Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14618
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14618
Bring Them Peace
I have strived to assist those who I had believed needed and persuaded me of my support.
I have tried and I have failed twice now.
I absolutely must remain focused to conserve my mental peace.
I have placed myself and my family at risk, by attempting every day, to be a calm and safe shoulder for others to rest their heads upon.
A hug from afar, with accessible and open wings to show them I am here and I care.
I'm not superior to anyone or hold any higher sovereignty.
I am a human being with faults who has memorized grounding techniques, halting in place my triggers and battling the negative bullets, trying to shatter my spirit, by walking along the trails directly to my PTSD.
I am a warrior. I come in peace or I will strike you down. I've had enough.
I choose between a positive environment or a negative one. I choose positivity. Always.
I have rarely revealed to anyone, the tiny facet of a crack, inside the iceberg that slopes down to the chasms of my foundation.
Within this, the existence of my spirit remains a raw, diamond boulder, blazing a dominant light of protection for the love and honor of myself and my family.
In particular, my compassion was erroneously received as my weakness. Perception is an individual assumption.
No further will I comprise my own achievements, attained by my intelligence and nurturing instincts of nature and her plethora of treasures.
We will all remain as a lifeline, an obstacle, or a soldier. Who will you be, during and after our war? I am a soldier.
Gratify your inner light. Try by any means necessary to move forward every day in search of a glimmer of hope and pray to your deity for all of them, those who are lonely, and those who are dying alone.
By giving some hope to the heroes of the health care workers in our hospitals. The OSHA-certified, janitor's, laundry room, prep staff, security, I.T., cook's in the kitchens, toxic and nontoxic trash unit, CNAs, PA's, NA's and every single volunteer.
My Nightingale, who has now become aware she can not go home.
She is holding the hands of your family and friends who have no one else but her as they pass on.
She is moving forward every day discovering her inner light dimming because human beings are still refusing to stay safe and stay home.
Be reasonable. Try harder. Give her the light of hope now. She has the right to be at peace.
I have tried and I have failed twice now.
I absolutely must remain focused to conserve my mental peace.
I have placed myself and my family at risk, by attempting every day, to be a calm and safe shoulder for others to rest their heads upon.
A hug from afar, with accessible and open wings to show them I am here and I care.
I'm not superior to anyone or hold any higher sovereignty.
I am a human being with faults who has memorized grounding techniques, halting in place my triggers and battling the negative bullets, trying to shatter my spirit, by walking along the trails directly to my PTSD.
I am a warrior. I come in peace or I will strike you down. I've had enough.
I choose between a positive environment or a negative one. I choose positivity. Always.
I have rarely revealed to anyone, the tiny facet of a crack, inside the iceberg that slopes down to the chasms of my foundation.
Within this, the existence of my spirit remains a raw, diamond boulder, blazing a dominant light of protection for the love and honor of myself and my family.
In particular, my compassion was erroneously received as my weakness. Perception is an individual assumption.
No further will I comprise my own achievements, attained by my intelligence and nurturing instincts of nature and her plethora of treasures.
We will all remain as a lifeline, an obstacle, or a soldier. Who will you be, during and after our war? I am a soldier.
Gratify your inner light. Try by any means necessary to move forward every day in search of a glimmer of hope and pray to your deity for all of them, those who are lonely, and those who are dying alone.
By giving some hope to the heroes of the health care workers in our hospitals. The OSHA-certified, janitor's, laundry room, prep staff, security, I.T., cook's in the kitchens, toxic and nontoxic trash unit, CNAs, PA's, NA's and every single volunteer.
My Nightingale, who has now become aware she can not go home.
She is holding the hands of your family and friends who have no one else but her as they pass on.
She is moving forward every day discovering her inner light dimming because human beings are still refusing to stay safe and stay home.
Be reasonable. Try harder. Give her the light of hope now. She has the right to be at peace.
Written by Lagertha
(Elizabeth Grace)
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Forum Posts: 1216
Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216
Awesome gem of finds here, let's try to get to 3 pages of nominations by next week.
Forum Posts: 1216
Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216
Related submission no longer exists.
Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1876
Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1876
He tromped steadily with vainglorious posture
Into dark and barbaric wood
The snap of root beneath him vibrated a high hat syncopation
Tisk tisk counterpoint to the thunderous
Boom and boom of violent step
He was a fortress of ability
Cloaked in musky matted brown and carcass of meal
The scent of which filled his moist thrust and intake of frosted forrest air
Filling giant lungs with monstrous roar
And raised his swinging head to shout a warning
Unstopable emphasis shown
By extension of bulk
And arms squeezing menace between massive paws
This alarm echoed through shadowy expanses of Aspen and the Evergreen
Releasing a riot of wings
And emptying the rookery
The Forrest felt the tick tock tick
Of a grandfather clock's hollow chest and emptiness
Desolation's silence became deafening
All activities of the normal lives of communal creatures were ordered:
Cease and desist
And they burrowed and denned
They hid in shelters built for temporary oasis
And their hearts beat with mad desire for what lay outside of these spaces
They preoccupied themselves through the chaotic approach
Gathered well and nurtured their offspring with nut and berries
And well spent breath to calm claustrophobic urge
It would end
They knew that it would
But each time it felt as if the first time
When trouble encroached and compromised solidarities unit
singular minds often dream alike
Even the smallest of these
Felt enormous in it's own existence
The bear
And his sweltering cause
Had brought new reminder to his domain
His bravado and grand display
breeding virtue and patience in spite of himself
Into dark and barbaric wood
The snap of root beneath him vibrated a high hat syncopation
Tisk tisk counterpoint to the thunderous
Boom and boom of violent step
He was a fortress of ability
Cloaked in musky matted brown and carcass of meal
The scent of which filled his moist thrust and intake of frosted forrest air
Filling giant lungs with monstrous roar
And raised his swinging head to shout a warning
Unstopable emphasis shown
By extension of bulk
And arms squeezing menace between massive paws
This alarm echoed through shadowy expanses of Aspen and the Evergreen
Releasing a riot of wings
And emptying the rookery
The Forrest felt the tick tock tick
Of a grandfather clock's hollow chest and emptiness
Desolation's silence became deafening
All activities of the normal lives of communal creatures were ordered:
Cease and desist
And they burrowed and denned
They hid in shelters built for temporary oasis
And their hearts beat with mad desire for what lay outside of these spaces
They preoccupied themselves through the chaotic approach
Gathered well and nurtured their offspring with nut and berries
And well spent breath to calm claustrophobic urge
It would end
They knew that it would
But each time it felt as if the first time
When trouble encroached and compromised solidarities unit
singular minds often dream alike
Even the smallest of these
Felt enormous in it's own existence
The bear
And his sweltering cause
Had brought new reminder to his domain
His bravado and grand display
breeding virtue and patience in spite of himself
Written by calamitygin
(Jennifer Michael McCurry)
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Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1876
Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1876
Related submission no longer exists.
Forum Posts: 577
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577
Forum Posts: 577
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577
(poikilo~pieces of timeless reminiscences.. &) Peace Is Our Love~ A Kashmiri 'Shikara' In Pristine Dal Lakes
moon is an emotion
put-in-place plainly
square nails.. still
now in beaming
(as I see them... raised straight
to these curious eyeline visions
literally staring... a page from serious physics
simultaneously in a metaphysical trance of...
as if an unclassified lostness~ to a birthing
revelation…. from their mingled ‘third eye’s
deep drowning depths I do as I do..
an irrevocably default status quo...
how trimmed outright..
upto their tipping hyponychial interface..
that juz reveals a thickly invitational... an
indulgence of a succulence limelight, in
lustly~ eyeing rampwalk.. over the navel~ hip
whirpooling zones .. to further downsouth…
a religiously voyeuristic ‘pilgrimage’, this
daily ritualistic traverse
of the calling inner..
... with highlighted lighthouse
towers of small moonish lunulas
showing up their domed observatory
discs.. to the pinkish inking nails, syncing
with yesterday’s superpink moon.. smoky
siren hot & bulging voluptuous in their
emphatic an all~ announcing bugle call
of the highly made visible, the lighted
open skies holding them ..in their freely
floatative yet an immersive traverse...
...an unconditionally~ tight bondage)
~ of the mystical geometries
the permamarker~ed
in thick dark browns..
the palmistry lines....
(joined by the left & right palming
hands in a hinged booklet of a bulk
epic’s centre page.. is what is opened
as the sacred texts on which the lotus
eyes awaken soft.. imbibe the larger
purpose in each detail in lights.. as the
invisible cosmic secrets read out to
these petallous eyes..)
& each time they join hand .. they map as a
timeless boat SHIKARA in perennial waters
of Love..
fossilized within your resinous shellac, this undying heart inside~
okay. the flip side?
the so~ trivilaities..
no. not. never...
whatever the irony...
or not, digging them
back automode... &
(that fantaish plastic bowl still crisp & new...
in holds of a bubbly pink powdered aromatic
facial pack… & those husky~melody laden
cassette reels with luscious magnetic tapes...
darkly reflective live endless earthen worms
wriggling of magic, full of Maestro’s music…
upping this simplistic heart to micronized
goosepimply explosions.. to the core of..)
this universal~ cinema, pin(e)s on hope hope & -------
'Shikara', a Kashmiri Refugee
film with real casts, the struggling
protagonist for 28 years now...
does this... cries out his soul
in cellulosic typewritten fonts
like heartbeat pearls in dense
liquefying blotted drips ..of
hitting hard salt missives..the
uproarious lachrymal hightides
as he, the hunted, says.. "who can’t hope
anymore… has to pin it on miracle…”
I see you … the melancholic you.. like me
the child whose eyes... were melancholy
on the verge of anytime breakdown...
these puffy eyes of a child, plain &
seasalt sprinkled tsunamic tides
to lash out on those blackened big
newmoons held.. sits saintly in her
mom’s lap, who's a blooming young
kohl~eyed beauty.. pregnant with
my lil brother to be.. the chirpy
ever them duo, touchwood!
the beckoning text..
‘Jeeva Brahmaygya Vendanta Rahasyam'
the seer’s epic writtens.. the sacred
text.. amongst the bundled up
biggies of poetry prosaic more..
is in the calling ever.. deeper
inner it.. it's Love, the You.
the Us.
pooling aquamarine tears..
serene & coralline, a stillness
abyss, that breathes & drinks
in colostrum & milks of earth,
icy blue "Shiv~Ling" artics over
the humbley ticking nictitaing
membrane.. to keep the eyes
agelessly sleepless..
…….. . .
our singing poem verses evermore...
(all over its little mounds of redblood clots
in an allure manifests.. to your wilderness
beasts taking in as chronicling instalments of
infinite births .. or finishing "now” in ‘one~go'
liberation… only to grow in you...)
as 'ghazal' love couplets…
tastes its each eyeing gazelle
in the grazing.. in an intimate
overlappance of its tonguing
“courier” assasin fonts…
over the mystical mermaids~
the angelic silverfishy bitten
golden honeyed sepia pages..
firelit in eternity glowworms'
bioluminescing~ amberine
Written by summultima
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The Song of Silence (String of Haiku)
I am muted sighs
Of the weary restless mind
In its solitude
Unspoken longings
Untold secrets of the heart
No words can capture
I live in places
Where only a few wander
To feel my presence
I am in nature
Waiting for those who seek me
For their company
I am the stillness
In the deep running water
And in dark blue seas
I am the echo
In the forests and mountains
That answers your call
People can hear me
In empty houses and streets
When the night creeps in
In their deep slumber
When the veil of darkness falls
Night embraces me
Wise men call for me
When they need to find answers
In meditation
I am submission
To the weak and the oppressed
The mute and the voiceless
My nature is deep
I only come and visit
In moments of calm
I am always near
In the absence of noise
In stillness of day
I am the essence
Of peace and serenity
In sacred places
I am in your heart
When you lift your hands to God
To reach Him and pray
Tune in to your soul
Listen and feel my presence
In tranquility
Of the weary restless mind
In its solitude
Unspoken longings
Untold secrets of the heart
No words can capture
I live in places
Where only a few wander
To feel my presence
I am in nature
Waiting for those who seek me
For their company
I am the stillness
In the deep running water
And in dark blue seas
I am the echo
In the forests and mountains
That answers your call
People can hear me
In empty houses and streets
When the night creeps in
In their deep slumber
When the veil of darkness falls
Night embraces me
Wise men call for me
When they need to find answers
In meditation
I am submission
To the weak and the oppressed
The mute and the voiceless
My nature is deep
I only come and visit
In moments of calm
I am always near
In the absence of noise
In stillness of day
I am the essence
Of peace and serenity
In sacred places
I am in your heart
When you lift your hands to God
To reach Him and pray
Tune in to your soul
Listen and feel my presence
In tranquility
Written by Summerrain75
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Forum Posts: 1216
Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216
Thank you all for highlighting these great poems.
The comp is officially closed and a public vote has been requested.
Make sure that you vote when you see it in the voting block so we can wrap it up seizing the momentum.
The comp is officially closed and a public vote has been requested.
Make sure that you vote when you see it in the voting block so we can wrap it up seizing the momentum.
DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
_shadoe_, Ahavati, Commentonly, DanielChristensen, Layla, Phantom2426, stevenyprince, NewBeginnings, socksscareme, Stoney223, ImperfectedStone, Magdalena, Kinkpoet, Tallen, nomoth, solanaceae, PoetsRevenge, rosegold, calamitygin, Wh1skeySwagger, nutbuster, AspergerPoet56, JusTim_, Frustrated_prole, runaway-mindtrain, summultima, badmalthus
Thank you to the following members for voting:
_shadoe_, Ahavati, Commentonly, DanielChristensen, Layla, Phantom2426, stevenyprince, NewBeginnings, socksscareme, Stoney223, ImperfectedStone, Magdalena, Kinkpoet, Tallen, nomoth, solanaceae, PoetsRevenge, rosegold, calamitygin, Wh1skeySwagger, nutbuster, AspergerPoet56, JusTim_, Frustrated_prole, runaway-mindtrain, summultima, badmalthus
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17589
Congratulations, monkeyman and nomoth! Well done!

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