Poetry competition CLOSED 1st September 2020 3:34pm
DanielChristensen (The Fire Elemental)
View Profile Poems by DanielChristensen

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Poem of the month: August

poet Anonymous

Web Of Lies

Stranger danger
web of lies
what could it harm
to socialize
you could be stalked or
taken for a ride
catfished, ghosted
turned to prey
so much danger
does await
web of deceit
tempting fate
Written by faithmairee (Faith Elizabeth Brigham)
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

s         a            f                e     to trace the arch

s         a            f                e     to trace the arch
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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2020
Forum Posts: 2668

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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Transference Through Acceptance of Balance

To recognize
 the principle of love, it must be
seen from mindful awareness
To funnell love through the stem
of morality, Is not love

Fill your mind, your body  with
guilt and fear, it will  flourish
within an empty heart,
It leaves no room  for good

We know , now
Yet, we continue on in ignorance,
looking for  truth, it's how we define ourselves, as if it were an individual uniqueness, that can only be
attained, by struggle and heartache. 

We step out, of now
Into wave upon wave of  humanity,
 we exist, ahead of ourselves 
building better, smarter,
creating more until, we have
become numb to the challenge,
 of being a better human

Life happens, without intervention. 
Everything is,  as it should be, 
right within itself,  arranged as
it should be.

To be a part of the ever changing
now-  we remain the same ,
we are, the all in all,  within us,
is the truth 

Transference through acceptance of balance
Written by Valeriyabeyond (Dhyana)
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Great nods everyone, thank you!

poet Anonymous

Rage Quit

I'm a huge fan of online games,
my favourite is Call of Duty.
I love to play with my friends all day,
give me that Warzone booty.

One thing I can't stand however,
is when I get camped by some noob.
It feels like the universe is being unfair,
like it's gone in dry without lube.

Some stupid little kid on the mic,
saying how I just got wrecked.
'Stupid little prick' I thought,
needs to learn some respect.

So off I went after him,
trying to knife him in the skull.
But he kept trashing me with the barret,
and my prospects were looking dull.

I invited him to a one-on-one on Rust,
to settle our outstanding beef.
I invited him to speak to me directly,
but he just kept giving me grief.

Within the first couple of tries,
I'd managed to paste him with a frag.
Maybe I was being optimistic,
thinking I had this in the bag.

For suddenly he swooped in screaming,
nearly causing my ears to bleed.
The decal on his AR-15 was repulsive,
Black and covered in weed.

He nailed me in the cranium,
he one-shotted me in the sweed.
He blew my fucking brains across the floor,
talking how him and my mother would breed.

The tears were streaming down my face,
as I turned red with rage.
I'd invited him here to destroy him I'd thought,
and he's one-upping me on my own stage.

The little fucker kept drilling me,
so I just threw a fit.
I ran over to my console,
switched it off, punched my wall, rage quit.

Written by PooSmoothie69
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

the color of grief

oh you all the beings
of the human kind
show me of the color
missed not by the blind

tell me about it's hue
tell me whether it's true
does it vary does it differ
between humans two

am sure that it does not
like of joy and relief
pierces same all tear glands
the color of the grief

it cares not and dismisses
color of skin and eye
it strikes it never misses
to deny it is a lie

the color of the grief
like that of joy and relief
spans beyond the spectrum
of human pride and belief

Written by cold_fusion
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Thank you.. wonderful nominations!

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 12awards
Joined 24th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 484


spinning through the onyx haze
I face my maker hundred proof dread
in the atmosphere, he descends

I see on the horizon a thousand virgins
blood marks there heads
confounded I close my eyes
a jolt to my mind awakens me
I must look

I am commanded to take record
a circumference of insanity
a line drawn in the sand
I dare not cross

conjuring the winds I seek to take to the air
meeting me in the skies he is there as well
an infinite voice booms through the eternities
I will not veil my head

I see you, Sir
take my masochism as an offering
sinner and saint, I am your woman

confined to the mortal
I descend though I rise
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 10th May 2020
Forum Posts: 149

Fantastic! Thank you Andrew

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1882

Compliance & Nonviolence (Suffering In Silence)

They killed a man who preached nonviolence
And are still demanding that we suffer in silence
Met with threats of violence for taking a knee
So tell me why do you sing O' say can you see?

Can you not see the hypocrisy in any of this?
Historically, revolutionaries have used their fists
As a means to resist so we ALL can live free
From the tyrannical oppression of evil entities

Quoting Stokely, an enemy must have a conscience
In order for nonviolence to have a fighting chance
There's no romance between beauty & the beast
Bring that fairytale nonsense to an immediate cease

It's played out like a crease in denim jeans
Obtain your sense of peace by any means
It was all a dream when thirteen was ratified
Prisons profiting means that they surely lied

Been taken for rides since the transatlantic trips
Just no longer cargo at the bottom of their ships
Get a grip on reality where political fallacies reign
So casualties won't be family's blood in the drain

Incessant pain remains that makes it hard to breathe
Mentally, physically & spiritually causing us to seethe
Grinding our teeth as they keep denying justice
Raising closed fists as we continue to resist
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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