Poetry competition CLOSED 29th February 2020 4:05pm
0UTPUT_a_AURA (rushing._RUMOR.s)
View Profile Poems by 0UTPUT_a_AURA
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Heart_symphony

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Tell me your pain

Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

Too Late Suicide

I slit both wrists
and pray to God I drain slowly.
feel every vein in me
pump blood out of my body.
No fight left in me,
No reason to be,
So this is my last story.
I sit here,
legs stretched out in front of me
thinking of what life should be.
I'll use this forum of DU Poetry
To leave a piece of me.

I feel okay,
Just numb around wrist and the thumb.
My hearts beating a little fast
but nothing to be alarmed.

I've tried and failed and failed and tried, failed again
I'm just tired....
life hasn't been that good to me i must admit
It's gotten the best of me.

My head's feeling a little dizzy,
bare with me.

thoughts of all the things i should do instead of this,
Fuck my wrists hurt.

I took a minute to read
DUP's inspiring poems
and I must admit I'm inspired.

God, I feel so weak right now.

I've had a change of mind
I want to live
I want to try and see how best to turn my life around.
My eyes are shutting down.

IF yOu ArE rEaDinG tHiS nOw Just KnoW ThAt I
Written by ClassyBird (ClAsSyBiRdMeLlA)
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ClassyBird said:

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem"

BRAVO!!!!! a beautifully haunting and heartbreaking poem!! i only hope you are okay tho....

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

Wow I love it

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

You can’t air your dirty thoughts, they will condemn the mind that has no voice
but takes over your life
will drive you insane
their answer
50mg before bed

Just wanted to say hi to everyone
I miss this place
Still wish this was an app

Joanna Ryan-McDonald
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 5th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 22

Bi-Polar - Through the eyes of a complex Mind

Crazontheinside (Joanna Ryan-McDonald)
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Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 13th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 9

As I Walk

Shadows may come and shadows may go,
But I know for sure what I need to sow,
I will reach for His word which is truth and the light,
As I walk in the shadows, straight into the fight.
With the shield of His Spirit I shall do what is right!
I will lift up His banner all shining and bright,
And all of God's children, shall join in His glorious light,
Hand in hand we shall rise up as One,
A Nation for God, under His Son.

Drew Balfour © 2019

Written by Silverotter65 (Drew1103)
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Joanna Ryan-McDonald
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 5th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 22

Bi-Polar - Through the eyes of a complex Mind

Crazontheinside (Joanna Ryan-McDonald)
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Courtney emm
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 14th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 15

Dark but devine

Like a  noose around my neck, it constricts every breath.
And I hang like a wreck in the black eyes of death.
I must have dropped my purpose, maybe it lingers where I fell.
Or is it just below the surface in my version of hell?
I'm frightened for the ending, so I would never close the book.
So till then I'm pending, as I sway from this hook.
I hate the truth in this ink, for it holds depth beyond belief.
And at times I even think it's my only real relief.
Why can't I be conent? Make the broken pieces fit?
There's nothing more that I resent, as I remember to forget.
Should I hang here in suspense, what's a pulse without a brain?
I lack self defense, and it drives me insane.
I envy your peace, for I'm depleted of my own.
As if pain has signed a lease, this intruder calls me 'home'.
You can't destroy what's not created, so I guess that I'll be fine.
In fact I should have waited, for something more devine.
Written by Rubiksmind91 (Courtney emm)
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

My Mother

My home has been scattered
In different houses
In different countries
My mother was the only person at my side

My home was in the blue eyes
Of my mother
Before she lost her mind

The different places
Always felt like home
When I’d crawl into her bed

But my home had a leak
Her eyes would rain down
On my cheeks

My young mind was confused
I’d hold her tightly
And say “please don’t cry, I love you”

Every night I’d listen to her sobs
My heart wrenching
I felt useless because I was young

When I grew older
Something in her changed
The blue from her eyes drained

She’d stare off at nothing
While I yelled and cried
Searching desperately for her mind

Her blue eyes
Have cried so many tears
They are now glazed over

My mother
She speaks from a distance
Her warmth has gone cold

In all the different countries and houses
My mother was all I had
But now her mind has shattered
And now my home is scattered
Written by Heart_symphony
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

In every moment of everyday

Sitting alone in a car park
Late at night
Rain on the windows
The droplets glistening
A soft glow of streetlights
A muted fuzz in the air
These thoughts plague me

You were it to me
The only thing I saw
But when I was close to you
I felt alone

I was alone because you did not understand or care
You kept demanding MORE
But you’d already taken everything
What was left?
My personality withered away under your pressure

What is there left to say
When you ripped apart my insides
Destroying everything I am
Causing pain that will haunt me for the rest of my life

There’s nothing to say
There’s nothing that will make the hurt go away
When you were here you’d cut through me everyday
A constant headache demanding appeasement
You’d wear me down and take what you wanted

But it wasn’t enough
It was never enough
You always had to have more
More, more, more
It didn’t matter the cost
My life, my soul, my future
You had to have it all

My heart throbbing violently
You took it all
Now you’re gone
And I sit alone in desolate car parks
Humming that our youth is almost gone
Thinking about everything that went wrong

Did you remember that it was my birthday
You’ve been gone for so long
And in every moment of everyday you taint my life
A shadow that bleeds
through the days
Painting the world black and grey
Written by Heart_symphony
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poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Congrats to heart on being runner up and to output on the win. Thank you to our host for the honorable mention.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 17th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 17

Thank you as well, my 1st win actually. I appreciate it very much and reading yours as well

Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

0UTPUT_a_AURA said:Thank you as well, my 1st win actually. I appreciate it very much and reading yours as well

im happy to have given you your first win.. everyones work was really amazing o i had the absolute hardest time choosing... but in the end,... yours really stood out to me.. thank you for entering my contest :)

Kathy Rivers
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 29

wallyroo92 said:Congrats to heart on being runner up and to output on the win. Thank you to our host for the honorable mention.

you are most welcome.. you earned it like i said before i had such a hard time picking a winner when everyone's pieces were so amazing!

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