Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd January 2023 4:54am
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Poem of the Month - January 2023

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 924

Poetry Contest

Three weeks to nominate your favorite poems!
You have THREE weeks to nominate no more than THREE of your favorite poems from another DUP poet!

Please note the following guidelines when making nominations:
The voting for this competition is anonymous; therefore,spoken word nominations will be disqualified. You may nominate Spoken Word pieces in the competition below.

Spoken Word of the Month Comp (every other month) is here:

(Link coming soon!)

New Member ( six ( 6 ) months or less ) of the Month comp is here:

(Link coming soon!)

1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme.  This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.

2. You may nominate only THREE poems from THREE different DU members.

3. No DUPLICATE NOMINATIONS. If you nominate a poem that has already been nominated you will be asked to replace the nomination.

4. Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.  

5. Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to winning will be automatically disqualified.

6. One win per member per calendar year, beginning with the month they win.

7. Please notify your nominee they have been nominated.

Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!

Current Poem of the Month Hall of Famers:

January - Luna Greyhawk
February - AspergerPoet
March - Relic-54
April - Alan-S-Jeeves
May - _feral
June - Nevermindthegaps
July - Indie
August - inechoingsilence
September - Rianne
October - Bluevelvete
November - Honoria
December - KristinaX

January - brokentitanium (k.)
February - SatinUgal
March - X
April - RiAN
May - DaisyGrace
June - Bluevelvete
July - Jemac
August -  Northern_Soul (-Missy-)
September - Joshsam
October - cold_fusion
November - Buddhakitty
December - Particles_of_HerII

August - Daniel Christensen
September - Aspergerpoet
October - Lunagreyhawk
November - Kristinax
December - Ahavati

July - LAYLA
August, 2019 - AHAVATI
September - MISS_SUB

February - LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March - TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
June - MISS_SUB (Missy)
August - LAYLA
September - COLD FUSION
October  - TODSKI28
November - TheMUSE22
December - BENDER

January - VEE
February - CRIMSIN
June - AEMelia564
July - THE_SILLY_SIBYL (Jack Thomas Heslop)
September - _SHADOE_
November - NAAJIR
December - POETSPEAK

December - AHAVATI

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1226

precious things

When I was a boy
I collected snail voices,
smells of rain and sparkles
of starfish...

As a child, I flew on wings
of caterpillars
run in the rain and listen
the sea in snail shells...

almost adult boy
middle-aged kid
who collected the voices
of the stars, the meshes of giraffes
and imperfect flowers:

and hummingbird feathers
cloud foam
ice stones falling from the sky...


collected the things that others
left unfinished...
colored pencils
old papers
tea vapors...

I collected things I couldn't
keep, things I don't know
where they are...

collected names of fictional cities
photographs of places that
do not exist,
collected souls of beings
unicellular microscopes.


the landscape burned
at the bottom of the eyes
the books all had words
the books, all, were literal
all the books talked about love

the landscape,
burned in the background,
in the eyes
the landscape,
burned, in the background,
in the eyes
i used to think
who would write about everything
and the landscape burns
at the bottom of the eyes...

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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540


Meet me at midnight, with honeyed wishes on your lips,
and sanguine rivers pulsing Elysian dreams throughout your veins. 

Cradled in the ether, I'll be there waiting....

As I steal the sunshine from your kiss, I'll swirl nocturnes 'round your tongue, breathing fresh life and the psalms of my eternal love into your lungs.
With fingers laced like constellations,
lose yourself in my jewels of blue, as they pierce like shooting stars;
lighting the omniscient path to our place of ethereal affection.
Beneath my chest and ribs, I'll tuck the confessions of your heart,
as our souls cluster like diamonds in the sky;
turning hushed hours into sweet chaos and sacred evensong.

In the midst of this craving, 
the moon impatiently waits to be embraced by her sun.......
don't leave me waiting long.
Written by PandoraUnleashed
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540


I am who you will become
shards of colored glass
green, blue, rose,  yellow
sharp remnants
of shattered Madonna with child
now made smooth yet no less magnificent  
by battering waves of experience
vicissitudes of living
beautiful, at times cruel
Please understand this
you did nothing wrong
to force mommy to flee
she did nothing wrong
no selfish plot to abandon
embattled by cancer
tenaciously she fought
to remain in your world
celebrate her love
from her courage learn
Daddy’s hasty decisions
will break your tender heart
give cause to doubt your worth
you alone decide your value
think nothing of what others say
no matter their position or power
once critics and naysayers
most loyal fans become
audaciously unpack
your brilliant bundle of talents
Though banal advice,
every-commencement-speech wisdom,
banish from your lexicon  
this demeaning set  
I could have
I should have
I would have
useless words of regret
are they all
substitute with I will
I will be my fondest friend
I will openly display my kind heart
I will always do MY best
not that of the other guy
I will be the best dishwasher
I will be the best ice cream scooper
your first forays into the working world
sorry to spoil the surprise
With love, be patient
more discerning with romance
more generous with intimacy
kiss, hug, hold hands with abandon
cry, laugh, sing as much as possible
you will fail in preparation for success
pain is unavoidable and requisite
necessary to knowing pleasure
but don’t over indulge
eat right, exercise…
alright, alright I’m shutting up
there so much to tell you
love yourself, love yourself, truly love yourself
much more than I love you now
you’ll be alright
of this I am certain
Fondest Regards,
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

I Know Now

I'm calm beneath the ridges of myself,
A hobo with a knapsack on a limb.
The sheltering of bridges passing o'er,
I go back on the road and walk with Him.

To feel the breezes fingering my hair,
I love connecting with the common folk.
The sounds of strings & voice attending me
As women stoke the stoves of rising smoke.

And know that He is watching from the fields,
I sit at table sharing local fare.
We reach to take each other by the hand,
To bow our heads in thanks; a simple prayer.

I take my leave to join Him for our talk,
For when it's time as all prepare to sleep.
Beneath the trees His eyes shine with His love,
While end of day the gentle shades go deep.

He lifts me up with words to give me peace,
Before I go retire for the night.
To teach me everyday just what He means,
The love I give myself is from His light.

I wash my face and pack my earthly sack,
For as the early morning starts to rise,
I join my Lord back on the dusty road.
I know that I am loved through humbled eyes.
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

In The Shadow of a Dying Light

In the shadow of a dying light
The silence echoes coming night
Soft hazed that golden end of day
The dusky beckon of your eyes
Which in delicious temptation say
No less the fires which burn in mine

Speak soft
Whispered heaven to my lips
Cupped within the sweet wine of thine
That I might drink the fervent truth of this
For what is love save to fall in bliss

Like breath sweet shared within a kiss

The nimbus effulgent lingering
In lips slow parting hover near
In moment framed too real
The chasm yawns, begs the heart to cross

Ah, whence comes the night
And you like velvet
Cover me
Written by AverageJoe (Average Joe. AJ. Joe)
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Strange Creature
Joined 27th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 1

nice poem

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 177

When You're Small

(Wait until the sun goes down. Go out to the back porch. Light the lantern.
 Light a cigarette. Take a deep drag. Exhale slowly. And then write.)    
"When You're Small"    
When you're small,    
there's no right or wrong    
just yet.    
Morality will come    
when it's explained to you    
someday. Maybe in therapy.    
For now, there's only pain    
and no pain.    
You learn that light is bad    
and dark is good.    
Because hiding is easier then.    
Because you're small.    
When you're small,    
you learn to lightly shatter    
the lightbulb overhead    
in your room.    
So that it's dark.    
And so that the pieces fall    
directly underneath.    
Hoping they will cut their feet    
when they come.    
And after, maybe they'll change it.    
You wait, wearing your shoes    
even in your pajamas.    
Maybe run, while they cuss    
and bleed. It's evidence    
that they were in here.    
During the wrong hours.    
Someone will believe you.    
This time, you just know it.    
Words aren't proof.    
Blood is proof.    
When you're small,    
you don't want to go swimming    
with the other kids.    
No matter how hot it is.    
Because you feel cold,    
standing only in    
your swimming suit.    
Too much skin, exposed.    
You can't cover everything    
with your hands.    
Someone will see something.    
Think something.    
Know something.    
Maybe say you're guilty, too.    
Even though you're so young.    
But so far, all you've done really    
is be born.    
Hoping your legs grow,    
so that you can run.    
But so far,    
they still reach for you,    
grab you, without leaving their seat.    
When you're small    
they take your underwear    
out to the burn barrel.    
It's evidence    
against them.    
Maybe burn their own    
if they had to hurry    
And soon, you're left to explain    
why you ran out of underclothes.    
Just say a mess was made with them.    
It was an accident.    
You take the blame,    
on your own.    
So you go without.    
And when the one    
with the big feet comes,    
(You try to never look up)    
they're really mad.    
This time, it's really    
going to hurt.    
No more coaxing    
like the times before.    
Maybe you black out,    
even though you're awake.    
Maybe you understand    
one transgression of theirs    
at a time.    
Of course you don't.    
So far, all you've done    
is be born.    
When you're small,    
you find things of theirs    
and sneak them    
to the burn barrel.    
Their keys, their money.    
Pieces of power they have    
to get away.    
You're small all right.    
But you're maturing    
one slab of darkness at a time.    
When you're small,    
you realize that prayers don't work    
for some things.    
You realize, sleeping outside    
even on the roof    
is safer.    
They'll never think    
to look there.    
That there's no such thing    
as afraid of heights.    
It doesn't compare    
to fear of other things.    
When you're small    
and on the roof,    
you stare at all      
of your neighbors' houses.    
At their lights    
going off and on   
...  Then off.    
You wonder,    
is it the same for kids    
over there.    
You wonder,    
do they, too,    
sleep with their shoes on.      
Written by Styxian
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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 21st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 12

Small Mercy

For every sad and lonely day
There are a couple of minutes
Of true happiness
Meant to be a little memory
That you can fall back on
When you're all alone
And feeling the stress of this world
Life is not balanced
It is filled with massive highs
And crushing lows
And it's the little memories
Of happiness
That will keep you off the shrink's couch
There is no fairness in life
Truly there is much more unhappiness
But if you can build up a handful  
Of happy memories
You can make it through
With a smile on your face
It's a small mercy
Written by thinlane
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The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

Confessional Mood Ring

Sitting here staring at books of color swatches
Gotta focus really can't spiral into memories right now
Grey paint with names like hush and summer storm
Blocking out the memories those names bring up
I'm a master at this mental gymnastics
Looking for colors to paint my house
Why am I reminded of you in this activity?
I dont know, really don't, but cant think of it now
Gotta figure out the difference between baked sienna and outdoor land
It's all just brown right? Except Joshus tree looks like your hair
And this charcoal blue is way too similar to those eyes
Flipping and turning through these books
Spamming my brain with thoughts I don't want
Shouldn't have to fight my brain like it's a wild animal
These images are the past and yet here we are
With color names coming at me like darts
Memories of a tent the color of this paint called chili pepper
Fingers nails painted like this color here...poppy seed
Guess I can't escape these memories... Fuck these neurons between my ears
Written by BlueBeastGirl (Beasty)
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

It is 2023, Now What

The doomsday of politics and what is considered We The People is vague in its retrospect. Before the political parties divested their voices in their agendas, you had the five political parties, which consists of The Reform party, the Libertarian party, the Socialist party, the Natural Law, not to forgot, the Constitution, and the Green parties, each entity could promote or endorse a presidential candidate of their choice.

The Democratic and Republican party are the strongest in is allegiance and upholds it core values to move a nation forward.
In the past both parties were under the mutual party known as the Federalists, to share views to bring unity.
The Democratic party were not entirely opposed to ending slavery as one may think, they wanted to expand it. Free labor to increase the revenues returned, purchasing power from livestock to trafficking human cargo for free labor and to increase its economic growth, purchasing power, in some instances, trade off resources, many ships sailed the Slave Trade Triangle voyage, Europe to Africa shipping enslaved Africans to the Americas (Middle Passage), Returning to Europe.  
Many slaves have lost their lives during a staged revolt, or by sickness or illness.
However, the continuous of slavery became a division of the South Democrats versus the North Democrats.  The South was a supporter of slavery, while the North stands stood in its opposition.
The entire Democratic Party was not all in union to abolish or promote the ideology of slavery.
Then Abraham Lincoln an elected official of the Republican Party, signed the proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, to abolish slavery.
A little hindsight, now you know why the penny is brown, and the lowest coin, with Abraham Lincoln's face on it. The real hidden meaning is as following, President Abraham represented the Brown people to end slavery (colored people) and the forefathers seen this as an act of political treason and made the coin with his back turned in opposition from any other coin, denoting he turned his back on the calls to allow slavery to continue.  
The next time you hold a penny in your hand that is the history of the that coin the story behind it.
In as much, some states and some plantation landowners continued not to resolve in their decision to allow their slaves freedom.
The Northern Democratic party was a powerhouse for the Democratic during the 1860 presidential election. Within that time frame, the party split in two divisors, due in part several disagreements were livid over slavery and the balance of power, this discerning apprehension resulted in an unfortunate civil war.  
We all have heard about the bylaws, the pedophiles labeling concerning some members of the Democrat party, and yes, some members of Republicans party, are just as guilty of such sickening crime. There is a private listing of some of Jeffrey Epstein’ political affiliations.  
And getting interpersonal when we speak of the Jim Crow era, its disparity of laws, restricted several members of society from earning living wages, the oppression to vote, the segregation of the school system, or people brought up on charges of lynching only to be set free.
How long can a person make an argument out of the past, when dire occurrences are happing all around us that affect us all here today.  
Is Bill Gates' depopulation theory still relevant here today, China is embarking on more robotic technology, and has attempted to clone the Sun to bring more hotter than the Sun  
Medications shortage, global warming, or our defense department hiding classified information of extraterrestrial invasions, look it up, it is a Pentagon secret, and lasting, food shortages will become more rampant.  
In addition, why is Elon Musk is successful with his brain chip. He is now heading in clinical trials and Bills Gates and Jeff Bezos has jumped on this technology revolution. Mundane, but of importance issues the government does not want you to know.
Welcome To The New World Order

Things are no longer controlled by the Declaration of Independence. Your Constitutional Amendments are slowly being taken away.
In the wake of its aftermath, we march, we demand, we raise our voices, hoping to mandate law, or the consideration to change a law(s), amend it, or veto it.
This society of puppeteer affects each and everyone’s existence. You have to do the research of the hidden powers that be, and I suggest you learn your Numerology, if so, then pieces of the puzzle do fit into place, blatant wisdom of those hidden agendas become so clear. You come to realize you are so small to those giants, whereas, you can only watch it happen, it takes place., and your hands are empty to stop the progression.
If you are a Mathematician, then you know from the laws of gravity from the study of a physics aspect. The adaption of the weather, cycling/circling of the planets, childbearing by calendar months, to adding, subtraction, everything works in the sequence of numbers... please invest in learning them.  
As I stated in one of my prior Straight Talk Live pieces. The numbers of doom or gloom, the beginning, and the ending are found in the formation of these numbers, 7, 9, 11,13, no matter how you calculate if those numbers are remaining then you will see how this words truly operates, based on the way any secret society mask everything within those mentioned secretive numbers.
And it is about time the eyes glimpse what is going on. It is no longer about Trump getting back, staying in, Bidden in or out, Politicians are controlled.
This country is operated by the silent elite, the richest thirteen families have a direct bearing in every sector of the ream we call life, and sadly to say, we are the puppets on the strings. Our intellects are being pulled in every direction.  
World control population starts in the womb, from Prenatal Care to Family Planning.
We buy then consume foods that are supposed to be good for you, yet they are bioengineered or genetically modified; injected with steroids, lead containing infant food, or probiotics, in reference to the Fruits picked from foreign countries, shipped to other countries which have been sprayed with harmful pestilent toxins, or the food coloring used in various foods to give them their appearance.
And we still on the cycle of whites against blacks. The source of the higher power does not see our colors, it only sees the return of the green tender (money) and anyone who is found to infiltrate the pyramid of that structure, will be eliminated; through the media, the banks, medical technology, or forgive me for adding, human sacrifices, that silent method of elimination seems to be happening more so than not.
In reference to those political afflictions, some of the most prominent members of society are members of secret society by bloodline. The prominence is in the handshake, deals made in the dark, money made one hand over the other. The wealthiest own 99% of the world’s financial wealth; foreign policies, food, and some even have a hand in terrorist activity.
If you break that down into separate partitions, we are all trying to survive off only 1%
It really does not matter what president candidate you stand in line to cast your vote for. It is One Nation Under God, individually and justice for all; meaning, both hands wash the other, between Democrats and Republicans  
And we all wonder why so many laws are not getting passed in the House Of Congress.
This is another Straight Talk Live.
Love and have faith in yourself, if so, it will always find that spark to ignite others.

SKC, Interim DON, APRN


Articles Of Interest

Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Francisco J Vera
Tyrant of Words
United States 21awards
Joined 25th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 5295

Two Equal Parts

Dear "Tried and True",  

Thank you for graciously sharing half of your heart with me  
For as long as I have feared completely doing the same, you have waited patiently
You taught me that love cannot be achieved through selfishness or greed  
That spiritual sustenance comes from, "yours, mine, and ours," rather than, "I, myself, and me"
The first to turn me toward the mirror, and introduce me to my reflection  
You ushered in the vulnerability necessary for me to share with you my imperfections  
With master key in hand, you unlocked my icy, caged heart  
Shortly thereafter, you lit a fire, and melted through even the most frostbitten parts  
As difficult as it has been
Who else has done all that you have to make me feel seen?
So I take these two, equal parts  
One of your heart, and one of mine
And mend them the best I can  
Holding tight, I keep faith that nothing will deter us from destiny's plan  
"The Only One for You"
Written by a_piscean_dream (Tierra)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

there is music everywhere


just tune


there is music everywhere;

in the sound of your
breathing just before
you go to sleep

in the way the elderly
sit waiting to die

in the heartbreak of
promises not kept

in the sounds of silverware
and cups clattering at
some local diner

in the neon of signs
along the boulevard
protesting the night

in laying in bed under
seven blankets on an
artic day

in wasting time doing
nothing but smoking
and thinking

in the words of fools
standing on one foot
waiting for the firing

in the beautiful way
sadness and truth
dance together

in the seemingly ordinary that is
so often taken for granted that
the dead would kill for just to
have it all back for an hour

in rats in an

in old cars dying
on the

in plans that
fall short
and fail

in love that has
our souls

in first hellos

in last goodbyes

the symphony

be not

Written by buddhakitty
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The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239



And every distant, umber star
is an oblivion, kismet,
lying on the wheat fields where I first caught glimpse of your left breast,
exhaling and inhaling everything,
my body on her knees
worshipping the way
your skirt rippled about your thighs -
your labia
was sheathless.
Four letters,
one syllable,
it caused the cage in you to reach up
for the Sun and the clouds and the plain, black birds
so then,
right there,
I could kiss the skin of angels.

This is not that Sunday,
the wheat fields are shorn, and blocky and iced,
boots crack old hairs between mud mounds,
the sound of a bleak wind drifts
as if to grate off the edges of warmth.
Yet still I picture your body,
sunlight the hue of your complexion,
the complexity of our
adventurous nature
ruled by Summer,
guiding a need
to set seeds
that'll never see
So if you happen to walk here also
I hope you picture the loose cornflower
in a tendril behind my ear,
the way these bottle green eyes devoured your being,
how we handled those aching fascinations,
all tongues and hips and fingers
and how it was a moment that could last
Written by ImperfectedStone (The Gardener)
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