Poetry competition CLOSED 7th July 2018 1:11am
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and LunasChild8

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Daze of Twilight

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about waking up from sleep to face your own “Twilight Zone” Episode…
Imagine…after going through a typical, nothing-out-of-the-ordinary kind of day, you fall fast asleep and wake up hours later to find yourself living your very OWN “Twilight Zone Episode,” as if everyone and/or everything has/have drastically changed (IN WHATEVER CREATIVE WAY YOU CAN IMAGINE).

Imagine... you are COMPLETELY out-of-touch, out-of-tune, and completely in a DAZED CONFUSION with what is happening around you, as YOU wonder if you really ARE awake or stuck in a dream...

Whether you make your poem a Sci-Fi, a War Zone, a geographical place of paradise or horror, or even a psychological thriller…..make it WHATEVER you want to make it…just “SPIN” yourself into the "outer limits" and blast yourself out of your ordinary zone!

1.   No max length specifics, but please NOT extensively long.
2.   One subject/topic per entry.
3.   Two weeks…two maximum entries per poet!


jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

GROOMED הֵילֵל

I think I’ve just awakened from night’s sleep, so why  
can’t I remember lying down? I don’t feel rested at all.    
From what ordeal hath this wrought of me?
The old church, with peeling, loosened clapboards,    
cracked stained glass, leaning spire with winged figure    
bowed atop as if in mourning, was a sorrowing place    
with pall of tears, warped in the constant screech & clicks    
of cicada, surrounded by swamp and marshland hidden    
in willow and twisted gnarled oak overgrown.    
She was a girl of no distinction, given the lexicon of her    
short life up until then that droned on in a maze of black    
arts that consumed the sanctity & sanctuary of what    
once was the pierced heart of Christ; cohabitants meant    
to exist in the atmosphere of Venus, the body and light    
of Lucifer before the casting out.    
Inside the groaning structure, a time long ago, hallowed    
by sharecropper families from the county, for celebrations    
of their faith. Of weddings, baptisms, and their farewells    
to both beloved & scoundrels, a slight & singular girl    
was a ward of the exalted archangel, once second only    
to God's own son. The chosen had chosen.    
Within a narrow cupboard beneath a stairway was her    
only place, a haven. While each night, when the dead    
would make their way up toward a distant light, she    
couldn't see, and no one let her - & heard the saddest    
mournful moans sustained as if in wordless prayer.    
The outcast host of heaven's angels, relegated to grovel    
under the feet of Vulgate, were pathetic & envious, and    
mocked the girl clad in ritual garb that never covered    
her modesty. They'd make her pack their bags, & wash    
their feet before the dead could ascend, wrapped in    
torn strips of white raiment.    
But where would they go? They never returned. So what    
good was it to cling to Hope?  As helpless as she felt    
of her chances to be free. The plight she thought    
had befallen the sallow, sunken & bowed walking dead,    
and more passing through, had no Hope left for them.    
She'd tuck her slight body in her slight room in despair    
and try to dream. Out of the mists, Hope would always    
appear, to take her hand and ease her heart and soul.    
Hope came to her as a gentle-faced man as Lucifer    
once was.  He was erect and imposing, with beautiful    
wings that unfurled & reflected when he’d approach.    
The Shadows of her prison would taunt whenever    
Hope came. Pulling her long sable hair, to drag her    
out the cupboard. Howling their foul breath, filling    
the room. Telling her she would meet her doom.    
‘Doom’ was what she knew she’d been sentenced to.    
On this night as the girl was cleansing the dead and    
wrapping their bodies for the journey she yearned    
to know, it came to her to disguise as one of them;    
to blend in and join the many going up the staircase.    
She feared the ritual the guardians pressed her into    
when the satanic mood set in like a fog of faint blood    
glowing, seeping from rafters, the doors & floors.    
Making every timber and plank creak & shiver, with    
a deep moan of death's angelic choir to accompany    
the orgy of her grooming for Lucifer's sadistic pleasure.    
Anything the Shadows did was a picnic compared    
to what laid in wait once she would be given over to    
Queen Lilith, who would present the girl to her Lord.    
She saw the chance to set her plan in action while    
there was a moment's break, and quickly pulled off    
her ritual garb, stood shivering in a shallow pan and    
poured a pitcher of cold water on her nakedness,    
then sat in the pan with a rag and washed her feet.    
Once she finished the ablutions, she stood to step    
out and rubbed herself dry; her heart pounding in    
her throat, her rasping breath from her open mouth.    
Her time was short. The dead she had prepared now    
in a listless line about to leave. She quaked while    
wrapping wads of torn strips of white cloth around    
herself, making certain her face was covered, with    
slits left open to see out from.    
The line of dead had begun to make their way up the    
stairs that sagged & groaned, as the girl held onto    
the railing to steady herself, so anxious was she.    
She kept between two of the walking dead, so pitiful    
and wan, to keep the Shadows from spying her.    
She saw the darkness starting to grow less so, and    
peered through the bandages up the stairs between    
the shuffling bodies. It was eventide, with half a    
waxing moon at its apex in the night cycle. The air's    
subtle chill was bracing & crisp & smelled fresh,    
reminding her how putrid & close it was down below.    
It was all she could do not to suddenly bolt with only    
a few more steps to go.  The ones ahead were out on    
the roof, and each began to rise up until they were all    
spread out in lines of pale moonlight ascending slowly    
into the starry night, high and low in all directions.    
The girl was mesmerized while standing at the base    
of the old bent spire, watching the rest emerge from    
the top of the staircase, out onto the roof, to float    
silently away.  It was beautiful, they were now all free.    
The girl quickly put her hands to her bandaged face.    
She couldn't follow she wasn't dead she'd be found out!    
What to do, where to go?, her thoughts leaped out    
of her ears as she spun round and round in place.    
She looked at the ground below - it was too far to    
jump. She turned & looked up above at the mournful    
bowing angel with wings outspread. She kept her    
eyes wide on the angel and tried to climb the spire.    
"There's my Hope!" she cried out, "My only Hope!",    
digging her fingers in, her bare feet scrambling.    
She was at the spire's bend & could go no further!    
All she could do was look up at the statue's placid    
face and pray:      
"Dear Lord, I am your unworthy lamb gone astray!    
Please, save me and I will serve you all of my life..."
But before she could finish & say "Amen", the angel's    
eyes lit up bright red, tilted its head in a sickening    
crunch, bared its shark-toothed maw at her & jeered,    
"Oh I'll save you, all right, the best for last! You'll    
serve me well till I say DIE!!"    
And the choir could be heard in eerie devotations:    
the orchids of her sallow flesh    
so soft and pliable,    
from fallow rot of bitch's crèche,    
death is a harlot's friend...    
death is a harlot's friend...
Could it be the life I thought I knew    
Was only but the dream,    
With this conclusion that I drew    
That this is now... the end of me?    
( prose poetry - word count: 1,157 )
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123

Twilight Memories

briefly shifting breathing lightly
she ran down the corridor
a maze in her minds eye
imagination fueled by popping sounds
from inside her head

she found the door
an exit an entrance maybe
to a day bright with sunshine
she yanked it open
to a white nothingness

she screamed with all her strength
feeling her throat blush with blood
as she ruptured her voice box
or did she...she couldn't hear
for the screaming in her head

she shuddered as she curled
into a warm spot on the bed
reaching into herself scratching
into the dirt of her existence
for a reason to live

there was nothing inside her to share
a void in a place where her soul
once resided empty like a drum
she lived as an empty shell
lost in limbo in the dead lights

the bed was warm and not wet anymore
she won't talk... no one believed her
she watched the watchers walking around
with robes made of twilight feathers
and golden eyes shining under hoods

she closed her eyes and followed her vision
into the tunnel towards the exit door
she heard murmurs that made her smile
Schizophrenia...how pretty! that's my name
rhyme with Polyanna and Petunia
she began to run through the empty tunnel.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Dreamy Tree

I stroll through the forest as I do everyday
Admiring the vibrant colors as Spring arrives
I sit down at my favorite spot underneath the shade
And watch the entire forest sparkle under the sunlight.
The birds chirp to their hearts content
And the deer feed on the grass calmly
This beautiful space seems to be under an enchantment
The absolute peace has my eyes drooping.

Suddenly my eyes snap open as the wind picks up
The sounds of nature have abruptly gone mute
As soon as I reach the next line of trees, the wind comes to an abrupt…
Stop; instead, a gentle breeze teases my hair and carries the sound of an owl’s hoot.
I listen on in confusion; hadn’t it just been noon?
Yet all around I could hear the nightly birds
Through the thick leaves, I can make out the sight of the moon
I can’t help but pause in my tracks as I’m at a loss of words.

I continue on, and at last make it out of the numerous trees
Where normally should have been more trees, I step out onto an open plain
In the middle of the area, I see a lonely oak tree
Yet the sky’s exotic colors and unfamiliar celestial bodies make it strange
Despite the unusual circumstance, I feel giddy.
The warm breeze tickles my face
And I feel an invisible pull urging me towards the tree
My body is paralyzed, yet my mind is wondering about this strange place
And what exactly does it want with me?

What sounds like a chuckle echoes in the wind
Meteor showers light up the sky
The closer I get to the tree, the warmer I feel within
And yet I’m still wondering why…
Am I in this heavenly place?
When mere moments ago I was on Earth
I’m certainly no pure saint
Yet this unknown force assures me of my worth.

On a whim, I sit down underneath the tree
Just like I did mere moments before
Strangely, my soul feels like it wants to burst free
And explore this dimension uncorrupted by war.
Hundreds of tiny star-like orbs
Float down from the heavens
One lands on the palm of my hand, and it’s immediately absorbed
I snicker to myself as this is better than receiving lemons.

All jokes aside, I’m confused about where I am
Yet despite that, I don’t want to disrupt…
The peace I feel thanks to this tree I’ll call Sam
If indeed this is a dream, then don’t wake me up.
Written by LunasChild8
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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194

Thank you very much for kicking-off this competition with such strong-leading entries, flying creatively in distinct imaginary directions!  How THRILLING!!!

While this comp remains open to welcome further entries, please inbox me if you would like this comp to be up for a PUBLIC VOTE or HOST's PERSONAL NOMINATION, where I, the host, choose the leading winner(s). Majority-preference will be sustained at the end of this competition!


Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Cat Calls

The construction site was filled with women,
Sweating away in the summer heat,
When suddenly I heard them yelling,
As I walked down the street.

“Yummy!” one of them screamed,
“I bet you were in the navy,
‘Cause with those arms,
You can probably carry my babies”.

I kept walking trying to ignore them,
But one of them said “hey daddy come over here,
What you got under there?
Does the carpet match the beard?”

I nodded my head surprised,
What’s with this attitude?
When another girl on the sidewalk said,
“Hey, wanna be my side-dude?”

“Psst, psst” another one exclaimed,
“Hey boy what’s your name?
Come here and talk to me,
Wanna play a little game?”

I walked briskly and faster,
But it seemed to be happening all around,
Men on the street were being cat called,
Objectified all over town.

“Yeah that’s nice” another one said,
“I bet you work out,
Why don’t you wear some shorts for me,
I bet you look good, ass up on my couch”.

Then two other women walked toward me,
“Look at him he has curve appeal”
“Smile” the other one said,
“Ooh honey, is that bulge for real?”

“You emotionally stable?” a brunette asked,
“You have a good relationship with your mother?”
“Come talk to me” her blonde friend said,
“Do you have a brother?”

I kept walking intimidated,
But it was occurring everywhere,
“Hey papi! Come spend the night with me” a girl yelled,
“…and tomorrow you’ll need a wheelchair”.

“Oh. My. God.” one guy said as he walked by,
“That was so disgusting and rude,
Just because I don’t want to be treated like that,
Doesn’t mean I’m a prude.”

“Don’t get so worked up about it” one woman said,
“It’s just a compliment,
So come home with me and I’ll show you a nice time,
You can relax and vent.”

“What you working there with?”
“That one looks nice and ripe”
As I ran past another construction site,
“Hey, come and help me lay some pipe!”

So I then started sprinting,
“Ooh, yeah shake that” I heard the calls,
Then a creepy one around a corner said,
“I’ll motorboat those balls.”

Finally I made it home,
And hid under my bed,
I’ve never felt so violated,
Their voices and laughter still ring in my head.

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

dual time

All our power now
Run like the sound
Encasing the crown
As twilight inclusive
A meaning obtusive

The flight of your sun...

A shooting conclusion
With singing inclusion
As your energy breaks
The time splitting takes
And my heart will just break...

If but one kiss...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

your burning darkness

The angelic and demonic are now
Mirroring your subjective reflection...  
While the perfected soul is spinning  
Inside your Agartha time tunnel...  
As the etheric speed of dark then  
Shining through your eyes of God...  
A hidden paradise flower blooms to  
Manifest your thousand petaled lotus...  
That will unshackle your inner light  
With the very thing that imprisons it...  
Or as the mind's rooted metaphor  
Your soul gets buried on irony hill...  
And then the undone dreaming slips  
Like eternal sand through your fingers...
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 841

"Imagine... you are COMPLETELY out-of-touch, out-of-tune, and completely in a DAZED CONFUSION with what is happening around you, as YOU wonder if you really ARE awake or stuck in a dream..."

In other words like normal 😀

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

May I enquire please, are "old" writes acceptable for this competition?

Thank You.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194

RevolutionAL said:May I enquire please, are "old" writes acceptable for this competition?

Thank You.

Thanks for the inquiry!

In reply, I say Yes! Old writes are acceptable...:)

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194

Gahddess_Worship said:"Imagine... you are COMPLETELY out-of-touch, out-of-tune, and completely in a DAZED CONFUSION with what is happening around you, as YOU wonder if you really ARE awake or stuck in a dream..."

In other words like normal 😀

Yes, indeed, for many...Gahddess_Worship!

EXCELLENT Point taken....(smiles)

Give me the "Twilight Zone" part of the details!

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194

Thank you very much, Wallyroo and Runaway_Mindtrain, for your entries!

If anyone needs an extension, please let me know ASAP because this competition is about to close in just a breath away....Submit your entries today before the "twilight daze" is officially over!

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

A Truth In Bird Songs .


Awoke in the normal      
manner [of surprise]      
Alarm singing chinese      
mobile tunes like an      
Idols entrant competing      
against the birds outside        
waiting for toast crusts        
and crumbs      
Went through the normal      
routine, backdoor open      
Kettle filled, cup ready      
Water running for the      
bath tub
and cigarette      
walked passed      
bedroom doors     
only to see        
my own naked self      
spread across      
the queen size bed      
In the flash of realisation      
I was back        
mind replaced in it's body  
Couldn't pull the strength        
together to lift myself    
raise the spine or sit up    
Quietly promised myself      
lifes treasures, if I made it      
But the weight was just to      
heavy and the shoulders      
pinned down too hard      
Paralysis had meaning    
for the first time      
the never rise      
in me      
has grown to a close      
for more information on sleep paralysis..      
Public domain image by    
Henry Fuseli: The Nightmare.

Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Cyndi_Moone said:

Thanks for the inquiry!

In reply, I say Yes! Old writes are acceptable...:)

why, thank you m'lady, awefully kind of you to reply.

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