Poetry competition CLOSED 8th February 2021 5:38pm
View Profile Poems by paperstains
RUNNERS-UP: Noble_Incubus and Valeriyabeyond

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10 Second Moment

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Write a poem that captures the narrative of ten seconds.
Write a poem that captures a ten second moment. It can be real or fictional, but what it should do is communicate that fleeting captured moment in time.

What we are looking for here is description and story telling skills.


•No more than 30 lines

• Erotica is allowed if tasteful. Pump ‘n dump will not be considered.

• Up to 2 entries per human being

• Audio / visual / images not allowed on this one, purely because I don’t want it to influence the description of the moment. That’s what matters. The poem should be able to stand on its own without visual help.

• All are welcome

• New or old writes accepted. If it’s old, it must work for the theme.

• 2 weeks

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

i already have one like this, but it's on an account im locked out of.  i can get around that but would it b e okay? or do you want something new

poet Anonymous

anna_grin said:i already have one like this, but it's on an account im locked out of.  i can get around that but would it b e okay? or do you want something new

You can enter it if you like. It’s up to two entries per human, so if you want to have a go at something new also, the option is there 🙂

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367


 .  silverdulled cynosure bree-grooved each wrist rests languid small twigs                         
                  in ea. metal palm waiting

seek   . . .  
       among the cairns and snake-charmer baskets
                 toetouch to the bumped wall calving the desk’s edge,          --


grip . tighten the tongs tauten the tacitile membrane – ticklish tonguetwistingbiting                   

                   anticipait – now –

yank            _               each will-not can-not havenot out of the ground and displace its
anchor.rock the        sailboat free milliseconds of sirenity  shipwreckable peace

silverdulled cynosure bree-grooved each wrist rests languid small twigs                         
                     in ea. metal palm waiting tapp tapp
Written by exe
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i'm not sure if this counts as entering, i may have got myself confused, here goes... and i'll try something new later on

poet Anonymous

Thank you for your entry, Anna_Grin. Certainly intriguing.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

10 seconds to lower the coffin and my eyes

Had an artist captured the sky it would look false.
grey scale clouds crafted by abstract thermals.
The olive canopy of a large bold oak.
The gurning bark of its leathery furrowed trunk.

The bald liver spotted scalp of the village vicar,
eyebrow caterpillars twitching with his words.
Nostril hair bends holding trapped dry mucus,
his lips stick thin lines of spit onto stained teeth.

Starch collar too tight for a grubby index finger.
Ink and paper bound biblical.
Shirt buttons taut over a pot belly,
stained nylon trousers with iron burns on the pocket.

Ankle socks dark with sweat pushed into black slip-ons.
Fine green blades, flat under rubber soles.
White network of writhing roots thinning into soil.
heavy clumps of clay lighten the colour burial earth.

Shingle, scree once deposited by a forgotten river.
Mahogany polished to a red mirrored veneer.
Silk quilted cushions with chesterfield buttons.
Flaccid skin on bone and cartilage, foundation and rouge.

Three inches of foam, padding out half an inch of pine.
Worms writhe through excreted tunnels beneath the softer wood,
it's only a matter of time, as the first shovel-full lands,
and makes me look up.
Written by Razzerleaf
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poet Anonymous

Razzerleaf, thank you for your entry. Just what I’m looking for. 🙂

Thought Provoker
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 85

Alive and Alone

Standing in the pouring rain to wash away stains of my sins all over me..        
Night and day I am feeling oddly this underwhelming odds won't favor me..      
No one dwells in my agony         
Only the demons unleashing on me..          
Am now living in a territory          
Where friends don't know this other side of me..          
There's no reason to share company          
Exercising my vow of silence you don't talk to me..          
Walking around in a state of melancholy..          
Life's a bitch and then you die, on my final days living out my darkest fantasy..   I hate intruders in my own Colony..          
I am lumbering and labouring alone, but alive..          
Living in apathy alone, but alive..          
No more weapons in my armory    
I am living alone..      
I am enjoying this solitary.. Alone!      
Where nobody needs to know somebody..      
No regret nor empathy..  Alone!          
Don't know how to laugh or smile..       
Forget how to cry..          
Alone !          
No remorse nor sympathy.. Alone !          
Don't care this is psycopathy.. I am alive..    
I gotta eat my pie..          
Before waving goodbye to love and harmony..
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 77

Not A Good Idea To Attend A Bachelorette Party

It was on a Sunday morning
that Debra had finally woken
up and felt such a pounding
in her head before she saw
that she was also naked.

That was before she heard
someone let out a moan
behind her which made
Debra slowly turn her head
and see some guy sleeping.

That made Debra realize
that it was not a good idea
to attend the bachelorette
party for her best friend
Gwendolyn to start with.

For if she had not done
so, she could not had
gotten herself smashed
by drinking so much
champagne at that bash.

And when she rolled that
naked guy over, her eyes
really grew wide for she
realized that it was the
male stripper named Jack.

Then, she figured that she
must've offered him more
than a mere lap dance
while she was still drunk
and went to bed with him.
Written by Green_Arrow
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poet Anonymous

Numer90 and green_arrow, thank you for your respective entries.

Numer90 your entry is over the stipulated 30 lines. Please can you amend as per the guidelines. Thanks.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 77

My pleasure.

Thought Provoker
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 85


Thought Provoker
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 85


The piano's playing me silent night of grief..   Can't help surrendering myself to defeat..  
Absconding from my demons remains a mystery..    
Same routines everyday, even yesterday and today..    
Roaming in a scary place called a fantasy..    
Dwelling in my fantasy is the only thing left that life couldn't take out of me..    
Everyone leapfrogged me hard to take it..    
What to do? This is what they called destiny..    
After all is said and done guess no more games in the mind flattering to deceive..    
From afar I heard Mama singing me lullabies aiding and abetting me to stay active tonically..    
Ma, the melody in your lullaby earth sheltered me and set me far away like a telletubby..    
Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625


The evening had been a pleasure
We had danced and talked without measure
We had become friends by the end,
Would the relationship extend?
She had asked me for coffee at her flat,
So that we could extend our chat,
Coffee made, we'd chastely discussed
How friendships depend on trust,
She then took me by surprise,
She stripped naked before my eyes,
'I trust you to love and not offend.
Please be my lover and my friend.'
Written by gardenlover
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poet Anonymous

Gardenlover thank you for your entry.

A gentle reminder to all: the poem should only describe the events over a 10 second period. That’s what we’re looking for in this contest. 🙂

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