Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd November 2018 1:55pm
SatInUGal (Kumar)
View Profile Poems by SatInUGal
RUNNERS-UP: blocat and anna_grin

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Admin appreciation poem

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Poetry Contest

Write a poem to Admin telling her how much you appreciate
Winner makes Admin smile the most!

Enter Now!

no, not later, now.

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

I've got a cubby hole here
A nest I can rest in , I hold it dear

The people go on to be friends, even. Lovers
At the very least
Poetic sisters and brothers
Sure I shout many off colour things
Some are good, some just zing's

But it would not exist without her realm
Crafted with web skills and art wisdom, and caring love at the helm
And if she is human and grows weary of the fight
I send you a small but sincere wish for good cheer and warmth and sunlite.

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941


"Let us all hold hands.
As an Accountant
I can tell you
That the value proposition
Is insane:
There is a free lunch
But the food is so good
I encourage you to pay!
Never take for granted
This safe
Well-lighted place
For us to bear our souls
And its unnamed
Fulfilling both the largest
And the smallest roles,
Dedicated mistress
Of this web we weave,
In the shadows
Where she keeps it real
Watching with gentle
(Not Big Brother) eyes,
A little excited perhaps
To serve us this meal.
Written by SatInUGal (Kumar)
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1873

Terzanelle Nr.02 — Uma Salva De Palmas Para D.U.P Admin

Josh (Joshua Bond)
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Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

These are some very nice odes

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Dedicated x’s Thirty

( DUP’s NaPoWriMo 2018 )
I keel’ed over,
Knock’d out, shock’d,
Once it hit me—
Another year
Another “dollar”,
My system, spent;
Worthy investment
In dedication.
Another NaPo’s
Come and gone,
Though unlike any  
Road this poet’s done.
I crash’d and burn’d,
On my feet & then
To bed all day,
Perchance to sleep.
No phone no dreams,
Middle o’ the night,
I shuffle over
In my slippers  
To thank  
The powers-that-be,
In my dressing gown,
The unique
Unlike no other  
I’d completed in  
The NaPo before:  
Respectfully bow,
We send up a cheer
1st Shadow Guardian
Our Webmiss’s
Hard work for us,
🖋🖌W’ honors, present!🖋🖌
We’ll never forget
Our co-hosts of words  
🐌Ahavati and John 🐌
With both pens in hand
Going out in a  
“Blaze” of glory!  
& last but not least,
💁🏻‍♀️Participants ALL!🏆
We’ve proven
We can do it,
And do it with pride!
Until we all meet
Again... a pen salute!
~~Jade (tiger)🐯🐾
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Nor will we forget the comradery, inspiration, and good fellowship evident throughout the month of April 2018. Our Mistress came through to make it possible.

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Nice one Jadey

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Thank You

When did you dream of all this?
Did it then become a labor a love?
How does it feel to create such a magical place?
To have brought those together with the same passion.
You’ve given so many a voice, a choice,
Somewhere to rejoice and express themselves,
A haven where intimacy and anonymity can be one,
Where many can share their souls and expand their craft.
Did you imagine this mystical dream?
A vision, a site for those whose hunger to express,
You are the key holder to this portal
Where us mortals want to leave our print on the world.
So in the little corner of cyber space,
You’ve given faith and hope to both young and old,
Because those Deep Underground found courage,
To be speak our minds and hearts,
And for that,  thank you.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241


This is just a piece of daft doggerel I wrote for my own amusment.

Seven o’clock Sunday morning
Mum and daddy’s plight
Little menace three years old
Kept them up half the night
At last says Mummy he’s asleep
Now time for some respite

She’s bouncing up and down on him
And really in full throe
The little bugger marches in
And he wants to know
What are you doing to daddy mummy?
Why are you jumping on his tummy?

Well says mummy daddy’s fat
So I am bouncing to make sure
That his tummy stays real flat
And bouncing is the cure

The little boy laughs with joy
You’ll never do it Mummy
He laughs ‘til he’s hysterical
She asks him why it’s funny
Well every time you go to work
Daddy plays a game
He lets the lady from next door
Blow him up again!
Written by blocat
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Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Thanks, Blocat,
I see your strategy i think,
The poem itself is a light hearted gift
Of good cheer!!!
To ward off those dark drizzly days we are getting in the northern hemisphere lately.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

step one: appreciate what you got { a first draft for an unfinished ode that is actually about me }

so i do,
for the warm and the dry
satiety and hunger
and for here
where i am some sort of free

you let me be who i am:
cruel and cold and hurting
a born liar, always scared
firmly on the edge
of any feeling

always ripping myself open just for spite
to scream and hate and ruin
but still so innocent

so unaware

you led me to find my strengths
and love my failings
you levelled your threats to my ego
messaged me at midnight
sweet nothings
bitter somethings

how i hated to say the wrong thing
i hated you to not consider me worthy
a barbed wire bundle of potential
ready to kick this bitch out of the park
and then set it on fucking fire

too good for you but not there yet;
talented but not trying
watchful but not observant

of life or its rules and regulations

and i'm grateful

and my fear is almost gone

and i hope as you look at me
you see me
and see that the good there
is something you made

Written by anna_grin (ANNAN)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

sort of for everyone cos I consider admin as a multi faced god in this polytheism, with many children all representative of her vision

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Deep Underground
In a labyrinth of mystic rhythmic
Dwells a Webmistress
Whose powers are unique
A snap of her fingers
Angels sing of erotic romance
A click of her heals
Demons perversely wickedly dance
Who is this High Priestess of poetry?
What is her side of the story?
Oh, guardian of poetry pure
Revealing only your eyes that allure
What I wouldn’t give to know
Of your passionate odyssey untold

“Joan Baez, is that you,
Of whom I’m speaking too? “

Just a guess!
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864


The door opened and a big fluffy dice jumped out    
And said trust me all, and rolled around the floor      
I am one it said but if I change my mind I'll shout      
The monsoon has brought the snakes out of their lair      
Ivy grew so fast and blocked the exit cave      
Just ahead a was a long ladder made out of wood      
And dice said do not be timid we must be brave      
For the boa constrictors are up to no good      
For we must climb up to the top      
Our first quest is not to slip or drop      
Trolls with slimy fingers green poke out your eyes      
With poisonous pet frogs in cages by their side      
They picked up dice who now was six      
We must sing a climbing song      
    "scratch your head      
    poke out your tongue      
   climb that ladder rung by rung      
   the rain it tastes like lemonade      
   some squares you must avold      
   to step wrong and then you slide"      
   The top of the canopy new adventure starts      
   They got there by the shortest route      
   The dice changed to  the ace of hearts      
   Down the slide chased by a great big ball      
Do what you want in that  games console    
Jump into the deep just don't push delete  
You are the theme and passion the prize  
Stardust for minds to depths realised

He sat in his shed and wrote as a child
To worlds that only he had contrived
Written by slipalong
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Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Thanks to all

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