Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd June 2022 6:17pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92
RUNNERS-UP: RevolutionAL and robert43041

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Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54

Poetry Contest

Write me a poem about AMBER HEARD ?





Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Vasquez & Curry Vrs Heard

narcissist eyes
burst dry tears
at the sight
of coming third
in a court room

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Are there any rules regarding how many entries here? Or can we pop em in as inspiration hits?

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54

There are no rules

Anything goes

Write as many poems you want

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


Amber heard
She was being sued
So she sued back
(Or was it the other way 'round?)
So now she's deep in her depth
Crying made-up tears
Crocodile stuff
Ruining costly make-up
But she hopes she can re-coup
And get away with
Even more loot.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 17th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 2880

Mera & Sparrow


[ part i ]

the eyes, the lips
and the blond hair
alluring, inviting
to do something bad...

it was her role
she played it
so well

but guess
not so much
in real

[ part ii ]

it's not fair
to judge them
for their naivety
and remove
from their

let her be Mera
let him be Jack
let us enjoy them
just bring them back

Mera is a hero
and so is Sparrow

Written by dejure (vick)
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*Edit : change the comment into poem link

Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54

Im having fun guys

READING your entries

GREAT poem guys

KEEP it going

LET amber heard
Know how you feel


Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 54


We cannot            
be kind to each other                  
for even one hour.
Thank God for his blessings
There's no shame
  enjoying a crazy life
. And that's been
 the realization of the past
 few years for me
Feeling THIRSTY                               
DRINKING MR. DEPP favorite TEA                
I chuckle and grin                
When i cut his fingers off                
No shame being NAKED                  
however you take it                  
 MY Pretty Pink ASSHOLE                 
we women are  THE New fucking breed                
SHAME ON YOU                  
SHAME ON  Johnny Depp             
FOR FUCKING  U          
YOU have real sexy eyes   
I GIVE YOU THAT          
YOU have REAL  PUSSY POWER          
YOU MADE          
ELON MUSK        
 PAID 2 PortionS Of  YOUR        
Pledged ACLU Donations        
Written by Trome
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 21awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1235


Everybody and his neighbour
has an opinion
about Miss Heard and what they've heard.

Amber heard she'd just been served
and her case is now being heard in court.
I urge you not to
let her be misheard
but allow Mr Depp
and Miss Heard
to both be heard.

Both famous, and dramatic,
both volatile and emphatic,
a lot of shit went down;
they say she's faking,
he's a victim,
she wants money
and she hit him.

Do not dismiss the woman's
claims of violence against her
until all the evidence has been heard.

Have you heard
what Mr Depp heard
and what Miss Heard heard?

Listen to their words
and not the ones you're being fed.
Ensure the trial is fair
so nobody's misheard.
Written by Wafflenose (Ellie)
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

 Objection Foundation

a bruise kit
Is used to create
for films
and theatre
it makes hits

as a soul whose
worn scratches
blue eyes
and black marks
I object
to the foundation
you use

try powder

Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 130

Amber Heard About Me (by request from Trome)

Amber heard about me and all the poems I write
She found me in Deep Underground and joined me for the night
We went back in my poetry and read from line to line
As we read,we shed our clothes, her smooth body was so fine.

We took turns, applying oil, so that we could slip and slide
Our hands exploring places, while preparing for the ride
Lips entwined and searching, kissing deeply and with want
She was dining on my hardness. My first course was on her cunt

It was good the bed was king sized, for it gave some room to move
As my fingers, mouth and penis, played an arrangement in her groove
She was the head conductor. She held my baton in hand.
She climaxed with great abandon, she was in the promised land

I felt her storm, heard thunder, I felt her pussy rain
I drank each drop, while savoring, I could not stop; refrain.
She tugged my hair and pulled me in, said to nibble on her clit
I spread her lips, exposing it, not only nibbled, also bit

My teeth were chewing tenderly. I'm sure they did not hurt a bit.
She screamed at me, in ecstasy, “I won't fuck you, if you quit”
“You know just what you're doing, you make my pussy feel so fine”
“Now turn around and let me suck you. We will enjoy our sixty-nine”

She did not have to ask me twice. I turned around, she got on top
Her breasts laid on my stomach, she sucked my crown and did not stop
She licked along my length and girth, until my whole cock was inside
Meanwhile, I had her bucking, my tongue took her for a ride

Was a joy to dine together, I on her peach, she on my meat
The meal was all low calorie, each course, with whine, could not be beat
Slid her cunt across my face and chin, my chest, and then my abs
My cock was waiting for it, fucking now was up for grabs

She settled down on my erection, I could feel her heat within
She lifted and she twisted and she settled down again
She squeezed me and she teased me, trying hard to make me cum
She was controlling this bouts destiny. She had a finger up my bum.

The sound that I was making, as her pussy sprayed my balls
Could be heard in the next neighborhood. I could tell from all the calls
The ride was wild and wondrous as she wiggled and she bucked
I could tell, when it was over, that I would know that I'd been fucked

This poem was written by request, from the quite salacious Trome
Hope I haven't disappointed, 'cause I'm about to take it home.
Amber was now afire, as I flipped her on her back
She spread her thighs out widely for my cock to take her crack

We watched the penetration as my hard shaft left our sight
I then sucked upon her nipples, she was moaning with delight.
I stroked her and I stoked her, used my log to raise her fire
Asked her what it was , that I could do, to resolve all her desire

She dug her nails into my back, and said, “Give me all your cream!”
“I know that you can do it now, after all this is my dream”
My pecker pulsed, my balls released my semen in her slot
She milked me with her kegeling. She said, “give me all you've got”.

I gave her all, then at the last, as we finished up our bout
I took my cock from in her cunt and some gism flowed right out
We watched as it was falling from her ass down to the sheet
Who will be sleeping in the wet spot, until it's time again to eat?

Trome, was this the idea, or did I get it all wrong?

Written by eightmore
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Dangerous Mind
United States 2awards
Joined 2nd Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 130

Misunderstanding Amber Heard

I was challenged in Deep Underground
To write a poem of Amber Heard
Have not kept up with Hollywood
So I did not get the word

Trome, who did the challenging,
Did not know I was so dumb
Did not know I'd write a poem about
An Amber Heard that made me cum

I googled Amber on the net
And found what she's about
Johnny Depp is done with her
Because she made him jump and shout.

Enough about her real life
Go and read the poem I wrote
It's not about reality
So it will likely get your vote

“Amber Heard About Me”
Is the fiction poem I penned
So read it, if you like it
Make a comment at the end.
Written by eightmore
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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1893

Crocodile Tears

I can’t buy all the lies she tries to rise and amplifies
As she cries with dry eyes in some kind of disguise
Ms. Heard twists words and turds then just justifies
But on the inside you can see she feels cold as ice

We’ve all seen some bad acting but this is distracting
A lot the things she says simply don’t make sense
But an abuser will turn around and be the accuser
Gathering everyone to come to their defense

What she doesn’t understand as she takes the stand
Is that her body language tells a different story
While trying to act hurt this AMBER is not so alert
The dirt she flings uncovers more of this quarry

Beauty on the outside but something sinister within
Like a wolf exposed the world has come to despise
Everyone here hears denial with crocodile tears
But Karma is a motherf for those who spread lies
Written by wallyroo92
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

a scientific decree

my dog stood on a bee
he drank so much tea
the guys eyes are on Curry
objections from his attorney
my back has no mark from his knee
it's not only poo, there's also pee
I hate this  judge and jury
they are against me
she'll say yes of course, johnny
I know this case is not free
because my dog stood a bee

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