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Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
Poetry Contest Description
Poems about the Antichrist and his joyous day of celebration
Just as it says above. Us darklings need our own holiday. I introduce Antichristmas. Let us celebrate. Bonus points if you blasphemy a Christmas Carol.

G o n e
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
awesome, Missy. Thank you kicking it off!
Forum Posts: 369
Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 369
The Christmas Dragon
a story, in verse
We went for a stroll in the fresh fallen snow
Christmas Eve was a few days away
The full moon was aglow as we crossed a meadow
And greeted some friends in their sleigh
My new girlfriend and I quickly waved them goodbye
We were both keen to spend time alone
We were preoccupied to make love on the sly
In the loft of a barn near her home
As I drew near that farm, with my girl on my arm
We both became giddy with lust
The moon shone like a charm on the roof of that barn
As if covered by magical dust
The sight of her there in the calm chilly air
Her yearning, I clearly could sense
With the night, bright and fair, as we climbed to our lair
Our new love affair, nigh to commence
As we stripped off our clothes, she struck a hot pose—
Made my blood boil with passion and zeal
With her beauty exposed, soon my manhood arose
Eliciting giggles and squeals
She knelt at my feet in our passion and heat
And firmly grasped hold of her prize
But, ere she could treat me to pleasure so sweet
Hell’s fire rained down from the sky!
The roar was intense and the heat made us wince
As the Christmas Dragon awoke!
“I command you dispense with this moral offense”
So loud was his voice, as he spoke
My stunned eyes revealed that this terror was real
Disbelief is no balm for the damned
And our fates were sealed, to become his next meal
At least, that was what he had planned
I froze in my fear, quite unable to speak
Paralyzed and unable to flee
But my love’s mind stayed clear and she sensed I was weak
And escaped by betrayal of me!
My girl answered quick while still clutching my dick:
“Hey dragon, I’m sucking his cock!
It sure is delish! Come, I’ll share! Take a lick!
When you’re done, if you like, bite it off!”
“Don’t let your haste make you miss any taste:
His testicles are quite the treat!
It would be a disgrace if his balls go to waste!
I promise—the sweetest of meats”
I felt crushed and betrayed by that beautiful maid
Who moments before I had loved
It was all a charade, as she coolly displayed,
As she threw me under the bus!
I was seized by his claw, drawn to gaping maw,
Rancid breath made me vomit and piss
The last thing I saw was that girl, with chutzpah,
Escaping while blowing a kiss!
With my legs spread apart, and my junk à la carte,
That dragon bit off all my sex!
How I hated that tart with the whole of my heart
As the dragon chowed down on my legs
Now a doomed bloody mess with no hope of egress
I rallied for one final feat
With much glee I confessed my girl friend’s home address
and I added, “Bon Appétit!”
We went for a stroll in the fresh fallen snow
Christmas Eve was a few days away
The full moon was aglow as we crossed a meadow
And greeted some friends in their sleigh
My new girlfriend and I quickly waved them goodbye
We were both keen to spend time alone
We were preoccupied to make love on the sly
In the loft of a barn near her home
As I drew near that farm, with my girl on my arm
We both became giddy with lust
The moon shone like a charm on the roof of that barn
As if covered by magical dust
The sight of her there in the calm chilly air
Her yearning, I clearly could sense
With the night, bright and fair, as we climbed to our lair
Our new love affair, nigh to commence
As we stripped off our clothes, she struck a hot pose—
Made my blood boil with passion and zeal
With her beauty exposed, soon my manhood arose
Eliciting giggles and squeals
She knelt at my feet in our passion and heat
And firmly grasped hold of her prize
But, ere she could treat me to pleasure so sweet
Hell’s fire rained down from the sky!
The roar was intense and the heat made us wince
As the Christmas Dragon awoke!
“I command you dispense with this moral offense”
So loud was his voice, as he spoke
My stunned eyes revealed that this terror was real
Disbelief is no balm for the damned
And our fates were sealed, to become his next meal
At least, that was what he had planned
I froze in my fear, quite unable to speak
Paralyzed and unable to flee
But my love’s mind stayed clear and she sensed I was weak
And escaped by betrayal of me!
My girl answered quick while still clutching my dick:
“Hey dragon, I’m sucking his cock!
It sure is delish! Come, I’ll share! Take a lick!
When you’re done, if you like, bite it off!”
“Don’t let your haste make you miss any taste:
His testicles are quite the treat!
It would be a disgrace if his balls go to waste!
I promise—the sweetest of meats”
I felt crushed and betrayed by that beautiful maid
Who moments before I had loved
It was all a charade, as she coolly displayed,
As she threw me under the bus!
I was seized by his claw, drawn to gaping maw,
Rancid breath made me vomit and piss
The last thing I saw was that girl, with chutzpah,
Escaping while blowing a kiss!
With my legs spread apart, and my junk à la carte,
That dragon bit off all my sex!
How I hated that tart with the whole of my heart
As the dragon chowed down on my legs
Now a doomed bloody mess with no hope of egress
I rallied for one final feat
With much glee I confessed my girl friend’s home address
and I added, “Bon Appétit!”
Written by ReggiePoet
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I had submitted this to another comp before this one opened, but it is more apropos here.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
The stockings have been hung
The dead tree has been set
The lights have been struck
But I frankly by dear,
“I don’t give flying fuck!”
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck!
I don’t give a shit!
Christmas is about gluttony and greed
Not about the birth of a Savior
The only God being worshiped
Is the great ‘Almighty Dollar’
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck!
You greedy sons-of-a-bitch!
People stampeding over each other
For a piece of plastic junk
That was made in a third world country
By some poor starving schmuck
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck
Let the heathen run amok!
My relatives that hate each other
Can have their family get togethers
I’ll stay home all alone, by myself
And eat Campbell’s soup for supper
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck!
Go ahead and stuff your guts!
After every sip of soup I suck
I’ll take pause to stop and mutter
“Bah Humfuck to all you hypocrites
I hope the test-tube turkey you’re eating
Makes you good and damn well sick!”
The dead tree has been set
The lights have been struck
But I frankly by dear,
“I don’t give flying fuck!”
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck!
I don’t give a shit!
Christmas is about gluttony and greed
Not about the birth of a Savior
The only God being worshiped
Is the great ‘Almighty Dollar’
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck!
You greedy sons-of-a-bitch!
People stampeding over each other
For a piece of plastic junk
That was made in a third world country
By some poor starving schmuck
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck
Let the heathen run amok!
My relatives that hate each other
Can have their family get togethers
I’ll stay home all alone, by myself
And eat Campbell’s soup for supper
Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck!
Go ahead and stuff your guts!
After every sip of soup I suck
I’ll take pause to stop and mutter
“Bah Humfuck to all you hypocrites
I hope the test-tube turkey you’re eating
Makes you good and damn well sick!”
Written by snugglebuck
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Lilith Recalls As They Celebrate The Anti-Birth
Dear Daddy was thoughtful and shrewd,
And though I don’t mean to sound lewd,
His methods were known to be crude,
When turning on one of his brood.
‘Twas Christmas Eve in two more days,
And what it’s to me didn’t phase.
His son-in-law, soon to be wed,
His daughter, who wishes him dead.
Dear Daddy expected to see
On Xmas Eve, we ‘happy’ three,
Exchanging the vows that he wrote;
To chew my words just like a goat.
My happiness had long been seal’d
To One who’s love never will yield.
The Love of my life I’d concealed,
Would soon show the power he’d wield!
Thy Angel, unfallen, is mine,
That knows in his heart we’re divine.
The time that I waited, confess,
My status as Queen means the best!
This night down the aisle before God,
Wearing virginal white what a fraud!
‘Twas Lucifer reading the rites,
To grin in the Glory he cites.
The moment we uttered “I will”,
The heavens let go such a shrill!
To witness the Unholy Ten,
When Hell hath no fury till then.
The Devil to keep track of Time,
Who’s Father’s as crazy as mine!
In Darkness, there’s no mystery;
We’ll party through Eternity!
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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<< post removed >>
geoff cat
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028
geoff cat
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1028
The Dark One’s Elegy
(a sonnet)
All seven levels lend your cloven eyes,
Long has my hope become my sovereign pain.
How can it be that all my work despise?
This “endless scape of brimstone’s” fiery reign.
For millennia pass with me alone,
I long to have the one to fill these lands,
She-demon wrest’ from Royal Samael’s throne,
With joy, my angry thrust and spawn withstand.
In ecstasy, she spread in Beli’l’s birth,
So rent the gate between the regions’ walls,
That ha-satan might travel “sacred” Earth,
To test this Golem Mud that they might fall.
As Eve devours serpent’s offered fruit,
My heart’s rejoice, that Adam follows suit.
All seven levels lend your cloven eyes,
Long has my hope become my sovereign pain.
How can it be that all my work despise?
This “endless scape of brimstone’s” fiery reign.
For millennia pass with me alone,
I long to have the one to fill these lands,
She-demon wrest’ from Royal Samael’s throne,
With joy, my angry thrust and spawn withstand.
In ecstasy, she spread in Beli’l’s birth,
So rent the gate between the regions’ walls,
That ha-satan might travel “sacred” Earth,
To test this Golem Mud that they might fall.
As Eve devours serpent’s offered fruit,
My heart’s rejoice, that Adam follows suit.
Written by Hepcat61
(geoff cat)
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Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 166
‘Twas the night of a massacre
‘Twas the night of a massacre when all through the house
Gun powder smoke rose from the intruders mouth
Skull fragments clung to the stockings with hair
The devil says kill, I ask who and where
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
No visions of sugar plums in bullet hole heads
Now mama in her kerchief, then I in my hat
I blasted her brain on the fireplace with a splat
When up on the roof there rose such a clatter
I went to the window to see what’s the matter
Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear
A miniature sleigh and eight rabid reindeer
A little elf driver just licking his lips
Drooling over the death of the late Saint Nick
And more rapid than vultures the reindeer all came
As he shouted, no Dasher, this one’s insane!
He came down the chimney just like Ol’ Clause
We locked eyes for a violent quick little pause
I narrowed my gun to that fucked little runt
Squeezing the trigger on my twelve gauge pump
Out to the snow I marched in my robe
Fumbling with shells as I quickly reload
And then, in a twinkling, I heard from the roof
The prancing and pawing of ravenous hoof
Without Santa the magic had stopped
Comet and Cupid were starting to rot
As I drew in the smell, and racked in a round
I took aim on the reindeer and shot them all down
I spoke not a word and headed to bed
But there was no corpse on the ground with no head
Santa was standing, wiping blood from his nose
And with the elf, up the chimney they rose
I heard him exclaim, as sirens came into sight
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night
Gun powder smoke rose from the intruders mouth
Skull fragments clung to the stockings with hair
The devil says kill, I ask who and where
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
No visions of sugar plums in bullet hole heads
Now mama in her kerchief, then I in my hat
I blasted her brain on the fireplace with a splat
When up on the roof there rose such a clatter
I went to the window to see what’s the matter
Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear
A miniature sleigh and eight rabid reindeer
A little elf driver just licking his lips
Drooling over the death of the late Saint Nick
And more rapid than vultures the reindeer all came
As he shouted, no Dasher, this one’s insane!
He came down the chimney just like Ol’ Clause
We locked eyes for a violent quick little pause
I narrowed my gun to that fucked little runt
Squeezing the trigger on my twelve gauge pump
Out to the snow I marched in my robe
Fumbling with shells as I quickly reload
And then, in a twinkling, I heard from the roof
The prancing and pawing of ravenous hoof
Without Santa the magic had stopped
Comet and Cupid were starting to rot
As I drew in the smell, and racked in a round
I took aim on the reindeer and shot them all down
I spoke not a word and headed to bed
But there was no corpse on the ground with no head
Santa was standing, wiping blood from his nose
And with the elf, up the chimney they rose
I heard him exclaim, as sirens came into sight
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night
Written by Krosgood
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Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 227
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 227
O Hellfire Night (O Holy Night)
O hellfire night! The sky-candles aglow and flickering,
It is in the darkness of the false saviour’s birth.
Long live heavenly light and from within the womb hell is screaming.
Till the child of falsity appeared, and the Holy spirit fell into the black earth.
A thrill of nocturnal hope, the refreshed world of night rejoices,
The gracious harp strings snipped, a new beginning for angels to mourn
So, fall to your knees upon the teeth of gravel. Oh, hear the coming, hellish voices!
O hellfire divine, the darkness that the antichrist was born;
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
Led by the firelit rays of Hell’s eye; beaming,
With shining hearts aflame, then smoldering by his cradle - in ash we stand.
O’er the desolate heavens a red star is pulsating,
Now come the regiments from out of the dark land.
The King of bullshit lay thus so lowly within the rotten manger;
In all our delusions he was born to be our savior.
We think he knows our need, our delusions are no stranger,
Behold your bullshit! Before him stoutly stand!
Behold your bullshit! Before him raise your chin!
Falsely he taught us to love one another,
His law is hypocritical, and his blood-wine are grease.
Chains he shall be clinked, otherwise this slave with hypocrisy will us smother.
And without his name all oppression shall cease.
Diabolical hymns of lust in grateful carnality scream we,
With all of hell’s thunder we reject his holy name.
Christ is the slave! Then shall praise we.
His falsehood and delusions ever more we proclaim!
His falsehood and delusions ever more we proclaim!
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
It is in the darkness of the false saviour’s birth.
Long live heavenly light and from within the womb hell is screaming.
Till the child of falsity appeared, and the Holy spirit fell into the black earth.
A thrill of nocturnal hope, the refreshed world of night rejoices,
The gracious harp strings snipped, a new beginning for angels to mourn
So, fall to your knees upon the teeth of gravel. Oh, hear the coming, hellish voices!
O hellfire divine, the darkness that the antichrist was born;
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
Led by the firelit rays of Hell’s eye; beaming,
With shining hearts aflame, then smoldering by his cradle - in ash we stand.
O’er the desolate heavens a red star is pulsating,
Now come the regiments from out of the dark land.
The King of bullshit lay thus so lowly within the rotten manger;
In all our delusions he was born to be our savior.
We think he knows our need, our delusions are no stranger,
Behold your bullshit! Before him stoutly stand!
Behold your bullshit! Before him raise your chin!
Falsely he taught us to love one another,
His law is hypocritical, and his blood-wine are grease.
Chains he shall be clinked, otherwise this slave with hypocrisy will us smother.
And without his name all oppression shall cease.
Diabolical hymns of lust in grateful carnality scream we,
With all of hell’s thunder we reject his holy name.
Christ is the slave! Then shall praise we.
His falsehood and delusions ever more we proclaim!
His falsehood and delusions ever more we proclaim!
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
O fire, O hellfire, O darkness-divine!
Written by gothicsurrealism
(Daniel Long)
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Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2983
The 12 Miseries of Christmas (4)
I2 Days Of Christmas (Revisited)
On the first day or Christmas, my father gave to me
1 Hour of Shouting
And a fast track to A and E
On the second day or Christmas, my father gave to me
2 Blackened Eyes
1,..................... etc
On the third day or Christmas, my father gave to me
3 Teeth Missing
2,..................... etc
On the forth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
4 Cracked Ribs
3,..................... etc
On the fifth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
5 Bible Verses
4,..................... etc
On the sixth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
6 Knock Out Punches
5,..................... etc
On the seventh day or Christmas, my father gave to me
7 Thundering Slaps
6,..................... etc
On the eighth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
8 Purple Bruises
7,..................... etc
On the ninth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
9 Battle Scars
8,..................... etc
On the tenth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
10 Rods not Spared
9,..................... etc
On the eleventh day or Christmas, my father gave to me
11 Good Hard Kicks
10,..................... etc
On the twelveth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
12 Broken Bones
11,..................... etc
And a fast track to A and E
On the first day or Christmas, my father gave to me
1 Hour of Shouting
And a fast track to A and E
On the second day or Christmas, my father gave to me
2 Blackened Eyes
1,..................... etc
On the third day or Christmas, my father gave to me
3 Teeth Missing
2,..................... etc
On the forth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
4 Cracked Ribs
3,..................... etc
On the fifth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
5 Bible Verses
4,..................... etc
On the sixth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
6 Knock Out Punches
5,..................... etc
On the seventh day or Christmas, my father gave to me
7 Thundering Slaps
6,..................... etc
On the eighth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
8 Purple Bruises
7,..................... etc
On the ninth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
9 Battle Scars
8,..................... etc
On the tenth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
10 Rods not Spared
9,..................... etc
On the eleventh day or Christmas, my father gave to me
11 Good Hard Kicks
10,..................... etc
On the twelveth day or Christmas, my father gave to me
12 Broken Bones
11,..................... etc
And a fast track to A and E
Written by David_Macleod
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Joined 5th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 3672
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 3672
Jingle ball jingle ball jingle ball rock
jingle my balls and jiggle my cock
You know it's fun to linger with a wiggle of my finger
as you jiggle my cock
HOE!!! HOE!!! HOE!!!
Mary, kiss my ass
Jingle ball jingle ball jingle ball rock
jingle my balls and jiggle my cock
You know it's fun to linger with a wiggle of my finger
as you jiggle my cock
HOE!!! HOE!!! HOE!!!
Mary, kiss my ass
Written by archetype23
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Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
Some awesome entrails here, folks. In the spirit of fairness I will be seeking outside help and should have a pick by tomorrow night or so.
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
My fellow poets, you have made this so difficult! My secret Satan helper and I have had much deliberation. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH. You have all did a marvelous job. Here are the results.