#NoPoo Book 1 An ode to Gabriel
Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Tyrant of Words

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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they say give it time
you will get used to it
your thoughts will cease
to visit
I'm still waiting
for time to erase
into a faded smudge
they say give it time
you will get used to it
your thoughts will cease
to visit
I'm still waiting
for time to erase
into a faded smudge
Joined 21st July 2020
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Tyrant of Words

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to be a shade.... of yellow
Fuck~ these hot rolling tears
i hate my desperation
loathsome raw throat closing
this familiar ache
self diagnosed asphyxiation
by my own kindness
i'm certain
pride left in ash
sense of self....
just worthlessness
never enough
an exhausting
pot vs kettle
nonstop beating drum
in a type of repetitive damnation
constantly seeking
a little bit of revocation
my usual state of being
dripping blood
bones broken
pierce skin
in gross protruding
hands missing fingers
ears fallen deaf
no toes on my feet
just imperfect
and voiceless
Oh how I embrace
my creature
of black
missing tongue
ripped in shreds
muted silence
sharpened razor wire
shorn down my back
millions of paper cuts
sting and sear
every single
little pain
salted shouts
so perfectly clear
hues morph
twisting into a colorful
hated swirl
a mind barely intact
thoughts confuse me
before a fall into unconscious peril
tail spun yellow
that's all I see
how it's saturated
into my very being
through all
of my black
of this unfortunate bleed.
Written by Bluevelvete
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#Nopoo 3/22/21
Joined 14th June 2017
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(NoPoo 132) Keep Away
you better keep away
can’t you see
I’m about to explode
the constant stream of noise
penetrates my wrongly wired brain
can’t distinguish t
he good from the bad
sometimes need the silence
to bring me back into the world
when it’s situation meltdown
there’s no stopping the emotions
floodgates break loose
you better stay away
nothing normal dwells here
dhades of grey
are so confusing
can never make sense of things
black and white are my colours
behind my empty eyes
i struggle with living everyday
you don’t want to know
what the whispers are saying
just give me a switch
to shutdown
you better stay away
come too close
you might get burned
don’t pay too much attention
or you might get drawn in
this storm is destructive
you better keep away
can’t you see
I’m about to explode
the constant stream of noise
penetrates my wrongly wired brain
can’t distinguish t
he good from the bad
sometimes need the silence
to bring me back into the world
when it’s situation meltdown
there’s no stopping the emotions
floodgates break loose
you better stay away
nothing normal dwells here
dhades of grey
are so confusing
can never make sense of things
black and white are my colours
behind my empty eyes
i struggle with living everyday
you don’t want to know
what the whispers are saying
just give me a switch
to shutdown
you better stay away
come too close
you might get burned
don’t pay too much attention
or you might get drawn in
this storm is destructive
Joined 10th Jan 2021
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Dangerous Mind

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Tyrant of Words
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There was an elder woman who sat upon the highest majestic mountains
High above the valleys below and the beautiful rolling hills
Her ordained job was to oversee the habitants who roamed its sacred grounds
Each and every day these citizens would speak goodness to be settled upon the mountains
One day a storm brewed on the horizon turning the beautiful lush valley below dark
The overseer made revisions to make sure its residents was secured, dry, and gave everyone self-assurance
And this too shall pass
The overseer noticed a fragile and loathsome silhouette approaching, as she banged on the door, begging for shelter
A place to rest her soul in discord and turmoil of the raging seas roaring and the wind howling in the background
The overseer opened the portal small window to peak out and to keep the elements as bay, she glimpsed the appearance of the woman
She took in, as she assumed the peasants appearance and slammed the door portal close refusing the woman's entrance
The beautiful sun finally returned, flowers blooming, jasmine laden scent sailing throughout the air
For the love of the overseer’s favorite morning enjoyment she accidently burned her tongue, blisters instantly formed
Yet, for the overseer’s faithfulness she noticed she needed supplies, water and wood
Therefore, she donned her cape and long black coat, left the entrance of her mountain gates to her most trusted and loyal associate and off she went
A storm was fast approaching, as she made her way through the valley, up the hills, and over the mountains
Heavy pelts of rain begin to pierce her skin, she tripped and fell over a stone, her attire became muddy
Within her accident she had lost her shoes
She continued to make the long trekked up the mountains
She saw the receiving light beaming from the mountains peaks she called home
She tried to let out a small sigh of relief it was impossible due to her tongue blistering, permitting her not to speak
Her attire now hung like lead against her skin, her feet were now calloused and swollen
As she approached the entrance gates to her mountains, she heard the wind howling in the distance, witnessing it sweeping everything in his incoming path
The overseer banged on the door, her most trusted and loyal associate opened the small door portal; he took in the stranger’s appearance as he glanced up and down, he noticed the caked mud to her skin, barefoot, and squeaking as the stranger spoke
The overseer’s most trusted and loyal associate instantly slammed the door in the stranger’s face
As the story goes, everything was swept away by the howling wind in its dangerous path
The moral of the story, always give mental sanctuary for those who appear less than capable to give it to themselves and judge not, that ye be not judged.
Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
NoPoo #105 (03-23-21)
Joined 14th June 2017
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Northern_Soul said:https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poems/413837-things-men-need-to-hear-from-women-1/
#NoPoo [74]
#NoPoo [74]
Forum Posts: 17152
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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collars turning russets
head in blazing ache
red hot lava
waiting to be born
again and again
his arms
crisscrossed with unseen marks
bleeding tears of hurts
he is alone
and he grieves
collars turning russets
head in blazing ache
red hot lava
waiting to be born
again and again
his arms
crisscrossed with unseen marks
bleeding tears of hurts
he is alone
and he grieves
Joined 21st July 2020
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Little People
Upper Eastside New York
Friday Evening
I had my Goddaughter with me for the entire weekend. Her parents had to attend a wedding in Washington, D.C, so guess who was appointed to care for her for two days. That’s a lifetime to me. Now, take in consideration. I am used to going and coming as I please, no little person under the age of nine, being in charge of my existence.
I had to postpone my workout session on Saturday afternoon to get up and cook? Who me? The queen of yogurt, soy, tofu and flaxseed. We started out on a bad foot, in regards to my strict vegetarian diet. I had to actually go grocery shopping at the break of dawn.
I grabbed my small shopping cart, after she demanded I wipe it down two more times. Then I had to literally pick her up and assist her in getting inside the cart…a cart, really. What is the world coming too?
We strolled aisle by aisle looking for food items to satisfy her palate. I had to go and exchange my small cart for a bigger cart. My cart looked like Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, with all the trimmings of junk food. After we got halfway through grocery shopping. She advised me her mother does not allow her to eat sweets. So, we decided on putting the popcorn back, and made a pact not to tell her mother about all the surgery items still in tow, which I could live with.
I did not know little people want everything their little eyes can see. Mind you, I was the one paying for a cart full of overflowing items. I swear I know every cereal there is out there, the boxes have somehow invaded the top of my refrigerator. You would think this little person was moving in.
As we were walking through the frozen vegetable aisle. We were discussing her seven-year-old future. She said she wanted to be a nurse like me. You know that instantly made me smile. I asked her, why not an attorney like her parents. She had the nerve to say, nurses only take care of old people, and it’s not that hard to do.
Where do these kids get their ideals from? I allowed that to slide, she is a child, and there was a nice-looking gentleman, no ring on the finger looking for an item in the freezer. Flirt mode kicked it. Until, I realized I had to be respectful of my little company’s presence.
We finally made it to the check-out after an adventure of walking through eleven aisles. From there, I had to assist my goddaughter out the cart; her leg somehow got stuck. In such a narrowing line, I heard the impatient sighs. Then my goddaughter had the nerve to say, my mother gets me out of the cart with no problems. And I had two more days of this?
That same night, and with all that food crowding my refrigerator and freezer; I still did not feel like cooking, so we decided on ordering a pizza.
I do not eat cheese, she does, she eats meat, I don’t. I ordered her a supreme pizza, me nothing, just my yogurt and green tea. Bedtime arrived, yes! She wanted to get into my spacious Jacuzzi bathtub; she begged me with reassurance she will not try to swim, or dunk her head, I swear, I should have listened to my first instinct. The water setting was lukewarm and was very low. She wanted me to pour some of my soothing bath oil into the water, which I obliged. Then I gave her some privacy with the door slightly ajar.
After she advised me she was ready to get out. With PJs and footies in my hand, I entered my bathroom. My floor was wet and oily; huge water puddles covered my beautiful Italian marble floor. Her clothes she left sprawled on the floor were soaking wet, now I had to wash. I swear, I wanted to call her parents at that moment, and ship her to them through my Blackberry. I held my composure; my teeth were seething after I had to ring the mob out three times.
I’m tired, back hurt from bending over mopping up my entire bathroom floor. I finally said her prayers with her and then got her bedded down. Peace to myself at last. I looked up, that little person was at the arch of my doorway, saying she was scared of the dark. Isn’t this supposed to be fun? I had to walk back to my guest bedroom, get on my knees, and look under the bed. Then, I had to make up some convincing story about how angels will protect her through the night. I thought she bought it, until she climbed in my bed in the middle of the night, because she said she heard something. My brownstone is sound proof in the smack of the upper eastside borough, you could not even hear the traffic below, not unless you step out onto the concrete terrace.
Tired from keeping up with a precocious seven-year-old, back hurt, and now cramped in my own Queen Size bed. Once she was totally asleep. I had to lift her up, walk to the other end of my hall, and place her back in the bed. This girl had to weigh more than my one hundred and twenty-four pounds. After I returned to my bedroom. I had to come into the understanding, I still had two more days. I love my goddaughter, but she tired her Godmother out.
NoPoo 106 (03-24-21-written in 2019)
Happy 9th Birthday little one, a true princess in progress
Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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(NoPoo 133) Keys
giving you the keys
to nlock my padlocked heart
trusting you won't hurt me
giving you the keys
to nlock my padlocked heart
trusting you won't hurt me