Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd September 2021 4:28pm
View Profile Poems by Adzy
RUNNERS-UP: Razzerleaf and down2dirt

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Rhyming poems only but if you are my fav then any

Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 69

Poetry Contest

I want rhyming poems but if i have faved and followed you it means i like your poems no matter what so then you can enter any type of poem.
I like poems that aren't too abstract and complex, that i can understand.

Plz do read my poem ok that i entered just for sampling.

Fire of Insight
Joined 4th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 69

The value of life & oxygen

Dear God I thank you    
for every single precious breath  
And when you'll place us in paradise    
   We shall thank you then for death.    
People round the world gasping for breath, breathless,    
short of breath, some unable to catch their breath,    
      some breathing their last,    
some on artificial costly breathalysers .    
How many times do we thank God    
for the countless free breaths we breathe our entire life??    
Oxygen o2 more valuable and scarce than diamonds nowadays.    
         Respiration, the main need of all life    
Those who eventually recover from covid and find their breath again    
             can finally breathe a sigh of relief.    
Yet heavenly sights in paradise  will be sure    
  to take our breath away anyway.    
           Life or afterlife    
      Here and hereafter    
   Life's a gift from God    
Now and thereafter    
Why end it here and now    
Why not extend fun and laughter?    
When my DNA and RNA expires with me    
  May God Resurrect and revive it in me    
I live and die for an extension of life in afterlife    
   God grant me that part eternity    
To search for the meaning and purpose of life    
   is to search and find the Creator of all life    
      i know there's out there somewhere    
     in Allah's universe, a heavenly portal    
      that will lead me to eternal bliss    
            designed by Allah the immortal.    
Imagine a perfect heavenly life with no fear , death or problems    
That's a life to die for, when Allah transports us to those realms.    
    An abode with no sickness or illness    
Only peace and total eternal happiness    
No viruses but rather real flying horses like real Pegasuses    
   We could get to ride and fly the universe    
   with angelic wings without planes or buses    
But you have to work to earn and deserve that heavenly paradise    
        Just follow God's latest holy book, so perfect and so wise.[/b][/b][/font][/font]
Written by Zaynab_kamoonpury
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Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 258

Poetry TKO

Here's a hyperbolic story 'bout a fight
Maybe an allegory as I finish this write
As I throw ten rights followed by a left
By line nine, some may call for the ref

After a left uppercut knocks out eight teeth
Or when seven nouns pound underneath
Knocked down after the sound of six assonance
Fix of five analogy tragedies of epic consequence

Avoiding a sequence of four more metaphors
Jabbed with three similes as hard as concrete floors
Making you head for the door after haiku times two
Cataclysm of euphemisms causing one to be through
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Thought Provoker
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 85

Good Samaritan

This is getting too personal..  

Interestingly personal..  
Everything just turn personal..  
Here we go..  
Am now an adversary..  
Here we go..  
There's a funeral in a cemetery..  
Are we good to go?..  
I will tend to be the next mercenary..  
Folks indicating am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not an Arabian..  
People complaining am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not a Caribbean..
I am the architect in your misery..  
I happen to be the author of your calamity..  
I dwell in ur destiny i played a role in ur insanity..  
Having a row with you is mandatory..  
Am the mastermind in your agony..  
I've been having this feelings of wilderness..  
If you must know this is a sweet rivalry..  
Until it's very cold in harmattan..  
Am gonna pay you a visit in Manhattan..  
Setting such a fire in your balcony..  
Welcome to an endless apathy..  
I don't fuck with this is a misery..  
Only time is gonna tell how far you hold..  
Remember the one who cheer with only friends and family?  
Remember you don't even fuck with my look alike?  
No hawkers allowed inside my ministry..  
No trespassers in my armory..  
Even though I got some hommies and a family..  
Am not the one to break a protocol..  
And this one is not even a sibling rivalry..  
Your only mistake is forgetting am not a good Samaritan..  
Just recall am not a good Samaritan..  
You never know me before to be that good a Samaritan..  
Just so you know am not a good Samaritan..  
Dumbest thing you ever did.. forgeting am not a good Samaritan..  
I had this murdepedia shit in my gallery..  
With so many crime archives in my library..  
So many tanks full in my armory..  
When am done you are to lose any liberty..  
Welcome to permanent poverty..  
Am not a breed of sin city..  
My favourite sin is not vanity..  
You see there's no coincidence of rarity..  
I have the mind of faith, peace and unity..  
Loyally am gonna go down in history..  
You gonna..  
Tell me how far you pip..  
Let me know how long you eaves..  
Pipping Tom, Dick and a Harry shit..  
Jack of all trade in gravity..  
Dead pool in a cemetery..  
You'll no longer have any security..  
You are not a blonde legally..  
You came from a dysfunctional family..  
You don't live in a sorority..  
For you i've a very violent affinity..  
I've already made this an activity..  
They all screaming this is an atrocity..  
The fuck! nobody knows what's really happening..  
You'll never know so keep on mis judging me..  
Not intended for misogyny this is only an obscenity..  
Incompetent fools lacking in team chemistry..  
I am roaming in a scary place called a fantasy..  
I am the judge jury and executioner..  
I'll wreck havoc on you legally..  
Time is not gonna heal for you..  
For my ghost this is a complicated calamity.  
For me though it is an absolute sanity..  
I know some shit from fast and furious..  
Ask around who's the boss in my armory..  
I got so many clerks in my library..  
No vacancy for you in amenity..  
You are now bounded to accident and emergency..  
There's still a job for you in my laundry..  
Father I thank you for allowing me..  
To get over this happenings..  
My ghost is an adversary  
From a kingdom of advarsity..  
Am going full speed and velocity..  
If you have any memory come share with me..  
Oh! Remember don't come to Highbury..  
You'd rather go to the nearest cemetery ..  
Come run for your destiny..  
Remember this is insanity  
The road to parity..  
I used to be a ghost in my armory..  
Burial in a cemetery..  
No lifeline for eternity..  
Folks indicating am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not an Arabian..  
People complaining am not a good samaritan..  
Me explaining am not an Caribbean..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

B-road Boxing

A wagtail bobbed into the ring,
dancing on Mondeo's wing,
winded by cheap body shots,
featherweight on headlight hooks.

Judges couldn't mark their cards,
both parties went in really hard,
weight advantage nearly broke
the delicate body on the ropes.

Pied fighter rolled and hit the floor,
fledgling fans can't watch much more,
one arm flaps, a cut loose sail,
feathers fall, a thrown in tail.

Before the count car body lurches,
slams itself on tree lined hedges,
spits out soil twists and bounces,
bird limps away backward glances.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Thought Provoker
Joined 7th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 16

The Real Life

What is this life we now live?
Where mass shootings
almost go unnoticed?
We’ve become
so numb,
we rarely even lose our focus!
Our daily activities,
have become our proclivity,
and our sensitivity
ain’t allowed to interrupt “OUR” serenity!
Is this the real life?
Where we’re all just waiting to die?
Or are we just awaiting a personal tragedy
to befall you and I?
Are we so immune to “the way things are“
that we let death
gloss over our eye?
And the momentary tragedies
we hear about on the news,
have less affect on us than a sty?
Where did this ‘lack of compassion’
we possess,
turn into “Let’s make this
about ourselves”
so we can take our own insecurities
and shame somebody else?
Social media has taken the weak,
and turned them into bully’s!
Granted, it’s helped punish some individuals but it hasn’t corrected
any situations fully.
It seems we want these things to continue
so we can find something new to attack!
We get a high off being vigilantes,
so we stab each other in the back!
We’ve lost all of our direction,
following our treacherous heart,
has become our goal.
We have a glaring LACK OF LOVE
but we can’t figure out why
this world has lost control!
Written by Absence
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poet Anonymous

Astral Gift
Thought Provoker
Greece 5awards
Joined 8th June 2015
Forum Posts: 275


What a fight is this in my body  
what a battle in the field of my soul  
all are blurring to a matrix that's lost  
what is it that matters the most  
I was strong like a sacrifice's warrior  
I was lost in my own existence  
now I carry the scars of my loss  
now I wonder of what could be worse  
Meet me under the earth revolutionists  
hollow is my self and I fill it with love  
seek me soaring in a star distilled cloud  
where all are unlike but nothing stands out  
Maybe it's better to stay on the surface  
or should I drown my guilt in my bed  
going down with it seems terrible news  
my presence is happy but awfully abused  
Self fulfilling prophecy found  
my purpose is hiding in my shadow's tricks  
wisdom of lifetimes is hard to retrieve  
which will be the time that I'll finally leave  
Reality doubts  
I doubt reality  
the sun is now lost in the depth of my dark  
I search of peace but  I'm under attack  
Killing philosophies  
meanings exist not  
The muses are singing a riff of eternity  
life is fiction, my final quote
Written by personanongrata (Astral Gift)
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th June 2021
Forum Posts: 28

Walking Under the Influence

So these guys walk out of a bar
And wisely left their car
It was past two in the morning
As the moon hung low forlorning

They came upon an intersection
Along their staggering direction
With not a vehicle in sight
Crossed against the red stoplight

Suddenly a cruiser screeched
Stopped abruptly within reach
They gave the boys a talking
And charged them with jaywalking

In fairness to the ones in blue
One of the drunken fellows knew
A bylaw supervisor
Whom he claimed as his advisor

His buddy tried to shut him up
As one cop became abrupt
His partner had more tact
So they came 'round to the fact

Despite the road transgression
It was an innocent procession
With good intention, and not wicked
Thus they only got the ticket

Written by Mastersensation (Pent)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 20awards
Joined 1st Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 1210

Realisation (Or the Seven Ages of Woman)

7 years:
Night waking, legs aching.
Bendy thumbs impress my chums.
"Growing pains".

11 years:
Start to feel sharp pain in heel.
Teachers now see I'm failing P.E.
"Achilles Tendonitis".

12 years:
Dislocating jaw, always sore.
"What do you expect? You're having your teeth rearranged.
And besides, you have a Low Articular Eminence."

14 years:
Nothing can calm searing pain in arm.
"Repetitive Strain Injury."

24 years:
Everything seems to crack; increasing pain in back.
"Well, you're not a teenager any more!"

26 years:
Tripped over own feet, banged elbow in street.
Small joints dislocating, everything else aching.
"Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Yes, it explains a lot."

30 years:
Music teacher, student, mother and wife.
An achy EDSer leading a full and busy life.
"A serious case of Determination
Accompanied by a liberal dose of Bloody-Mindedness!"
Written by Wafflenose (Ellie)
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Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 4th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 47

A Man Will Be A Man

“A man will be a man!”
Why must that sentence mean bad?
Does it have anything to do with my youth,
And all the women I’ve had?
That’s all in the past
And it doesn’t mean I was unfaithful!
All it means is experience,
Not to honesty I’m incapable!
That’s an unfair stereotype
That all men have been accused of.
Those of us wrongfully blamed,
Our rights by women, we’re refused of!
Why can’t we be judged,
By who we prove to be?
Don’t treat me as suspicious
If shady, is not in me!
If I never lied to you,
Why is distrust always on your mind?
If you can’t trust me,
Why even waste your time?
I don’t believe all women are the same,
So why must you be prejudice?
Why can’t I receive the same courtesy?
Why does your doubts, exist?
Is it because all other men treated you the same,
All without dignity?
That’s making you not have faith in men,
That makes you not trust in me?
How can you say you believe in our love,
If you can’t let your inhibitions go?
How do you expect this thing to work,
If you won’t allow our relationship to grow?
I’ve never believed you would do anything
Based on what another woman has done to me!
“A man will be a man,” is the men in your past!
It doesn’t pertain to me!
Written by Lyrically_Inclined
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 13th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 43

Black Sheep

You're part of the flock
Or at least just about
You're the one sheep
The rest can do without.

You wish you could fit in
But it's so hard to change
The other sheep talk
About how they think you're so strange.

All you want are some sheep
Who will be a friend to you
But you get outcast and isolated
And it makes you feel blue.

You start thinking to yourself
What have I done wrong?
But you find another black sheep
And you start to get along.

They make you feel good, and
Tell you there are others
The black sheep all meet
And become closer than brothers.

The black sheep are all happy
You found the friendship you sought
You couldn't care one bit
About what the rest of the flock thought.

In life you may be judged
For being different and unusual
But don't base your self worth
Off of other people's approval.

Written by Adzy
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Thought Provoker
Joined 18th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 16

Urges like predators

The urges will never fully go away.
They will always linger like predators stalking their prey.

The feeling of impending doom,
Will always be silent like cobwebs in the corner of the room.

When the house is still and the demons are silent,
I cant seem to find any peace in the quiet.
Written by TrueLover (Meganne)
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 25

.. terrestrial abuse

in earth’s existence,
where it’s not
life resistant,
a cosmos wink of an eye,

just a flash in the pan,
the “big time of man”,
in a millennium
do we try or do we die

carbons in the air,
fracking the ground,
drink and breath
if you dare,

the people hypnotized,
by political lies,
all looking around
with blank stares,

oceans choked with plastic,
forest abuse gone drastic,
as sea and wildlife
shamelessly die,

environmentally weakened,
domestically beaten,
battered Mother Nature
lies down and cries
Written by OG-Poetry
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Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14539

All I had to offer was the back which held my head above my arse, I’m lost without it

the pillows still smell like you
I dunno what to do, it’s hell, I’m blue
feel I could go into the night, howl
and yell like a mad-man, but no

pop my powder and sleep like a baby
and maybe, maybe on the morrow
I’ll scream louder at the day, seems like
the only way I’ll get what’s inside out

or no doubt I’ll find something else
to kill it with

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