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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 1869

In The Soft Mist of Time

The midnight skies, hear the reverberates of our beautiful endearments
We’ve kissed the sun, floating among the clouds  
Atop the stars, I harken unto the casting shadows of the stir of your passion  
Hear the strings of my heart playing for you  
With tender care, you are there  
Slowly close your eyes, feel the rhythm of our souls  
Dancing in the sweetest surrender I submit unto  
Pull me into the embrace of your deepest, darkest desires  
Whisper my name as you groan out in the crux of celestial’s wishes  
Covet me with mighty hands, let thy will be the guide to the wonderous found in the beguiling sentiments of me  
As our souls beautifully dance in and out of time  
Your touch, exploring the suppleness of my skin, dowsing the ache of its relief  
I fall into the Utopia of its grace  
You call, I come into your mind for which you submit  
My Hunter’s Moon cloaking us in the softness of its rapture  
Lay me among the stars  
Gently divide my awaiting passion as you slowly awaken me to you, only you  
Soar into the divinity of my Chi, encircling within me the bliss of tsunami’s ecstasy  
Spinning us in a tender halo of infinity    
Sliding deeper into the abyss of my sensuous Luna you sink  
Beaming me with faint touches of enchantment, enrapture I lay at your feet    
Taking my mind higher, my body falling from the weakness of the astral feeling  
Floating on a cosmic drift, closer we meld into one, clenching in euphoria as we give      
Tasting in each other the divinity of ecstasy we outcry as we take  
The Heavens witnessing the blending of ravenous souls, feasts of yearns we silently merge  
Kissing the bed of emotions for which we lay  
Asunder we grief    
Bringing me back down, kissing the winds of Nirvana in its aftermath  
I’ve inhaled the scent of you, my skin has ingrained its luster  
In the soft mist of time you’ve clothed the nakedness of my needs  
Let my feet land on the foundation of Mother Nature's earthly bosom  
Allowing the shadow of my soul to run away with the forgotten merriment of you  
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16888

Northern_Soul said:This isn’t a poem, but been as this thread is dedicated to Souladareatease imma just share this.

Last year, Soul and I had a little cross-atlantic sunflower growing competition which resulted in way too many progress photos of plants on WhatsApp and hints and tips on getting them to grow in our varying climates in between copious cups of tea and coffee on our respective porches.

Never have you seen two grown ass adults more competitively growing sunflowers 😂

I harvested the seeds from that sunflower shortly before he passed away, and kept them for this year. I planted these two weeks ago... look who’s back 🌻

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a little happy cry.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16888


Flash Dance

back and stuck on a feeling
fearing yet wishing it over
several hours of sweats
aches and pain, rivulets down cheeks
No it wasn't ...I'm still here
but for wishes
it's not a choice
following shadows
looking for ladders
to where you are


Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Soliloquy of submission

it's the freedom
that sense of validation
the potency
of being so in tune
to be a one
made out of two

it's my heart's need
my soul's
a richness of mind

to relinquish

trust incarnate
my body, mind and soul
taught, in part by
trials, tribulations and revelations
more than just sex
it's lessons and teaching

where we converge
to find what we each
knew we'd find in one another
peacefully controlled
undeniable satisfaction
of all and every single spoken need
open and flayed
no fear, no hesitation

A true partnership
that particular give and take
feeding of my release
breathing in domination
while he inhales all my need to be controlled

a floating
among the preferred dark sky
with reminders of just how much
is who I belong to

you allow my very core
to become all I desperately need it to be
by fire, ice, pain and renewed love
of our exquisite

... and I complete
your missing pieces
those holes left by not being in total control
a born with, deeply ingrained
understood by your flip side
where dark meets light
and where...
cannot exist
without the other.

#Nopoo 3/26/21

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

(NoPoo 136) AllPoo

sitting on the toiet
bowel movement is coming
ah what a telief

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5404

Sat, 27/03/2021
2241 AEDST

beautiful beyond words

feeble tight embrace
most precious gift of the day
melting father's heart


poet Anonymous

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Guardian of Shadows
Palestine 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14554

When breaking wind is a brave thing

you’d have to wonder
if that chicken was cooked right
amount of pink inside
not so much to yield blood
having being slightly squeezed  
more than enough though
to flash an image of salmonella
building their tiny lives
all over it.

thought fuck it..


Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 591

Falling from the sky
touched by laurels
into tomorrow
like a feather
holding on
to my destination
of pillows on the ground
and Heaven's cupcakes

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

~of the inundating moonlit magnetisms, spindling in wor(l)dly delicate to cosmically tsunamic

the crooning hymnal trance..  
of this conspicuously whitening    
arabesque nocturne jasmines    
of unblinky beady eyes.. project out  
as an unparalleled transplanted magic, outta    
the dark viscous whirring terylene mire...    
lit just lit by one Pournami bloom  
of a mangoing molten smudgy- widen, an  
infectious fullmoon's  unianimous broadcast  
via the stillness ancient mediating airs    
filling with our whelming hot smokiness breaths    
...of our incensing ev aromatic romanticisms..    
impinge the wholly widespreadopen    
granular spread waiting grounds    
of crumbly clayey blown~ burst in & out    
poetic pottery -  our  fundamental spherules    
from primal roaring tectonic hearts    
in fissioning~ fusional chaos..    
amidst the fakey boomy hustles    
of a  so-manufactured urbanism  
in pitchy~ noisy made synthetic smiling    
eclectic emoji copy~ pasted dramedies,    
& moreso unbearably,  the sadistic politic    
vendetta bloodthirsty hunger~  thunders    
that these such thoroughbred, the    
robotic cloned steelheaded puppets    
strike out as clinical warheads  
unknowingly unfeelingly    
of the One puppeteer steering from above all  
in supreme maneuvering masterstrokes    
instantaneously~ absolutely accounting    
the karmic dharmic destiny equations    
in no rigged lopsidedness....    
whilst the cosmic souling energy    
channels yet again for the orbiting continuum..    
inner bodily templing transit vehicular births~ rebirth    
  with those even more  
grueling lively patterning    
   -the custom~ made  
dotting... death points  
inevitably infinetly alternate  
each of the so n-dimensional    
{birth.  breath. beating new now}    
Written by summultima (uma)
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#NoPoo/ 280321/ 03:22:09

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Sometimes it's beneficial to cut and run;left only remembering the good parts.

Picturing you,
all belly laughs
and clever wise cracks
leaving me—
tears streaming
in nonstop giggles


the only way
I choose to remember.

#Nopoo 3/27/21

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16888


watching rain drops on window pane
mundane scene of an evening
patterns on dusts
like smiles with teardrops
and I'm tearing up
in sympathy
when will it end


Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

#NoPoo/ 280321/ 15:35:31
:: and, in that frozen 'quietus', second... it's breathless. (finally. literally) ::

finally freed.

from coring in severing pains..
& her unceasingly warrioring still
hopeful brave battlefield.. whatev
the blown adverse extremeities

yesterday, her steadfast vibrant frame
marches...  tearing the scorching 40 heat
to cool off in an oasis of a lil roadpool..
though her unrecognizably sucked off flesh
in such extraction.. to just stuck skeleton..
a faint sketch in motion
of a throughbred canine
elegance.. despite here long
being a beloved street dweller

R O S I E.. fairy name we call her..

in struggling days of a terminal cancer..
& the night had her down in hard final plan..

difficult pausing breaths... dissolving as
unto the dead silence of odourless airs..

this morning, even sun is hidden indefinite
tucked off inner the ambushing thick greyish veil
in a hestitantly petrifying stand off for long.. ... with
its distorted matte~  grieving swollen pallid face...
slowly showing off.. in shining love & salutations

over her stony rigored cold body.. as ironwilled
as her living days of sharpened mind & sprightly
eyes.. RIP dearie ❤️🙏💔😭.Allz well. Travel well.

#RIP.Rosie #AnimalLove #DogLove #Cancer #IndianPariahDog #StreetDogLove
*Pic: web. reminds of her R.

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