#NoPoo Book 1 An ode to Gabriel
A strummer of strings, among other things,
As soft as the thrum of beating wings;
And, when that forgotten son does sing,
O’er forest and fjords, his heart does ring.
He rises with the restless day,
With a hopeful smile upon his face;
Despite the obstacles in his way,
Of his fear, he shows no trace.
On days he doesn’t feel his best,
He grunts and pushes through the pain.
Some days his brain’s a foggy mess,
Left (out)standing in the pouring rain.
An honest man, with stoic stature,
Wondering through his wizened woods;
By camera shutter, the poet captured,
Earth’s enchantments, as he could.
Through a looking lens of grace, he gazes,
On grasses of the earth, he grazes,
Spitting fine poetic phrases,
Whilst on the finest herb, he blazes.
Made of sugar, spice, and everything nice,
With a pinch of piss and vinegar;
And although he has the gift of gab(e),
He’s an extraordinary listener.
I can only hope to be, someday,
A man of such integrity…
And to think I let my silly problems
Get the fucking best of me.
As soft as the thrum of beating wings;
And, when that forgotten son does sing,
O’er forest and fjords, his heart does ring.
He rises with the restless day,
With a hopeful smile upon his face;
Despite the obstacles in his way,
Of his fear, he shows no trace.
On days he doesn’t feel his best,
He grunts and pushes through the pain.
Some days his brain’s a foggy mess,
Left (out)standing in the pouring rain.
An honest man, with stoic stature,
Wondering through his wizened woods;
By camera shutter, the poet captured,
Earth’s enchantments, as he could.
Through a looking lens of grace, he gazes,
On grasses of the earth, he grazes,
Spitting fine poetic phrases,
Whilst on the finest herb, he blazes.
Made of sugar, spice, and everything nice,
With a pinch of piss and vinegar;
And although he has the gift of gab(e),
He’s an extraordinary listener.
I can only hope to be, someday,
A man of such integrity…
And to think I let my silly problems
Get the fucking best of me.
Written by NewBeginnings
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I will miss you dearly, my friend ❤️
It's hard to believe that you're gone, but your memory will live on...
It's hard to believe that you're gone, but your memory will live on...
Forum Posts: 2399
Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
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My deepest condolences to Soul's family, friends, and fellow poets. He will be remembered <3
The video on the previous page, of him quietly, beautifully.. playing guitar, is perfect -- I'm glad I got to see it and would encourage everyone to watch it <3
The video on the previous page, of him quietly, beautifully.. playing guitar, is perfect -- I'm glad I got to see it and would encourage everyone to watch it <3
Joined 14th June 2017
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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
the soulman
we all grieve differently
i read somewhere
and it resonated
with life
all that I've observed
and absorbed
after years
of shared paths
ephemeral it may seem
the company
but experiences are
anything but
for lives more than one
and eternal
right there
will I seek you my friend.
in the meantime
we hold on to your gifts
two hundred and fifty four
of them which the world is richer for
the rest that are innumerable to mention
Rest now my friend.
For You, will be disturbed
again. There.
i read somewhere
and it resonated
with life
all that I've observed
and absorbed
after years
of shared paths
ephemeral it may seem
the company
but experiences are
anything but
for lives more than one
and eternal
right there
will I seek you my friend.
in the meantime
we hold on to your gifts
two hundred and fifty four
of them which the world is richer for
the rest that are innumerable to mention
Rest now my friend.
For You, will be disturbed
again. There.
Written by cold_fusion
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Joined 1st Apr 2011
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Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14624
Slán abhaile
Goodbye, my friend
I hear the food is nicer there
and the forest is thick with creatures
who will eat from your hand
slán abhaile, mo chara
is finscéal tú, do chroi, ceol, craic
beidh sé mar chuimhneachán ort.
Thank you all for your beautiful reflections. I feel I'm lucky to look back and chuckle to myself. it's great to see the poetcast project here, he absolutely loved it
translation to the above verse: goodbye my friend, you are legend. your heart, music, craic
it will be something to remember you by. goodbye
Goodbye, my friend
I hear the food is nicer there
and the forest is thick with creatures
who will eat from your hand
slán abhaile, mo chara
is finscéal tú, do chroi, ceol, craic
beidh sé mar chuimhneachán ort.
Thank you all for your beautiful reflections. I feel I'm lucky to look back and chuckle to myself. it's great to see the poetcast project here, he absolutely loved it
translation to the above verse: goodbye my friend, you are legend. your heart, music, craic
it will be something to remember you by. goodbye
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
Stupid Love (No Poo 15)
for a stupid heart
that believes there is love
pull the shutters down
that believes there is love
pull the shutters down
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Forum Posts: 17130
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
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It was not always like that
it was also
All I know is...the weather/season is improving
and maybe I can be out within nature
once again to rejuvenate
and then we walked
down the hill
It was not always like that
it was also
All I know is...the weather/season is improving
and maybe I can be out within nature
once again to rejuvenate
and then we walked
down the hill
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
the unknowing of loneliness.
i am but a single rose
my thorns plague
up and down my spine
constant scarring,
twist and curve
into a dangerous beauty
when closely a look,
to laugh
of such
devious petals
that serve
as secret conceal
'Tis you
and me
and ours—
is mutual sunshine
mixed of an earthly divine
sparking and igniting
a lonely vine
as together with you,
now two
only. for. you.
i shall climb,
with petals extended
my unfurled reaching out
to such heavens high
and softy,
so very softy
a very unlikely two,
and new to bloom
in wonderment-
O' how the wonderment
of all we knew to be true,
combine in new warmth
of perpetual sunshine
and now,
in all purpose apparent
we are but two roses
united and always.
Written by Bluevelvete
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11/26/2020 9:10am EST
Forum Posts: 2159
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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The color of my faith
Seen in blue
The true potential of my soul
NoPoo #2 (11-26-20)
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1409
Some Sextets Of A Palindromic Plying Phasal Mind~ 'MANAM'::மனம்- In Our Undying 'Soul'ing Love
mysterious anonymities~
மன ஜனம்:: Maṉa jaṉaM
who are they?!.. these
disjointed deja vu insurgence
of a random alien~ known
mixed characterizations
in a daily gherao over
dreamy reeling surrealities-
a drastic expanse in
horrific drilling inevitabilities
of sudden~ switched morphings…
an unbearable live series of killer
documentary nightmarishness...
lump in the throat’ weighted mind
::மன கனம்:: Maṉa gaṉaM
cleaving deliquescent stress & strains
of a vicious vaunting~ sabotage times
stride as squally cyclonic juggernauts
in smother~ strangulating clouded mats
of hard~ sedimentary illusional greys,
neither in a thorough~
blown away traffic clearance
nor in an awaited eventual
teary~ equatorial outbursts
bloody mind battlefields
::மன ரணம்:: Maṉa raṇaM
warring decisive in the karmic fronts
of summating accounts of Sins & Bliss..
the inner motherly chaos leads this
warrior mindchild amidst the bleeds ..
in a shining singular noble purpose
& healing elemental purity, of Love
enter the rejuvenating mind~ forest
::மன வனம்:: Maṉa vaṉaM
undeniably the forces of destiny..
these metaphorical 'fourteen Ramayana
years of foresting liberational penance
falling divine … as if a deathly
castaway curse of a raging sage
to those worldly (un)commoners..
all i feel is this 'now'
::மன கணம்:: Maṉa kaṇaM
meditating sword~ sharp
decanting delicate minds
flow fluidic in ‘the moment’
-mindfulness’ harnessing
marriage of the minds
::மன மனம்:: Maṉa maṉaM
the eternal. 'soul'ing love.
this one us.
is there a death ever?
Written by summultima
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#NoPoo/ 14/ 27112020/ 00:21:13
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1799

Soul my dear friend Gabe
we stated the Dup journey together
I will miss you for alway and forever
sweet thoughts you had many
positive reinforcement you shared
plenty, you cared...
always putting everyone else first
your vision was to love not hurt
I will miss you my friend
forever and always
Rest In Peace my dear friend
Broomie ❤️
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3007
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3007
ThePoetcastProject said:
(A little guitar from him here: https://youtu.be/5sNMz9lSGcI)
Love this. ❤️😢
(A little guitar from him here: https://youtu.be/5sNMz9lSGcI)
Love this. ❤️😢
Forum Posts: 17130
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17130
Another day dear
It is too bright
dreaming of bridges
and shady woods
where I was
but never went
wishes lived through dreams
and faded yellow ribbons hanging on hundreds of oak trees
gently tied by those beloved left behind
Another day dear
It is too bright
dreaming of bridges
and shady woods
where I was
but never went
wishes lived through dreams
and faded yellow ribbons hanging on hundreds of oak trees
gently tied by those beloved left behind
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
i keep my face down, I keep my gaze down
for there is
something in my chest
that aches to come out
my jaws are locked in tight
from the eyes it shouts
i keep my face down, I keep my gaze down
for there is
something in my chest
that aches to come out
my jaws are locked in tight
from the eyes it shouts
Forum Posts: 17130
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17130
flying through the land of dreams
of tall pine trees
and everlasting greens
spires of churches in vast green fields
sounds of singing hills
quiet hamlets
Swimming in bubbles
colours of the rainbow trapped
within the wet orb
floating away over the garden
of blue bells, tulips and dandelions
there is tranquility
In my dreamscape I am
I want to see
You there too
flying through the land of dreams
of tall pine trees
and everlasting greens
spires of churches in vast green fields
sounds of singing hills
quiet hamlets
Swimming in bubbles
colours of the rainbow trapped
within the wet orb
floating away over the garden
of blue bells, tulips and dandelions
there is tranquility
In my dreamscape I am
I want to see
You there too
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
A Write of Loves Passage (NoPoo 16)
lets engrave our souls
marking with fiery passions
our every heartbeat
marking with fiery passions
our every heartbeat
Written by AspergerPoet56
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