Plagiarists (once proven): Should we ban them?

67.65% • 23 votes • Yes
29.41% • 10 votes • Yes, but only after they’ve been given a second chane
2.94% • 1 vote • No
Total votes: 34
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Plagiarists (once proven): Should we ban them?

Fire of Insight
Wales 11awards
Joined 31st Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 474

An aside. One of the plagiarised writers, Suzy Kassem, is a founding member of Support Writers Worldwide. Their main aim is to root out plagiarism. They try to bypass the politeness of cease-and-desist and go straight for the legal jugular. Could have serious ramifications for any site.

I simply don't understand how anyone can willingly submit the efforts of a..n. other, sit back and luxuriate in all the praise. No logic. It's a bit like w@nking to a porn film and when the actress mutters "this is good", replying to the plastic screen "Well, thank you Mam." Poor analogy, but you get the drift. At end of day, it's not as if an elderly lady has been mugged or a hospital has been burnt down. IMHO it depends on the scale, If it is a handful, slap on the wrist. But if, say, there are scores & scores, it's an insult to the intelligence of all DU members.

Away from DU, plagiarism is a source of much anger. Aint that the truth.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 281

To be honest...

This is the sort of thing that...

Unnecessarily points the finger at everyone...

When whoever is accusing whoever
should just do it at the public square...

As it is always a case to case basis
and cannot be "voted on" anyway...

I find myself asking my self "did I plagiarize?

Am I a plagerizer or plagerist?"

I mean...

I did say I "would steal".



I have way too much pride to steal...

For me...

It must be not just original but deeply innovative...



Now I want to know exactly what is being talked about...

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604

Bonnie25 said:Some here think it's okay to steal. Our criminal justice system does NOT agree. If you voted to give thieves a second chance, I'd like the keys to your car---I'll steal it and you'll forgive me.....right?

Its not the same, and your criminal justice system is HARDLY something to fly a flag for, all things considered

we here are a motley crew of cut throats, thieves and murderers, drug addicts, sex addicts, gamblers, puritens, etc ...and one or two ...normal people

Hell... even the Christians give a second chance ffs

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1219

Second chances are fine. Claiming to have stupidly nicked a few lyrics from here and there when you've actually copied and pasted in TWO HUNDRED of your poems, is not. Also, stealing somebody's profile (which happened to me - different user) is plain weird.

I reported both members, multiple times. I don't think people who report should be made to feel bad, or called bullies. None of us wants our work stolen. Right?

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Palestine 2awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 110

kleptomaniac or trying to further your literary career with other peoples hard work.

Some people steal from a compulsion they can't control. To punish people for stealing is not as simple as they did it so punish them.

It is clear that something is being done by the administration.

Having strict rules will change the freedom this site provides for many people.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 180

Bonnie25 said:Some here think it's okay to steal. Our criminal justice system does NOT agree. If you voted to give thieves a second chance, I'd like the keys to your car---I'll steal it and you'll forgive me.....right?

If you're given the keys, it falls under "implied consent" .  Just sayin.

It is not okay to steal. Unless you're robbing a bank. That's okay.  

poet Anonymous

Startling, isn't it?  Is DUP the open garbage pit of the net?

poet Anonymous

I've seen what you've done with Sawyer; it's a slap on the wrist, because he's a paying member!  He (and those like him) should be terminated or banned for 6 months!  Anything less is a travesty!

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 9th Oct 2021
Forum Posts: 180

Bonnie25 said:Startling, isn't it?  Is DUP the open garbage pit of the net?

I'm a curious sumbitch, btw.  That being said, how do you see your phone screen?  Lol

And no, DUP is nowhere near that level of bottom. We're here, right?  Perhaps we are part of the needed solution.   There are just as many valuable writers in here as there are trash ones.  Let's beat their asses with our literary skills.  
Low things always end up staying low.  While sincere things continue to rise.

See you at the top.

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 7th Mar 2021
Forum Posts: 281

I vote:

"Ellie for mayor"...

[I am Cipher_O...  And I approve this message...]

poet Anonymous

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Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

You have explained the protocol quite clearly, Madame Lavender, even though it sounds a bit complicated regarding someone's length of service coming into play on the plagiarism front. In Mr.Sawyer's case, he has already served a 1 week ban, said sorry to anyone he has offended & it appears offending poems have been removed because he was on 65, now 57, so there have been deletions. Then I see he has received a 2nd 7 day ban. What I'm saying is, why was he banned again when he has corrected his error? To me he has gone beyond what he needed to say in order to pacify us.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1219

Styxian said:
We're here, right?  Perhaps we are part of the needed solution.   There are just as many valuable writers in here as there are trash ones.  Let's beat their asses with our literary skills.  
Low things always end up staying low.  While sincere things continue to rise.

See you at the top.

This is what I'm hoping. I will be staying, and carrying on as normal. This is a great place to collect my works together and read those by other writers. I've made some good friends.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1219

Cipher_O said:I vote:

"Ellie for mayor"...

[I am Cipher_O...  And I approve this message...]

Ha ha, I think many would beg to differ. But thank you, Cipher_O. You are always generous and sweet.

Thank you also to ML and the other mods for everything they do.

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