Poetry competition CLOSED 21st November 2021 7:23pm
View Profile Poems by Northern_Soul
RUNNERS-UP: CruelHandedWriter and PittinixDesigns


What is Peace

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


Peace is
When you are healthy
When you are sitting at home quietly
When bills are paid
When there is food on the table
When there is no noise, no disturbance
And total tranquility.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86


Real peace is not merely the absence of conflict,
It is the complete freedom from all evil.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1885

The Best Years of Our Lives

He waved goodbye to his children
All grown up now with kids of their own
His heart was happy, joyous to the core
Life had been such an interesting journey
His wife was tired after this gathering
So she headed early to bed
He kissed her forehead and whispered to her
The best years of our lives are still ahead
Sitting by the fireplace, looking out the window
The last remnants of the sunset painted the sky
The cool mountain air seemed to be inspiring
There by the flames with nothing but time
He wrote down his thoughts in his journal
The family photographs hanging on the wall
The old vintage phonograph playing softly
A unique collection of stories and memories
Written by wallyroo92
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poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
Joined 28th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 2


Peace to me is hope. A little faith, that there’s something out there-bigger than me.

A GOD, who knows all I’m going through and has this solid plan for me. That I’ll be safe, in HIS arms, the ONE that governs it all.

Even when my whole world is turned upside down. And it all doesn’t make sense. Even then—especially then. It’s that faith..

That means all the peace to me.
Written by bonnysse
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Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 15th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 6

Wake of Peace

Peace is a concept locked by the sea
Unlike the rest, it has quite the complex key
Peace is not something uniform or bold
Instead I am sure that it can feel cold

Peace is his hands entwined in mine,
For I've waited so long to look in his eyes
Peace is the broken window down on West Side
An anxious son with the bat that he hides
Peace is the blood dripping down on the floor
The euphoric release, he's killed just once more
Peace is a quiet song, scratching your brain
As you realize that you've been left in the rain

Peace is the deafening train whistle and screech
Testing its limits, how far it can reach
Peace is standing on the edge of a cliff
Considering a jump, because well- what if?
Peace is wondering if you could fly
The morbid knowledge that if you fail you could die
Peace is a captive who sings of thorns and glass
Whilst knowing that someday, this too shall pass
Peace is a blessing, a curse, a hope
That a deity bestows on the creature it loves most
Peace is a tiring, beckoning myth
Without another soul to share such peace with
Peace is never something that can be won
Except when you're holding the coin labelled "one"

Peace is not quiet, it is loud and exciting
It is anticipation; calm and inviting
Peace is a fire, a flame in the soul
That simply burns softly, as very few know
Written by SageRoyale (Royale)
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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Nigeria 1awards
Joined 26th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 25


I don't want to dream
I want to enjoy my sleep
I don't want to swim
I just want to float so steep
I don't want no clothes
I want my birthday suit
I want to live a peaceful life
Where lies are not hidden in the truth.
Written by gifteth (AliboTerna)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Peace, gratitude for each day

Cattle as they bow at the water trough, and tilt
lowing, and the the dawns approach  
our daily bread, each glass of milk  
as morning breaks, and be its host  
The escalator broken down    
the traffic light just stuck on red  
 spelling mistakes that just confound,  
to test and see the way ahead  
 As you stop, to count to ten  
 count your Fortune Cookie luck  
a special time to be content  
sweep or mop the rubbish up  
Scaffold falling around our ears  
the scurry of the sewer rats  
ticking timebomb, are our ignorance and sneers  
dancing  Swan Lake's final act  
Not, in the gutter gaze  
a butterfly with wings outstretched  
 face to clouds, or sun, in praise  
the fluttered heart within the chest  
Polish that day, 'tll it shines bright  
 sing, with the great gospel choir  
the plain, transformed into delight,  
your cross that sits upon the spire  
The drapes of clarity be raised  
 words the spotlight, golden vowels, diamond nouns  
the egg produce a new born sage  
 burn your heart's and mind's astound
small pieces in the great mosaic
broken shards, knowing just to love yourself
find the peace from just the grey prosaic
the bond, that you were there to help
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

Related submission no longer exists.

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

Give 'something' a go

We were just talking.
Granted... he's a proffessional talker,
so it's not a case of rattling on about nothing.
We tie things together
make knots where they need to be made
and untie all the rest.
You know what I'm getting at
if you've been there?

Well, in the midst of the flow
my head got hot
and the world went out of focus.
pretty strange,
almost as strange
as being lost for words for ten minutes:
A mumbling fool
lost in the unknown.

Our little chat came to an end
and I walked down the road
to the small coffee shop
in which I meet Sarah
and we discuss my last hour.
I put Dylan's 'Stuck inside of mobile
with the Memphis blues again.'
The grin was uncontrollable
overwhelming like a shot of heroin.

I suppose, this time I'm not writing
with much reflection
or social commentary,
I just thought it would be nice
to drop by
and let you all know
that I went somewhere
new today.
Written by CruelHandedWriter (Jamie Rhodes)
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

MadameLavender, Bluevelvete, AspergerPoet56, Phantom2426, lepperochan, _feral, LoveHound, CruelHandedWriter, javalini, troublesome_98, Honoria, Tallen, Northern_Soul, cold_fusion, SweetKittyCat5, Cyndi_Moone, wallyroo92, eswaller, Vamps, admin

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