Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd July 2021 10:34am
DCLXVI_1989 (Garrett Asa Hughes)
View Profile Poems by DCLXVI_1989
RUNNER-UP: Northern_Soul

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Make Me Fall

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 93

ClearmindedVillain, there's no way to ignore your smooth intentions. Thank you.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 93

Lyrically_Inclined, you have definitely brought a heavenly gift to my table. Thank you.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

Her Alluring Eyes (Reprise)

In her alluring eyes I find my secret paradise,
Like a portal that us mortals wish to go through,
Where I reside in an eternal ecstasy, reprise,
In her heavenly embrace I completely subdue.

Like a portal that us mortals wish to go through,
I pursue the secrets to make her fire go higher,
In her heavenly embrace I completely subdue,
Into a world and realm of dreams and desire.

I pursue the secrets to make her fire go higher,
Immersed with a thirst that can’t be assuaged,
Into a world and realm of dreams and desire,
Where my dire passion can never be caged.

Immersed with a thirst that can’t be assuaged,
It lingers as the flames spread and take flight,
Where my dire passion can never be caged,
To a place full of grace and endless delight.

It lingers as the flames spread and take flight,
Where I reside in an eternal ecstasy, reprise,
To a place full of grace and endless delight,
In her alluring eyes I find my secret paradise.
Written by wallyroo92
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Garrett Asa Hughes
Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 88

Dialated Worship

There's something in your eyes.
I can't quite perfectly describe.
But I'd love to take a lifetime to try.

To memorize every detail of your iris.
Until i could close my own and see them.
As the rythmn of my heart rises.
Leaving me dropped to my knees beneath them.

Speechless in awe, and left in silence.
Begging for any touch to reach you.
It seems impossible to describe,-
This view from level of thighs,-
Looking up at precious eyes,-
I want to teach you.

A lesson in your beauty.
Are you aware of their perfection?
Or the power they possess throughout?

Locking eyes uncage my soul.
These lovely windows of detection.
Are enough to recreate myself devout.

I could worship every pigment.
I would pray you wouldn't blink.
I would clutch your hem,
Forgetting to breathe.

And as my lungs filled again,
I would weep from what i see.
Pupils so deep,
That they instead teach me.

That life is truly amazing.
That i am thankful for each day.
That i have been graced beyond my worth,
To look your way.
Written by DCLXVI_1989 (Garrett Asa Hughes)
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Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 93

wallyroo92 and DCLXVI_1989, I can see that you both have your eyes on me. I appreciate the company and thank you for adding your entries to the menu.

Lost Viking
Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 42

Held in the Promise of Our Eyes

Would I seek you with abandon?
Am I captured by your eyes?
Would I wrap you in affection,
and hold you till we die?

Yes to each and every question.
Our loves might not be lost.
For you I’d kneel and place a tear
with no thought of future costs.

Our words are short as life itself
that parts with morning’s lies.
But for each night we’ll sparkle and shine,
held in the promise of our eyes.
Written by LostViking (Lost Viking)
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Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 43

I Love You in a Hi-Chew

I love you; I gave you a Hi-chew
I never denied you  
And never tried to hide you
When I was lost I would always find you
You were my lil short girl, only a little over 5”2
Days with you were always sky blue
Now the road is mine and I’ve nowhere to ride to
Now I only see you from my side view
And there’s an ache when I pass by you
Did you even find the Hi-Chew?
It wasn’t grape but I hope the taste will guide you  
Don’t let this space between us divide you
Don’t let another’s mask disguise you  
I said I love you in that Hi-Chew
So much more than a simple haiku  
The way things ended, I really want to despise you  
But I couldn’t even if I tried to  
Just know I said I love you in that Hi-Chew
Written by FreeLove87 (SamuraiEde)
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Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Give It All

An illusion there is more time and perhaps
There really will be more moments
Where I forget it all
As I find myself In your arms

On the verge of what words can capture
I am captive to you call
Lift me to your presence
For your love, I give it all
Written by gazellemon (Bradley J)
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6088

Related submission no longer exists.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th June 2021
Forum Posts: 28

Sounds of Your Stream

It's your inside that I see outside
The outerness only an unchosen title
Should you whisper, or bark, your intentions
I'll be aware that your meaning is vital

Please train my senses; know it takes time
We'll make patience a must foundation
I'll prove that's true by honoring your space
Until you soften your fortification

I only long to prove myself worthy
To gain your willing intimacy
To have you secure in self-expression
Joyfully baring your soul to me

I long to bare mine without fear
Please contemplate this possible dream
Let's put a toe in the trickling water
My heart awaits the sounds of your stream
Written by Mastersensation (Pent)
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 25

.. most exquisitely

from what I see..
most exquisitely,

two golden eyes,
alluring smile,
a profile splashed
with heavenly,

a special queen,
a romancer’s dream,
elegant Intelligent

i know you are taken,
but if ever forsaken,
i’d call on you

a fortune for thee,
but don’t count out me,
both would agree,
that you hit a love lottery,

drop whatever I’m doing
when you call on me
you are come first,
the one and only

then the promise
on blended knee,
respect, romance in ecstasy,
pleasing you.. and only you

until you get tired of me.. :-)

you see
I girl has got to have options!

Written by OG-Poetry
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Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 93

LostViking, that's some eye candy for my heart and a nice piece for the feast. Thank you

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 93

FreeLove87, how dandy some sweet sweet candy love. Thank you

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 93

FreeLove87 and Northern_Soul, short, sweet and to the point.  Thank you for your tight loving words.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 93

Mastersensation, this is soothing to my senses. Thank you for your entry.

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