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AI content concerns and solutions

Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17848

Betty said:Lep, my dude.

[ . . . ]

We need to demand proper citation for anyone who uses this and ask for self moderation. The same way we do for multiple profiles. Tags on both poetry and review that cite the source “This post, poem, review was generated using … name of tech here.”

[ . . . ]

It’s not perfect. People suck, so some folks will be dicks and get away with it.

People get away with shit now. I know a chick in here with four or five profiles, unlabeled, who has nominated her human self for shit. Sad.

[ . . . ]

WTF? That's not important enough to cause a damn ruckus about but this AI shit is?

I mean someone self-professed in this very thread that they had multiple profiles, and a moderator addressed him! But has he been made to comply? Do you see a signature on that profile or any of his others with the wording Webmiss specifically dictated it should say? No.

And that's what's so damn hypocritical about this site.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14643

Edit: so I misread last couple of comments

It is, as has been pointed out the consensus so far on this thread AI should be kept at bay at least. (even this thread has pockets of AI generated comment)  

That don't mean it will be banned.

I thought about the points made on intergration

to be fair they are not weak. I think the same points could be made to intergrate plagurism on the whole, and all the other stuff we don't like but we know are here or inevitable.

either way, I don't see anyone is going to change anyone else's mind here which is fortunate because that's not what the thread is about

If everyone has had their say and the host is happy I would suggest lock the thread and wait for the webmiss to read through it ?

guidelines are clear, they are enforced. if there  is a person with said profiles put the links through the MoD question thing and  we'll take the appropriate steps

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14643

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

So as it turned out the profile is a plagurism-ist. yes, there is proof. go see

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405

As others above have said, I too believe there obviously isa need now to update the site's policies re plagiarism to include content created using AI tools.

If you use it, must declare it in the disclaimer or somewhere it is clearly visible for the reader.

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

Did anyone ask Mr. Black why he was using it ?  Perhaps he wanted to see how long it would take to be discovered? I am in no way defending his actions but like any artist or writer, sometimes you take chances in public.  With those chances you could become famous, infamous or lynched.  I'd like to know his reasoning for taking the chance on dup and the subsequent reaction and results.  Mr. Black can write.  I've run some of his comments to me through zerogpt.com and they are human generated.
I'm just curious about his reasons to go down this path ?  A mob mentality is never fun to watch.  Again, I am not defending him but as artist myself I get a queasy feeling when people get attacked for trying something different.  Perhaps to Mr. Black his AI comments were to become his signature as part are often AI generated and parts are not.  I'm just talking out loud ..

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 184

PoetSpeak said:Did anyone ask Mr. Black why he was using it ?  Perhaps he wanted to see how long it would take to be discovered? I am in no way defending his actions but like any artist or writer, sometimes you take chances in public.  With those chances you could become famous, infamous or lynched.  I'd like to know his reasoning for taking the chance on dup and the subsequent reaction and results.  Mr. Black can write.  I've run some of his comments to me through zerogpt.com and they are human generated.
I'm just curious about his reasons to go down this path ?  A mob mentality is never fun to watch.  Again, I am not defending him but as artist myself I get a queasy feeling when people get attacked for trying something different.  Perhaps to Mr. Black his AI comments were to become his signature as part are often AI generated and parts are not.  I'm just talking out loud ..

Personally I don't care really his methods, his results, etc .  I like what I like regardless.  His were well generated, but boring.  A coloring book yet to have any color.
   I got involved because he blasted a few people in here that I admire. I admire them because they write honest and high quality things.  So, them I will defend tenaciously.  They earned my admiration.
  He's a bot humper.

 There is an earned pride in the efforts, regardless of the results.  I respect real effort.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14643

PoetSpeak said:Did anyone ask Mr. Black why he was using it ?  Perhaps he wanted to see how long it would take to be discovered? I am in no way defending his actions but like any artist or writer, sometimes you take chances in public.  With those chances you could become famous, infamous or lynched.  I'd like to know his reasoning for taking the chance on dup and the subsequent reaction and results.  Mr. Black can write.  I've run some of his comments to me through zerogpt.com and they are human generated.
I'm just curious about his reasons to go down this path ?  A mob mentality is never fun to watch.  Again, I am not defending him but as artist myself I get a queasy feeling when people get attacked for trying something different.  Perhaps to Mr. Black his AI comments were to become his signature as part are often AI generated and parts are not.  I'm just talking out loud ..

I hear you. one of the points he was making was that he was creating art.

to be fair, it was the computer what was creating If you could call it that

you are an artist. I suppose it might be like an artist telling the computer "I want a portrait of (insert name here) only using the coulours purple, pink and black" then specifying what style you want it in

would the fact that you gave the computer the parameters mean you crates the art

I would argue no, the computer created it. but am open to other people's opinions

the guy kept his motives and his actions to himself. ultimately he wasntt able to defend himself without getting abusive . he's not gone, he is on a time out because when he was asked to delete the posts he hadn't written he refused

he had every chance on the forum to inform or explain but chose to go a different route

as it stands the guidelines for now don't allow for anything which has not been written by the person posting. except maybe short quotes etc which then need to be credited

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

It's funny because I did digital art for several years but never felt right about it.  It was too easy.  I could paint something phenomenal in under a minute that would take me hours to do real time, if at all.  It didn't sit right with me so I stopped doing it.  I needed to see brush strokes again.  But digital art is highly accepted now.  My point being I think Black did us a favor though his methods unconventional and a little arrogant.  Now there will be rules on it.  He's not a hero or a martyr in my eyes.  He just took another path that people had issues with....

Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17848

PoetSpeak said:It's funny because I did digital art for several years but never felt right about it.  It was too easy.  I could paint something phenomenal in under a minute that would take me hours to do real time, if at all.  It didn't sit right with me so I stopped doing it.  I needed to see brush strokes again.  But digital art is highly accepted now.  My point being I think Black did us a favor though his methods unconventional and a little arrogant.  Now there will be rules on it.  He's not a hero or a martyr in my eyes.  He just took another path that people had issues with....

I was thinking about you this entire thread! Wondering if you were going to chip in. I was right in the middle of that hot-ass debate as a painter when digital art first made the scene around twenty years ago. This thread seems to mirror it, albeit a different topic. Maybe that's why it doesn't shock me that it's going this way.

I would've gladly hung a few pieces of your digital art on my walls, even though I knew it was digital. There are some absolutely beautiful digital creations out there that take talent. I admire and respect that, even though I personally prefer literal paint.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 45

I agree 100%, but lets not be a kangaroo court and lynch people without knowing the full truth. The world is exploding on other's people say so. I don't like AI but to bounce someone off DUP because of someone's word is not fair. An apology is good enough for me.    

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

Yes, I had to get involved in this conversation.  I only do real painting now. I sell them framed on ebay.  It's a hard sell but I love painting with real paint so I went back to it only.  I appreciate that you liked my digital stuff but as a real painter yourself you get the need for real and what is now old school sadly to an extent.  My poems and comments will always be human produced. But times are a changing ...
Thx A

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 254

He took the easy path, PoetSpeak, as you're alluding to but I agree, his 'fraud' has at least opened eyes that want to open & made us appreciate real poetry again... something we once took for granted. 😊

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 45

In my bookshop, I have a wall where I display local artists work. Most I am sure are brush created.

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

There's nothing wrong with digital art, it's just different.  I've hung a lot of it in my apartment as well as real stuff I've painted with a brush.  We're all having a conversation which I appreciate.  That was my intention with the Black controversy.  I thank you all for participating thoughtfully.

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