Poetry competition CLOSED 18th April 2018 4:48pm
RUNNER-UP: case28

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king of the hill

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

you put it better than i could (how i feel about this competition, it is impossible to really say 'better' when there's so many high caliber entries)  ml,  i remember when my cat died i was not at all prepared for how important the loss would feel to me.  it sucks and i hope u remember to take care of yourself

in other news i am thrilled to announce that uma has stolen the crown with the tip of her scalding tongue

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

woweee. @me next time john brady.  what a lovely unexpected surprise this is! of course the crown is not to be given lightly.

me myself and i will now confer and .. what is it they do in jury rooms, deliberate? anyway i will decide in a bit

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3023

Related submission no longer exists.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

fuck I'm.sorry for the delay everyone but mr. Brady is undoubtedly the heavyweight  champion as of now.

mags : your entries are also incredible, I really enjoyed the read and I wanted to give u the crown...
@cloventongue, I think it's stronger than your first, sadly the game has just been stepped the fuck up  :o

poet Anonymous

Oh, fucking pancakes!

I need to try this again ...

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Pirates of Souls

I went for a long walk
off a very short pier
after turning to you
my deaf ear
it was right for me
to walk the plank
it was mainly you
I had to thank
I swam away from you
through shark infested custard
you thought I wouldn't do it
said I couldn't cut the mustard
I could only cut the cheese
well who cut the cheese
when I made it to shore
on my own
and told you
to fuck off
you and the pack
of lies you rode
in on
you are now
just a wide receiver
how does it feel
the shitty end
of the constipation spoon
thing is there was no spoon
you were always full of shit
that's why you floated
like a bobbing turd
wallowing in a raw sewerage
that all came from
your brain enema
well your head enema
there are no
brain cells there
Just prison cells
that you locked
people and their
souls away in
not criminally minded
just bonded slaves
white slaves
who would have thought
white men with no
white privilege
mundane servitude
get yer smokes for ya boss
wash yer cottons for ya boss
feed ye like a baby boss
wipe ye down clean boss
there is not enough
caustic bleach
that would clean you
I am not driving miss Daisy
I am driving an ice pick
into the base of her neck
bleed her out
I was told this
Was just impossible
But I proved you can
get plenty of blood
out of a stone
the sad thing
is that this was
a rebellion for one
your emotional demise
made no real difference
to your character
as you carried on
collecting new souls
to destroy
and abandon
some folks never get
what they deserve
especially when they
deserve mistreatment
and punishment
some people are charmed
without being charming
some people say bless
without being blessed
some people are evil
without being the devil
there should be a hell
for these people
but there isn't
they will die alone
or surrounded
by sycophants
trampled by
forgetful elephants
they have one deathbed regret
loving was alien
real love
never given
or received
now that's what
I call punishment
What a waste of a life
This life of waste
I have no tears
I bought in beers
To celebrate
I would dance on your grave
Even if you were getting buried
In shark infested custard
The plank has gone
The pier survives
If you want to lose your pirate
Buy your own parrot and
Get your own plank
And just swim away

(No Ice Picks were harmed in the writing of this poem)
Written by David_Macleod (14397816)
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Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3023

I would've picked Brady too. Loved that one the first time I read it.  

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

it's still the Brady show folks

but for all your entries, never have i felt so completely outclassed in a competition i am judging.  a coup is still possible but it has to be something something right now

poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864

Abuses child

Hidden under crumpled sheets  
crying lifetime tears released  
timid hands and bitten nails  
a horror story fairy tale  
undiscovered anger deep  
pitch and toss of nightmare sleep  
sour taste of blackmail sweets  
self harm under rolled down sleeves  
the Pope with empty empathy  
religion hides its incest creed  
your child's quiet said a friend  
social workers blind again  
toys to comfort and make believe  
crayon pictured drawn unseen  
hidden scars that never heal  
Abuses child is raised deceived

pedophile on the dark web
viewing each disgusting page
little girls and little boys
pervert with his grooming trawls

Jack and Jill he will enjoy
KIng of the Hill he now exploits
quite unheard that cry for help
swell that cry and sort it out
Written by slipalong
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