Poetry competition CLOSED 16th November 2019 7:55pm
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Lyrics of Forbidden Love

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93

Poetry Contest

If you truly love someone and can’t be with them for various reasons. Write lyrics explaining your feelings.
Three Weeks
Any Style
Enter as many times you would like
Old or new writes
Will be judged by public voting

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2187

Torn Between Two Lovers

Torn between two lovers    
One romances my mind, the other, my soul he captures under silken covers      
Loving the rapture when both are sinking, instilling their lustful pearly flow deep inside me      
Keeping me wet with tender licks of their ecstasy when on their knees      
On their feet, my mouth coveting their girth, echoing grunts as I please      
Hypnotic fixating them with my private strip tease      
Breaking all the rules when loving the two      
Each tasting my soul, my emotions, my body their carnal food      
My soft hands touring their virile physiques, heightening their pleasure        
Fingering inside my south, smearing their lips with my moisten treasure        
Parting my legs for the sugary discovery, the seepage of ecstasy found deep within      
Legs entwined neither cannot escape my sensuous blend      
Body to body, lips to lips, palms to palms when chasing the wind      
How did this come to ever occur      
Was it my seductive surrendering purrs      
In the sweetest throne of passion      
Love bites, clenched skin, their girths plundering inside my wet cunt, thrashing      
Kissing my perky tits, pulling me closer, their palms outlining my sultry curves      
The coating of my essence they both provide with honey dripping words      
Chained to both of their minds      
Loving the addiction when they have me entwined      
Intoxicating feelings, emotions more potent then wine      
My Chi, my lust, all on their time      
Whispers, secrets, promises of love        
Oh, sweet mercy, their endearments feels so good as ordained from above      
The Heavens, they both soar me, my temple they adorn        
Quietly slipping away from both, as my mind silently mourn      
When words have enwrapped us with such sweet worded foreplay      
Such reincarnated alliances by fate, bathe me in soft rhapsody on another day      
My skin caressed with moonlight enthralling kisses      
Resurrected like a Phoenix, my juices you purged as they trickled like pure bliss      
My love, I must be free, soar        
Love of another time, will find us again, amore      
Leaving my gentle handprints upon your beautiful heart        
Your soul, your mind carries me away as lovers reminisce, drifted away, as love we part      
Torn Between Two Lovers  
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2187

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69

Till We Meet Again


Echoes dance from canyon walls to a chorus fading song.
In melody she sings of the one that her heart forever longs.
Each word is of a cherished life that is to her still real.
Love filled notes she sings aloud for all to also feel.
Forever has a price to pay pain marks the passing time.
A plea for him again to hold is begged in every rhyme.
The hurt left by a broken heart that eternally beats for two.
A sad reminder of the life that her spirit had once knew.
Born from dreams she lives alone till quiet night times sleep.
And for that time, again there one, a time that’s there’s to keep.
But then comes the morning light his spirit leaves this land.
Love’s last touch before he goes from an angel’s silken hand.

Written by midevil
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69

Lost Love


Where thoughts and dreams and could have been lay still in hollowed ground.
Here troubles ceased she finds such peace atop a stone marked mound.
The sodden room of creations womb now takes him gently in.
To now become what he is from mortals pay the cost of sin.
Under pale moon light at the burial site fantasy dwells upon his rest.
Strong still his hold on her gothic soul her flesh at his bequest.
A bound night queen, in shackles unseen, clutched in death the key.
Black gowned silks worn forever to morn a sworn love eternally.
Written by midevil
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poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

I tried to love you, to love myself

You’re everything  
I hate in the world  
But when I felt
Your personality drip
Against my lips
Suddenly, I was dying of thirst  
You’re everything  
I hate in myself  
The world seems  
Cold and empty
There’s pain everywhere  
It lingers on everything  
I hear your smooth voice  
In my head  
Telling me that
You wish I was dead
I never want to  
Open my eyes  
I tried to love you
To love the world
And myself
To turn the dark into light
But my love drowned  
In heart wrenching agony  
Into the deepest depths  
Of a pitch black ocean  
Written by Heart_symphony
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

In every moment of everyday

Sitting alone in a car park
Late at night
Rain on the windows
The droplets glistening
A soft glow of streetlights
A muted fuzz in the air
These thoughts plague me

You were it to me
The only thing I saw
But when I was close to you
I felt alone

I was alone because you did not understand or care
You kept demanding MORE
But you’d already taken everything
What was left?
My personality withered away under your pressure

What is there left to say
When you ripped apart my insides
Destroying everything I am
Causing pain that will haunt me for the rest of my life

There’s nothing to say
There’s nothing that will make the hurt go away
When you were here you’d cut through me everyday
A constant headache demanding appeasement
You’d wear me down and take what you wanted

But it wasn’t enough
It was never enough
You always had to have more
More, more, more
It didn’t matter the cost
My life, my soul, my future
You had to have it all

My heart throbbing violently
You took it all
Now you’re gone
And I sit alone in desolate car parks
Humming that our youth is almost gone
Thinking about everything that went wrong

Did you remember that it was my birthday
You’ve been gone for so long
And in every moment of everyday you taint my life
A shadow that bleeds
through the days
Painting the world black and grey
Written by Heart_symphony
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Our invisible bars

To carry on without a you at home
No smoke and fire in the hearth
The key that locked in that forlorn
We had plan A, a life to chart

A together split apart
A together with our feet stuck in the mud
Without the funds to share our dreams
Ours single beds in the house with mum and dad
The chains of cash we never have
The chains of cash we never had
the bars that hold our lives asunder

Gazed in widows holding hands
And credit cards were like handcuffs
Walls that minimum wage cant climb
A future without any stuff
La la la lalala the hoarder and his deputy
La la la lalala la life just holds IOU's for me
The prison of the social scale
The judgements cash flow fraying ends
 Robbery when you lose your friends
Just solitary confinement the open jail

Can you steal what is not there
When you find an empty money tree
The cage that separates a loving pair
A bar code of just negative equity

Chorus 2
A together split apart
A commitment of loneliness for good
The diamond ring the needs of womanhood
The debtors prison that kept apart
A life of crime to steal back my broken heart
Do what it takes to escape the penance
Make the bars real for a life sentence
La la la lalalal la the hoarder and his deputy
La la la lalalal la------ this life just holds IOU's for me

Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Worlds Apart

Deep within me I feel a calling
Something I’ve never felt before
Bit by bit, I sense a fire burning
Of raw passion and all I adore.

Who is the owner of the voice I hear?
Smooth and clear like a cloudless day
I’ve come to treasure it as something I hold dear
If only I could hear him say…

Pure sunlight caresses my skin
And washes away the darkness that envelops me
A loving warmth comforts me from within
This special presence accompanies me in my dreams.

If only I could learn his name
And tell him mine in return
His hair shines brighter than the sun’s rays
I bless the grounds I walk upon to become fertile earth.

His magnificent eyes pierce into my soul
I dare not look away for I’ll surely drown
I never thought a genuine smile could make me feel whole
Whenever he speaks, I block out all sound.

Within his strong embrace, I feel at peace
As if I’ve found my other half
His kisses are soft and sweet
I’m madly in love; surely a spell must have been cast.

Even though it’s just a dream, let me enjoy it
Don’t wake me up from my paradise
I enjoy his humor and unique wit
I’ll never get tired of staring into his eyes.

My sweet sunshine, how I love you so
I long to make love to you and hold you in my arms
Even though we’re worlds apart, you illuminate the darkness with your glow
And I know that with you, I’ll be safe from harm.
Written by LunasChild8
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william swann
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 22


It feels so wrong.    
Then, it feels perfect.    
My mind is split.      
I can't tell the difference.      
My bed the snake pit--      
Her head is worth it.      
Those eyes are toxic.      
I can't shake the feeling.      
I can't take the pleading.      
The sex is the reason.      
I may never leave my room--    
Not so long as she stays.      
This may spell out doom.      
She is not the type to date.      
Lies lying all around us--    
Lust is all it is with us.      
Drugs are a must for us.      
I can't pretend.      
She is no best friend.    
I'm on my own in the end.      
Every time I touch her skin,      
I'm falling for the wind.      
This is another dead end--      
Just castles made of sand.
Written by rainy_day13 (william swann)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Never love

One delicate wind blowing in secret
Promises amidst a pristine phoenix
Enamored supple words to deepen
Near heed among an abrupt reason,

Suddenly whispered soul give away
Singular passion perceived hearsay
Entangled heart melting into blood
Pulsing alike flames swift as a flood,

Afore collision fraud shook on high
Dissimilar moons to float in the sky
Lady held in spell fetches oversight
Axiom rising senses to a pure right,

Dropped vividly thru broken clouds
Charged to ring smoke as endowed
Enchanted mind upon moriah wind
Flying this soul kite to a world's end,

Laidback upon the sphere overseas
Yearning for such refreshing breeze
Singly fragrance love fascination lay
Save the dreaming heart blew away.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


There’s just no place to go    
As Om here all alone tonight    
Hold me up to the light    
Baby what do ya see inside    
Be lookin thru my soul    
Right to the otha side o’ me    
Extremely bitter cold    
Like no one else’s out to sea    
Aw come on baby love    
Om that way cos ya neva here    
But in the smoke above    
As we both choke n disappear    
My heart afire arcs    
Santana wind bone dry emote    
Becoming ash n sparks    
Another lonely night afloat
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Angel On My Right, Devil On My Left

At a local cookie and coffee shop I made the acquaintance of a charming young woman.

Boy, she was hot!

Visual impaired, she introduced herself to me at the counter, and then asked me to escort her to a table.

Blind as a bat, and friendly as all Hell. Seductive and vulnerable. What more could a cad ask for?

We met every Wednesday for a month, discussing poetry and philosophy.

Is there anything sexier than an intellectual beauty?

She had a sweet yellow lab service dog.

I wonder, "does that son-of-a-bitch bite?"

I found her to be charming company.

Good Gawd! Just talking to her gives me the lurgies.

One day she asked me how old I was.

I'm one no good lying A-Hole!

Then she made a provocative request, "can I touch your face?"

I'm there, in the garden.  Pick the fruit while it's ripe.

She complemented me saying that I had a strong face.

I've hooked her like a fish on a treble hook.  All I need do is reel her in.

I told her I thought she was beautiful.

So, like the horn dog that I am, I took her home and burned her to the ground.


I admitted that I was almost old enough to be her father, and suggested she'd be a perfect match for a younger bachelor.

Sometimes morality costs more, than the wages of sin can afford.

So, the angel on my right, or the devil on my left.  Who do you think won this bet?
Written by snugglebuck
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