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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

The last appreciations of a cool night's breeze

the cool wind rustles
it's the last
of those breezes
that soothe
calming the night
to a pleasant slumber
and reminding
to be exactly this—
in the moment
and intently appreciative
of now

letting tomorrow,
just be—


#Nopoo 4/3/21 (143)

Remington Lancaster
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 28th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 119

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138


You are never too far away
today I thought I heard your laughter
and I smiled
through my tears
reading your poems, again.


Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

(NoPoo 144) To Harken Providence

does the sky hear me
in its vast expanse am i
just a lonely breath

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2164

The Calling Of Destiny

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The Calling Of Destiny

Please listen to this its an awesome inspiration, we all have a story to tell, a time when we need more than words…    
This has been my greatest inspiration song from the beginning of attempting to lasso that Master’s Degree in Nursing with emphasis in Forensic Psychology, I am two months from that long winded, tiresome, and self-sacrificing goal.      
I can still remember the night I literally got down on my kness after getting out the shower, dripping wet over my Persian carpet, still slightly tipsy off a glass of Moet, and asked my Heavenly Creator, should I continue my education after becoming complacent at a Bachelor’s Degree level and the challenge in my life was just not there any longer.      
I am not saying it has been easy, it has been hard as hell, please excuse the less than perfect pun, and yes, there was a time I was about to give up, the need to say I’m done, forget it, let the chips fall as they may, thinking I got mine and I’m doing okay, in addition, the studies become tedious, and harder in its complexities, and time consuming, I became burned out from my position as a Director of Nursing and during an unexpected pandemic, it all became too much…too much. However, by the grace of my Creator, I was able to advance and have a year deferred to continue my studies.      
Therefore, whatever you are going through in your life, stand on your convictions, hang in there, and have faith.    
After listening to this song... I do hope for you there is renewed hope, or a sense of mental clarity…please trust that oath, I am the testimony to that.    
It’s only a matter of time, cause I can see the finish line, my victory is days away, so I’m get ready…    
Happy Resurrection Day DUP    
Disclaimer, I do not own the rights to this song, for selling, reproducing, or to infringe upon its copyrights, it is solely utilized for the purpose to entertain

NoPoo #117 (04-04-21)

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409


summultima (uma)
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#NoPoo/ 050421/02:26:31

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

found, in ad infinitum

a discovery
of hidden places
stretching towards ad infinitum
reaching deep—
within and through
grasping at shreds of time
forth, back
then past to present;
to fervently rising
in this, a majestic wonder
sanguine within our conjoined atmosphere
of malleable to dense
and of knotted to undone
located of the heart
beating in wisest laughter, desire
and a cosmic truth
betwixt each and every beat
as light-years travel in

one gaze

one breath

one stroke

one kiss

one beg

exquisitely imbuing
their forever expanding cosmos

#Nopoo 4/4/21  (144)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138


broken heart
hugged together by hope
the ribbon bandage
is getting loose


Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

(NoPoo 145) Leadfooted Love

combustible spark
pedal to the metal love
no braking system

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138


I'm scared
I echo you
sunlight over the mountains
thunder in storms over the sea
all are one now


Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6090

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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

an accustomed surrender of dazzling light

the last time
I thought
I wouldn't notice much
that the air you breathed
tempered with distinct surrender,
lustrous brightness dimmed,
I muse,
as a honoring
or a bit
of darkened foreshadowing
my reticence—
a reserve of much too polite
forgetting to say...

what I knew
I should have

but didn't.

this time, though
my redemption
is now tempered
in that remembered surrender

still, aching with loss

but bittersweet,
as now —

you know.

#Nopoo 4/5/21  (145)

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

(NoPoo 146) Connoisseur

her gourmet delights
succulent lingering taste
wash upon senses

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