#NoPoo Book 1 An ode to Gabriel
Forum Posts: 2164
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Sands of Time
Sands of Time
Just thoughts within intellectual lines
As we are born
So, shall we die
Plans made in advance to soar to the Heavenly sky
Do you ever question why you’re here
An earthy existence with a limited amount of good cheer
Scared to live
Afraid to die
Once we get sick… silent prayers, numerous whys
Lived a good life
Unite as the Bible says, man and wife
Kids if you choose
That beautiful policy in life, surely you can’t lose
The doctrine of Heavenly laws
So misconstrued
The good must wait for their pie in the sky
The wicked having a great time down here, does not even bat a guilty eye
Heaven hath no fury like a sinful scorn
Baptism to get peace out of life, dipped in water to be reborn
What if this is Heaven on earth
No spiritual rebirth
Once you close your eyes the sands of time has expired
No more breaths of earthly life required
Therefore, faith of soul you must now let
Sins of the forefathers has been dealt
What you see here is all you will ever get
Darkness and silence are the only thing your soul has met
No crown of glory settled on your head
In life your emotions have daily bled
Times you’ve wasted just to live
Charity from your hard work, you humbly give
Hoping for forgiveness of sins
Oh, I lied one time…not killed anyone, so will I still get in
It seems the good always suffer
The meek continues to earthy smother
The wicked moves right along
These are words, not my creed, but it is a pondering song
Being a nurse, so many questions I get asked
Sometimes, as I bow my head, I question my daily spiritual fast
Is it all worth it
To take life’s agony hits
Turn the other cheek, survive all society’s stinging licks
It’s not what one would call total bliss
Then you wait for a crown of glory from living legit
Die and then find out, it was all lies, just bullshit
Excuse my tongue
Bringing it to you straight, as my mind tends to mentally run
Yes, I believe in the Holy Trinity
However, many still have questions about the divinity
I advised you I’m locked out
Therefore, I have inquires I must yell and shout about
I pray daily, maybe God will lend me his ear and listen
Is it the erotic side of my nature that Heavenly hinders me
Gift of words given at an early age
School plays, theater in college, words delivered with confidence on stage
Never once passed up the church offering plate
Yet, on my knees still questioning my fate
Generation of healing hands
For woman and man
Is it not enough, I ask
Soul goes on, yet the body on earth will never last
Hoping for redemption for a sinful past
Knees I pray
Until I hear the words, well done, my knees I shall stay
Answers given as I finally wobble to stand
Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit in sequence to conquer the mental lands
From my Queen’s crown to you and yours
Love given in all its entities from the stars, the moon, the Heavens above, casting down to the east coast shores
NoPoo #21 (12-15-20)
Published 1st Oct 2018
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

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MiniSixerShots: day-night/word-silence or so extremeties.. are a 'seamless homogeneity' for us, The Absolute Travellers
::circa~ noctem:
our night eye
feels ~ sleeps
h o m e
in (worded) betweenness.. is true
your throwing
eyes.. my death~
::brute~ blow(n)::
ashes you lay...
burnt down
l i e s
at one press~ touch..
em o t i o n s
e x p l o d e
::urban 'bête noire'::
'sensex' abuzz
biz- specie: 'love'-
*song link: stirring song sung by the (Universal Hero' as we call him here).. actor himself, #Kamalhaasan.. 2003 classik tamil flick 'Anbe Sivam"... #LoveIsTheOnlyReligion #CallForHumanity
Written by summultima
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#NoPoo/ 151220/ 22:12:47
Forum Posts: 17139
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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I told you
I'll take photos
for you when I go
to the mountains
yesterday I went to the river instead
I thought of you
took some photos
realised I didn't have your address
for a moment
the rapids looked welcoming
I told you
I'll take photos
for you when I go
to the mountains
yesterday I went to the river instead
I thought of you
took some photos
realised I didn't have your address
for a moment
the rapids looked welcoming
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

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sun and weather battered
your faded star never mattered
no crown no turban
yet you my pride urban
decades old more valued than gold
my dear hat tattered
no crown no turban
yet you my pride urban
decades old more valued than gold
my dear hat tattered
Written by cold_fusion
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2007 AEDST
2007 AEDST
Joined 21st July 2020
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Tyrant of Words

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a fragile hypocritical soul
where loneliness grows
like a weed
neglected, yet in a persistent ire
standing strong in passage
willfully against
all of the elements
it's audacity remains—
especially in such perfect conditions
when even the sun bows
....O' how lonely does bloom...
#NoPoo 12/16/2020
6:17am EST
a fragile hypocritical soul
where loneliness grows
like a weed
neglected, yet in a persistent ire
standing strong in passage
willfully against
all of the elements
it's audacity remains—
especially in such perfect conditions
when even the sun bows
....O' how lonely does bloom...
#NoPoo 12/16/2020
6:17am EST
Forum Posts: 17139
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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One day
I hope
you'll tell me
where you've been
and take me
with you
to see it
One day
I hope
you'll tell me
where you've been
and take me
with you
to see it
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

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A Reflection Of Truth (NoPoo 35)
There are times
This reflection
I witness
Is unrecognisable
Distorted , mangled
Deformed form
Like it wasn't me
Yet glimpses
Say it is
i imagined
Better things
All has come to pass
I've become jaded
A shell of human
A little biter
More twisted
Seeking recompense
Yet less
Deserving of it
Puddle of image
My true self
Its ugliness
If i smash
The mirror
It wont deter
Its effect
Just underline it
There are times
This reflection
I witness
Is unrecognisable
Distorted , mangled
Deformed form
Like it wasn't me
Yet glimpses
Say it is
i imagined
Better things
All has come to pass
I've become jaded
A shell of human
A little biter
More twisted
Seeking recompense
Yet less
Deserving of it
Puddle of image
My true self
Its ugliness
If i smash
The mirror
It wont deter
Its effect
Just underline it
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Forum Posts: 2164
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Lineage and Legacy
Lineage and Legacy as one must come to perceive
Those are life’s footprints we deem to conceive
Moments in time we have achieved
As we glance upon a mirror of our reflection
Our eyes, nose, lips, lineage at times comes into question
What makes us the person who we are
From a presence already ordained beyond a constellation of stars
Are we playing out our life on a cosmic screen
Sight and feelings in time unforeseen
Learning in life to keep our noses clean
If God does know all
Then why do we fight our fate when we stumble or fall
From the womb from which life we came
Universal love one and the same
In life that’s the name of the game
Prepared at birth to withstand the stinging rain
Have faith through bodily pain
Never taking the Lord’s name in vain
Echoes of cries, don’t pour your money down the drain
Never to go against the grain
Perilous times has ridden the face of society’s dream
The white picket fence, American’s apple pie wishes, so it may seem
From the dust from which we shall return
While we’re all here we live and we learn
Believing in daily blessings
Praying we all put down such deadly weapons
Social media has now become our true friend
Stroking computer keys to emotions we lend or defend
Mental images displayed on screens, never to cease or end
I’m a writer, author by trade
Words sometimes hidden behind a masquerade
My lineage is Haitian, Mulato, French, Creole of old
Midwifes in villages, city nurses generational foretold
Will I leave my mark, my handprints, my footsteps
My written concepts
Media sites with memories of my creed
A dose of reality always to feed your need
My legacy is the signature of my face
As I bow my head in a state of grace
Being vain, never the case
At times, feelings get caught up between a rock and a hard place
Aquarian traits, please don’t blame me
Footloose and fancy free
None as blind as those who will not see
Roots of the soul
Intellectual Creole
Which makes me who I am
Healer, as God tempers my land
Lineage and Legacy for me, that’s who
My blanket above I have proudly laid out for you
NoPoo #22 (12-16-20)
Joined 14th June 2017
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Tyrant of Words

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one way
the conveyor belt
is life
what a fool
to not see
that wake
is only give
not take
is giving your best
and moving on
is stupid.
Written by cold_fusion
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1124 AEDST
1124 AEDST
Forum Posts: 2164
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Soft Petals Of A Gypsy
Deeper and Deeper
My vivid emotions are scaling steeper and steeper
Falling into the enrapture of my sweet abyss
I can’t swim, holding on for a floating reminisce
No breaths of rescue, but empty perceptions amiss
A thrilling rollercoaster ride to surrender under my seductive womanly creed
Giving you my wants, my desires, all my needs
Illuminating narratives, so allow my beautiful emotions for once to softly bleed
No Band-Aid needed, just permit it to seep and go
Merging the essence of my heart and soul as it flows
Let my eyes see things undone
No need to straighten things out, this is my salvation, my ancestors have fought and won
I have lifted myself out of the element of solitude
My mind screams out for peace among gratitude
It feels so good for the mind to have no plans
Just me, myself, and I where I presently stand
Gypsy girl without my banjo
Dancing in the wilderness, the winds shaping my heart, enlightening me from head to toe
In the midst of the sweetest emotional freeze
No time to get back down on my knees
I am loving to just write as I please
The rambling over spilling, unchained, and running free
My ability to shelve my salacious creed as I please
For the first time, I will allow someone else to take the wheel
Lead my heart into the dark world of forbidden passion to fulfill
I refuse to find my one way
My thoughts within self is quiet and peaceful as a child learning to play
Blue skies on the horizon, making tender love to my mind
For once, separating myself from the presence of time
No designs, yet, grateful for God’s echoing chimes
I can walk, I can run, I can soar
No restraints holding me down, refusing to bust down a hurried door
Feels so good as naked as I am
Flying high without the constrains of man
Eyes wide open
The winds carrying my thoughts have spoken
Reality advising me this is not a dream
My mind is suspended in a state of total serene
Soft Petals Of A Gypsy
NoPoo #23 (12-17-20)
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

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In youth, ignorance flares
unknown, yet to swear nothing but known
excellence in only allowed petulance
when in truth,
just a phony portrayed hubris
~ a tell-tale ~
as the winds of vapid learned lessons
blow to ensure that unknown is surely unknown
a slight hope of avoiding yet other fucked up transgressions
11:24am EST
unknown, yet to swear nothing but known
excellence in only allowed petulance
when in truth,
just a phony portrayed hubris
~ a tell-tale ~
as the winds of vapid learned lessons
blow to ensure that unknown is surely unknown
a slight hope of avoiding yet other fucked up transgressions
11:24am EST
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

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The Precipice (NoPoo 36)
Intense silence
Breath caught
Within her gaze
Its understood
That beauty has form
They tell stories
Infer dresms
That heaven
Maybe upon the earth
And reachable
They say
Angels have names
On my lips
Is another angelic name
I want to cry
My heart is waiting
On the brink
Of bursting
Beating out of control
Just for you
Breath caught
Within her gaze
Its understood
That beauty has form
They tell stories
Infer dresms
That heaven
Maybe upon the earth
And reachable
They say
Angels have names
On my lips
Is another angelic name
I want to cry
My heart is waiting
On the brink
Of bursting
Beating out of control
Just for you
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1409
the bigger you blow
your monstrous midnight
balloons of
your dirty dark pus-filled lies
in targeted~ splaying... from
your murderously cold-
a spinelessly~ smoggy
choking, an infidel
pollution. of
pure soulcores..
evenmore larger
is this powering deity
of ferocious Kali in
the now~ avatar-ing..
you countless face(less)
demons of sickeningly
painted anonymities
(in let loose dramatically
manipulative politicking
… as fuckery fakery plays
you do.. in such cheeky bold
intimate plotting hidden- villainy
scarfaces.. but lo, you .. in
an inner terribly trembling
cowardice.. of a hypocritical
paranoid struck restlessly
shruken caged mind… of
varifold unimaginably twisted
& worthlessly vagabonding MPAs-
Multiple Profiling Anonymities in
pacca- laid out characterizations...
are but pretty worthy cases of
cyber criminalistic serial~ killing
predacious webs... that you try trap
simple truthful heart~ souls)
... only comes boomeranging
in a smashing fast hit back..
as your foxiness howls
aloud in vain.. see! what you
get in immense gain.. are
the pretty tight closing in
self-strangulating cuffs...
from your wriggling wormy~
crooked sins & mounting guilts
that's chronically eating you
alive in a lively inch-by-inch kill
infinite times..
yet, but your karma
though.. will instantly precisely
hit right back.. by those
lathi~ charging deathly
whips of Kaliyuga
Kalki~ Cyberpolice
every action has an equal & opposite reaction…
wait & watch... you sick minds
of countless proliferating gangrene
stinking as maggoty pestilence anonymities…
that's killing Truth of Love & Art..
Written by summultima
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#NoPoo/ 171220/ 22:37:19
(excuse poetic souls.. comes with an extreme content.. had to do so.. the timely righteous raging against lies & hypocrisies... light & love you all xx)
*pic: from Kahaani(2012) eternal fav hindi flick.. the gorgeously bold Vidya Balan enacts the Modern-day Kali- killing Evils..
Forum Posts: 17139
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139
# NoPoo
On this date
last month
I played Ring-a-ring o' roses...with words round and round
this thread
don't break the chain,
I mantra-ed
like a Buddhist prayer wheel
but time sneezed
and you fell down
I'd like to think you
you walked towards the light
or saw beautiful waterfalls and meadows
where loved ones congregated
that you might tell them
somewhere a candle burns for you
in the enclave of a mourning heart
# NoPoo
On this date
last month
I played Ring-a-ring o' roses...with words round and round
this thread
don't break the chain,
I mantra-ed
like a Buddhist prayer wheel
but time sneezed
and you fell down
I'd like to think you
you walked towards the light
or saw beautiful waterfalls and meadows
where loved ones congregated
that you might tell them
somewhere a candle burns for you
in the enclave of a mourning heart
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

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that rusting chassis by the corrugated road
someone once
was on their way
that rusting chassis by the corrugated road
someone once
was on their way