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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Engraved Of Smoke And Fire (NoPoo 64)

The tender affect
Of you
Became my fate
To fall deeply
Your ripples
Touched me so
Your name  
Will not fade
As long as my heart beats
My breath keeps going
It lingers long
On my lips
Abandoning all
To love
Her love
Such strong desire
Dwells deep
Deeper inside
Wisps of smoke
From fires  
Yet to merge
We whisper our passion
To the winds
In connection of everything
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

a love note.

hidden in pocket
crushed within a sweaty palm
fears of ridicule
or embarrassment in all it's boisterous
mean nothing of concern
with such a treasured
written "lovesong"
'Tis such glorious light of head
and swollen heart in hand
pride in welcome tatters
at her very feet in sted
they smile with realized hidden union
thanks to her secret poem so thoroughly read

3:04pm EST

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128


the smell of lime
and Calamansi
permeate the morning air
I remember your hair
...your shampoos
and scented candles


Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

Dream Weaver II (Are We Still Connected)

The echoes of ignorance, my mind always unfurls    
Soaring to the skies as a Red Cardinal Bird        
I like it so much better up here        
No more pain, and no more tears        
Revelation 21:4        
The moon is where my Chakras takes me too when I need peace to seep from my pores        
Down below        
Hell, tall stacks daily blows        
People walking around without a care        
Popping pills, anxiety driven, pulling out their hair        
Mentality diminished from the thirty-day cycle        
This is to be true ask the Archangel Michael        
Systematic designed not giving the brain cells time to regenerate        
Anger, Depression, and an empty purse, yet bills can’t wait, cannot even debate        
Bills, Rent, 5G radiation leakage throughout erected towers        
Global minds held ransom with GB cell phones increasing the intensity of power        
Will it get easier        
Unfortanley, it will be, sleazier        
Will our hopes and dreams become brighter        
No, you either a sinker or be a fighter        
Citizens holding on to their guns even tighter        
Think about it, it’s no surprise        
You will come to realize        
These are words from the intellect of the wise        
No Civil Right shoulders to lean on        
Yet, we continue to pray for peace in a unified worldly song        
No more, can we all just get alone        
Those lyrics are so far gone        
Inner cities, bullets keep flying        
Mothers leaning over caskets crying        
Handcuffed, no diploma, senseless crime        
Court, Sentenced, Jail Time        
Corporate stocks escalating, it’s a business on taxpayers’ dime        
Privately owned institutions, bail bonds, incorporated  fear factor off the impoverished, yet, financially customized        
A jailed suit numbered within the system, collect phone calls, letters, itemized        
It all appears fair seeming and legitimized        
Bullied, kindred spirit self-taken online, memories silently snuffed        
Political ramifications, gun agendas, immigration reform, no more on the up and up        
Peace has rapidly decreased        
Toxic air from out the mouths of spiritual leaders, released        
We put our tides in the collection plate and pray to the sky        
Explain why racial disparity is at an all-time high        
Schools, colleges, just walking by, why        
911 telephone calls, Moorish skin, all just lies        
The Karens of this world getting the last laugh        
Spewing their racist injustice wrath        
Are we going forward or backwards as we meet        
No trust as we greet        
Soon, we will all see white sheets        
What happen to Make America Great        
That concept was just a political switch and bait        
Society does not have time to swallow its pride        
Observers with ignorant prying eyes        
Wrong mother, wrong color        
The mirror is our only true lover        
Deemed, no self-worth        
Stigmatized after birth        
Black men, sadly, no earthly rest        
Peace, found only after he takes his last breath        
His glory crowned only after death        
This world must do better        
My reason for writing such profound love letters        
In this day        
Uplifting words when we forget to pray        
Whispered to you, as if I would tell you, or say        
I will always give you a dose of my reality
All my Love and Hugs, the true essence of my mentality

NoPoo #47 (01-14-21)

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Lost In Possession (NoPoo 65)

posessing my soul
the energy of her fire
burns me forever
My universe so undone
Claiming my very being
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159


I want the poem to be an experience - for both the listener and for myself.
Anne Waldman

Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.
Carl Sandburg

Such a beautiful narrative to convey
Uplifting words at the moment we just can’t say
When we are feeling down and out
A detour through life or traveling a different route
The great times we thought, some have forgot
A poem to tell you, when declaring love is a long shot
Thank you and how do you do
Verses I give you when you’re feeling down and blue
No chicken soup, but a Get Well poem for you
My romantic partner is Mr. Poetry as you can see
An appointee to the heart, the real master key
We say as we please
Words given in laughter to tease
Written narratives to caress as a soft gentle breeze
To thaw the heart during an emotional deep freeze

I take over when Miss. Poem has failed
Promises to enlighten you when your emotions have sailed

What do you mean, when Miss. Poem has failed
I am the seductive mistress of words to make you inhale and exhale
Rhymes in poetic details
Sunken emotions after reading me will be prevailed
For you Mr. Poetry, what’s your story

Well since you asked, I am the hidden words behind your daily glory
When your rhymes are no longer mandatory
My lines are allegory
It’s up to me
For you to see
The beauty in everything
From A to Z
As a poem I could do without you
Without Miss. Poem you do not have clue

As Mr. Poetry, I could stand in front of a microphone and read my pedigree
Bringing the crowds down to their knees
During open mic my words are winning
When the versus of Mr. Poetry are spinning
Yeah, but with Miss. Poem, chocolates, and wine is usually thrown in it
We are an item through and through
Your Poems and my Poetry I’m sure people feel our grove

Our emotions as we push our words
We’re like a handsome Blue Jay and a sexy Red Cardinal bird
Who could stop us
Someone who does not know the meaning of true love
Or just utter words to sink not ordained from above
No expressive reactions to discuss
Or capture the essence of the heart in an emotional rush

Miss. Poem, what are you doing tonight
SweetKittyCat is borrowing my lines for her readers as she writes
She’s giving them a piece of Miss. Poem and Mr. Poetry’s birthright
Then I’ll see you sexy come the next time around
Or, on a written narrative rebound
Hopefully, for Mr. Poetry
You’ll l find me downtown
My words read from a man to a gorgeous dame in a flimsy nightgown
In your dreams
Don’t get jealous, remember we’re a team
Where you can’t, Mr. Poetry will
Then a goodbye kiss handsome to seal this unified deal

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.
Emily Dickinson

A poem can provide testimony. A poem can provide solace. It can provide a connection.
Kevin Young

NoPoo #48 (01-15-21)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

Have a great weekend

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

needle prick of hope

The jab came for him today
first round
my heart sighs a bit of a relief
made me laugh, of course
texted that he wasn't glowing in the dark
and alive, 15 minutes after
I wonder how long
it will take
from across the pond
where hope is still as small as that needle prick...
no matter tho,
today was a good day.

3:14 EST

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128


rolled up socks
and laundry day
could be today
a Saturday
and tomorrow
for a walk in the woods
while I listen
to prayers and pray
wishing you were there


Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159

The Variation Mystic Of The Woman Within

A Response to a Post on another Site; The Variation Mystic of the Woman Within
A very uplifting analogy to the core of my brain, I have to say.  
Your analogy to the quintessence of femininity is intense to the mind to adhere in one glace and one breath. Nevertheless, I appreciate the element of how you presented a male perspective in its collective forum of classifying the true qualities, which makes up the nucleus of a woman, in addition, the measurement of  a woman’s structure to discern her worth; not only in the bedroom, or the boardroom, but in society as a feminine being.    
To bear the burden of one flaws is to accept the burden of it originality. In your beautiful narrative; flaws of life, to some could be a blessing; the will to submit, adhere, and to accept what has been done, will be.    
And a curse to others; flaws from reproduction, flaws of past turbulence within one’s soul, which has kept the woman oppressed throughout our history.    
I totally agree with you, the brain is the stem-cell of the intellectual aspect of a woman, however let’s give praise to her heart’s mechanism, as you have; to love, to forgive, or to oppress, it is a dual acceptance, the heart cannot make one do what the brain cannot assent.    
Flaws or imperfections in this society has always befallen on deaf ears to the male counterpart.    
Society has been brainwashed to believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and ugly is to the bone. No matter what, excuse the chignon my friend, no Millennium Frankenstein, who has the gift to interpret the vivacity of a woman, yet, the same homo-sapiens placed on the earth, who have lost the battle in upholding the regality of women in all her splendor glory; her beauty to nurture and bear the blunt of silent marks time or love could never heal.  
The Adam without the Eve syndrome is prevalent here today. I would love the day when some, not all men could really appreciate the inner beauty of a woman. He could come to really understand the struggle some not all had to endure, through the Jim Crow Era, the fight to have laws passed, only to allow women a voice to vote. In this political era under the watchful eye of the media.  
Our bodies is viewed as a pastime to a man’s fantasies. Thank goodness, in some countries it is shielded out of respect.    
The womb that gives life is a beautiful blessing, or to a woman who stands to be fruitless, to solely rely on the beautiful womb of another. Whereas, in some countries, sadly the pathway to give life is mutilated, and deemed to be a curse.    
One could only hope, men in general would come to feel this way about women, as you have taken the time to mentally compose what every woman wants; a voice to be heard, a heart to love, and a mind to gain knowledge, and use it to be a force to reckon in life.  
I hope I have not insulted any reader with my broad in-in depth analysis of this narrative.    
My poet you have raised the bar on this one for me, and for a philosopher your words of poetry speak great volumes to any reader.  
Love and Hugs,  
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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NoPoo #49 (01-16-21)

Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6089

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128


like a pulsating galaxy
showing me
it's no longer
giving me those pretty ones
I feel the chaos within
where peace once reign
your voice is missing


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14621

The King and I

I've lost count of the corpses
of those who thought I was a king
scattered 'round, ravaged
by gull and rodent


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