Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Party at My Plashe -- Pick Up a Twelve Cashe  

Loud ring-a-lings each cell phone in each car    
as ding-a-lings speed tanked from bar to bar.    
feetnote: In the United States alone, a human dies in a drunk-driving crash  
each forty minutes, so strap in tight that "Baby on Board."
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Sheepskin Tearaway
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 15th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 3

A Deafening Moment

Before I pick up the receiver-  
I brace myself for what I feared.  
Suddenly I’m lost at sea,  
The eye of the hurricane is staring back at me.  
I feel my insides fold up and wail,  
My organs impaled,  
While all around me glass shatters in perfect symmetry.  
A hair pin bounces off marble deafeningly,  
But how on earth did I know  
Before I answered the phone?  
Now I can’t imagine carrying on  
in a world where you’re gone.
Written by sheepskinxtearaway (Sheepskin Tearaway)
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Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3328

It Rings

Now my pulse is racing
because the phone never rings
its alien tones feed terror into my soul
Once it was always busy
the heart of the home
but that seems so long ago
before they carried my body away
to rot under cold grey stone
How its echoes
devour each empty room
and what demon would dare to call
when I have no hands
to pick up
Written by Abracadabra
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

just like that

over and over
i pled                      
i clawed and clawed        
and i bled                      
until bloodied fingertips            
were dripping with shame                
i screamed and screamed            
until choking on blame                

i screamed          
until screams
no longer came—                  
the phone rang,                  

s o m e w h e re
 a voice          
tried to explain          
and just like that  
my life

would never be the same

Written by Bluevelvete
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Hello Blue:  this one is very intriguing and very scary at the same time.   Regards, Robert.

poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5689

Another Call (Out)

"No problem, we'll work on it"
....getting your shift covered, that is.

Yet another sick call,
we have no staff.

We close the ER at one site,
because there's just no warm bodies
for overnight shift.

And you have a headache
and can't work--
I worked full time
while on chemo and radiation.
Take a f-kn aspirin
and get your f-kn ass in here!

There's never been such a hoarde
of pansy, boo-boo whiners
as of late.

I hate my phone .
I hate being on-call.
How the F-  am I supposed to find coverage
when you call out sick
an hour before your shift
because of a sniffle?

Wipe it
and suck it up.

Your co-workers hate you for it.
You hate them when they do it, too
We all hate each other
when someone pulls that sh!t,
because one of us gets mandated
to work your shift.

I hate my phone.
I can't wait to retire.
Written by MadameLavender
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Strange Creature
Joined 28th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 5


Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

The Phone call

the last thing I did on Earth
 greatest regret for being a jerk
 not to do the sensible thing
I was going so fast when I heard it ring
slow motion of time. milliseconds of life
 wreckage and grief, left the kids and the wife
this number cannot be connected, because
the actions of one who didn`t give a sod

on the back seat was Rover my dog
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

The Collectors

I close my eyes when those ghosts come at me
With beautiful serrated smiles
They say they come to claim what’s rightfully theirs
Or else to another realm I’ll be exiled
I don’t want to be afraid of their tentacle embraces
Or the faces of terror I see as if I was a child

Their visages distorted, unhallowed and contorted
An alluring flow of aromatic decay
Summoning me as those debts have to be repaid
I’m unable to appeal to their kindness or grace
My soul sold for the mere pleasure of it all
In shame and horror I hide my face

Their voices echo through the recess of my memory
An angst of persecution in their speech
I can feel their judging eyes like thorns in my pupils
No matter how far I run, I can feel their reach
Upon my ruins they’ll claim their victory
Closing in on me and my body siege

Their presence omnipresent and potent in all domains
I must answer the call to responsibility
Face those demons with broken and brittle means
And crawl through mud with all my ability
Until they’ve feasted and are fully satisfied
So that one day I may have tranquility

I am paying my dues for my youthful days left behind
I am coming to terms with each specter
I wrestle them one by one with wit and jocularity
I am truthful as some of them are like lie detectors
And so when I talk with them we have at it
When I take calls from those bill collectors
Written by wallyroo92
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Aloe Megee
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 31st Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 4

Changing Your Ringtone

Is one of the little things.

And its the little things I forgot to do
That make me cry when I think of you.
It’s the things that we said,
And the promises we made.
That were never kept,
But I’ll marry you one day.
It’s these words in my head
And these feelings in my bones
That remind me yet again
You are so long gone.

And even as I hold your hand in mine,
I know its only temporary
Temporary like the words that hung between us
Temporary like the stain in my blue dress
Temporary like all love seems to be.

Temporary like a ringtone.
Temporary like the little things.
Written by TheOnlyAlliCat (Aloe Megee)
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 31st Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 1

robert43041 said:Poems up to 50 lines preferred.

Protect defect
A knock at the door triggering fear to my core
ducking past windows throwing myself in a corner
sucking wind as I refused to let destruction come in
self created tragedy  
the knocking monster lost the key
surely it would find a new way to haunt me
events that cause bruises and aching bones
live longest in the frontal lobe
a phone once hung on the wall of every home
plastic wheel numbered to zero
holes for fingers
busy signal limbo
my fresh senses could detect a the shrill of the bell
lift the receiver with the strength of a heart without scars
excitement and mystery overwhelmed my person as I'd slide into a world of verbal manipulation
start of a race a human competition
she'd like me for sure as I mastered the situation
Can't recall the day or the call that ignited a fright
so tight
testicular suicide
adrenalin screamed burning my veins
poisoning my brain
bells slammed me down on bended knees
I would retreat scrambling for a space
the rining echoed 4the next ring that followed
the door monster found a new way
I was once the bitch kid that ran for the door
kicked in the head from domestic civil war
did the bell ring as my head hit the floor?
midnight eveictions  
landlords pulling cords
throwing my mother against the boards
not sure
A ring I remember the time I was seventeen at the time
punk rocking runaway
returned home
the ladies were years apart in age
similar rage
when I disagreed with their pleas 4to return home
or stay on the streets
thye both warned me
they would hurt themselves
Ring Ring
two ladies in my hostile spring
had more in common than I believed
Ring Fucking Ring
they both survived romantic suicide
ring ring
I lost my mind
in time
it no longer rings
breathe relief
no one is looking for me

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